JKBOSE 9th Class English Solutions chapter – 24 IF I WERE YOU
JKBOSE 9th Class English Solutions chapter – 24 IF I WERE YOU
JKBOSE 9th Class English Solutions chapter – 24 IF I WERE YOU
Jammu & Kashmir State Board JKBOSE 9th Class English Solutions
Jammu & Kashmir State Board class 9th English Solutions
J&K State Board class 9 English Solutions
When the curtain rises, we see Gerrard talking on the phone to someone. From his talk, it appears that he is leaving the place in a few minutes. But before that, he expects someone to ring him up. He puts down the phone and starts packing a travelling bag. Suddenly, a man enters from the right. He is similar in build to Gerrard and has a revolver in his hand. He orders Gerrard to put his hands up.
Gerrard puts his hands up, but remains calm. He talks to the intruder pleasantly. The intruder warns Gerrard to stop being smart, and answer his questions. Gerrard says that he knows all the answers, but he wants to change his position. ange his position F because he is not feeling comfortable with his hands lifted up. The intruder allows Gerrard to sit in a chair. He seats himself on the divan by the side of Gerrard’s bag.
The intruder says that he wants to know a few things about Gerrard. At this, Gerrard starts telling the intruder the story of his life. The intruder at once says, “Keep it to yourself and just answer my questions. Do you live here alone?” He asks Gerrard some other questions, but he already knows all their answers. Gerrard says to him very cleverly, “Since you know so much about me, won’t you say something about yourself ?”
From the intruder’s way of talking, Gerrard at once realizes that he is a foolish, boastful fellow. He feels that it won’t be difficult for him to fool the intruder. He doesn’t take any of his threats seriously. He keeps talking to him in a light-hearted manner. During his conversation, the intruder tells Gerrard that the real purpose of his coming there was to kill Gerrard.
Even now Gerrard shows so sign of fear. He only says, “Why add murder to your other crimes?” At this the intruder says, “I’m wanted for murder already. They can’t hang me twice.” Gerrard asks the intruder what he would gain by murdering him. At this, the intruder explains his whole plan. He says that after killing Gerrard, he would take on his identity and start living like Gerrard. To look exactly like Gerrard, he would only have to wear specs and Gerrard’s clothes. Then he would have no fear of cops. He would be able to eat and sleep peacefully.
At once Gerrard makes up a clever story. He tells the intruder that he, too, is a that he, too, is a criminal like him. He, too, has killed someone and the police is after him. Even if the intruder kills Gerrard, and takes on his identity, he can’t save himself from being hanged. Then he would be hanged as Gerrard, if not as the intruder. He tells the intruder that he can help him in getting away from there in his car. He says that ha has posted a man on the road who would ring him up if he saw the police.
We know that Gerrard was already waiting for someone’s phone. Now when the phone rings, Gerrard says that it could be the police. The intruder becomes panicky Gerrard opens a door and asks the intruder to get inside. He says that through this door, they will go straight to the garage. And from there, they can escape in his car The intruder turns his head to step in. At once, Gerrard pushes him in and snatches the revolver from his hand. Then he slams the door and locks it.
It was, in fact, the door of a cupboard, not a door to the garage. The intruder rattles the door. He shouts to let him out. Gerrard moves towards the phone that has been ringing all the time. He picks up the phone receiver. He tells the man at the other end that he couldn’t deliver the props of rehearsal because he was caught up in some amusing trouble. He tells the man to find out the Sergeant, and ask him to come up there at once.
