Gujarat Board Class 9 English Letter Writing

Gujarat Board Class 9 English Letter Writing

Letter Writing GSEB Std 9 English Grammar

1. What is a Letter?
A letter is a form of written commu¬nication between two persons or two parties on a particular topic, matter, issue, incident, etc. It serves the purpose of documentation as well.

2. Types of Letters :
Broadly speaking, there are two types of letters, namely: Informal letters and Formal letters.

  • Informal Letters: These letters are written to friends, relatives, members of the family, and close acquaintances.
  • Formal Letters: Such letters include Official letters, Business letters, Letters of Application, Letters to the Editor, to Heads of public bodies, etc.

3. Format of a Letter:
Every letter consists of the following parts :

  • Writer’s address: It is placed at the top right of the page.
  • Date: It is placed below the writer’s address.
  • Salutation: It varies depending on the nature of the relationship between the addressee (the person to whom the letter is written) and the address or (the writer). It starts from the left margin of the page.
  • Body of the letter: The content matter of the letter may be divided into paragraphs according to the number of ideas expressed.
  • The complimentary close or the subscription: Here, leave must be taken in a courteous manner. It is written at the bottom right of the page. The complimentary close must match the salutation.
  • Writer’s signature and name: The writer must sign his name below the complimentary close followed by his name in full.

[Note: In a formal letter, the name, designation and address of the addressee must come before the salutation beginning from the left margin of the page.]

4. How to write a good Letter:

  • Arrange the ideas and facts in a logical and well-linked order.
  • Avoid cliches and hackneyed expre¬ssions.
  • Be precise and direct. Do not change paragraphs abruptly.
  • Ensure grammatical accuracy, correct spelling and appropriate punctuation.
  • Make sure that the letter conveys the intended message clearly and the tone of the letter suits the particular type of the letter.

5. Essentials of a Good Letter:
A letter is a direct address to the addressee. Hence, it must be appealing. The ideas must be original and relevant. Include your own viewpoints and opinions on the topic only where called for. A letter should be incorrect English, and in a style that reflects your personality. A letter should have the most appropriate words, phrases and idiomatic expressions. The sentences of a letter should be clear and precise. In official and commercial letters, jargon should be avoided as far as possible.

Specimens of Letter Writing

Informal Letters

Question 1.
Write a letter to your father requesting him to help your poor but bright classmate who is unable to pay his fees.
60, Mahalakshmi Society,
Ahmedabad – 380 007.
June 20, 2019

My dear Father,
You must have received my letter two days back. But I write this letter with a special purpose. I am quite well here.
One of my classmates Nilesh is a bright student. He always tops the list of successful students. He comes from a poor family. His father is a retired clerk and finds it difficult to make both ends meet. Nilesh has to pay his fees and buy some books. But he finds it nearly impossible to cope up with this expense.

I earnestly request you to help him and arrange to send me ₹ 200/- for him. I will help him in paying fees. He is a good friend of mine and I feel that we should help him. Kindly consider my request and send me the amount. My regards to mother and brother.
Your loving son,

Question 2.
Write a letter to your father requesting him to allow you to go on a tour to North India during the vacation.
16, Jivan Prabha Society,
Ahmedabad – 380 013.
May 10, 2019

My dear Father,
I was very glad to receive your letter yesterday. I am quite well here and hope that you are all well there.
I am preparing for my annual examination and I hope to secure good marks. Our school has arranged a tour to North India during the vacation. I desire to join this tour. I have not seen any place in North India. Some of my dear friends have already got their names registered. We will visit Delhi, Agra, Mathura and many other places of historical importance. Our history teacher will accompany us.

Kindly allow me to join the tour. I have to pay a deposit of ₹ 500/- within a week and the remaining amount off 1500/- in a fortnight. Please send me the money for the tour.
Convey my regards to mother and love to dear Parth.
Please write to me soon.
Your loving son,

Question 3.
Write a letter to your Mummy telling her about the accident you met with, in which you were saved.
Lakshmi Sadan,
Rajmahal Road,
Vadodara-390 005.
July 10, 2019

My dear Mummy,
How is it that I have not received any letter from you for a fortnight? I hope you are all well there. Please do write to me soon. I am worried about you here. Yesterday proved to be a day of ill-omen for me. I was late for school, so I was going a bit fast on my cycle. As ill-luck would have it, a scooterist dashed against me. I fell down. But I had no serious injury.

I have some scratches on my legs. I could go to a dispensary nearby. The doctor gave me an injection and applied some medicine on the scratches. I am well now. I am saved by the grace of God. Please don’t worry about me at all. I shall go to school tomorrow. Please send an early reply. Give my love to Minu.
Your loving son,

Question 4.
Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for the birthday gift sent by him to you.
15, Girikunj,
Jawahar Chowk,
Ahmedabad – 380 008.
August 10, 2019

My dear Uncle,
Many thanks for the precious watch which you sent to me as my birthday gift. I liked the watch very much. It will be my proud possession. I was in urgent need of a wristwatch as I have to go to school and classes regularly. The watch will help me a great deal in being punctual.

