JKBOSE 10th Class English Letter Writing
JKBOSE 10th Class English Letter Writing
JKBOSE 10th Class English Letter Writing
Jammu & Kashmir State Board JKBOSE 10th Class English
Letters are very important in keeping contact with friends and relatives. Letters may be divided into following three categories :
1. Private or Personal Letters
2. Business Letters
3. Official Letters.
Such letters are written to friends and relatives.
The language should be clear and simple.
This kind of letter has following four parts :
(1) The Heading (2) The Salutation (3) The Body (4) The Ending.
1. The Heading :
Sender’s address and date of writing the letter is written in the heading, e.g. –
F1-U 63 Pitam Pura
Vishakha Enclave
New Delhi
6 January 20_ _
Sender’s address is written at the top left or right corner of the letter.
2. The Salutation :
In this part of the letter, the addressee is addressed by using some special words. ‘My dear’ or ‘Dear’ can be used for close friends and relatives.
My dear Ashok My dear Sunita My dear Father
Dear Vijay Dear Misha Dear Uncle
The following words can be used for the known people :
Mr before the name of a man
Master before the name of a young boy
Mrs before the name of a married woman
Miss before the name of an unmarried girl / woman
Ms can be used for both Miss & Mrs.
3. The Body :
This is the main portion of the letter. It contains all the information or news the sender wants to convey.
The following things should be kept in mind while writing this portion of the letter :
(i) The language of the letter should be grammatically correct and meaningful.
(ii) First Person pronoun ‘I’ should be avoided.
(iii) Do not use very long sentences.
(iv) Never use bitter words in your letter.
4. The Ending :
While ending the letter, the following points should be kept in mind :
(i) For blood relatives, use the following words –
Yours affectionately, Your affectionate son.
(ii) For friends, use the following words –
Yours sincerely, Yours ever, Yours always,
Yours very sincerely, Yours most sincerely, etc.
Yours affectionately can be used for very close friends.
(iii) For a known but not very close person, the following words are used –
Yours faithfully, Yours truly, Yours very truly, etc.
(iv) The following words are used for the Government officials :
Yours respectfully, Yours faithfully, etc.
(v) A student uses the following words for his teacher, headmaster / principal :
Yours obediently, Your most obedient pupil, etc.
Business letters are written to some public or private organisation. Official letters are written to Govt. officials and editors. These letters have following five parts:
1. The Heading (same as in personal letters).
2. The Name and Designation of the receiver.
3. The Salutation :
For the person Sir, or Dear Sir,
For a firm or company Sirs or Dear Sirs,
4. The Body :
A business or official letter should be brief and to the point.
5. The Ending :
The following words can be used to end such letter :
Yours truly, Yours faithfully,

1. About Bad Consequences of Using Polythene Bags
You are Jan Mohammad of Raj Bagh, Srinagar. You are upset over the ruthless use of polythene bags by the people and unwise disposal thereof. Write a letter to the editor of “The Greater Kashmir’ in about 150 words on the need to create awareness among the people about the bad consequences of using polythene bags.
153 Raj Bagh
15 April 20 _ _
The Editor
The Greater Kashmir
Subject : About Bad Consequences of Using Polythene Bags
Kindly allow me to express through your columns my views about the need to create awareness among the people about the bad consequences of using polythene bags.
Polythene bags or plastic bags are posing a great hazard to our environment. Their use is increasing day by day because they are cheaper and lighter than other packing materials. They are thrown away with the household litter after they have been used. But the trouble with polythene bags is that while all other litter is biodegradable, plastics never decay. When dumped on the ground, they give a very dirty look. Many harmful pests and germs can germinate in the heap and spread disease. Plastics spoil the fertility of the soil also. They can choke the sewerage and kill bacteria which break down the sewage into harmless substances. They contaminate the water of seas, rivers and lakes. Then the fish and other water animals begin to die. So the use of polythene bags should be banned by law. Heavy fines should be imposed on those who manufacture them or use them. This can prove a big step in solving the problem of pollution.
Yours truly
Jan Mohammed
2. Health Hazards of Junk Foods
Given below is an extract from an article in ‘Newsweek’.
“For years, I ate fast food because it was efficient and cheap. I had no idea that I could be damaging my health,” says Ceasar Barbar, 53, a maintenance worker with heart disease. |
Write a letter to the Editor of the newspaper on the health hazards caused by junk food. Do not exceed 150 words.