जब पर्दा उठता है तो हम गैरार्ड को टेलीफोन पर किसी से बात करते हुए देखते हैं। उसकी बात से ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि वह कुछ ही मिनटों में वहां से जाने वाला है। किन्तु उससे पहले उसे वहां किसी से टेलीफोन आने की प्रतीक्षा है। वह फोन नीचे रख देता है और एक ट्रैवेलिंग बैग को बांधने लगता है। अचानक दाई तरफ से एक आदमी प्रवेश करता है। वह देखने में गैरार्ड के जैसा लगता है और उसने अपने हाथ में रिवॉल्वर पकड़ा हुआ है। वह गैरार्ड को अपने हाथ ऊपर उठाने का आदेश देता है। गैरार्ड अपने हाथ ऊपर उठा लेता है, किन्तु वह शान्त बना रहता है। वह घुसपैठिए के साथ मैत्रीपूर्ण ढंग से बातें करता रहता है। घुसपैठिया गैरार्ड को चेतावनी देता है कि वह चालाक बनने की कोशिश न करे और उसके प्रश्नों का उत्तर दे। गैराई कहता है कि वह उसके सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर जानता है, किन्तु पहले वह अपनी स्थिति बदलना चाहता है क्योंकि उसने अपने हाथ ऊपर उठाए हुए हैं और ऐसे में वह सुविधा महसूस नहीं कर रहा है। घुसपैठिया गैरार्ड को कुर्सी पर बैठने की इजाज़त दे देता है। स्वयं वह दीवान पर रखे गैरार्ड के बैग की बगल में बैठ जाता है।
घुसपैठिया कहता है कि वह गैरार्ड से कुछ प्रश्न पूछना चाहता है। गैरार्ड उसे अपने जीवन की कहानी सुनाने लगता है। इस पर घुसपैठिया तुरन्त कहता है, “यह सब अपने पास रखो और केवल मेरे प्रश्नों का उत्तर दो। क्या तुम यहां अकेले रहते हो ?” वह गैरार्ड से कुछ अन्य प्रश्न पूछता है, किन्तु वह पहले ही इन सब के उत्तर जानता है। गैरार्ड बहुत चालाकीपूर्वक उससे कहता है, “क्योंकि तुम मेरे बारे में इतना कुछ जानते हो, क्या तुम मुझे अपने बारे में कुछ नहीं बताओगे ?”
घुसपैठिए की बातों से गैरार्ड तुरन्त समझ जाता है कि वह एक मूर्ख, डींगबाज़ व्यक्ति है जिसे मूर्ख बनाना उसके लिए कठिन नहीं होगा। वह उसकी किसी भी धमकी को गम्भीरता से नहीं लेता है तथा उसके साथ हल्के-फुल्के मजाकिया ढंग से बातें करता रहता है। गैरार्ड के साथ अपने वार्तालाप के दौरान घुसपैठिया उसे बतलाता है कि उसका वहां आने का वास्तविक उद्देश्य गैरार्ड की हत्या करने का है।
अब भी गैराई भय का कोई चिह्न प्रदर्शित नहीं करता है। वह केवल इतना कहता है, “अपने अन्य अपराधों के साथ तुम हत्या को क्यों शामिल करना चाहते हो ?” इस पर घुसपैठिया कहता है, “हत्या की वजह से पहले ही मेरी तलाश हो रही है। वे मुझे दो बार फांसी पर नहीं लटका सकते हैं।” गैरार्ड घुसपैठिए से पूछता है कि उसकी हत्या करने से उसे क्या लाभ प्राप्त होगा। इस पर घुसपैठिया अपनी पूरी योजना बतलाता है। वह कहता है कि गैरार्ड को मारने के बाद वह उसका वेश धारण कर लेगा और फिर गैरार्ड के रूप में रहना शुरू कर देगा। पूरी तरह गैरार्ड के जैसा दिखने के लिए उसे केवल चश्मा लगाना होगा और गैरार्ड के वस्त्र पहनने पड़ेंगे। इस तरह उसे पुलिस वालों का कोई डर नहीं रहेगा और फिर वह शान्तिपूर्वक खा-पी सकेगा और सो सकेगा।
गैरार्ड तुरन्त एक चालाकी भरी कहानी गढ़ लेता है । वह घुसपैठिए से कहता है कि उसकी भांति वह भी एक अपराधी है। उसने भी किसी की हत्या की हुई है और पुलिस उसके पीछे लगी हुई है। इसलिए यदि घुसपैठिया उसे मार भी देगा और उसका वेश धारण कर लेगा तो भी वह स्वयं को फांसी से नहीं बचा सकेगा। फिर उसे यदि स्वयं घुसपैठिए के रूप में नहीं तो गैरार्ड के रूप में फांसी दे दी जाएगी। वह घुसपैठिए से कहता है कि वह उसे अपनी कार में बिठा कर वहां से भागने में उसकी मदद कर सकता है। वह कहता है कि उसने सड़क पर एक आदमी को खड़ा कर रखा है जो उसे फोन कर देगा यदि उसे कोई पुलिस वाले दिखलाई दिए।
हम जानते हैं कि गैरार्ड पहले ही किसी के फोन की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था। अब जब टेलीफोन की घंटी बजती है तो गैरार्ड कह देता है कि वहां पुलिस वाले हो सकते थे। इस से घुसपैठिया घबरा जाता है। गैरार्ड एक दरवाज़ा खोलता है और घुसपैठिए को अन्दर जाने के लिए कहता है। वह कहता है कि वहां से होते हुए वे सीधे उसके गराज में पहुंच जाएंगे और वहां से वे उसकी कार में बैठ कर भाग जाएंगे। किन्तु ज्योंही घुसपैठिया अन्दर कदम रखने के लिए अपना सिर घुमाता है, गैरार्ड उसे अन्दर धकेल देता है और उसका रिवाल्वर छीन लेता है। फिर वह धड़ाम से दरवाजा बन्द कर लेता है और इसे ताला लगा देता है ।
