Gujarat Board Class 9 English E-mail Writing
Gujarat Board Class 9 English E-mail Writing
E-mail Writing GSEB Std 9 English Grammar
What is E-mail Writing?
E-mail is electronic mail. It is the exchange of stored communication of computers through telecommunication. These messages are in a text form. They are sent from one computer to another through telephone lines and stored in a remote computer till the receiver goes through them. While reading an E-mail we must bear in mind that the messages sent are clear, concise and to the point.
Specimens of E-mail Writing
Question 1.
Write an E-mail to your friend describing him your new house and new neighbours.
Subject: New house, new neighbours.
My dear Vijay,
You will be happy to know that we have purchased a new house in a posh colony of Ahmedabad. It is in Bopal. The place is extremely calm, quiet and serene. The streets are quite wide and spacious. The house itself is situated on a nice plot of land. It is a corner plot. It is quite advantageous. It opens on all three sides. It is a double-storey house. There are three rooms in the front portion and three in the rear. It is airy and well-ventilated. There are marble floorings.
The walls are painted very beautifully. The pride of the house is its kitchen and bathroom. Both are fully tiled. There is a beautiful marble tub inside the bathroom. There are metallic fittings. There is also the provision of telephone shower. There is a system of cold and hot water. I have my own separate room for studies.
Our new neighbours are very nice people. On the right of our house is Mr Juneja. He is a postgraduate teacher teaching Mathematics. Quite a large number of students come to him for guidance. These groups of boys and girls talk highly of his ability and hard work. On the left is Mr Dang, an officer in NBCC. He is thoroughly polite, courteous and gentle.
I invite you and your parents to visit our new house.
Yours sincerely,
Question 2.
Write an E-mail to your uncle thanking him for the birthday present.
Subject: Thanks for birthday present.
My dear Uncle,
Yesterday was Saturday It was my birthday I celebrated it with great fun and gaiety Early in the morning there was a knock at the door. I opened it. I saw a stranger holding a nicely wrapped parcel in his hand. He asked me my name. He also asked me my relation with you.
After that confirmation, he gave me the parcel. I opened it and to my surprise and happiness, there was an extremely beautiful, golden wristwatch and a safari suit. There was also a brief note ‘To Ajay with Love on his twenty-first birthday. I began to jump with joy Dear Uncle, it is so kind of you to have remembered me. Your valuable gift speaks volumes of your love for me. Even sitting at a far-off place in a foreign country you have not forgotten me.
No doubt, I got a heap of presents;! on the eve of my birthday, but none is as !; precious and beautiful as your present, s I know my Aunt and my cousins love me dearly I thank you for this nice and everlasting gift s of permanent value. As and when I look at my watch for time, I remember you and your love for me.
The safari suit is excellent. It also deserves my bountiful thanks.
With love to you all.
Question 3.
Write an E-mail to your younger brother asking him not to work very hard or tax himself too much.
Subject: Avoid overworking
My dear Pankit,
I am in receipt of your school progress report. It tells about your brilliant performance in all school subjects but zero in physical exercise. It is a matter of great sadness. Dear Pankit! You have been in the hospital for over a month. You are extremely frail and weak. You are still continuing medicine. You must observe precautions. It is said that prevention is better than cure.
You need not work so hard. You need not tax so much your feeble body as it will tell upon your health. Your fever can relapse, you can fall a prey to a serious illness. You should know that nothing is more important than this life. If one is hale and hearty, he will enjoy all the blessings of life. But if one is ill, all the charm of life ends automatically.
What is the use of being industrious and hardworking at the cost of losing one’s health? Keep yourself free from strain and tension. Do not exert too much. Improve your health. Build your stamina. Acquire more and more physical resistance. Take plenty of exercise. Eat nourishing food. Next time when we meet, I want to see you healthy and glowing.
Your loving brother,
Question 4.
Write an E-mail to your grandparents about your visit to a zoo. Describe what you saw there especially how animals and birds are treated in the zoo.
Subject: A memorable visit to a zoo
Dearest Grandpa, Grandma,
I miss both of you very much everywhere.
Last Sunday I visited Sakkarbaug zoo, Junagadh j with my friends. First of all, we visited the huge S cages of wild animals. We saw a tiger and a ? tigress, a lion and a leopard. I was sorry to see s their condition. They looked so weak that they? looked like skinned skeletons moving to and fro.
Once a while they were merely growling. The visitors were teasing them but they gave no reactions. Then we visited cages of monkeys, s They looked cheerful and energetic, swinging? on the branches. Children made faces to them and they were grinning in return.
Then we saw a specially prepared pond wherein there were two huge alligators, three bulky crocodiles, and in another pond, there were a couple of I hippopotamuses. But the water in the pond was not so clean. Then we visited the cages of birds. A large variety of birds were kept there. They were of different size and colourful feathers.