37 Raghunath Mandir Street
24 April 20 _ _
The Editor
Subject: Health Hazards of Junk Foods
With reference to Ceasar Barbar’s letter in your paper dated 20th, I would like to throw some further light on the ill effects of junk foods on our body. Our health depends mainly on what we eat or drink. The present-day fast life has affected our eating habits also. We have taken to foods that can be cooked fast and eaten fast. But we must remember that anything done fast doesn’t last long. A food that is cooked with an undue haste loses much of its value and taste. Junk foods are generally prepared at wayside eating stalls and cheap restaurants. They are ill cooked and prepared in unhygienic conditions. They are also very oily and spicy. They harm our liver and digestive system. Thus too much addiction to fast foods can cause a number of ailments in our body and problems in our digestive system. They can give us ulcers and even cancer. We eat so that we may live. Then why should we eat something that takes us nearer to disease and death? We can say that the habit of taking fast foods is suicidal and it is in one’s own interest to give it up. Fast foods are junk foods and junk should be thrown away, rather than be eaten.
Yours truly
3. Slow Pace of the Dredging of the Jehlum
You are Jan Mohammad of Lal Chowk, Srinagar, owner of a business unit there. You are worried about the slow pace of dredging of Jehlum in view of the disastrous September 2014 flood. Write a letter to a leading daily newspaper for publication, highlighting the need for speedy dredging of Jehlum and strengthening the riverbanks by vacating the encroachments in about 150 words.
115 Lal Chowk
20 April 20 _ _
The Editor
Kashmir Times
Subject: Slow Pace of the Dredging of the Jehlum
We all remember the rainy season of 2014 when the flooded Jehlum had brought disaster to many parts of the state. The relief measures taken at the time proved thoroughly insufficient, but the people underwent all the difficulties courageously. They also provided all help to the government agencies and NGO’s in coordinating with the relief operations.
But at the same time, people hoped that the government would take appropriate long-term measures also so that the horrible tragedy might not recur. The government undertook the dredging of the Jehlum in right earnest, but soon the bureaucracy returned to its lethargic ways and the pace slackened. The rainy season is again knocking at our doors. Through your esteemed paper, I wish the bureaucracy to rise from their slumber and quicken the pace of the dredging of the Jehlum so that many like me, the owner of a small business unit in Srinagar, may not have to face the dark days again.
Yours truly
Jan Mohammad
4. The Ruthless Practice of Cutting of Trees
You are Mrs Gurmeet, living at 106, Mansarovar Park, Sopore. You are very upset over the indiscriminate felling of trees. Write a letter to the Editor of a daily newspaper in about 150 words on the need to create awareness among people about the consequences of the ruthless cutting of trees.
106 Mansarovar Park
15 March 20 _ _
The Editor
The Greater Kashmir
Subject: The Ruthless Practice of Cutting of Trees
Through the columns of your esteemed paper, I would like to express my concern over the indiscriminate felling of trees.
We have failed to realize that the ruthless practice of cutting down trees can cost us very dear. In fact, it is trees that help to sustain all life on this earth. Without trees, the earth will turn into a vast desert with no life possible on it. Trees give us all the necessities of life. They give us food and purify the air for us. They help to bring rain and beautify the surroundings. They give shelter to countless birds and animals. They keep the soil safe from erosion. They give in his us pleasant shade from the heat of the sun. But it is sad that man, greed, is ruthlessly destroying this wealth of nature and also endangering his own existence. The effects of global warming have already begun to be felt. Many species of wild animals and birds have already become extinct. It has very adversely affected the balance of nature. So if man wants to continue inhabiting the earth, he will have to spare the trees from his greed and take care of them.
Yours truly
Mrs Gurmeet
5. For the post of a Teacher
Study the following advertisement and write an application in not more than 150 words for the post of a teacher :
Applications are invited for the post of a teacher in JAMMU PUBLIC SCHOOL, JAMMU. Grades and allowances as per govt. teacher scale. Apply with full particulars to the Principal, ‘JAMMU PUBLIC SCHOOL’, JAMMU, within 10 days of publication of this advertisement. |
24 Purana Mohalla
13 October 20_ _
The Principal
Jammu Public School
Subject: Job of a Teacher
This is in response to your advertisement in the Valley Times’, for the post of a teacher in your school. I am an M.A. in English from Jammu University and wish to offer my services for your school. My complete biodata is being given below.