वास्तव में यह किसी गराज को जाने का नहीं, अपितु एक अलमारी का दरवाज़ा था । घुसपैठिया दरवाज़े को खड़खड़ाता है कहता है कि उसे वहां से बाहर निकाला जाए । गैरार्ड फोन की तरफ़ बढ़ता है जो इस पूरे समय के दौरान बज रहा होता है। वह फोन उठाता है और दूसरी तरफ वाले आदमी को बताता है कि वह रिहर्सल सम्बन्धी सामग्री को पहुंचा नहीं पाया है क्योंकि वह एक मज़ेदार मुसीबत में फंसा हुआ है। वह उस आदमी से कहता है कि वह जा कर थानेदार को ढूंढे और उसे वहां तुरन्त आने को कहे।
(Page 134) GERRARD: Anything you like. I know all the answers. But before we begin I should like to change my position; you may be comfortable, but I am not.
INTRUDER : Sit down there, and no funny business. (Motions to a chair, and seats Ba himself on the divan by the bag.) Now then, we’ll have a nice little talk about yourself !
1. What does Gerrard mean by Anything you like.” ?
2. What does the expression, I know all the answers.” mean ?
3. Why does Gerrard want to change his position ?
4. What is the ‘nice little talk the intruder refers to ?
5. Who proves cleverer in the end, Gerrard or the intruder ?
1. He means to say that the intruder can ask any question he likes from Gerrard.
2. The given expression means that Gerrard is confident of giving correct answers to any questions the intruder might like to put to him.
3. It is because he does not feel comfortable with his hands raised over his head on the orders of the intruder.
4. By the nice little talk’, the intruder means that Gerrard should tell him everything about himself so that the intruder can take on the identity of Gerrard.
5. Doubtlessly, it is Gerrard who proves far wiser than the intruder. He locks the intruder in a cupboard and prepares for handing him over to police.
(Page 136) GERRARD: In most melodramas, the villain is foolish enough to delay his killing long enough to be frustrated. You are much luckier.
INTRUDER: I’m OK. I’ve got a reason for everything. I’m going to be Vincent Charles Gerrard, see. I’ve got to know what he talks like. Now I know. That posh stuff comes easy. This is Mr V.C. Gerrard speaking. (Pantomime of phoning, in imitation cultured voice.) And that’s not all. (He stands up.) Get up a minute. (Gerrard. stands.) Now take a look at me.
(A) (i) What is a melodrama ?
(ii) What, according to Gerrard, does a villain do in a melodrama ?
(iii) What does the intruder want from all this ?
(B) Choose the most appropriate options :
(i) How does Gerrard behave during the passage ?
(a) Very confidently. (b) Awed by the intruder.
(c) Filled with fear. (d) Hoping for the best.
(ii) Gerrard is actually waiting for a chance to ………. the intruder.
(a) fool (b) trap
(c) influence (d) all of these three.
(iii) The word ‘imitation’ means …….. .
(a) fooling around (b) trapping
(c) the act of copying. (d) influencing deeply.
(C) What does the intruder say with confidence ?
(A) (i) A melodrama is a work of fiction that is full of exciting events and in which characters and the emotions seem to be exaggerated.
(i) According to him, the villain foolishly delays the killing so much that ultimately his plans dash to the ground.
(iii) He wants to take on the identity of Gerrard. For that, he has to know everything about him, including the manner of speaking.
