Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 Social Science Chapter 18 Wildlife

Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 Social Science Chapter 18 Wildlife

GSEB Solutions Class 9 Social Science Chapter 18 Wildlife

Wildlife Class 9 GSEB Notes

→ In the entire world, about 15 lakh species of wild life are recorded of which 81,251 species are found in India.
(Zoo – Geographic Regions Of India

→ The wild life of India is divided into 9 zone. They are:

  • Himalayas
  • Ladakh and Cold area
  • Forest cover in lower Himalayas
  • Highlands without forest cover in upper Himalayas
  • Northern Plain
  • Desert of Rajasthan
  • Peninsular Plateau
  • Sea Coast and
  • Hilgiri Hills.

The Diversified Wild Life of India

→ Indian has diversified wild life, thus, animals seen are Asian elephant in peninsular rain forest, one homed rhino in swampy Brahmaputra river, snow leopards in higher Himalayas, wild goats and musk deer in Jammu and Kashmir, wild buffalo (Indian Bison), tiger in Central India and West Bengal, Ghudkhar (wildass) in Little Rann of Kachchh and flamingo in water logged Greater Rann.

→ Presence of Great India Bustard in the grassland area is noted again.

→ In the water lodged area, migratory birds from cold regions come down in great number.

→ Nicobari dove is a rare bird seen in Nicobar island.

→ Rare species of corals are seen in the Gulf of Kachchh and Lakshadweep.

→ Animals like fox, wolf, nilgai, deer, mongoose, rabbits, wild hog, hedgehog are seen in agriculture areas.

→ Many birds such as nightingale, parrot, peacock, weaver bid, chibari, pilak, vulture, kabar, dhor bagla etc. are also seen roaming in these areas.

Wildlife and the need for conservation

  • There is a danger to the existence of the wild life since last few decades.
  • Vultures are on verge of becoming extinct due to eating the meat which becomes polluted by diclofenac drug used in the treatment of sick milch cattle.
  • Once the Asiatic Lions of Gir which were seen even upto middle east, are now restricted to Gir forests only.
  • With due steps taken for their protection, now their number is 523.

Dangers to Wildlife

  • Due to heavy grazing by domestic animals in the forests, herbivores are deprived of their food which results in decrease in their numbers.
  • As they approach human settlements, situation of conflict arises between animals and human settlements.
  • This conflict leads the destruction of wildlife.-
  • Besides, their effects on pollution is also very adverse due to human activities.

Remedies to conserve Wildlife

  • Cutting of large trees outside the forests area should best stopped, because the hollow space within them and their branches are nesting place for bids.
  • Ponds, farm ponds and wetlands, which are necessary for migratory bids and for those which are habited near any water body, should be protected.
  • An active work is urgently needed to reduce pollution.

Steps taken to nurture the Wild Life

→ Parliament has passed a Wild Life Conservation Act according to the recommendations of Indian Wild Life Board.

→ In 2014, there were 503 Sanctuaries, 102 National Parks and 14 bio – reserves.

→ Of these, 22 sanctuaries, 4 national parks and 1 bio reserve zone happen to be in Gujarat.

→ Project Tiger : This Project was launched in 1973 against hunting and decreasing number of tigers.

→ This was implemented for 9 reserved areas, under which now 48 areas are covered.

Lion Project:

  • In 1972, a project was started in Gir to protect the Asiatic Lions.
  • As a result of this project and the timely taken steps, there are now 523 lions according to the Lion Census held in 2015.
  • Other projects are Hangool Project for the rare species of Baransinga deer in Kashmir, Crocodile Project for the saline water crocodiles. Rhino Project for the protection of Indian Rhino and
    Snow Leopard Project.

Gujarat Board Class 9 Social Science Wildlife Questions and Answers

1. Answer the following questions as directed:

Question 1.
Give a list of Zoo-geographic regions of India.
With reference to the similarities in their characteristics and their existence in a region, the wildlife of India can be divided into nine zones:
The nine zones i.e., zoo-geographical regions into which the wildlife of India is divided are:

  1. Himalayas
  2. Ladakh and dry cold area
  3. Forest cover of low er Himalayas
  4. High lands without forest cover in upper Himalayas
  5. Northern Plain
  6. Desert of Rajasthan
  7. Peninsular Plateau
  8. Seacoast and
  9. Nilgiri Hills

Question 2.
Wildlife is in danger today. Explain.

