Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 Social Science Chapter 1 Rise of British Rule in India
Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 Social Science Chapter 1 Rise of British Rule in India
GSEB Solutions Class 9 Social Science Chapter 1 Rise of British Rule in India
Rise of British Rule in India Class 9 GSEB
→ India has enjoyed incomparable position in the whole world due to its economic, cultural and religious inheritance.
→ There was a lot of demand for the Indian spices, muslin, silk cloth, indigo etc in the European countries.
→ Trade between India and Europe was carried out through land route and sea route and at the centre of these routes was Istanbul (Constantinople) in Turkey.
→ Constantinople was captured by Turkish Muslims, the sea route was closed for the Europeans. Since they could not leave without the spices the Europeans compelled to discover a new sea route.
→ Portuguese king Prince Henry, inspired, encouraged and helped people economically to discover new sea route.
→ Bartholomew Diaz discovered the ‘Cape of Good Hope’.
→ With the economic help of king of Spain Christopher Columbus started his journey to discovered a new sea route and stop at a island presently known as West Indies. He believed that he discovered India but clarification was made by Amerigo Vespucci, this new land began to be known as ‘America’.
→ The Portuguese sailor Vasco-da-Gama discovered a new sea route to India.
→ Thereafter Dutch,English and French came to India.
→ Queen Elizabeth of England gave the permission to the East India Company to carry out trade with the eastern countries.
→ First ship under the captain Hawkins arrived in Surat.
→ Mughal Emperor Jahangir permitted British East India Company to established its first trade centre in Surat.
→ Due to Marathas they set up their centres in Machlipattanam, Saint George and Fort William.
→ The French East India Company set up their trade centres in Mahe, Karaickal, Pondicherry, Chandranagar, Machlipattanam etc.
→ Portuguese were left with Diu, Daman. Goa. The Dutch had to leave forever.
→ Siraj-ud-Daula defeated in the battle of Plassey due to the conspiracy planned by Clive.
→ Mir Jafar was made the Nawab of Bengal, and company got a freehold over 24 Paraganas.
→ Thus the foundation of Company’s rule in India was aid with the Battle of Plassey.
→ Due to their greed to gain more powers the East ;India company managed to dethrone Mir Jafar and made Mir Qasim the Nawab of Bengal.
→ Mir Qasim proved more ambitious than Mir Jafar and thus he was replaced again by the Mir Jafar. Mir Qasim,
→ Nawab of Awadh and Shah Alam’s fight unitedly with East India company at Buxar on 22nd October, 1764 in which united army lost and company got the right to collect the revenue from Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.
→ Due to Regulating Act passed by the English government in 1773 A.D. Governor of Bengal made the governor general and all the trade and political activities of the Company were brought under his direct control.
→ Warren Hasting became the first Governor General of India.
→ After Hasting Cornwallis became the governor general. Due to his policies East India Company’s fame declined and Marathas became stronger.
→ Wellesley came with the responsibility of making company power supreme in India. So he introduced Subsidiary Alliance System.
→ Wellesley introduced Subsidiary Alliance system which was accepted by the Nizam, Mysore, Aw’adh, Gaikwad, Scindia, Bhosle and Holkar.
Rise of British Rule in India Class 9 GSEB Notes Important Terms
• Company will provide trained army
• States will give equivalent income in return.
• States will not w’age war or sign treaty without the permission of the company
• There will be one English representative in the state
• Other foreigners not to be employed in the state.
• The Subsidiary Alliance system was like a sweet poison.
• Wellesley annexed many provinces and expanded the rule of the East India company.
• Tipu sultan lost his life in fourth Mysore war.
• After wellesley Hastings came to India as Governor General.
• He waged war with Nepal and made Gurkhas to join the army.
• He defeated Pindharas and Marathas and made company power supreme in India.
• After his a liberal minded Governor General William Bentinck came to India.
• After him Dalhousie came to India with Annexation policy and by that Company expand its pow’er in India.
• Dalhousie was also a reformist he made many reforms like he started railwayline in India, wdreless system between India and England, established public works department, started English education, passed laws to ban child marriage and advocate widow remarriage.
• During the 100 years of company rule in India, India’s economic condition became worst. Prosperous Indian industries collapsed.
