Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 Social Science Chapter 6 World After 1945

Gujarat Board Solutions Class 9 Social Science Chapter 6 World After 1945

GSEB Solutions Class 9 Social Science Chapter 6 World After 1945

World After 1945 Class 9 GSEB Notes

→ India solved the tremendous problem of their rehabilitation and restoration very skilfully and patiently.

→ The then Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister SardarVallabhbhaiPatel merged about 562 small and big Princely States of India into ‘Indian Union’.

→ Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s strong determination, iron will and diplomatic negotiations solved the problems.
The United Nations’ Charter

→ The United Nations’ Charter starts with the Preamble and it explains the goals of UNITED NATIONS. Below given are the goals :

(1) There is a determination to save the future generation from the pangs of all destructive war. Here,emphasis has been laid on responsibilities bom out of international laws and mutual understanding.

(2) Emphasis has been laid on developing tolerance mutually so that the whole world develops socially.

(3) Economic, Social and Cultural problems should be solved with the intervention of United Nations and human rights as well as basic freedom should be disseminated irrespective of caste, language, gender or religion.

(4) Lastly, appeal to all the nations for co-operation to achieve these objectives.

→ Thus, United Nations’ Charter concludes that dismissal of war and constant urge for peace is the main objective of United Nations.

→ objective of United Nations. Cold War (1945-1962) —Reasons and Consequences

→ Though the World War II got over, it resulted into creation of America and Russia as superpowers while taking the place of England and France.

→ A strong competition between the two super powers, i.e., America and Russia, to establish supremacy over the world emerged after Second World War. ‘

→ The power was centralized between two poles i.e., America and Russia. Therefore, this time period is considered as bi-polar world order.

→ Owing to extremely tense relations between two power blocs this phase is known as the ‘Cold War Phase’.

→ There was a basic change in relations among powerful nations of the world after the World War.

→ America and the Soviet Union, who had once allied and fought against the Nazi Germany and the Fascist Italy, emerged as leaders of two rival power blocs and military powers. Thus the Cold War started between them.

→ After the War, the Soviet Union (Russia) captured the eastern areas of Germany.

→  During 1949, by conducting a nuclear test, the Soviet Union directly challenged the monopolistic nuclear powers of America.

→ One of the most important aspects of the conflict of ideology was mutual distrust and sense of doubt on the intention of the rival group.

→ Owing to fear bom out of mutual distrust and doubts, both the power established their own
military bases.

→ The Cold War, which was meant for dominance over the world, gave rise to fierce competition among superpowers.

→ And for the sake of dominance, armament race was given high priority.

→  America had used atom bomb for the first time on two cities of Japan, namely Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945).

→ This way America proved its supremacy.

→  Within next four years, the Soviet Union too proved its capacity of making atom bomb by conducting a nuclear
test. This created a Power Balance between the superpowers.

→ America declared blockade of the communist Cuba, which was on southeast.

→ To defend Cuba against possible attacks of America, the Soviet Union sent ships loaded with nuclear missiles in the Caribbean Sea.

→ Both the superpowers threatened each other to use nuclear weapons. The world was almost on the verge of nuclear war.

→ Finally, leaders of America and the Soviet Union had a talk on the ‘Hotline’ for the first time.

→ The whole episode is known as ‘Cuban Crisis’. This episode is very important episode in world politics. It begins communication between two superpowers.

→ America, the Soviet Union, and the Britian agreed on maintaining control over nuclear production, experi- ment and proliferation.

→ This agreement is known as Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

→ France and China refuse this treaty.

→ India has always welcomed this treaty but it is always a supporter of disarmament. ‘

→ India and Pakistan achieved independence in 1047.

→ In the same way, Britishers, countries like Srilanka and Myanmar got independence in (1948).

→  In the case of Indonesia, the United Nations played an important role (1949).

→ Asian countries like Laos,Cambodia and Vietnam too got independence. Rise of Independent Nations in Africa

→ During the tenure of 16 years from 1951 to 1966, 40 small and large countries became free.

→ Some new nations adopted the policy of not to align with any of the two power blocs and military blocs. They
decided that they would maintain equal distance with both blocs.

→ These nations were identified as ‘Non-Aligned Nations’ and their foreign policy was called ‘Non-Aligned Policy’.

→ The organization was founded in Belgrade in 1961 known Non-Aligned Movement

→ Under the leadership of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru the policies of Non-Alignment were framed.

→  In this Non-Alignment Council 23 countries of Asia and 6 countries of Africa were present.

→ Today more and more countries have joined the Non-Aligned Movement. Union summit was
held at Kuala Lumpur on 13″ May, 2003.

→ The Non-Aligned Nations, with their Non-Aligned policy, were successful in contributing towards World Politics.