(B) (i) (a) Very confidently. (ii) (d) all of these three (iii) (c) the act of copying. He says that he now knows how Gerrard talks.
(C) He says proudly that now he can comfortably live as Mr. V.C. Gerrard after killing him.
(Page 137) INTRUDER: (preparing to shoot) As I said before, this conversation bores me.
GERRARD : Don’t be a fool. If you shoot, you’ll hang for sure. If not as yourself, then as Vincent Charles Gerrard.
INTRUDER : What is this ?
GERRARD : This is your big surprise. I said you wouldn’t kill me and I was right. Why do you think I am here today and gone tomorrow, never see tradespeople ? You say my habits would suit you. You are a crook. Do you think I am a Sunday-school teacher ?
1. Why is the intruder preparing to shoot Gerrard ?
2. Why does Gerrard tell the intruder not to be a fool ?
3. Why does Gerrard mention ‘a Sunday-school teacher’ ?
1. He wants to kill Gerrard and then start living as Gerrard comfortably for the rest of his life.
2. He wants to tell the intruder that after killing Gerrard, he would not be able to live long since he would one day be hanged because the real Gerrard has killed a policeman.
3. Gerrard wants the intruder to believe that he is also a crook like the intruder; the intruder should not take him for a saint or a religious man.
Thinking About the Text
Q. 1. “At last a sympathetic audience.”
(i) Who says this ?
(ii) Why did he say this ?
(iii) Is he sarcastic or serious ?
Ans.— (i) Gerrard says these words.
(ii) He said this to win the confidence of the intruder.
(iii) He is sarcastic.
Q. 2. Why does the intruder choose Gerrard as the man whose identity he wants to take on ?
Ans.— The intruder is a criminal. He has killed a cop. The police is after him. He can be hanged if he is caught. He sees that Gerrard looks quite like him. So he decides to kill him. He can then live as Gerrard and never be caught.
Q. 3. “I said it with bullets.”
(i) Who says this ?
(ii) What does it mean ?
(iii) Is it the truth ? Why does the speaker say this? What is the speaker’s reason for saying this ?
Ans.— (i) Gerrard says this.
(ii) It means that Gerrard has killed someone.
(iii) No, this s is not the truth. He says this only to fool the intruder. He wants to convince him that he, too, is a criminal like him.
Q. 4. What is Gerrard’s profession? Quote the parts of the play that support your answer.
Ans.— His profession is related with the theatre. We know this when he says on phone to the man on the other side, “I can’t let you have the props in time for rehearsal.”
Q. 5. “You’ll soon stop being smart.”
(i) Who says this ?
(ii) Why does the speaker say it ?
(iii) What, according to the speaker, will stop Gerrard from being smart ?
Ans.— (i) The intruder says this.
(ii) He says this because Gerrard seems to have no fear of the intruder.
(iii) He says that he will with his make Gerrard crawl. He also threatens to hit him gun. This, he says, will stop Gerrard from being smart.
Q. 6. “They can’t hang me twice.”
(i) Who says this ?
(ii) Why does the speaker say it ?
Ans.— (i) The intruder says this to Gerrard.
(ii) The intruder has already killed a cop. He can be hanged for it. Now he has planned to kill Gerrard also. That is why he says that he can’t be hanged twice if he is caught.
Q. 7. “A mystery I propose to explain.” What is the mystery the speaker proposes to explain ?
Ans.— He wants to tell the intruder that he, too, has killed a man and the police is after him.
Q. 8. “This is your big surprise.”
(i) Where has this been said in the play ?
(ii) What is the surprise ?
Ans.— (i) It has been said when the intruder prepares to shoot Gerrard.
(ii) Gerrard tells the intruder that he himself has killed a man and the police is after him. He says that one of his men has been caught and the police is expected there any moment.
Q. 9. Imagine you are Gerrard. Tell your friend what happened when the intruder broke into your house.
Ans.— This morning, I was about to leave home when a man broke into my house. He had a revolver in his hand. He was flashily dressed in an overcoat and was wearing a hat. He quite resembled me in his looks. He ordered me to put my hands up, but I was not afraid. I kept my presence of mind and talked pleasantly with him. From his conversation with me, I at once realized that he was a bit of a fool. He told me that he wanted to kill me and then take on my identity. He said that he had killed a cop and the police was after him. I at once made up a story to have him in my trap. I said that I myself had murdered someone and the police was after me. I told him that I had planned to run away from there in my car. I offered to take him also with me. The fool implime was taken in by my words. I showed him a door, that I said would open into the garage. In fact, it was the door of a large cupboard. As soon as the fool turned his head to step in, I pushed him in and knocked the revolver out of his hand. I slammed the door and locked it. The fool kept rattling the door and shouting to let him out from there. I sent for a friend of mine who is a Sergeant and handed him over to the police.