Name : Roop Kumar Zutshi
Father’s Name : Sh. Akhilesh Zutshi
Age : 29 years
Educational Qualifications :
Class | Board / University | Subjects | Marks |
1. Matric | Jammu Board | Eng., Maths, S.St., Science, Hindi | 86% |
2. Plus 2 | Jammu Board | Eng., Maths, History, Economics, Hindi | 75% |
3. B.A. | Jammu University | English, Maths, Economic, Hindi | 68% |
4. M.A. | Jammu University | English | 59% |
Games & Sports : Played in the district-level football matches
Hobbies : Painting and Drawing.
Address : 24, Purana Mohalla, Bhadarwah.
Enclosures : Ten attested copies of various certificates and testimonials.
If given a chance, I can assure you of my best services.
Yours faithfully
R.K. Zutshi
6. Complaining Against the Insanitary Condition
Ajwa Tabasum, a resident of Maizuma, is aghast at the insanitary condition of her Mohalla. Imagining yourself to be Ajwa Tabasum, write a letter, in about 150 words, to the Health Officer, complaining about the same.
Mohalla Wajid Shah
16 March 20 _ _
The Health Officer
Subject: Insanitary Condition of Our Mohalla
I beg to draw your attention to the insanitary condition of Mohalla Wajid Shah in this town. Mainly poor people live in this Mohalla. Perhaps that is why no Sanitary Inspector has ever visited it. There are very few proper drains here. The drains are not cleaned regularly. These are never flushed with water. No dustbins have been provided. People throw all their refuse here and there. Flies and mosquitoes buzz about. All this gives this area a very dirty look.
I hope you will take suitable measures to improve the sanitary condition of this Mohalla.
Yours faithfully
Ajwa Tabasum
7. About the Menace of Stray Dogs
You locality is facing the problem of stray dogs. One can always see them moving through the streets in large numbers. People feel scared. Write a letter to the Commissioner, Municipal Corporation of your city, drawing his attention to the problem of stray dogs in your locality. Write the letter in about 150 words.
C/5 Patel Road
17 March 20__
Municipal Commissioner
Municipal Corporation
Subject: The Menace of Stray Dogs
A large number of stray dogs keep roaming on the busy Patel Road all hours of the day. Many a time, they cause traffic jams as well as accidents. They have also bitten a number of people passing through the streets. Besides, their presence gives a very ugly look to the whole area. The entire place remains littered with the excrement of these animals. All such stray dogs should be impounded and sent to the Municipal pound. Such requests have been made time and again to the concerned authorities, but no action has been taken so far. You are requested to pay a visit to the locality and see to the problem personally.
Hoping that an immediate action will be taken by you in this matter.
Yours faithfully
Preeti Verma
8. Traffic Mess During Peak Hours in the City
Mr. Ayoush of Talab Tillo, Jammu, is worried about the traffic mess in the city during peak hours. He decides to write a letter to the editor of a local daily, highlighting the need to eradicate the problem. Draft the said letter.
39 Street No. 1
Talab Tillo
25 May 20 _ _
The Editor
The Kashmir Times
Subject: Traffic mess during peak hours in the city
Through your esteemed paper, I want to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the problem of traffic mess created during peak hours. In the morning, between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., everybody is in a tearing hurry to reach one’s workplace in time. In this hurry, people try to overtake the vehicles going ahead of them even from the wrong side. They do not hesitate to jump the traffic lights also. Wrong siders add to the problem. Traffic rules are thrown to the wind. It becomes a free-for-all situation. Even in the evening, between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. same chaotic scene can be seen. The traffic policemen posted at the traffic lights also vanish somewhere during the peak hours. Given the situation, some major accident cannot be ruled out. The concerned authorities are requested to take necessary steps to eradicate this problem.
Yours truly
9. About Participation in the Campaign ‘Save Forests to Save Life’
You are Zahoor of Govt. Higher Secondary School, Batmaloo. You read an advertisement in the newspaper by an NGO about ‘Save Forests to Save Life’. As the Student Secretary, write a letter to the NGO, saying that you, along with some students of the school, want to participate in the awareness campaign. Write the letter in about 150 words, seeking information from the NGO about the expected role of students in it.
Govt. Higher Secondary School
15 April 20 _ _
The Green Planet
15 Subhash Nagar
Subject: About Participation in the Campaign, ‘Save Forests to Save Life’
I am the student secretary of our school. I have read your advertisement in a national daily. I, along with some students of our school, want to participate in the campaign, ‘Save Forests to Save Life’, launched by your NGO. The students feel very encouraged by your initiative to start an awareness programme to stop deforestation and to encourage tree plantation. To save our planet from global warming and ecological imbalance, it has become very necessary to conserve forests, and plant more and more trees. We, as students, feel it our duty to participate actively in this programme of yours. Please let us know how we can take part in this campaign so that more and more trees can be grown in our state. The cutting of trees must be stopped completely. Please guide us accordingly.