→ The Non-Aligned movement was successful in showing off its moral impact for maintaining world peace, stopping wars, maintaning human society and nationalism as well as the Superpowers adopting an atti- tude of disarmament.

→ Germany was the main cause behind both the World Wars. It faced a humiliating defeat in World War II.

→ All its state administration and economy collapsed completely. There was not a single large party left in the whole of Germany that could rule the nation.

→ The defeated Germany was divided into four administrative segments. The ‘Soviet Red Army’, in the later phase of the war, had captured the eastern part of Germany, America would control south-western side of Germany. France would control its area near France, while Britain would control areas of Germany bordering Belgium and Holland.

→ America, France and Britain started thinking about certain alternative arrangement.

→ America and other western Euro- pean countries established “Federal Republic of Germany’. This was
administered jointly by America, Britain and France.

→ On the other side , the Soviet Union also declared ‘East Germany’ as ‘ Democratic Republic of East Germany.’

→ Thus, after the War, two independent German states came into existence, namely West Germany (democratic) and East Germany (communist). Germany’s three western segments were united, three admin- istrative segments of Berlin also united.

→ In a reaction to this, Soviet Union, in April 1948, declared ‘Berlin Blockade’T

→ This resulted into tremendous tension between the Soviet Union and the western countries.

→ Later on, a high and 42 km long wall separating western and eastern Berlin was constructed.

→Soviet Union was disintegrated.

→  Asa consequence of it, on October 3″, 1990 both the Germany united.

→ People considered demolition of the Berlin Wall as the end of the Cold War era and celebrated the occasion whole- heartedly.

→ Today unified Germany has turned out to be the strongest economic power in Europe.

→ After 1990, they have made a tremendous effort to be the strongest economic nation in the last decade.

→ During the last decade of the twentieth century, Soviet Union’s Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev’s liberal policy led to the disintegration of Soviet Union (Russia).

→ Peaceful disintegration of Soviet Union is considered as epoch-making in the international politics.

→ Mikhail Gorbachev became the Prime Minister from a socialistic side on 11 March, 1989. He had a liberal attitude.

→ Gorbachev adopted two policies ‘Glasnost and ‘Perestroika’. –

→ In this way Gorbachev introduced economic and political reforms in the place of single-handed communist rule.

→ The Stronghold of communist party, the Soviet bureaucracy and the Red Army started weakening.

→ In 1990, process of the disintegration of the Soviet Union began. Towards the end, out of 15 states, 14 states became independent and disintegration of Soviet Union came to an end (December, 1991).

→ India has contributed significantly at the international level during its freedom struggle and after its indepen- dence.

→India has always opposed imperialism, colonialism and evils like racial discrimination.

→  It has supported movements opposing such evils. India has always remained active in the formation of the United Nations and is actively involved in all its activities.

→  India has persistently emphasised on the need of disarmament to achieve world peace and security.

→ World peace has permanently remained India’s primary concern for its foreign policy.

→  India has always remained active to achieve an atmosphere of co-operation, trust and under¬standing among nations.

→ Relation between India and United States (US)

→ Both India and the United States are democratic countries. Apart from having lot of similarities, there has been
lot of ups and downs in the relationship also.

→ Taken seriously and certain sanctions were imposed against India as US aided financially and

→  There is a remarkable change in relations between both countries after terrorist attack on New York’s World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001.

→ The Soviet Union has helped India considerably in establishing heavy and key industries.

→ The Soviet Union has taken India’s side in the issue of Jammu-Kashmir. They also have often exercised their
‘veto’ power in the United Nation’s Security Council to see that proposal against India pertaining to Jammu-Kashmir issue should not pass.

→  In this way, Russia and India has a very close friendly relations.

→ India-Pakistan: Immediately after India’s Independence, the relation between India and Pakistan were always stressful.

→ Three gruesome wars took place between India and Pakistan in the year 1948, 1965 and 1971, and in all these wars Pakistan was defeated.

→ Both the countries have Tashkent and Shimla Treaty, but Pakistan does not follow it with utmost devotion.

→ In 1999, Kargil war between India and Pakistan took place.

→ India – China : India and China relations started in the year 1954.

→ When China displayed its boundary regions on map, it disturbed the relations between India and China.

→ China attacked India in 1962 and captured the regions which were displayed in their map.

→ India – Bangladesh : Bangladesh got freedom after many struggles.

→ In the year 1971 , Bangladesh became an independent and sovereign country as earlier it was a part of

→ As a new upcoming country, India helped Bangladesh financially, technically and physically by giving equipment for its growth and develop- ment.

→ But there are certain issues which have risen between India and Bangladesh. The utilization of water from River Ganga and its proper channelizing has been talked out between the two countries.

→  India – Bhutan : A peaceful and cordial friendship treaty had been signed between India and Bhutan in the year 1949.