  1. Human greed and continuously rising development has put the existence of wildlife in danger.
  2. Cutting down trees and forests to pave way for development has resulted into loss of habitat for wildlife.
  3. Hunting of animals and birds to obtain their skin, meat, teeth, hair and bones also results in their loss.
  4. With rising human population, more and more cattle is needed to obtain milk. Excessive grazing of domestic animals in the forests results in decrease in the grass which serves as a major source of food for herbivores. This leads to migration and even death of herbivores.
  5. Reduction in the number of herbivores will deprive carnivores from getting their food. Hence, these carnivores move out to human settlements in search of food. They attack humans and also their domestic animals for food.
  6. Thus, wild animals become victim of human rage and lose their lives.
  7. In South and South-Eastern India, the menace of elephants entering into agriculture fields in search of food has increased much.
  8. Incidences of leopards attacking humans has increased in Saurashjra and South Gujarat. Similar problem is seen for bears in the forests of north-east Gujarat.
  9. This makes humans hate the wild animals. Such situation leads to conflict between wild animals and human settlements. This conflict can destroy wildlife in the long run.
  10. Over and above this, human activities cause a lot of pollution in the nature. This also disturbs and destroys the nature, natural cycle and living organisms living in it.

Question 3.
Give a brief information about different projects for wildlife protection.

  1. Some protection schemes are planned for those wildlife species which are on verge of extinction.
  2. Project Tiger was launched in 1973 against hunting and decreasing number of tigers. This was implemented for 9 reserved areas under which now 48 areas are covered.
  3. Asiatic Lions were found upto Iran in the Asian subcontinent. But due to hunting and reduction in forest area, these lions are now restricted to Gir Forests of Saurashtra. At one stage their number has gone below 100.
  4. In 1972, a project was started in Gir to protect the Asiatic Lions. There are now 523 lions according to the Lion Census held in 2015.
  5. Hangool project was launched for rare species of Barasinga Deer in Kashmir.
  6. Crocodile project was launched for saline water crocodiles, Rhino project for the protection of Indian Rhino and snow leopard project for protection of leopard.

2. Answer the following questions in detail.

Question 1.
Bio-diversity of India.

  1. India has a diversified relief and climate.
  2. Similar diversity is seen in the wildlife in India.
  3. In the entire world about 15 lakh species of wildlife is recorded of which 81,251 species are found in India.
  4. These include reptiles, mammals, fish and other insects.
  5. India has less forest cover compared to that its wildlife diversity is noticeable.
  6. Asian elephant in Peninsular rain forests, one homed rhino in Swampy Brahmaputra river, Snow leopards in higher Himalayas. Wild goats and musk deer and found in Jammu-Kashmir.
  7. Wild buffaloes are seen in forests of Southern India.
  8. Tiger is found in Central India and West Bengal, Ghudkhar in Little Desert of Kutch and Flamingo in water logged Great Desert.
  9. Great Indian Bustard is found in the grassland area. In the water lodges area, migratory birds from cold regions come down in great number. These include Siberian crane, Pelican, Tibetian duck, Junk, Karkara etc.
  10. Flyingsquirrels are seen in the dense forests of western ghats, Nicobari dove in Nicobar islands, Rare species of corals are seen in the Gulf of Kutch and Lakshadweep island.
  11. Various types of reptiles include King cobra, snakes, python, iguana.
  12. Along sea coasts and other water bodies various fishes, sea snakes, dolphin, shark, dugong, octopus, whale etc. are seen.
  13. Explorations continue to identify other animals found in different forests. India is at sixth position among the countries rich in bio-diversity.

Question 2.
Remedies for Wildlife Conservation.

  1. We shall have to be more dedicated to implement strong legal provisions and their strict implementation for the conservation of forest areas and wild animals.
  2. For this a long term planning is necessary to conserve and increase forest areas.
  3. Various social NGOs should give this a top priority and arrange public awareness programmes.
  4. These problems should be included in the school syllabus and make the future citizens aware.
  5. Before implementing any developmental project, its probable effects on environment and living organism should be examined.
  6. Cutting of large trees outside the forests areas should be stopped so the hollow space within them and their branches can be resting place for birds.
  7. Ponds, farm ponds and wet lands which are necessary for migratory birds and for those which are habited near any water body, should be protected.
  8. In Agricultural field, usage and spread of bio-insecticide should be done instead of chemical-based insecticide.
  9. To manage the forest fire an anticipatory planning should be made for patrolling and safety.
  10. Efforts should be made to activate government sector to reduce pollution.