We missed you very much on that day. It would have been a great joy to have you, auntie and my cousins with us on that day. But I am glad that your blessings are always with me.
Convey my best regards to auntie, Meeta and Manohar.
I thank you once again.
Your loving nephew,

Question 5.
Write a letter to your younger brother who is a bookworm and neglects his health.
7, Mithila Society,
Ahmedabad – 380 015.
September 25, 2019

My dear Minesh,
I was really very happy when I received your letter and knew that you stood first in your second test. Accept my congratulations on your success. But I was worried to know that you are not well since last week.
Dear Minesh, it is no doubt good to study hard but not at the cost of your health. You s should not neglect your health. You should? remember that health is wealth.

You should give s equal importance to study and sports. Sports ! and games will keep you fit. Going for a walk s in the morning or taking regular exercise will? help you to maintain your health. Do not forget s that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I hope to hear from you soon. Convey my regards to Daddy and Mummy.
Yours lovingly,

Question 6.
Write a letter to your friend who is hospitalised since last week.
9, Karnavati Society,
Ahmedabad – 380 008.
October 25, 2019

My dear Nayan,
Our friend Nitesh whom I met yesterday told me that you were ill. He told me that you were hospitalized last week and were advised to stay in the hospital for a week. I was so sorry to learn about your illness. I am much worried about you and wish very much to be with you, but as my father is not well, I cannot visit you. I will meet you as soon as possible.

I know, you are a brave fellow and will face this difficult time boldly. Take medicines and other treatments regularly and I feel sure, you will be well soon.
Convey my regards to your parents and love to little Smita. I hope to see you next week.
Your loving friend,

Question 7.
Write a letter of condolence to your friend who has recently lost his mother. Ans.
16, Tapovan Society,
Ahmedabad – 380 013.
December 10, 2019

My dear Vipul,
I received a letter from our friend Minesh telling me that your dear mother passed away suddenly. It was a great shock to me. I stayed with you for some days during the last vacation. She treated me with motherly affection. How can I forget that? I still remember her loving face and tender care.

I know that words are poor means of expressing our feelings. I am sure God Almighty will give you and your family the strength to bear this shock. We have to resign ourselves to His will.
Please convey my heartfelt condolences to your father and sister.
With regards to all,
Yours sincerely

Question 8.
Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her success in the examination.
9, Karnavati Society,
Ashram Road,
Ahmedabad – 380 009.
January 1, 2019

My dear Friend,
How happy I was today when I got the news of your brilliant success in the examination! Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your success. I was sure that you would come out with flying colours. Your regular and systematic work has helped you. Your success will inspire us to work hard and follow your footsteps. I pray God that He may grant you success in all your future plans. My parents send their congratulations and blessings to you. Convey my regards to your parents and love to your brother and sister.
Your loving friend,

Question 9.
Write a letter to your friend explaining to him/her why you could not attend his/her birthday party.
7, Jain Nagar,
Ahmedabad – 380 006.
December 11, 2019

My dear Meena,
Let me express my sincere regrets for not attending your birthday party. I received your invitation and I was sure to attend the function, but circumstances did not favour me and I could not come to your place.
I was eager to see you and our friends at your place.

But my grandmother had a sudden heart attack. Her pain was unbearable. We had to take her to the hospital. I had to be with her all the while. My mother had to look after my younger brother who is not well. So I could not attend your birthday party. I hope, you will forgive me for not coming to your place. My grandmother is still in the hospital. All the family members are anxious about her.
Please convey my regards to your parents and love to your sister.
Your loving friend,

Question 10.
Write a letter to your friend patching up a quarrel which you had with him.
16, Prabhu Nagar,
Ahmedabad – 380 015.
January 1, 2019

My dear Parth,
You will perhaps be surprised to receive this letter. Believe me, dear Parth, it is from me, your dear friend. Accept this letter as a token of my love to you. We quarrelled over a petty matter, which now, I think, might have been easily averted. Now, on pondering over it, I think that it was due to someone’s poisoning our ears. Many are jealous of our friendship.

I spoke harsh words to you, which I should not have done. I really repent of my behaviour. I am really ashamed of my behaviour. I apologise heartily for that. I hope you will forgive me and forget the unfortunate incident. We will be the best of friends as we used to be. I have an earnest desire to see you at the earliest.
Hoping to be your dear friend again,
Your loving friend,

Formal Letters

Question 1.
Write a letter to the Inspector of Police of your locality complaining against the loudspeaker nuisance in your area.
16, Jain Nagar Society,
Ahmedabad – 380 013.
January 3, 2019

The Police Inspector,
Naranpura Police Station,
Ahmedabad – 380 013.

Subject: Nuisance of loudspeakers
I would like to draw your attention to the loudspeaker nuisance in our area. During festivals, the loudspeakers go on playing all types of songs from morning till late hours in the night. There are three or four marriage halls in our area. They also use loudspeakers constantly.