Language Work
I. Choose the correct word from the pairs given in brackets.
1. The (site, cite) of the accident was (ghastly, ghostly).
2. Our college (principle, principal) is very strict.
3. I studied (continuously, continually) for eight hours.
4. The fog had an adverse (affect, effect) on the traffic.
5. Cezanne, the famous French painter, was a brilliant (artist, artiste).
6. The book that you gave me yesterday is an extraordinary (collage, college) of science, fiction and mystery.
7. Our school will (host, hoist) an exhibition on cruelty to animals and wildlife conservation.
8. Screw the lid tightly onto the top of the bottle and (shake, shape) well before using the contents.
Hints : 1. site, ghastly 2. principal 3. continuously 4. effect 5. artist 6. collage 7. host 8. shake.
II. Irony is when we say one thing but mean another, usually the opposite of what we say.
Read the play carefully and find the words and expressions Gerrard uses in an ironic way. Write down three such expressions.
What the character says | What he means |
1. You have been so modest. | 1. He means to say that the intruder has talked to him rudely and roughly. |
2. With you figuring so largely in it, that is understandable. | 2. He means to say that he can’t ad understand why the intruder has broken into his cottage. |
3. A little harsh, isn’t it ? | 3. The intruder is going to kill Gerrard. Therefore, he means to say that it is very harsh to kill him. |
• Look up the dictionary entries for the words sympathy, familiarity, comfort, care and surprise. Use the information given in the foot pu dictionary and complete the table.
Noun | Adj. | Adv. | Verb | Meaning |
sympathy | sympathetic | sympathetically | sympathise | Look up |
familiarity | familiar | familiarly | familiarize | in |
comfort | comfortable | comfortably | comfort | your |
care | careful | carefully | care | dictionary |
surprise | surprising | surprisingly | surprise | |
love | loving | lovingly | love | |
beauty | beautiful | beautifully | beautify | |
thought | thoughtful | thoughtfully | think | |
hope | hopeful | hopefully | hope |
fear | fearful | fearfully | fear |
Writing Work
I. Which of the words below describe Gerrard and which describe the Intruder ?
smart , humorous, clever, beautiful, cool, confident, flashy, witty, nonchalant
Write a paragraph about Gerrard and the Intruder to show what qualities they have.
Ans.— Gerrard : smart, humorous, clever, beautiful, cool, confident, nonchalant, witty.
Intruder : flashy.
Gerrard is very intelligent. He has a great presence of mind. And he has a sense of humour also. The intruder, on the other hand, is foolish, flashy and cowardly. He has a revolver in his hand. Gerrard proves the stronger. He remains calm. He keeps his presence of mind. He talks to the intruder in a pleasant manner. He even tries to be humorous. He never lets the situation become very serious. He never says anything that can make the intruder very angry. He wins the intruder’s confidence. He gets everything out of him. Then he makes up a clever story. The intruder is taken in by it. He gets locked in the cupboard.
II. Convert the play into a story (150-200 words). Your story should be as exciting and as witty as the play. Provide a suitable title to it.
Ans.— A Perfect Actor could be a suitable title of this story. This play tells the story of a criminal who breaks into a lonely house. A man named Gerrard lives in this house. The intruder has killed a cop and the police are after him. He knows that Gerrard has a great physical resemblance to him. So he has planned to kill Gerrard and take on his identity. But Gerrard proves too smart for the intruder. He makes up a story to fool the intruder. He tells the intruder that he, too, is a criminal like him. He says that he has also killed someone and the police are after him. He tells the intruder that he can help him in getting away from there in his car. He opens a door and asks the intruder to get inside. He says that through that door, they can go straight to the garage. But as soon as the intruder steps in, Gerrard shuts the door and locks it. It was not the way to a garage. It was the door of a cupboard ! Thus Gerrard traps the intruder very cleverly. Then he sends for the police to arrest him.
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