Yours sincerely
Student Secretary
10. Application for Marriage Leave
Write an application to the Principal of your school, requesting him/her for three days’ leave as you have to attend the marriage of your elder sister.
The Principal
Govt. High School
23 May 20 _ _
I beg to state that my elder sister’s marriage is going to take place on 26 May 20_ _. I have to help my parents in making arrangements for the marriage. For that I need three days leave. Kindly grant me marriage leave for three days’, from 24 May 20 _ _. to 26 May 20__. I will be very grateful to you.
Thanking you in anticipation
Your obediently
Shilpa Kansal
Class X-C
11. About the Telephones Lying Dead in Your Locality
You are Aparna, living at 10, Roop Nagar, Jammu. Many telephones of your area have been dead for the last 2 months in spite of several complaints. Write a letter to the Area Manager, Telephone Nigam Ltd, requesting him to get this serious fault repaired.
10 Roop Nagar
7 May 20 _ _
The Area Manager
Telephone Nigam Ltd.
I would like to bring to your notice the problem faced by the residents of Roop Nagar. Many telephones in the areas have been dead for the last two months. A lot of complaints have been made to the Roop Nagar Exchange in this regard. But the people at the exchange say that there is some serious problem with underground wires. The residents are facing a lot of problems due to this.
I, on the behalf of the residents of Roop Nagar, request you to look into the problem and get the fault repaired as early as possible.
Yours sincerely
12. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Super-50 Scheme
You are Shakher, a student of Super-50. Write a letter to the Director School Education, highlighting the advantages and the disadvantages of the scheme.
Boys’ Hostel
DCM School
18 March 20 _ _
The Director
School Education
Respected Sir
The scheme Super-50 is a very good idea to help the students in their preparation for entrance exams. Since the classes are free, they will not put any burden on the parents. And the teachers too are ready to devote their precious time to help the students. Students can have group discussions and exchange their ideas in their classes and thus enhance their knowledge. Moreover, the school canteens too will remain open till evening and the students can have snacks when they feel hungry.
However, this scheme has its disadvantages also. The duration of stay in the school for these classes will indeed be very long. It will prove very tiring for the students. Moreover, such a long stint with books can have an adverse effect on their health. Due to this, some parents may not send their children to such classes. And some parents may have already arranged the tuition classes for their children. Besides all this, providing computerised notes to the students and arranging transport for them will prove an extra financial burden for the schools.
Yours sincerely
13. About Hostel Life
You are Mohsin residing in a hostel. Inform your father in the form of a letter about hostel life seeking help from the information given in the box :
Hostel warden …………….. a strict disciplinarian ……………….. all facilities available ………………… reading room, playing facilities ………………. rooms spacious ………………… well ventilated ………………….. general cleanliness good ……………… after 8.30 p.m. ……………… no one can go out ………………….. peaceful environs ………………… little distractions ……………….. familiar and homely environment. |
Boys’ Hostel
DCM Sr. Sec. School
5 June 20 _ _
Dear Father
It was more than a week ago when I started living in the school hostel. In the beginning, I used to feel homesick but now I have become used to the life here. The hostel warden is a strict disciplinarian. Most of the students are scared of him. However, all facilities are available here. We have got a good reading room. There is also a provision of many indoor and outdoor games. The rooms are well ventilated. Great attention is given to general cleanliness. The environment is quite peaceful and homely. But we are not allowed to go out of the hostel after 8.30 p.m. Thus we get no opportunity to visit the malls, which I love to do sometimes.
Yours lovingly
14. Spread of Diseases During Summer
Shamji of 145, Karan Nagar, Srinagar, is concerned about the spread of diseases during summer and decides to write a letter to the Municipal Officer for creating awareness about the prevention of such diseases through Radio and through informative posters.
145 Karan Nagar
24 January 20 _ _
The Municipal Officer
Subject: Spread of Diseases during Summer
With the advent of summer, the danger of diseases increases manifold. It is chiefly because of the breeding of flies and mosquitoes during the summer months. They spread such diseases as malaria, cholera, jaundice and gastroenteritis. It becomes the duty of the Municipality to create awareness about the prevention of such diseases. It can be done through radio programmes and through informative posters. People should be educated about how to keep themselves safe from these diseases. For example, all food items should be kept covered because flies can leave harmful germs on them. Bacteria multiply very quickly in stale food. Therefore, only freshly-cooked food should be eaten. Many diseases are caused when we start eating with dirty hands. Therfore, hands must be washed clean with soap before preparing or eating any article of food. By following these simple ways, we can save ourselves from many diseases. It is the duty of the health authorities to educate people about all this.