→ Bhutan has trustfully sided India in its security and foreign policies.

→ India assured to aid Bhutan in telecommunication and transportation.

→ India helped Bhutan in becoming a member of United Nations in the year 1971.

→ There is never a troubled relation between India and Bhutan.

→ India – Srilanka : The relation between India and Srilanka is very old.

→ Many tamilians of India have gone to Srilanka and settled thereafter.

→ Their citizenship was the main issue between India and Srilanka but continu- ous talks has resolved it.

→ India’s Prime Minister Shri NarendraModi visited the troubled regions of Tamilians in Jaffna on 13″ March, 2015.

→ India assisted financially for the reconstruction of 27,000 houses for rehabilitation of tamilians.

→Today India and Srilanka have very cordial relation.

→  India – Nepal : The relation between India and Nepal started with the signing of Treaty in the year 1950.

→ According to the treaty, both countries are considered to be sovereign and to preserve regional unity as well as commutation of citizens in both the countries. ‘

→ India has helped Nepal socially and economically.

→ Nepali students visit India for higher studies.

→ The rivers flowing from Himalaya come from the various regions of Nepal. Due to this, during rain it affects India badly.

→ To stop the floods due to these rivers, talks have begun between these two countries.

→ India — Afghanistan : India has very friendly relation with Afghanistan.

→ India has large heartedly contributed in the reconstruction of Afghanistan like in construction, health and education. In the economic and social development, India has financially helped.

→ During Natural calamities also India helped financially. The construction of Afghanistan’s parliament building is being done by India.

→ India – Myanmar : India and Myanmar(Burma) has very cordial relation .After India got independence Myanmar got independence in 1948.

→ From that time, relationship has been friendly.

→ After independence Myanmar has demanded financial aid from India.

→ India has helped them instantly because India wants Myanmar to be financially sound.

→ India’s foreign policy is to have world peace and security.

→ Furthermore Indian Foreign Policy ensures friendly and cordial relationship with its neighbouring countries.

GSEB Class 9 Social Science Notes Chapter 6 World After 1945 3

Gujarat Board Class 9 Social Science World After 1945 Textbook Questions and Answers

1. Answer the following questions:

Question 1.
Write about the United Nations and its aims:
The UN:

  1. After the Second World War, large scale unemployment, epidemics, crores of death and ruined economy shook the world.
  2. The countries of the world finally realized a serious need to establish a world organization which would maintain peace and harmony in the world.
  3. Owing to this need, United Nations Organisation (UNO) was established on 24th October, 1945. It was later renamed as United Nations.
  4. The United Nations charter starts with the Preamble (i.e. Introduction) of the Constitution.

The Aims of the UN:

  1. The UN makes a determination to save the future generation from destructive wars by preventing wars.
  2. It emphasis that the countries of the world should obey international laws and move ahead with mutual understanding.
  3. It also emphasis that the countries should develop tolerance towards other countries so that the whole world develops socially.
  4. Economic, social and cultural problems should be solved with the help of United Nations. Human rights and basic freedom should be provided to all irrespective of their caste, language gender or religion.
  5. The UN appeals to all the nations to co-operate with these objectives.

Question 2.
Explain the meaning of the policy of Non-Alignment:
The world was divided into two superpowers. Some new nations adopted the policy of not to align with any of the two power blocs and military blocs. They decided that they would maintain equal distance with both blocs. These nations were identified as ‘Non-Aligned Nations’ and their foreign policy was called ‘Non- Aligned Policy’.

Question 3.
Write in brief about the consequences of ‘Cold War’.
Consequences of Cold War:

  1. There was a basic change in relations among powerful nations of the world after the World War II.
  2. Britain and France became victorious in the ware yet they lost the status of great powers due to terrible ruination caused by the ravages of war.
  3. Germany, Italy and Japan axis states were economically, politically and militarily ruined due to defeat in war.
  4. America and Russia emerged as leaders of two rival power blocs and military powers. Thus, the Cold War started between them.
  5. Soviet Union captured the eastern areas of Germany and other eastern countries like Australia, Albania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and the Baltic States.
  6. Meanwhile democratic system was gradually established in the Western European countries that were liberated by British and American forces.

Question 4.
Explain in brief the disintegration and unification of Germany.
Disintegration of Germany:

  1. The defeated Germany was divided into four administrative segments by victorious countries after the war was over. Administration was carried out by America, Britain, France and Russia.
  2. The capital of Germany Berlin was also divided in four parts. ‘
  3. As Germany’s three Western segments were united, three administrative segments of Berlin also united. In reaction of this, Soviet Union in April, 1948 declared ‘Berlin Blockade’.
  4. Later on a high and 42 km long wall separating western and eastern Berlin was constructed. It is considered as the symbol of Cold War.
  5. The atmosphere of distrust arose among power groups and tried to keep the government of East Germany under its control.

