Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 Social Science Chapter 17 Natural Vegetation

Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 Social Science Chapter 17 Natural Vegetation

GSEB Solutions Class 9 Social Science Chapter 17 Natural Vegetation

Natural Vegetation Class 9 GSEB

→ There are about 5000 varieties of trees in India, out of which 450 trees are useful commercially.

→Besides, about 15,000 flowering plants also grow which form about 6% of the world.

→Non-flowering plants like fem, algae, moss etc. are also available in our country.

→ India is famous since ancient times for the herbal plants.

→ About 2000 medicinal plants are described in Ayurved.

Type of Natural Vegetation
The natural vegetation regions can be divided into five types :
(1) Tropical Rain Forest

  • Tropical Rain Forests are found in hot and humid regions where anuual rainfall exceeds 200 cm and temperature is more than 22° C.
  • Trees found here are Mahogany, Ebony, Rosewood, rubber etc.
  • Trees are about 60 metres tall or even more.

(2) Tropical Deciduous Forests :

  • These forests are found in the regions receiving about 70 to 200 cm rainfall.
  • Major trees found here are teak, saal, sesame, sandalwood, kher (acacia catechu) bamboo etc.
  • The trees shed their leaves for 6 to 8 weeks during autumn. Every species has a different time to shed the leaves.

(3) Tropical Desert Vegetation

  • These forests are found in the regions less than 70 cm of rainfall.
  • Dates, jujube, acacia, cactus, khijdo etc. are common trees found here.
  • The roots of the trees and plants here are long, deep and widespread.
  • Leaves are shorter which result in slower evaportranspiration process.

(4) Temperate Forests and Grasslands (Flimalayan Vegetation)

  • These forest also called as coniferous forests. These are found at activities between 1000 metres to 3600 meters and above in Flimalayas.
  • There are tropical forests, coniferous forests, alpine and short grase (tundra vegetation) seen here.
  • A major characteristic of the coniferous forests is that the trees have conical shape.
  • Their branches lean towards the surface so that the snow would easily slide down towards the land.

(5) Tidal Forests (Mangroves)

  • Tidal forests are located in the delta regions of river along the coast.
  • These forests are found along Gujarat coast and in the marshy lands along the Bay of Bengal coast.
  • Sundari and cher types of trees are seen.

Forest products and their utility

  • Timber wood from teak and saal is used for furniture making.
  • Boats are prepared from the wood of sundari trees of Sundarvan.
  • Sports goods and packing boxes are prepared from the wood of pine and child trees.

Forest conservation

  • Ecosystem is formed due to the interrelation of biosphere and mankind.
  • Due to the anti-environmental’ activities and selfishness of man, the ecosystem is disturbed.
  • Forests are destroyed by increasing population.
  • Ecological balance is distrupted due to the destruction of forests.

Remedies to conserve forests :

  • The Government of India implemented a National Forest Policy in 1952.
  • In 1980, the Parliament passed Legislative Act and in 1988 a new National Policy was announced.

Gujarat Board Class 9 Social Science Natural Vegetation Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Answer the following Questions brief:

Question 1.
Why a diversity of vegetation is seen in India?
Factor responsible for diverse natural vegetation:

  1. Relief features: Presence of diversified relief features like mountains, plateaus, plains, deserts, etc. have created a diverse pattern in vegetation of India.
  2. Soil: Different types of soils such as alluvial, black, mountain, desert type etc. are found in this diversified geography of India. This variation in soils also creates differences in vegetation.
  3. Temperature: The vast difference in temperature and humidity of cold Himalayan regions and southern peninsula also leads to variations in vegetation.
  4. Isolation: The amount of sunlight over a region depends upon its latitude and altitude. Vegetation grows faster in presence of more rain and isolation. Thus, sunshine leads to variation in vegetation.
  5. Rainfall: The distribution of rainfall in India is also quite unequal. This too causes diversity in vegetation.

Question 2.
What is the environmental importance of forests?
Forests are important for our environment in the following ways:

  1. Forests helps in bringing rain.
  2. They control the atmosphere from becoming adverse and hence maintain its optimum level.
  3. They purify air by taking up carbon dioxide and releasing life-saving oxygen.
  4. They control floods.
  5. They absorb harmful gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc.
  6. They prevent soil erosion.
  7. They maintain groundwater level.
  8. They prevent deserts from expanding.
  9. They enhance natural beauty of a region.
  10. They are useful in reducing air pollution.
  11. They are used as places for adventures and tourist activities.
  12. Some forests are reserved as national parks, sanctuaries and bio-reserves. This help in preserving flora and fauna of the nature.