Yours truly
15. Say No To Drugs
Shayan of Higher Secondary School, Dalgate, Srinagar, reads an advertisement in a newspaper from an NGO, ‘Say No To Drugs’.
As Secretary of the School Cultural / Moral Committee, write a letter to the NGO, in about 150 words, seeking information as to how the students of your school can take part in it.
Say No To Drugs
An NGO working to fight drug abuse, is organising an awareness programme on April 4, 20__ by putting up anti-drug posters all around, arranging counselling meetings, interacting with people and staging ‘Nukkar Shows’. If you want to extend co-operation, please write or contact :
Say No To Drugs,
111, Mughal Road,
Higher Secondary School
18 May 20__
The Secretary
Say No To Drugs (NGO)
111 Mughal Road
We feel pleased to know that you are organising an awareness programme to fight the abuse of drugs in our society. It is a great social cause and some students of our school want to take part in it. Could you please tell us how to participate in your programme ? Please tell us how we can help you in the putting up of anti-drug posters, arranging counselling meetings, interacting with people and staging Nukkar Shows. It would be a matter of pleasure for us to be able to lend help in your programme.
Yours sincerely
(Head Boy)
16. Advising to Participate in Sports
Salman’s friend is not feeling well for the last one month. He studies till late hours and never participates in sports activities. Imagine yourself to be Salman and write a letter to your friend, in about 150 words, requesting him to actively participate in sports.
145 Karan Nagar
12 April, 20__
10 Roop Nagar
Dear Saif
Your friend, Amir, met me today. He told me that you have been sick for the last one month. You study till late hours and do not care at all about your health. You never participate in any sports activities. Sports are a part and parcel of education. Health is wealth. You can’t have a sound mind without a sound body. No doubt, you are very good at studies, but you have a very poor health.
I advise as well as request you to be careful about your health. You should go for a walk daily. You should actively participate in sports. You must improve your health. If health is lost, everything is lost. Be a good boy. I hope you will act upon my abvice.
With love
Your loving friend
17. Inviting Your Family to Visit Pahalgam
Suhail has been camping at Pahalgam for the last 2 weeks and is desirous of inviting his family as well. Write a letter in about 150 words on the basis of this information.
Mountview Guest House
18 September, 20 _ _
Dear Papa
I have been camping here at Pahalgam for the last two weeks. Pahalgam is a world famous hill sation and is visited by thousands of tourists every year. It is 45 kilometres from Anantnag and is situated on the banks of Lidder River. It has always been a tourist attraction and a favourite place for shooting of Bollywood films. It is a health resort also. Besides tourist huts, there are several hotels that provide all the modern facilities for their guests. I have made friends with a local family here and they are very anxious to have all our family as their guests at Pahalgam. I think it would be a golden opportunity for you, Mom and Nisha to visit this place and enjoy the beauty of all the flora and fauna here. We would all have a great time together which you mustn’t miss. Please intimate immediately when you would be reaching here.
With love
Yours affectionately
Rohit Kumar
18. Permisson for Launching Cleanliness Drive
Write a letter to your school Principal seeking permission for launching Cleanliness Drive’ at the school.
Boys and Girls
18 March 20_ _
The Principal
Government Senior Secondary School
Subject: Permission for Launching Cleanliness Drive
Inspired by the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ of P.M. Sh. Narendra Modi, we, the students of Class X have decided to launch a Cleanliness Drive at our school. As you know, we have only one sweeper at our school. It is not possible for him to keep all the campus clean and tidy. By launching this Cleanliness Drive, we want to create an awareness among all the students of the school that keeping the campus clean is the joint responsibility of us all. And for that we shall be holding some meetings and also inter-class competitions. All the activities shall be held for a week in the last period daily. Kindly allow us to launch this drive for which we shall be very thankful to you.
Yours obediently
Mohsin Khan
Class Prefect
19. About Unusual Power Cuts
As a student of Class X preparing for Annual Examination 20 _ _, write a letter to a leading daily newspaper Editor about unusual power cuts and its adverse effect on your preparation in about 150 words.