Unification of Germany:

  1. Till 1990 many important and far-fetching changes took place in international politics owing to many reasons the Cold War among superpowers also ended.
  2. These years witnessed cracks in otherwise impregnable Soviet Union. As a result Soviet Union was disintegrated.
  3. As a consequence of it in October 3rd 1990 both the Germany united. People broke down the German Wall which was a symbol of German division.
  4. People considered demolition of Berlin wall as the end of the Cold War era and celebrated the occasion wholeheartedly.

Question 5.
Discuss in brief relation between India and Russia.

  1. The Soviet Union (Russia) has helped India considerably in establishing heavy and key industries. It also helps India economically as well as technically.
  2. The Soviet Union has taken India’s side in the issue of Jammu and Kashmir.
  3. Soviet Union has often exercised ‘Veto Power’ in the United Nation’s Security Council to see that proposal again India pertaining to Jammu and Kashmir issue should not pass.
  4. Thus, Russia and India have a very close friendly relations.

Question 6.
Write short notes on : ‘Military blocs’, NATO’, ‘SEATO’, ‘WARSAW PACT’.

  • Military Blocs: After Second World War Europe and other countries of the world joined with power groups and the power was centralised between two poles. So, atmosphere of distrust created between both power groups, so military groups were formed.
  • NATO: Led and inspired by America, Western democratic countries on the North Atlantic Ocean established a military organization NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) in April 1949.
  • SEATO: To protect south-eastern countries from the onslaught on the Soviet Union communism. America and England established one more military organization in 1945 SEATO (South Eastern Asiatic Treaty Organisation).
  • WARSAW PACT: Against all these treaties Russia created a military organization named “WARSAW Pact”. The members of the organization are Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Rumania and Russia.

II. Answer the following questions in brief.

Question 1.
After World War II, how did the conflict between power blocs cause the situation of conflict?
Fierce competition for dominance over the world between two superpowers America and Russia, formation of military groups, armament race for sake of dominance and Cold War led the relations between these two superpowers became stressful after the World War II.

Question 2.
What were Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s thoughts on the policy of Non-Alignment?
Nehru believed that movement continues to see a role for itself, as in this view the world’s poorest nations remain exploited and marginalised, no longer by opposing superpowers but rather in a unipolar world.

Question 3.
What is Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? Why has India not signed it?
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and anti Missile Treaties were framed to prevent the spread of Nuclear Weapons and missiles in other countries of the world.

United States has persisted that India should sign the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. But as these both treaties were harmful to the national interest so India did not sign it.

III. Write Short Notes on

Question 1.
Armanent and Disarmament

  1. The Cold War which was meant for dominance over the world, gave rise to fierce competition among two superpowers and for the sake of dominance armament race was given high priority.
  2. America had used atom bomb for the first time on two cities of Japan namely Hiroshima and Nagasaki and proved its supremacy. Soviet Union too proved its capacity of making atom bomb by conducting a nuclear test.
  3. Apart from nuclear weapons and missiles the superpowers has developed chemical and biological weapons. These weapons of mass destruction can kill million of people without damaging any materialistic wealth people could dies miserably while subscribing various diseases.


  1. After the Cuban Crisis communication between two super powers began due to clarification of misunderstanding the end of Cold War became easy.
  2. America the Soviet Union and the Britain agreed on maintaining control over nuclear productions experiment and proliferation. This agreement is known as Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
  3. France of course refused to sign this treaty. China conducted a nuclear test in 1964 and refused to sign the treaty. This treaty imposed ban on conducting a nuclear test on another country.
  4. India has always welcomed this treaty but it is always a supporter of disamament. The world will be always in danger until the disarmament of lethal weapons is not done.

Question 2.
Cuban Crisis:

  1. America declared blockade of the communist Cuba which was on southeast against it Soviet Union sent ships loaded with nuclear missiles in the Caribbean ‘ Sea.
  2. Both the superpowers threatened each other to use nuclear weapons. Thus, world was almost on the verge of nuclear war.
  3. Finally leaders of America and the Soviet Union had a talk on the ‘Hotline’ for the first time. Both parties realised about the destruction by nuclear weapons. They pulled back their nuclear weapons with an aim to maintain peace and development of their countries.
  4. The Soviet Union decided to withdraw its ships and America decided to curb nuclear weapons towards Cuba. The entire episode is known as Cuban Crisis.
  5. It began communication between two superpowers. The misunderstanding between them was cleared. They did work of human welfare by not using nuclear weapons. So Cuban Crisis is also considered as the beginning of the end of the Cold War.