Owing to this disturbance, the inhabitants of this area are very much disturbed. Old people find it difficult to get sleep. Students cannot study with concentration. This noise pollution is a great hazard in our area. Kindly consider this matter seriously and do the needful. If this nuisance is controlled, we, the inhabitants of this area, will be thankful to you.
Yours faithfully,

Question 2.
Write a letter to your neighbour requesting him to play his music system at a low tone.
5, Shrinath Society,
Ahmedabad – 380 009.
March 24, 2019

Dear Mr Desai,
I hope you are well. I have to make a request to you and your family, so I am writing this letter to you. Perhaps you know that my annual examination starts next week. I am busy preparing for the examination. The trouble is that the music system is played at full volume! at your place.

It is natural that this disturbs s me and my sister in our studies. Moreover, my grandfather is not well and he is also disturbed. May I request you, therefore, to play the music system at a low tone! This will help us s a good deal. I think you will not feel ill and advise your family members also to play the same at a low tone.
I hope to get cooperation from you.
Yours sincerely,

Question 3.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your views about the nuisance of hawkers near schools.
4, Sharad Apartments,
Ahmedabad – 380 014.
March 20, 2019

The Editor,
The Times of India,
Ashram Road,
Ahmedabad – 380 009.

Subject: Nuisance of hawkers
A number of hawkers gather near our school premises and sell eatables to students, particularly during recess time. The eatables are kept in an unhygienic condition. Students buy them and fall sick. Nobody can check this nuisance. Same is the case with other schools. Hawkers tempt students to buy things from them. I hope this nuisance will be stopped by the authorities. Public should be made aware of this nuisance. Please give publicity to my views in your esteemed paper.
Yours faithfully,

Question 4.
Write a letter to the Secretary of the Sports Club of another school, asking if a football match between the teams of his school and yours can be arranged.
Saraswati Academy,
Ajwa Road,
Vadodara-390 019.
November 3, 2019

The Secretary,
Sports Club,
Nutan Niketan,
Subject: Request to hold a football match between our schools

Dear Sir,
It is with great pleasure that I invite you to consider a friendly football match between our schools. Both our teams are good and the match will give both of us the opportunity to practise skills amongst equals. It would be, indeed, an interesting exercise.

If you agree, do let us know, and we can meet and work out details such as the venue, time and any specific rules for the match. The Principal of our school has given us the permission. What remains is for you to get the necessary permission. I am sure, your Principal too would oblige. Let’s get together and have an absolutely smashing match. Do let us know when we can meet-let it be at your earliest.
Yours sincerely,
Secretary, Sports Club,
Saraswati Academy

Question 5.
Write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper about the nuisance of stray cattle in your city.
C/29, Akashganga,
132, Ring Road, Satellite Road,
Ahmedabad – 380 006.
October 5, 2019

The Editor,
The Times of India,

Dear Sir,
Subject: Stray cattle nuisance
You must be aware of the recent accidents in the city on account of cattle obstructing the roads and the vehicular traffic. This is all because the cattle owners letting loose their cows on the roads. It is a common sight cows squatting on the roads creating obstruction to the flow of traffic. Recently, a scooterist was fatally injured as he was knocked down by a cow and today he is lying in hospital with a fractured leg.

There is none to take responsibility Although he was not in the wrong still he is penalised. In another ? incident, a car going smoothly had a mishap, a cow suddenly came in front of the vehicle just from nowhere and was hurt a little. Soon a crowd gathered and the car owner was forced < to pay a thousand rupees as compensation.

Isn’t it the responsibility of the municipal authorities and their subordinate staff to remove the stray cattle and allow a continuous flow of safe traffic? The negligent cattle owners should be brought to book and heavily penalised so that the motorists are safe.

I request the city fathers to take up the? matter urgently. I hope this letter, through wide! circulation of your newspaper, would open the S eyes of the concerned authorities and compel? them to take action to let the people breathe a sigh of relief by doing away with the nuisance.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,

Question 6.
You axe Arun. You are quite concerned about the bad conditions of roads in your locality. You have written to the local authorities but no action has been taken so far. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper regarding the plight of the people
due to bad conditions of the road.
The Editor.
The Times of India,
May 5, 2019

Dear Sir,
Subject: Complaint about bad roads
I would like to bring to your notice about the bad conditions of roads in the Satellite area. There are potholes and large pits all along the roads. It is too difficult to drive along. Moreover, this is a thickly populated area with schools and hospitals in the surroundings. Bad road conditions lead to a number of accidents. Yesterday I witnessed a small boy being knocked down by a bike which had lost its control due to a pothole on the road.

The boy had to be rushed to the hospital. I wrote to the concerned authorities a month back, but no action has been taken so far. I hope with this getting published In your esteemed daily, municipal authorities would rush to attend to sort out this problem. As I fear, the oncoming monsoon could worsen the situation further.
Yours truly,
(on behalf of the residents of the satellite area)

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