Tiny birds like sparrows, kingfishers, swallows and weaverbirds were hopping from one perch to another chirping all through. Special water pots were kept for them and there were grains too scattered at certain spots. I found the section of marine creatures very interesting. A large variety of fishes, snakes and tortoises was a fun to watch. We also visited the section of? reptiles.
There were a variety of snakes-the cobra, the viper and many other kinds. We also saw a huge boa constrictor. What lacked in the zoo premises was cleanliness. It was a happy time but had you been with us, we would have enjoyed a lot.
Yours affectionately,
FORMAL E-mails
Question 1.
Write an E-mail to the editor of The Indian Express in about 100 words on the issue of the indiscriminate cutting of trees.
Subject: Value of trees
Dear Sir,
Trees and plants have a vital role in our lives. In truth, life is possible because the trees are there. They provide us with oxygen which is essential for our life. Besides, they also add to the scenic beauty. The green areas of the city are called its lungs. They control the atmospheric pollution.
In summer, the trees give us comfortable shade. In winter, they supply us wood for fire which keeps us warm. During the rains, trees prevent soil erosion. The rain washes the fertilizing layer of the soil downhill. The roots of the trees bind the soil and landslides are prevented.
The trees supply us timber which is essential for making houses and its furniture. Birds and even some animals get their food and shelter from the trees. The same trees provide human beings with fruits and herbs. So through your newspaper, I ask the people and authorities to stop the indiscriminate cutting of the trees.
Yours sincerely,
Question 2.
Write an E-mail to the editor of a newspaper regarding the poor conditions of the government hospitals in Kolkata. Give your suggestions for improvement.
Subject: Poor conditions of the government hospitals
Dear Sir,
Please permit me to bring to light the poor conditions of the government hospitals in Kolkata. Take the case of Lake city accident. Three people had been injured. I had to go there as I happened to know one of them. When the victims reached the hospital, no nurse or doctor could come to see them for about half an hour. They were admitted only after the doctor had seen them. Thankfully, the beds were also available at that time. But they were very dirty.
The room had ten beds. Each of them was occupied by a patient and surrounded by at least six people more. Nobody was asking the well-wishers and relatives to leave the room. The doctor prescribed some medicines for my friend. I was told that the hospital didn’t have them. The behaviour of the nurses was also rude. I would request the government to appoint more doctors and create more space for the patients. The medicines should be made available in the hospital. Above all, one officer must be deputed to stop the corrupt and careless practices.
Yours sincerely,
Question 3.
Write an E-mail to the Principal of your school requesting him to give you one week’s leave as your grandmother expired last night.
Subject: Application for leave
Dear Sir,
Kindly grant me leave for a week as I shall not be able to attend my classes during that period. Today I have got a telephonic message from my home in Bihar. The message is that my grandmother has died last night. I have been asked to reach my home in Patna as soon as possible. So I am leaving immediately.
I’ll be able to come back when the last rites have been performed. This will be five days from now. If I start on the same evening. I shall reach here before the expiry of the week. So I request you to grant me leave.
I assure you that on my return, I’ll make up the lost time with my hard work and help from my friends. I shall be grateful for your kind permission.
Yours obediently,
Question 4.
You purchased a colour television from M/S Diamond Electronics, Bhagirath Palace, Rajkot. Since the television is now not working properly, write an e-mail to the company asking for its replacement immediately.
To: diamond electronics
Subject: Replacing of the colour television M/s Diamond Electronics,
Via receipt no. 161 dated January 3, 2019, we bought a colour TV from your shop. In fact, it started troubling us from day one. When we reported the matter, you sent a mechanic. He replaced a certain part of the TV set and it started working. Some more trouble cropped up and each time you sent the mechanic who made some corrections.
However, we are now completely fed up with this set as it is not working again. We, therefore, request you to replace this set with a new one. This set, certainly, has some manufacturing defects which cannot be corrected.
An early action will oblige us.
With thanks.
Yours faithfully,
Question 5.
The sanitary conditions of your locality are in a bad shape. Write an e-mail to the sanitary inspector.
Subject: Bad conditions of the locality
Dear Sir,
I wish to invite your attention to the insanitary conditions of Lajpat Nagar. It is so bad that I fear the spread of several diseases. There are heaps of garbage. Drains are blocked. While passing through the streets, people can be seen putting their handkerchiefs on their noses. Mounds of rubbish emit foul smell. I am afraid that if nothing is done quickly, a disease might spread.
I’ll request you to send your people to clean the colony and visit it regularly. Only this can check it from becoming a vast garbage field.
Yours sincerely,
Roshan Lal
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