Question 3.
Disintegration of Soviet Union :

  1. Mikhail Gorbachev became the Prime Minister from a socialistic side on 11 th March, 1989. He had a liberal attitude.
  2. During the last decade of twentieth century, Soviet Union’s Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev’s liberal policy led to the disintegration of Soviet Union.
  3. He adopted two policies “Glasnost and Perestroika’. In this way Gorbachev introduced economic and political reforms in the place of single handed communist rule. Soviet socialistic republic union also desired for independence. Thus, process of disintegration of the Soviet Union began.
  4. Russia had progressed tremendously in the field of science and technology. They also had acquired capability to compete with superpowers USA.
  5. Rapid progress, political freedom, high life standard of values and desire for democracy created awareness in people. Thus, conflict between democratic group and communist group was removed.
  6. As time passed the strong hold of communist party, the Soviet bureaucracy and the Red Army started weakening. Towards the end out of 15 states 14 states, became independent and disintegration of Soviet Union came to an end in December 1991.
  7. Thus, after this event western countries approached Russia for development in many matters.

Question 4.
Berlin Blockade:

  1. Germany was the main cause behind both the World Wars. It faced a humiliating defeat in World War II.
  2. All its administration and economy collapsed completely. There was not a single large party left in the whole of Germany that could rule the nation. Therefore, the defeated Germany was divided into four administrative segments after the war.
  3. Two independent German states came into existence namely West Germany (democratic and East Germany (Communist). Due to this capital Berlin was also divided.
  4. As Germany’s three western segments were united three administrative segments of Berlin also united.
  5. In a reaction to this Soviet Union in April 1948 declared ‘Berlin Blockade’. This resulted into tremendous tension between the Soviet Union and the western countries.
  6. Later on a high and 42 .km long wall separating western and eastern Berlin was constructed. It is considered as the symbol of the Cold War.

IV. State reason for the following statements:

Question 1.
Establishment of the United Nations is the starting point of New World.

  1. After the Second World War, large scale unemployment, epidemics, crores of death and mines economy shook the world.
  2. The countries of the world finally realised
  3. a serious need to establish a world organisation which would maintain peace and harmony in the world.
  4. The United Nations was established considering these objectives.
  5. Since its establishment the UN has played a very important role in maintaining peace and security in the world, preventing wars and promoting world development.
  6. Hence, establishment of the United Nations is considered as the starting point of the New World.

Question 2.
Cuban Crisis is considered to be the beginning of the end of Cold War.
It was during the Cuban Crisis that the two superpowers namely America and Russia first time thought of pulling back their nuclear weapons in the good faith of the whole world. Both the nations wanted to maintain peace and development of their countries.

  1. Moreover, after the Cuban Crisis, America, the Soviet Union and the Britain agreed to control the nuclear production, experiment and proliferation.
  2. These countries signed a treaty in this regard. This treaty imposed ban on conducting a nuclear test in open atmosphere. In the long run this treaty helped to end the Cold War.
  3. All this began with the Cuban Crisis. Hence, Cuban Crisis is considered as the beginning towards the end of the Cold War.

Question 3.
Choose the correct option for each statements and write down the answer.

Class 9 Chapter 6 Question 1.
How does the charter of United nations begin?
A. Declaration Letter
B. Foreword
C. Human Rights
D. Constitution
B. Foreword

Question 2.
Which of these event is considered as the beginning of Cold War?
A. Berlin Blockade
B. Disintegration of Germany
C. German Miracle
D. Unification of Germany
A. Berlin Blockade

Question 3.
Which ideology was followed by the countries coming under the leadership of Soviet Union?
A. Democratic
B. Imperialism
C. Socialistic
D. Liberalism
C. Socialistic

Question 4.
Who was the promoter of Non-Aligned Movement from India?
A. Lalbahadur Shastri
B. Dr. Radhakrishnan
C. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
D. Smt. Indira Gandhi
C. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

Question 5.
Which policy played an important role in the International Polities?
A. Non-Aligned Policies
B. Cold War policies
C. Disarmament Policies
D. Establishment Policies
A. Non-Aligned Policies

Gujarat Board Class 9 Social Science World After 1945 Additional Important Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain the meaning of the Cold War. How did the Cold War come to an end?

  1. The extremely tensed situation that arose between the two power blocs namely America and Soviet Union.
  2. Till 1990 many important and far-fetching changes took place in international politics. Due to many reasons the intensity of the Cold War getting decreased between America and Soviet Union.
  3. The competition of weapons declared between superpower blocs. The feeling of distrust and doubt decreased. Thus, Cold War came to the in 1990 A.D.

Question 2.
Which organisation established at the end of Second World War? Why?