Question 3.
What are the reasons for forest destruction?
Destruction of forests:

  1. Man due to his several anti-environmental activities and selfish motives disturbs the ecosystem.
  2. Man’s never-ending desire to procure more and more land and exploit it for commercial purposes leads to destruction of forests.
  3. Forests also get destroyed due to increased population, government policies of establishing industrial units away from residential areas, urbanization, multi-purpose projects, construction of roads, Jhoom cultivation for obtaining timber and fuelwood, forest fire, etc.
  4. Destroying forests imbalances the ecology.

Question 4.
What are the effects of forest destructions:
Effects of destruction of forests:

  1. Destruction of forests causes several adverse and harmful effects.
  2. Decreased rainfall, drought, global warming, greenhouse effect, advancing deserts, lost habitat of wild animals, etc, are some of these effects.

Question 5.
“Tropical Forests are also called evergreen Forests”. Give reason.
Tropical forests are found almost all part of the India and are called evergreen forests because:

  1. Tropical rain forests are found in hot and humid regions where annual rainfall exceeds 200 cm.
  2. Trees of these forests do not shed their leaves fully in any season.
  3. Hence, they remain green throughout the year and are known as evergreen forests.
  4. In other words, since the trees do not shed their leaves fully in any season these forests do not see autumn season.

2. Answer the following questions in detail:

Question 1.
Write about the utility of Forest.
Utility of forests:

  1. Forests are useful to man in several ways.
  2. Timber wood from teak and sal is used for making furniture.
  3. Boats are prepared from the wood of Sundari trees of Sunderban.
  4. Sports goods and packing boxes are made from the wood of pine and chid trees.
  5. Turpentine is made from the liquid of chid trees.
  6. Sandalwood tree is used to prepare perfumed oil, cosmetics, etc.
  7. Forests also provide lac (sealing wax), resin, gum, rubber, honey, cane,etc.
  8. They also provide several plants that have medicinal value. These plants are used in making ayurvedic medicines. Amla (embolic myrobalan), baheda, harde, ashwagandha, etc. are a few such plants.
  9. Leaves of Khakhra tree are used to make plates and bowls and that of timru to make bidis.
  10. We also get catechu from kher trees.
  11. Forests provide livelihood and food to people who live in an around forests.
  12. Thus, forests provide a great contribution in the social and economic development of mankind.

Question 2.
Elaborate the remedies for forest conservation.
Remedies to conserve forests:

  1. In order to protect and conserve forests, the Government of India implemented a National Forest Policy in 1952.
  2. Later, in 1980 the Parliament passed Forest (Conservation) Act. It made amendments in this policy in 1988.

Following steps to should be taken preserve forests:

  1. Forests are part of our national resource. Hence, it is our moral duty to protect them.
  2. Cutting of trees should be stopped. Strict punishment should be given to those who cut trees illegally.
  3. To increase public participation in ‘Van Mahotsava’ and ‘Social Forestry’, people should be encourages to plant trees on either sides of wasteland, river, railway tracks and roads.
  4. Awareness should be created about environment by educating people through seminars, workshops, street plays, etc.
  5. Environmental protection should also be included in school syllabus.
  6. Environment-related days should be celebrated to continuously remain about conserving environment.
  7. Take precautions to avoid forest fire. In case of fire immediate action should be taken.
  8. Renewable energy resources such as solar energy, bio-energy, wind energy, etc. should be used in place of traditional resources like wood.
  9. People should be explained the importance of forests through media such as newspapers, journals, internet, TV, etc.
  10. Institutes such as F.R.I. (Forest Research Institute) which undertakes forest-related research activities should be supported well to enable them develop more and more ways to conserve forests.

3. Select a correct option for the following questions and write answer:

Question 1.
Which place does India hold in world with respect to vegetation diversity?
A. First
B. Fourth
C. Tenth
D. Fifth
C. Tenth

Question 2.
Which of the following statement is incorrect?
A. Tidal forest is located in Ganga delta.
B. Turpentine is prepared from liquid of chid tree.
C. Sundari wood is used to prepare boats.
D. Thorny bust occur in mountainous area of Himalayan.
D. Thorny bust occur in mountainous area of Himalayan.