• Indian artist, traders and farmers condition became pathetic.
• During this time many wrong social customs, rites and rituals w ere banned by passing laws by Company.
• English education began to be imparted in India due to Lord Macaylay’s efforts.
• Charles Wood established universities in Mumbai, Madras, and Kolkata.
• Due to companies policies, England became prosperous at the cost of India and the reforms made by them in administration, for their own intrest indirectly proved to be beneficial for India.
Gujarat Board Class 9 Social Science Rise of British Rule in India Textbook Questions and Answers
1. Answer the following Questions Briefly:
Question 1.
European felt the need to discover a new sea-route to India. Explain the statement.
- During ancient time, India has enjoyed an incomparable position in the whole world due to its economic, cultural and religious inheritance
- Due to this people of different nations of the world came to India.
- There was lots of demand for the Indian spices, muslin, silk cloth, indigo, etc. in the European countries.
- Trade between India and Europe was carried out through land route and sea route and at the center of these routes was Istanbul in Turkey.
- Turkish Muslims closed this route for Europeans as the conquered the Istanbul (Constantinople)in 1453.
- Since they could not do without the spices, the Europeans felt compelled to discover a new sea route.
Question 2.
What reforms did Dalhousie bring about?
Dalhousie brought about the following reforms:
- The first railway line in India between Mumbai and Thane in 1853, was started by Dalhousie.
- He started wireless system between India and England.
- He established public work department.
- He introduced English education.
- He passed laws to ban child marriage and advocated widow remarriage.
Question 3.
What were the important terms and conditions of the Subsidiary Alliance System?
Terms and conditions of Subsidiary Alliance System were as follows:
- The army trained by the East India Company Government will be provided to the state that accepts the system.
- In return, the state accepting the system will provide the army or give away provinces with equivalent income to the British.
- Without the permission of the Company, the state will not wage war or sign treaty with other states.
- There will be one English representative in the state assembly.
- Other foreigners not to be employed in the state.
- State rulers such as Nizam, Mysore, Awadh, Gaikwad, Scindia, Bholse, Holkar, accepted the System.
Question 4.
Which states were annexed under Dalhousie’s policy of Annexation?
Following states were annexed by Dalhousie’s Doctrine of Lapse:-
- Annexation by war – Punjab, Pegu.
- Annexation due to king dying without heir – satara, Jaitpur, Sambalpur, Udepur (M.P.), Jhansi, Baghat, Nagpur.
- Annexation on pretext of mismanagement – Awadh.
- Annexation on pretext of debt collection – Nizam’s province.
- Annexation to end a namesake rule – Karnataka, Tanjore.
2. Answer the following questions in detail:
Question 1.
Give brief information about the Battle of Plassey.
Following are the responsible reasons for the Battle of Plassey:
- Siraj-ud-Daula who was impulsive by nature was ruling over Bengal.
- He had some opponents in his state.
- During this period under the pretext of security reasons, British built a fortress around the trade centre in Calcutta (Kolkata) without taking the permission of the Nawab.
- Nawab destroyed it.
- When this news reached Madras, a small army under the Company reached Bengal under the leadership of Robert Clive.
- But Clive realized that it was not easy to defeat the Nawab’s army.
- He planned a conspiracy to defeat the Nawab. Mir Jafar, the Commander-in-Chief of Nawab and Seth Amir chand joined him.
- Finally a war was declared at a ground near a village named Plassey.
- In this war, Siraj-ud-Daula was defeated. Due to Clive’s treachery the Battle ended in just half of a day.
- Company got freehold over 24 Parganas and Mir Jafar became the Nawab of Bengal.
- Thus, the foundation of British rule in India was laid with the Battle of Plassey in 1757.
Question 2.
Explain the economic impact of the Company Rule in India.
Economic impact of Company Rule in India:
- During the 100 years of Company Rule in India, India became merely a country that produces raw material for England, and prospective market for goods produced in factories.
- After the Dual power policy, the glitter of the economic prosperity of Bengal faded.
- The unfair revenue collection policy by the Company made the Indian peasant a debtor.
- The British government imposed unfair taxes on the Indian cloth industries.
- They adopted various deceitful practices to ruin prosperous Indian industries because of which it completely collapsed.