  1. After the First World War, the countries of the world established an organisation called ‘The League of Nations’ with an aim to maintain world peace and prevent wars.
  2. However, the League could not stop the power hungry nations and it failed when the Second World War broke out in 1939.
  3. After the Second World War, large scale unemployment, epidemics, crores of death and ruined economy shook the world.
  4. The countries of the world finally realised a serious need to establish a world organisation which would maintain peace and harmony in the world.
  5. Owing to this need, United Nations Organisation (UNO) was established on 24th October 1945. It was later renamed as United Nations.

Question 3.
What is balance of power? Why did superpower enter into it?

  1. Balance of power refers to the policy of nation or group of nations to protect itself against rival nations by matching (i.e., balancing) its power against its rival nations.
  2. The nation does this by expanding its power through armament.
  3. The Cold War situation which emerged with an objective of gathering more and more power gave rise to fierce competition among superpowers.
  4. Under this competition and fear the super powers aimed at continuously developing newer weapons and enlarging the military forces. In other words, armament became their topmost priority.
  5. For example, America was the first country to use atom bomb. To prove its supremacy in the world it dropped these bombs on two major cities of Japan, namely Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
  6. Within next four years, the Soviet Union too proved its capacity of making atom bomb by conducting a nuclear test.
  7. This created a ‘Balance of Power’ between the superpowers.

Question 4.
Which countries of Asia got Independence in and around 1947?

  1. India achieved independence in 1947 after long struggle of freedom movement.
  2. Due to Britain’s policy of divide and rule and other certain reasons, India got divided into two nations, namely India and Pakistan.
  3. Similarly, countries like Sri Lanka and Burma (Myanmar) got independence in 1948 after struggling for many years with the British.
  4. The United Nations played an important role to liberate Indonesia in 1949.
  5. Asian countries like Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam also got independence.

Question 5.
Write a note on Non-Aligned Movement.
The policy of not joining i.e, aligning with any of the two major power blocs namely America and the Soviet Union after the Second World War was known as the policy of non-alignment.

  1. The Non-Alignment Policy-gave rise to the Non-Aligned Movement in the world.
  2. The Non-aligned or say neutral nations aimed at overall development while maintaining their individual existence.
  3. The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is a group or an organisation of states. It is also called the Non-Alignment Council.
  4. This Council consists of 23 Asian countries as well as 6 Asian countries. The Non- Aligned Movement (NAM) organisation was found in 1961 in Belgrade, Yogoslavia.
  5. This movement got a positive support from India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Indonesia’s first President Sukarno, Egypt’s second President Garmal Abdel Nasser Hussein, Ghana’s first President Kwame Nkrumah and Yugoslavia’s President Josip Broz Tito.
  6. The policies of NAM were framed under the leadership of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
  7. Nehru believed that this movement continues to see a role for itself.
  8. As per him the movement can view that the world’s poorest nations remain exploited and marginalised no more by opposing superpowers, but instead in a uni-polar world.
  9. He also believed that NAM has realigned itself due to the dominance of the western countries and their colonialism.
  10. The NAM opposes foreign occupation, interference in internal affairs and aggressive unilateral measures.
  11. The Non-Aligned Movement has identified economic underdevelopment, poverty, and social injustices as growing threats to peace and security.
  12. Today more and more countries have joined the Non-Alignment Movement.
  13. The 13 th Union Summit of NAM was held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysis on 13th May, 2003.
  14. Last four decades have witnessed many important events at world level.
  15. A few of them are disintegration of Soviet Union and hence decrease in the power of Russia, America emerged as a superpower, decrease of imperial policy, etc.
  16. The NAM has played a very important role in these situations.

Question 6.
Disintegration of Soviet Union is an epoch making event in the history.

  1. The Soviet Union started disintegrating in the year 1990.
  2. The total process of disintegration of such a huge country took place without shedding a single drop of blood.
  3. Moreover, the famous ‘Red Army’ did not play any role in this disintegration.
  4. Soviet Union no more remained a superpower.
  5. The bipolar world politics came to an end.
  6. The Cold War also ended due to the disintegration of Soviet.
  7. Hence, due to all the major changes and events that occurred in the world, the disintegration of Soviet Union is an epoch making event in the history.

Question 7.
Describe the India’s contribution in international politics.

  1. India has significantly contributed in international politics both during its freedom struggle and even after it.
  2. India has always opposed imperialism, colonialism and evils like racial discrimination at world level. Moreover, it had supported movements that oppose these evils.
  3. India has played an active role in the formation of the United Nations as well as all its activities.
  4. For example, India played an important role by sending its military to support the United Nation efforts in maintaining international peace and security.
  5. India showed its keen support to the UN by sending military troops to countries like Gaza, Cyprus, Congo and Sri Lanka during their conflicts.
  6. India has also helped UN and its organs to maintain world peace.
  7. India has always emphasised on the need of disarmament as a means to world peace and security.
  8. At many instances India has taken a leading role in debates and giving useful suggestions around the world for world peace and security.
  9. India proposed that the world should follow total nuclear weapon disarmament in the United Nation’s General Assembly.
  10. It further said that the countries rather than spending its money on nuclear weapons and excessive military should use the same to uplift the poor people of other countries.
  11. World peace has always remained on the top of India’s foreign policy.
  12. India has always remained active and played an important role to achieve an atmosphere of co-operation, trust and understanding among nations.