Question 3.
Join the pairs :

Pair A
(A) Tropical Rain forests
(B) Tropical Desert Vegetation
(C) Tidal Forests
(D) Coniferous Forests

Pair B
(A) Cher
(B) Pine
(C) Acacia
(D) Mahogany

A. A-3 B-4 C-1 D-2
B. A-4 B-3 C-1 D-2
C. A-4 B-3 C-2 D-1
D. A-4 B-2 C-3 D-1
B. A-4 B-3 C-1 D-2

Question 4.
What is prepared out of the liquid of chid?
A. Catechu
B. Turpentine
C. Lac
D. Gum
B. Turpentine

Gujarat Board Class 9 Social Science Natural Vegetation Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What is natural vegetation?

  1. The various kinds of flora i.e.. plants that grow naturally in a region is known as natural vegetation of that region. For example, in Gujarat we find neem (limda), baaval, etc. grown everywhere.
  2. India has diverse natural vegetation. With respect to diversity in vegetation, India stands 10th rank in the world and 4th rank in Asia.
  3. A large area which is mainly covered with trees and plants in called a forest.

Question 2.
Give a brief idea about the large variety flora in India.
Diversity in Indian natural vegetation (Flora):

  1. About 47,000 species of flora are found in India.
  2. There are about 5000 varieties of trees, in India. Out of them 450 are used for commercial purpose.
  3. About 15,000 varieties of flowering plants are found here. This forms about 6% of the flowering plants grown across the world.
  4. Several non-flowering plants like fern, algae, moss, etc. also grow in India.
  5. Since ancient time India is famous for a variety of herbal plants it grows. Indian Ayurveda has discussed about 2000 medicinal plants.
  6. Thus, India has a great diversity of natural vegetation.

Question 3.
What are natural vegetation regions? Classify the natural vegetation.

  1. The regions that show similarity in their ecology are called natural vegetation regions.
  2. Existence and growth of any vegetation depend on the climate of that region.
  3. Regions that have identical climate have mostly identical vegetation. For example, Gujarat has a hot climate with no major mountains.
  4. Hence, we find trees like neem, baval almost in entire Gujarat.

Classification of vegetation:
On the basis of altitude, types of soil, rainfall and temperature, the natural vegetation regions can be divided into five types. They are:

  1. Tropical Rain Forests
  2. Tropical Deciduous Forests
  3. Tropical Desert Vegetation
  4. Temperate Forests and Grasslands
  5. Mangrove (Tidal) Forests.

Question 4.
State the various medicinal plants and their uses

Vegetation (plant) Medicinal utility
1. Sarpagandha In high blood pressure
2. Limdo As a bacterial resistant
3. Tulsi In cold, cough and fever
4. Arjun sadad Treatment for heart ailments
5. Bili To remove gas and impurities of cough
6. Galo To cure diabetes, fever and joint pain
7. Harde Cures constipation and in hair disease
8. Amla Cures gas and acidity and improves digestion
9. Karanj In skin, gum and dental diseases

Question 5.
What is ecosystem?
An ecosystem is a complex set of relationships among the living resources, habitats and people of particular region. Thus, ecosystem is formed with the interrelation of biosphere and mankind.

Question 6.
What does our national policy describe?
According to the National Policy of 1952, about 33% of the total geographical area of India should be covered with forests. However, our forests are covered only in 23%. Gujarat is far behind in this number with just 10% of its area under forests.

Question 7.
Which plants of Gujarat are included in Red Book Data? Why?
Plants such as white Khakhro, gugal, nilsoti, sesame, amli, attak, harde, etc. are enlisted in Red Date Book of I.U.C.N. (International Union for Conservation of Nature). The reason for this is that these plants fall in the category of ‘on verge of extinction’.

Question 8.
State important dates and events related to environment.

Date/Month Event
1.  21 st March World Forest Day
2.  22nd April Earth Day
3.  5th June World Environment Day
4.  Month of July Van Mahotsav
5.  16th September World Ozone Day
6.  Year 2011 Was celebrated as World Forest Day to bring global awareness about environment.

3. Give Reason.

Question 1.
Tropical deciduous forests are also known as monsoon forests. Give reason.

  1. In deciduous forests, trees shed their leaves on specific time. All the trees do not shed leaves together.
  2. The trees shed leaves for only 6 to 8 weeks during autumn.
  3. Since these trees shed their leaves according to seasons, these are also called monsoon forests.