- The Indian artisans were poor and unemployed.
- The Company traders forced the weavers of Bengal to sign contracts for providing definite quantity of cloth in a short period. If the weaver refused he would be punished by being lashed or jailed.
- Indian villages were under the Company Rule, became dependent and poor.
Question 3.
Explain the social impact of the Company Rule in India.
The social impact of the Company Rule in India:
- During the British administration, the spirit of freedom of speech and thought developed among people due to the development of newspapers.
- In Indian society, certain wrong social customs, rites and rituals were prevalent.
- Raja Ram Mohun Roy, Durgaram Mehta, Behramji Malabari, etc. were the stalwart whose role was instrumental in getting the laws passes with the help of Britishers.
- As the administrative framework in India was anglicized, there was a demand for the people with knowledge of English.
- English education began to be imparted in India due to Lord Macaulay’s efforts.
- As recommended by Charles Wood. Universities were established in Bombav (Mumbai). Madras (Chennai) and Calcutta (Kolkata).
Question 4.
Choose the correct options from those given below:
Question 1.
Who discovered the sea route to India?
A. Columbus
B. Prince Henry
C. Vasco-da-Gama
D. Bartholomew Diaz
C. Vasco-da-Gama
Question 2.
During whose tenure was the Public Works Department established in India?
A. Wellesley
B. Dalhousie
C. Warren Hastings
D. William Bentinck
B. Dalhousie
Question 3.
Which of the following statements in false?
A. The Battle of Plassey was fought in 1757.
B. The Company got a freehold over 24 Parganas of Bengal due to the Battle of Plassey.
C. The Company got the Diwani rights of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa due to the Battle of Plassey.
D. Siraj-ud-Daula was the Nawab of Bengal during the Battle of Plassey.
C. The Company got the Diwani rights of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa due to the Battle of Plassey.
Question 4.
Who became the first Governor-General of India?
A. Warren Hastings
B. Wellesley
C. Dalhousie
D. Canning
A. Warren Hastings
Question 5.
With whom did the British fight the Third Mysore War?
A. Tipu Sultan
B. Marathas
C. Nizam
D. Haider Ali
A. Tipu Sultan
Gujarat Board Class 9 Social Science Rise of British Rule in India Additional Important Questions and Answers
1. Answer the following questions:
Question 1.
Why was the supply of Eastern goods to Europeans stopped?
Trade between India and Europe was carried out through land route and sea route and the center of these routes was Constantinople in Turkey. Turkish Muslims conquered Constantinople in 1453. So the land route was stopped for Europeans.
Question 2.
When and between whom Battle of Buxar was fought? What was its result?
The combined army of Mir Qasim, Shah Alam and Nawab of Awadh fought with British East India Company on 22 October. 1764 at Buxar. Where this United army lost and British Company won the battle. So they. got the right to collect revenue from Bengal. Bihar and Orissa.
Question 3.
Which were the main provisions of Regulating Act?
The main provisions of Regulating Act.
- The Governor of Bengal was made Governor-General of all British Territories in India. All the trade and political activities of the Company were brought under the direct control of Governor-General.
- The Governors of Bombay and Madras and their councils were brought under him.
Question 4.
Why did Dalhousie introduce policy of Doctrine of Lapse?
Dalhousie was a fierce imperialist ruler.
- He wanted to expand the rule of the Company.
- He wanted to make a supreme power in India.
- Therefore, he implemented the policy of Annexation (Doctrine of Lapse).
Question 5.
Why did Wellesley introduce Subsidiary Alliance System?
Due to rigid policy of Sir John Shore the fame of East India Company was declined and Marathas became stronger. So, Wellesley got the responsibility of making Company rule Supreme in India. Thus, he introduce Subsidiary Alliance System.
Question 6.
Write a note on attempts made to discover a new sea route to India.
- When Turkish Muslims closed the trade route to India the people of Portugal and Spain started discovering a new sea route to India.
- With the inspiration, encouragement and economic help from the Portuguese King Prince Henry, some brave people began efforts to discover new sea routes.
- Many great men tried to discover sea route to India namely.
- Bartholomew Diaz discovered the ‘Cape of Good Hope’.
- Chri Stopher Columbus began his adventure of discovering a new sea route with the economic assistance from King of Spain.