Question 8.
Relation between India and United States (US).

  1. Both India and the United States are democratic countries.
  2. Inspite of having many similarities, there have been also a lot of ups and downs in the relationship.
  3. The United States wanted India to join its power bloc but India did not. Rather, India adopted non-alignment policy and became a part of the Non-Alignment Movement. The US disliked it.
  4. During India’s dispute with Pakistan on Jammu and Kashmir issue, US favoured Pakistan instead of India. India did not like this because Pakistan had joined power bloc of the US.
  5. Treaties regarding nuclear weapons have been one of the most important reasons for disagreement between India and the US. United States has continuously pressurised India to sign the ‘Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty’ and ‘Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty’, but India always refused it.
  6. The US highly disliked India’s nuclear test conducted at Pokhran in Rajasthan in 1998. It took strict actions to impose restrictions on financial and technical assistance that it used to give to the US.
  7. The relation between India and the US strengthened after terrorist attack on New York’s World Trade Centre on September 11,2001.
  8. The United States started accepting the fact that India is rapidly making economic progress.
  9. Both the countries now wish to have a strong and a positive relation with each other.
  10. In September 2014-15 India’s Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi visited America and even addressed the United Nations.
  11. American President Barrack Obama is the first American President to be the Chief Guest in the 66th Celebration of India’s Republic Day Celebration.
  12. Thus, now the relations between the two countries are quite cordial and strengthened.

Question 9.
Relation between India and Pakistan.

  1. Immediately after India’s independence the relation between India and Pakistan became very stressful.
  2. India and Pakistan fought three horrifying wars in the years 1948, 1965, 1971. India won all these three wars.
  3. Both the countries have signed Taskhent and Shimla Treaty for maintaining peace. However, Pakistan does not follow this treaty properly.
  4. India and Pakistan again entered into a war called Kargil War in 1999.
  5. Heads of the both the countries have expressed their concern to resolve all issues peacefully through negotiations. However, overall the relations are still stressful.

Question 10.
Explain briefly relation between India and China.
Sino-Indian relations:

  1. The modem time relationship between India and China started in the year 1954. The relationship has remained sour mainly due to border disputes.
  2. China rejected the McMohan line of demarcation between these two countries. In her maps, China showed some part of north-eastern region of India as its own territory. India opposed this greatly.
  3. China attacked India on 1962 and captured the regions of India which were displayed in China’s map.
  4. India sent its military troops to save its border regions from getting away in the hands of China. Finally, China ended the war.
  5. Many meetings took place to resolve these problem but, in vain.
  6. However, in the last decade China and India have tried to establish co-operative and friendly relations.
  7. India’s Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi invited Mr. Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, to strengthen the relations.
  8. Later, Mr. Jinping also visited India. He also visited at Sabarmati River Front in Ahmedabad.

Question 11.
Explain briefly relation between India and Bangladesh.

  1. Bangladesh became an independent and sovereign country in 1971. Before that it was a part of Pakistan.
  2. When Bangladesh became independent India gave it financial and technical help. It also provided several equipments for growth and development of Bangladesh.
  3. Inspite of all this help, certain issues have risen between India and Bangladesh.
  4. One of the issues was utilizing the water of River Ganga and its proper channelizing. The two countries have discussed this issue and tried to solve it.
  5. India immensely helped Bangladesh during flood, cyclone and other natural calamities.
  6. In 2015, concrete talks took place on matters of dispute geographical land regions and citizenship issues of some people of Bangladesh.

Question 12.
Explain briefly relation between India and Sri Lanka.

  1. India shares very old relationship with Sri Lanka.
  2. Many Tamilians of India have migrated to Sri Lanka and settled there.
  3. The citizenship of these Tamilians had been the main issue between India and Sri Lanka for a very long period. However, it had been resolved now.
  4. The problems of Tamilians and peaceful talks between Tamil Organisation and Sri Lankan Government has always been a priority for Indian Government with respect to relationship with Sri Lanka.
  5. The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi visited the Jaffna region of Sri Lanka on 13th March, 2015 to develop cordial relation.
  6. India gave financial assistance for reconstructing 27,000 houses for rehabilitation of tamilians in Sri Lanka.
  7. Today, India and Sri Lanka have very cordial relation.

Question 13.
Explain briefly relation between India and Nepal.