Question 3.
Select a proper option and write the answer:

Question 1.
How many Zoo-geographic regions is India divided into?
A. Three
B. Four
C. Six
D. Nine
D. Nine

Question 2.
How many species of living organisms are recorded in the world?
A. 72 Lakhs
B. 15 Lakhs
C. 18 Lakhs
D. 19 Lakhs
B. 15 Lakhs

Question 3.
Where are the flying squirrels seen?
A. Greater Rann of Kachchh
B. At higher altitude in Himalayas
C. Marshy land
D. In Western Ghats forests
D. In Western Ghats forests

Question 4.
Which bird is rarely seen in the mountainous area of Vijaynagar Taluka?
A. Flamingo
B. Chilotro
C. Bustard
D. Parrot
B. Chilotro

Question 5.
Rare species of corals
A. Velavadar
B. Nal Sarovar
C. Lakshadweep Islands
D. Gir Sanctuary
C. Lakshadweep Islands

Question 6.
Where are the bustards seen?
A. Wetland
B. Mountainous area
C. Marshy Lands
D. Grasslands
D. Grasslands

Gujarat Board Class 9 Social Science Wildlife Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What is a Sanctuary?
The protected area for the protection and conservation of wildlife who are in danger of getting destroyed, such an area is called a Sanctuary.

Question 2.
What is a National Park?
The protected area for the plants of country (wildlife) and maintenance of nature’s beauty is a called National Park.

Question 3.
Give an account of the Indian wildlife.

  1. Since last few decades, a danger, hangs on the existence of wildlife of India and so there is a decrease in the number of wild animals.
  2. Before about one hundred years, there were many tigers in India. According to an estimate of 2014 by the Forest and Environment Department, today there are 2226 tigers.
  3. The number of species of vulture has also decreased due to its meat polluted because of the use of diclofenac drug used to treat milch cattle.
  4. The leopards which were found in India in the beginning of the 20th century are almost extinct in the country.
  5. Earlier, the Asiatic lions were found strolling in the forest of Asiatic forests of middle eastern countries are now found only in Gir Forests. Due to the implementation of ‘Lion Project’, and their breeding there are now 523 lions in 2015.
  6. At one time, flamingoes were seen in very large numbers in the country, but today their number has reduced.
  7. Shyam Garud (Black eagle) which is a native of mountain forests in Gujarat is also rarely seen.
  8. Chilotro, a bird found in the mountain forests in Vijaynagar Taluka of Sabarkantha district is also hardly seen nowadays.

Question 4.
Give information about different projects for the protection of wildlife.
Major projects for the protection of wildlife are as follows:
1. Project Tiger:
Considering the decreasing number of tigers and their hunting, the Government of India has started ‘Project Tiger’ in 1973. Initially this project was implemented with 9 protected zones, under which 48 areas were covered. Now there are 50 tiger reserves in India which are governed by Project Tiger.

2. Project Lion: Earlier, the lions were seen upto the forests in Iran of Asian subcontinent. But due to their hunting and the destruction of forests, the lions are now found only a Gir forest of Saurashtra. At one time, the number of lions was reduced to 100. So, the ‘Project Lion’ was implemented by the Government in 1972.

3. Similarly, Hangool Project for Kashmiri Barasinga which is a rare species of deer, ‘Crocodile Project for crocodiles of saline water, ‘Rhino Project for the protection of Indian Rhino, ‘Snow Leopard Project’, etc. are implemented.

Question 5.
What do you mean by a zoo-geographical region and bio-diversity?
Division of a region into various natural vegetation regions is done on the basis of the characteristics of a region. Similarly, presence of animals over a region can be classified on the basis of its zoogeographical region.

Zoo-geographical Region:

A region of the world classified on the basis of its distinctive animal life is known as the zoo-geographical region. There are about 6-7 such geographical regions in the world. [For information: The world zoogeographical regions are:

  1. Palaearocic,
  2. Ethiopian (Africa South of the Sahara)
  3. Oriental
  4. Australian
  5. Nesarctic
  6. Neotropical and
  7. Antarctic

Similarly, at country level, the zoogeographical regions of India are divided into nine zones.

  • The diversity of flora and fauna found in a particular habitat is known as the biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity varies as per the region. Hence, one can study it on the basis of
    the zoo-geographical region in which it lies.

Question 6.
India is home to some of the most diversified, finest and rarest species of wildlife of the world. Given reason.