- He came to stop at an island, presently known as West Indies, situated in the Atlantic Ocean.
- He believed that he discovered a new sea route to India.
- Amerigo Vespucci clarified the discovery of Columbus and gave this new land a name as ‘America’.
- The Portuguese sailor Vasco-da-Gama discovered the sea route to India in 1498 A.D.
- He reached Calicut in the western coast of India, where he was welcomed by the King Zamorin and allowed to carry out business there.
- Thus, this is considered as an important event in the world as this opened the doors for others Europeans to come to India.
Question 7.
Write a brief note on the arrival of Europeans to India.
Following Europeans arrived at India:
- Portuguese: Vasco-da-Gama a Portuguese sailor arrived at India first. He discovered the new sea route to India. Within 100 years they took control over Diu, Daman, Goa, Cochin, Malacca etc.
- Dutch: Inspired by the Portuguese success in trade, the Dutch and the Danish arrived in India for trade.
- British: The English traders established the East India Company to trade with India.
- In 1600 Queen Elizabeth gave them permission to carry out trade with the eastern countries.
- Their first ship arrived at Surat under the ‘ leadership of Captain Hawkins.
- Due to dominance and opposition of Portuguese they were not allowed to establish their trade there.
- Finally they got the permission from Mughal emperor Jahangir and thus they established their first trading centre of Surat.
- Due to strong presence of the Marathas in this region, the Company sensed danger to its existence and hence moved towards the south and east directions where they set up their centres in Machlipattanam, Saint George and Fort William. Mumbai became their headquarter.
- The French East India Company arrived in India for trade in 1668 and eventually set up their trade centers in Mahe, Karickal, Pondicherry, Chandranagar, Machlipattanam, etc.
Question 8.
Write a note on Carnatic Wars.
- In 18th Century, the English and the French were constantly busy establishing their rule in the entire world and conquering more territories.
- Between 1746 and 1763, there were three Carnatic wars between French East India Company and the British East India Company
- In these wars the French East India lost, thus, making easy, the expansion of the British East India Company.
Question 9.
Write a detailed account of Battle of Buxar.
- After the Battle of Plassey British made Mir Jafar, the Nawab of Bengal.
- They tried to extract plenty of wealth from him.
- When Mir Jafar could not satisfied their greed, they dethrone him and made Mir Qasim the Nawab of Bengal.
- Mir Qasim was more ambitious then Mir Jafar and so became a threat for the Company.
- Hence, Mir Qasim was removed and Mir Jafar was again made the Nawab.
- Mir Qasim took refuge with the Nawab of Awadh.
- So all three of them decided to join hands and fight against the Company and thus declared a war. They faced defeat at Buxar in the hand of British East India Company.
- The East India Company got the Diwani rights to Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.
Question 10.
When did British Government pass the Regulating Act? What changes were made due to this Act?
The English Government passed a Regulating Act in 1773 A.D. According to which the Governor of Bengal was made the Governor-General and all the trade and political activities of the Company were brought under his direct control. The Governors of Bombay and Madras as well as their councils were brought under him. Warren Hastings became the first Governor-General of India.
Question 11.
List the name of various British Officers that were made Governor-General of India.
The first Governor-General of India was Warren Hastings. After him, Cornwallis, Sir John Shore, Wellesley, Hastings, William, Bentinck and Dalhousie became the Governor Generals of India.
Question 12.
When and why was the fourth Mysore war fought? What was its result?
Governor-General Wellesley asked Tipu Sultan to accept the Subsidiary Alliance System. Tupu Sultan refused it. For declining the Alliance System, the Company, with support from the Nizam, attacked Mysore in 1799. During the Fourth Mysore War, Tipu lost his life while fighting against the British.
Question 13.
How during the period of Hastings the supremacy of Company was established?
Hastings waged a war with Nepal and made the Gurkhas to join the army. He fought a battle with the Pindharas and took control over them. With the Third Maratha War, the supremacy of the Company was established.
Question 14.
“William Bentinck is known as a liberal Governor-General.” Explain the statement.
Bentinck believed that the dissatisfaction in different states due to the imperialist policy adopted by the previous Governor Generals could not bring about any unity. So he was very liberal in his deeds.
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