Question 2.
Leaves of coniferous forests are quite different than usual trees.

  1. Coniferous forests are found in high altitudes of Himalayas between 1000 metres and 3600 metres and above.
  2. Such high regions often experience snowfall.
  3. The leaves are of distinct conical shaped with branches leaning downwards.
  4. This type of leaves helps the trees to easily slide down the snow that fall on them.
  5. Hence, leaves of coniferous forests are quite different than usual trees.

Question 3.
Forests play an important role in maintaining environmental balance.
Role of forests:

  1. Trees inhale harmful carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen and hence purify the atmosphere.
  2. Temperature remains low and environment becomes pleasant due to trees.
  3. Moreover, trees reduce air pollution, bring rains, check soil erosion, etc.
  4. Due to all these reasons, it can be said that forests play an important role in maintaining environmental balance.

Question 4.
The Government of India has announced forest policy.

  1. Forests play a very important role in maintaining environmental balance.
  2. Forests provide countless things as raw material and even readymade forest products.
  3. Man cuts down trees and causes harm to nature ruthlessly to fulfil his needs.
  4. As per the standard norms, 33% of any landmass should be under forest cover.
  5. India has only 23% cover of forests and states like Gujarat have only 10% forest cover.
  6. Thus, for the protection and growth of forests, the Government of India has announced forest policy in year 1988.

Question 5.
Forests are useful in economic progress of a nation.

  1. Forests provide countless things as raw material or even readymade products.
  2. The products obtained through forests hold good commercial value all over the world.
  3. The rare and useful flowering plants, herbal plants, etc. are used in many medicines and cosmetics and hence earn a very good revenue.

III. Complete the following statements.

Question 1.
The tropical Rain Forest are known as ‘Evergreen forests’ because ………………
The tropical Rain Forest are known as ‘Evergreen forests’ because it remains green throughout the year.

Question 2.
The Tropical Deciduous forests are known as ‘Monsoon Forests’ because ……………….
The Tropical Deciduous forests are known as ‘Monsoon Forests’ because tropical deciduous forests shed their leaves according to the season.

Question 3.
Indian Government has implemented the National Forest Policy because
Indian Government has implemented the National Forest Policy because to protect and conserve the forests.

Question 4.
Huge variety is seen in natural vegetation found in India because ……………….
Huge variety is seen in natural vegetation found in India because India has diversified physiography such as mountains, plateaus, plains, desert, etc.

IV. Fill in the blanks.

1. About ………….. varieties of flowering plants grow in India.
2. ……………. forests are found in the river deltas.
3. ……………… is the best medicine to cure the disease of high blood pressure.
4. ……………… is prepared from the fluid of child trees.
5. The Government of India announced the new Forest Policy in the year ……………..
1. 15,000
2. Tidal
3. Sarpagandha
4. Turpentine
5. 1988

V. State whether the following statements are true or false: (1 mark each)

1. Rosewood tree is found in Tropical Rain Forests.
2. Alpine grass grows at the altitude of 3600 metres in Himalayas.
3. Sundari wood is used to prepare fragrant oil.
4. India holds tenth position in diversity of natural vegetation in the world.
5. In Western slopes of Eastern Ghats Desert Vegetation are found.
5. False

VI. Choose the correct option.

Question 1.
Which trees are found in the deciduous forests of the Tropical zone?
A. Pone, Deodar, Silver fir, Spruce
B. Mahogany, Ebony, Rosewood, Rubber
C. Teak, Saal, Sesame, Sandalwood
D. Date palm, Jujube, Acacia, Khijdo
C. Teak, Saal, Sesame, Sandalwood

Question 2.
Which are the main trees of the Rain forests of the Tropical Zone?
A. Date palm, Jujube, Acacia, Khijdo
B. Mahogany, Ebony, Rosewood, Rubber
C. Pine, Deodar, Silver fif, Spruce
D. Teak, Saal, Sesame, Sandalwood
B. Mahogany, Ebony, Rosewood, Rubber

Question 3.
Which place does India holds in world with respect to vegetation diversity?
A. First
B. Fourth
C. Tenth
D. Fifth
C. Tenth

Question 4.
Mahogany is found in which type of forests?
A. Temperate forests
B. Thorny
C. Rain forests
D. Monsoon
C. Rain forests

Question 5.
What is prepared from the liquid of chid trees?
A. Catechu
B. Turpentine
C. Lac
D. Gum
B. Turpentine

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