  1. Out of 15 lakh species of wildlife in the world, about 81,251 are found in India. This constitutes around 18% of the world species.
  2. We have a wide variety of animals and birds including reptiles, mammals, fish and insects.
  3. India is home to tigers which are becoming rare in the world.
  4. Asiatic lion is now found only in India.
  5. Other rare wildlife includes snow’ leopards, one homed rhino, flying squirrels, etc.
  6. Besides a large number of migratory birds also visit India.
  7. Hence, one can proudly say that India is home to some of the most diversified, finest and rarest species of wildlife of the world.

Question 7.
Give an account of the endangered/ extinct Wildlife of India.

  1. With fast-growing cities and widespread development, our wildlife is facing a constant threat for existence.
  2. Comparing the historical records of the census of wildlife with the present one can clearly see that the wildlife is diminishing in India since last few decades.

1. Tigers: Before 100 years, thousands of tigers were seen in India. However, as per the figures given by Forest and Environment Ministry in 2014, there are now about only 2226 tigers left in India.

  • However, this figure has increased compared to the past. The rise in numbers of data is evident from the imprints of their foot taken during last few years.

2. Vultures:
Hindus do not eat cows because they consider them sacred. When a cow dies, it is left to be fed on by vultures.

  • People use, diclofenac drug which is already banned for treating sick milch cattle such as cows. This drug deteriorates the cattle bodies and hence their meat.
  • So, when vultures eat such dead cattle it affects their bodies badly and also leads to their death. Hence, vultures are becoming extinct.

3. Leopards:
Asiatic leopards which were seen in large number in Indian forests in the beginning of 20th century have become extinct now.

4. Asiatic Lions:
The Asiatic lions were found even up to middle east are now found only in the Gir forest of Gujarat. The government has taken strict measures to protect them and now their number has finally increased to 523.

5. Cranes:
They were once seen in large number in Gujarat,but now their number has reduced drastically.

6. Shyam Garud (Black eagle):
A resident of mountainous forests in Gujarat in now rarely seen.

7. Chilotro:
They seen in the forests of Vijaynagar Taluka of Sabarkantha District, is hardly seen today.

Question 8.
State the need to conserve wildlife.
Need of Conservation:

  1. Wildlife is an inseparable part of living organisms. They play a very important role in running a balanced ecosystem.
  2. However, constant decrease in their numbers over years reduces the quality of environment. This also disturbs the ecosystem.
  3. Never-ending human demands and man’s greed for progress and development makes environment imbalanced.
  4. All these can lead to major adverse changes in the environment.
  5. We still have time. If we do not take proper action, then the next generation would see the wildlife only a pictures.

Question 9.
Describe which steps are taken by the government for conservation of wildlife?

  1. India has actively made several laws to protect the wildlife.
  2. Laws in India to protect wildlife date back to the time of great Mauryan King Ashok.
  3. India has also mentioned about wildlife protection is the Fundamental Duties and the Directive Principles.
  4. On the recommendations of Indian Wildlife Board, the Parliament has passed a Wildlife Conservation Act.
  5. The Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act was implemented in 1972, with various provisions for protecting habitats.
  6. The thrust of the programme was towards protecting the remaining population of certain endangered species by banning hunting, giving legal protection to their habitats, and restricting trade in wildlife.
  7. The government established national parks and wildlife sanctuaries studied.
  8. It also announced several projects for protecting specific animals, which were gravely threatened, including the tiger, the one homed rhinoceros, the Kashmir stag or hangul, three types of crocodiles- fresh water crocodile, saltwater crocodile and the Gharial, the Asiatic lion, and other.
  9. At present, there are 550 Sanctuaries, 104 National Parks and 18 Bio-reserv es in India. Of these, 23 Sanctuaries. 4 National Parks and 1 Bio-reserve are in Gujarat.

Projects to conserve wildlife:
1. Project Tiger:

  • This project was launched in 1973 to stop hunting of tigers and to increase their number.
  • Initially this project was implemented in nine reserved areas which has now increased to 48.

2. Lion Project:

  • In the past, Asiatic lions were found up to Iran in the Asian subcontinent.
  • Due to their continuous hunting they got almost extinct and are now left only in the Gir forests of Saurashtra.
  • At one point of time, the number got reduced to less than 100.
  • In 1972, a project was started in Gir to protect the Asiatic Lions.
  • The Lion Project has considerably helped to increase the number of these lions. As per the latest data, their number has increased to 523.