  1. The relation between India and Nepal started by signing a treaty in 1950. According to this treaty, both countries treated each other as sovereign and agreed to preserve regional integrity.
  2. Both the countries also opened their borders , for easy travelling between the two nations.
  3. India has helped Nepal both socially and economically.
  4. A large number of Nepali students regularly visit India for higher studies.
  5. The rivers flowing from Himalaya comes from the various regions of Nepal. These rivers cause heavy loss and destruction in India. Both the countries have met several times to discuss and resolve this problem.
  6. On 25th April 2016, Nepal faced a destructive earthquake with 7.8 Richter scale effect. This caused the death of about 8000 people.
  7. India provided relief and rehabilitation work in the areas affected in earthquake.

II. Complete the following statements by giving reasons:

Question 1.
NATO military organisation was formed because ………………
NATO military organisation was formed because of feeling of distrust created between, two power groups. So military groups were formed. Led and inspired to
America western democratic countries on north Atlantic Ocean established a military organisation and named it NATO in 1949.

Question 2.
The Soviet Union carried out the Berlin blockade because ………………
The Soviet Union carried out the Berlin blockade because America and Western European countries established ‘Federal Republic of Germany’. This was administered jointly by America, Britain and France. As Germany’s three western segments were united three administrative segments of Berlin also united.

Question 3.
SEATO a military organisation was formed because ……………….
SEATO a military organization was formed because to protect south-eastern countries from the on slaught on the Soviet Union. America and England established military organisation namely SEATO.

Question 4.
The Soviet Union sent ships loaded with nuclear missiles in the Caribbean Sea because
The Soviet Union sent ships loaded with nuclear missiles in the Caribbean Sea because America declared blockade of communist Cuba, which was on southeast. To defend Cuba the Soviet Union sent ships loaded with nuclear missiles in Caribbean sea.

Question 5.
The period between 1945 to 1962 AD is described as ‘The Era of Cold War’ because ……………..
The period between 1945 to 1962 AD is described as ‘The Era of Cold War ’ because America and Russia became superpowers and there was strong competition between these two superpowers to establish supremacy over the world.

Question 6.
India did not sign on the two treaties Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty because ………………
India did not sign on the two treaties Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty because, the both treaties were based on discrimination and being harmful to national interest. Thus, India did not sign two treaties.

Question 7.
Difference of opinion arose between India and China because ………………….
Difference of opinion arose between India and China because, the McMohan border showing the border region between India and China was rejected by China and it led further discomfort in the relations.

III. Fill in the blanks.

1. The United Nations was established on ………………… day.
2. Russia formed an army organisation named ……………… .
3. The …………….. crisis is regarded as the beginning of the end of the cold war.
4. The Non-Aligned Nations, with their ……………., were successful in contributing towards world politics.
5. Germany was divided into ………………. administrative segments after the Second World War.
6. The main objective of India’s foreign policy is to maintain ……………… in the whole world.
7. England inspired Middle Eastern countries to form ……………….. military organisation.
1. 24th October, 1945
2. Soviet Red Army
3. Soviet Union
4. Non-Allied Policy
5. four
6. world peace

IV. State whether the following statements are true or false:

1. The United Nations Charter starts with the Preamble.
2. The NATO was established with the encouragement of the USA to deter the. spread of communism and the Soviet expansion in the Western Europe.
3. The USA brought about the ‘Berlin Blockade’ in April, 1948.
4. Due to Gorbachev’s implementation of new policy on socialist side democratic policy was included.
5. India signed the Treaty of peace, friendship and cooperation with China in 1971.
6. The Tamilians have been living in Sri Lanka for a very long time.
7. After the Second World War, Cold War between Germany and Italy began.
8. Cuban Crisis is considered as the beginning of the end of the Cold War.
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. True
7. False
8. True

V. Arrange the incidents in proper order:

Question 1.
A. NATO military organization was formed.
B. Russia conducted Nuclear Test.
C. America declared Cuban Blockade.
D. America threw nuclear bombs on cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
D. America threw nuclear bombs on cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
B. Russia conducted Nuclear Test.
A. NATO military organization was formed.
C. America declared Cuban Blockade.

Question 2.
A. India became independent
B. Soviet Union declared Berlin Blockade
C. Establishment of United Nations
D. China conducted Nuclear test
C. Establishment of United Nations
A. India became independent
B. Soviet Union declared Berlin Blockade
D. China conducted Nuclear test

Question 3.
A. Kargil war was fought between India and Pakistan.
B. India and Bhutan signed a peaceful and cordial friendship treaty.
C. China attacked India.
D. The process of the disintegration of Soviet Union began.
B. India and Bhutan signed a peaceful and cordial friendship treaty.
C. China attacked India.
D. The process of the disintegration of Soviet Union began.
A. Kargil war was fought between India and Pakistan.

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