64 Ashok Nagar
24 Feb 20 _ _
The Editor
The Kashmir Times
Subject: About Unusual Power Cuts
Through your esteemed paper, I want to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the problem of frequent power cuts in the Ashok Nagar area of the city. The residents of this locality are suffering from unusual power cuts for the last three months. Sometimes there are power cuts for the whole day. When enquiries are made from the nearest station, no satisfactory answer is given. Residents are put off with vague replies. The officials concerned are also very rude and indifferent to the difficulty of the residents. Poor students like me are the worst sufferers. I am a student of X class and my annual examinations are drawing near. Without proper power supply, it becomes almost impossible for the students to study and prepare for exams. The higher authorities of Electricity Board are requested to look into the matter at the earliest. The continuous power supply should be ensured so that the residents especially the students have not to suffer.
Yours faithfully
20. About the Insanitary Condition of Your Locality
Javed, a resident of Jawahar Nagar, while walking from his house to a meat shop, is aghast at the insanitary condition of his locality. Imagine yourself to be Javed. Write a letter in about 150 words, to the Health Officer, complaining about the same and requesting him for immediate remedial measures.
86 Jawahar Nagar
16 December 20 _ _
The Health Officer
Jammu Division
The sanitary condition of the locality (Jawahar Nagar) I live in, is deplorably poor. The area remains littered with heaps of rubbish. The drains are hardly ever cleaned. The shopkeepers of the area seem to have become used to it. They don’t care about the unhealthy condition of their own shops. Swarms of flies greet the customers in every shop. The butcher of the area keeps the meat in the open and flies keep buzzing over it. There is always the danger of an epidemic breaking out in the area. You are requested to take some immediate measures to deal with the situation.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Javed Akhtar
21. A Letter of Sympathy to Your Friend
Your friend ‘Sheeba’ has failed in Class 10th, Annual Examination recently out, write a letter of sympathy to your friend, encouraging and advising her that failure is a stepping stone to success.
55 Court Road
18 March 20__
My dear Sheeba
The result of the Matriculation Examination was out today. I was sorry to find that you have failed this time.
In fact, your failure did not surprise me much. You fell ill just before your examination. The doctor had advised you complete rest, yet you appeared in the examination. You could hardly walk to the Examination Hall.
I advise you not to lose heart. After all, you are not to blame. Examinations are not a true test of one’s ability. Much depends on chance. Moreover failure is a stepping stone to success. So please do not take your failure to heart. Keep up your spirits. Work hard for the next year. God will bless you with success next time.
Yours sincerely
22. A Letter to Father Requesting him to Engage a Tutor
Write a letter to your father requesting him to engage a tutor for you as you could not complete your course due to COVID-19.
23 Model Town
25 Dec. 20 _ _
Respected Father
As you know, due to the fast spread of the pandemic Covid-19, schools have been closed. On-line classes have been provided to the students so that their courses in studies could be covered. I and my classmate Amit who lives in our neighbourhood were attending the on-line classes together at his laptop. As you know, about two weeks before, I had got high fever. When I consulted the doctor, he asked me to have a Corona test. I got the test done. The report was positive. The doctor advised me to immediately quarantine myself at home for fifteen days. I followed his instructions and stayed at home. Thus due to Covid-19, I could not complete my study course. Now I am feeling quite well and have recovered fully. Dear father, annual exams are drawing near. I need a tutor who can help me in completing my pending course in studies. I am weak in Maths and Science. Please arrange a tutor who can help me in these two subjects. I will cover the rest of the subjects myself.
With deep regards
Your loving son
23. About Power Failures
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining against frequent power failure in your locality.
C-51 Vikaspuri
6 June 20 _ _
The Manager
J & K Electric Supply Undertaking
Subject: Frequent Power Failures in Our Area
I regret to inform your honour about the frequent power failures for the last about three months in the Vikaspuri area of this city. In these hot months, it becomes unbearable to do without electric power for even a few minutes. But you can imagine the lot of people when they have to go without it for the whole day and night. And there is a power failure every day for long hours in the evening. Due to this people have to suffer a lot regarding their work. When enquiries are made from the nearest station, no satisfactory answer is given. Residents are put off with vague replies. The officials concerned are also very rude and indifferent to the difficulty of the residents. Poor students are the worst sufferers. The examinations are drawing near. Without proper power supply, it becomes almost impossible for them to study. It is requested that continuous power supply should be ensured so that the residents have not to suffer.
Yours faithfully
Manoj Kumar
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