Other projects initiated by the government for wildlife conservation:

  • Hangool Project for the rare species of Barasinga Deer in Kashmir.
  • Crocodile Project for saline water crocodiles.
  • Rhino Project for the protection of Indian Rhino.
  • Snow Leopard Project for protection of snow leopard.

Question 10.
What are the factors that cause fearful depletion of wildlife.
Factors that cause fearful depletion of wildlife:-

  1. Destruction of forests.
  2. Hunting of animals by man as a part of his hobby, business or to show his bravery
  3. Use of insecticides by the farmers.
  4. Hunting of animals to get meat, skin, feather, bones, horns, teeth, etc.
  5. Wild animals are also killed due to growth of urban areas, increasing population, increasing demand for fuel and wood, noise of vehicles, pollution, improper medical treatment, superstitions, etc.
  6. Irregular and uncertain rain decreases the sources of water in the forests and thus, create problems for wildlife.
  7. These factors put various threats on wild animals. As a result they face several danger.

II. Complete the following statements.

Question 1.
India has a great variety of birds because ……………….
India has a great variety of birds because major birds such as are peacock, swan, flamingo, ghorad, chilottoro, etc. can be seen here. Thousand of flamingo come to the Rann of Kachchh during winter. There are a large number of birds like, crows, doves, parrots etc. in India.

Question 2.
There is a danger for the wildlife because ………………
There is a danger for the wildlife because of deforestation, hunting of animals for hobby, vanishing water resources in forests, etc.

Question 3.
The government has started Project Tiger because ……………….
Ans. The government has started Project Tiger to protect tigers from hunting and decreasing number of them.

III. Fill in the blanks.

1. The one homed rhino is found in the marshy and …………… river in India.
2. The wild ass known as …………….. are found in the Little Desert of Kachchh.
3. The Asiatic Lions are found only in the forests of ……………… in India.
4. Wildlife protection laws were formed by the great king …………….. of Maurya dynasty in India.
5. In India …………… species of wildlife are found.
1. Brahmaputra
2. Ghudkhar
3. Gir
4. Ashok

IV. State whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Flamingoes are seen in the wetlands of the Great Rann of Kachchh.
2. Many migratory birds come to the wetland area of India from hot regions during the winter.
3. There a total of 22 Sanctuaries and 4 National Parks in Gujarat.
4. Project Kachchh was started in 1972 AD for the protection of Asiatic lions.
5. The Asiatic elephant can be seen in the high altitude regions of South India.
1. True
2. False.
3. True
4. False
5. False

V. Match the following.

Column ‘A‘ Column ‘B‘
1. One-horned Indian Rhino (A) West Bengal
2. Snow leopards (B) Marshy land of Brahmaputra
3. Musk deer (C) High altitude Himalayan region
4. Ghudkhar (D) Little Rann of Kachchh
5. Tiger (E) Jammu and Kashmir

1. (B)
2. (C)
3. (E)
4. (D)
5. (A)

VI. Choose the correct option.

Question 1.
What is the correct order of National Parks starting from the north and proceeding south?
A. Ranthambhore, Bandipur, Dachigam, Kanha
B. Kanha, Dachigam, Bandipur, Ranthambhore
C. Dachigam, Kanha, Bandipur, Ranthambhore
D. Dachigam, Ranthambhore, Kanha, Bandipur
D. Dachigam, Ranthambhore, Kanha, Bandipur

Question 2.
What is the correct order of Sanctuaries starting from the South and proceeding notrh?
A. Keoladeo, Chandraprabha, Etumagaram, Mudumalai
B. Mudumalai, Etumagaram, Chandraprabha, Keoladeo
C. Etumagaram, Mudumalai, Keoladeo, Chandraprabha
D. Chandraprabha, Keoladeo, Mudumalai, Etumagaram
B. Mudumalai, Etumagaram, Chandraprabha, Keoladeo

Question 3.
Which among the following is a wildlife sanctuary?
A. Kaziranga
B. Pocharam
C. Bandipur
D. Dachigam
B. Pocharam

Question 4.
EIow many species of living organisms are recorded in the world?
A. 72 lakhs
B. 15 lakhs
C. 18 lakhs
D. 19 lakhs
B. 15 lakhs

Question 5.
Into how many zoo-geographic zones have India been divided?
A. Nine
B. Four
C. Six
D. Eight
A. Nine

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