JKBOSE 9th Class English Solutions chapter – 3 SAINT OF THE GUTTERS
JKBOSE 9th Class English Solutions chapter – 3 SAINT OF THE GUTTERS
JKBOSE 9th Class English Solutions chapter – 3 SAINT OF THE GUTTERS
Jammu & Kashmir State Board JKBOSE 9th Class English Solutions
Jammu & Kashmir State Board class 9th English Solutions
J&K State Board class 9 English Solutions
Mother Theresa was one of the greatest figures of the twentieth century. She did not hold any powerful position in politics or government, yet she ruled over the hearts and minds of countless numbers of people in almost every country. She was awarded the highest honours, including the Nobel Peace Prize. She had no material possessions of her own. She had dedicated herself to a life of poverty and a humble submission to God.
Mother Theresa was born on 26 August, 1910 in Skopje (a city now in Yugoslavia). She was named Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. Her father was a successful businessman. He died when she was eight. She was brought up by her mother, Drana. Right from her childhood, Agnes loved to spend her time in the church. She was also a keen listener to stories of Christian Missionaries. Their life of dedication fascinated her.
Once, when she was fifteen, she was on a trip to the mountains. Suddenly, she had a feeling that someone was calling out to her, saying, “Follow God and serve others.” She now decided to leave home and become a nun. She decided to lead a life of poverty and chastity. She also resolved that she would go to Kolkata in India to serve the poorest of the poor.
Agnes arrived in Kolkata in 1929. She spent her time in learning Hindi and Bengali. Then she began to teach in schools run by the Sisters of Loreto, first at Darjeeling and then at Kolkata. She took her final vows as a nun in 1937 and assumed the name “Theresa’.
One day in 1946, when she was travelling in a traín from Kolkata to Darjeeling, she again heard a voice. It was like the one she had heard before. It told her that now she must leave the convent and help the poor by living with them.
Mother Theresa asked her church order to give her permission to leave the convent and to start a new order of nuns. She got the permission and the order of the Missionaries of Charity’ was born in 1948.
Now she gave up her. nun’s habit and dressed in a cotton blue-bordered white sari which reflected her simplicity. She wanted to look like the poor Indian women, who dressed similarly with their heads covered by the sari. She set up Nirmal Hriday, home for the poor, the orphans and the dying. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her exemplary selfless work.
Before her death in 1997, she had opened a number of branches of Missionaries of Charity’ in many different countries.
Mother Theresa was truly a saint of our times. She brought comfort to the destitute. She gave care to those who had no one to care for them. She made the most insignificant and unwanted humans feel that God, through the agency of Mother Theresa, remembered them.
मदर टेरेसा बीसवीं सदी के महानतम् व्यक्तियों में से एक थीं वह राजनीति या सरकार में किसी ऊंची पदवी पर विराजमान नहीं थीं फिर भी उन्होंने लगभग प्रत्येक देश में अनगिनत लोगों के दिलों और मनों पर शासन किया। उन्हें उच्चतम् सम्मान प्रदान किए गए जिनमें शान्ति के लिए नोबेल पुरस्कार भी था। उनके पास स्वयम् की कोई भौतिक वस्तु नहीं थी। उन्होंने स्वयम् को निर्धनता वाले जीवन और ईश्वर के प्रति विनम्र समर्पण के लिए अर्पित कर दिया।
मदर टेरेसा का जन्म 26 अगस्त, 1910 को स्कोपजे (अब युगोस्लाविया का एक शहर) में हुआ। उनका नाम एग्नेज गोनक्सहा बोजाख्युि रखा गया। उसके पिता एक सफल व्यापारी थे। जब वह आठ वर्ष की थीं तो उनके पिता की मृत्यु हो गई। उनकी मां, ड्राना, ने उसे पाल-पोस कर बड़ा किया। बचपन से ही एग्नेज़ अपना समय गिरजाघर में व्यतीत करना पसन्द करती थीं। वह उत्सुकतापूर्वक ईसाई प्रचारकों की कहानियां सुना करती थीं। उनके समर्पित जीवन से वह आकर्षित हो गई।
एक बार, जब वह पन्द्रह वर्ष की थीं, वह पहाड़ों पर घूमने गई। अचानक उन्हें अनुभव हुआ कि जैसे कोई उन्हें यह कह कर पुकार रहा है, “ईश्वर के बताए रास्ते पर चलो और दूसरों की सेवा करो।” अब उन्होंने घर छोड़ने और एक मठवासिनी बनने का निर्णय किया। उन्होंने निर्धनता और पवित्रता का जीवन व्यतीत करने का निर्णय किया। उन्होंने यह भी प्रण किया कि वह निर्धनतम् लोगों की सेवा करने के लिए भारत में कोलकाता जाएगी।
एग्नेज़ 1929 में कोलकाता आ गईं। उन्होंने हिन्दी और बांग्ला सीखने में अपना समय बिताया । फिर वह लोरेटो की सिस्टरों द्वारा चलाए गए स्कूलों में पढ़ाने लगी, पहले दार्जीलिंग और फिर कोलकाता में । मठवासिनी के रूप में उन्होंने 1937 में अपनी अन्तिम शपथें लीं और ‘टेरेसा’ नाम ग्रहण कर लिया ।
एक दिन 1946 में वह कोलकाता से रेलगाड़ी द्वारा दार्जीलिंग की यात्रा कर रही थीं। उन्हें दुबारा एक आवाज़ सुनाई दी। यह आवाज़ उस पहले जैसी आवाज़ ही थी जो उन्होंने सुनी थी। इसने उन्हें कहा कि उन्हें मठ छोड़ देना चाहिए और निर्धनों के बीच रह कर उनकी सहायता करनी चाहिए ।
मदर टेरेसा ने अपने गिरजे से मठ छोड़ने की और मठवासनियों की एक नई परम्परा शुरू करने की अनुमति मांगी। उन्हें अनुमति मिल गई और 1948 में ‘मिश्नरीज़ ऑफ चेरिटी’ का जन्म हुआ।
अब उन्होंने मठवासनियों के वस्त्र त्याग दिए और नीले बार्डर वाली सूती साड़ी पहननी शुरू कर दी जो उनकी सादगी को प्रदर्शित करती थी। उन्होंने निर्धनों, अनाथों और मर रहे लोगों के लिए ‘निर्मल हृदय’ नामक आश्रम की स्थापना की। 1979 में उसे उन्होंने अनुकरणीय निष्काम कार्यों के लिए नोबेल शान्ति पुरस्कार दिया गया ।
1997 में अपनी मृत्यु से पहले उन्होंने कई विभिन्न देशों में ‘मिश्नरीज ऑफ चेरिटी’ की शाखाएं स्थापित कीं। मदर टेरेसा हमारे समय की वास्तव में ही एक सन्त थीं। उन्होंने निराश्रय लोगों को ढांढस बंधाया। उन्होंने उन लोगों की सेवा की जिनकी परवाह करने के लिए कोई नहीं था। उन्होंने अत्यन्त महत्त्वहीन और अवांछित लोगों को यह महसूस करवा दिया कि ईश्वर, मदर टेरेसा के द्वारा, उन्हें याद रखता था ।
(Page 19) One of the greatest figures of the twentieth century is a woman, known all over the world as Mother Theresa. She did not hold any powerful position in
politics or government, yet she ruled over the hearts and minds of countless numbers of people in almost every country. She was awarded the highest honours by a grateful world, including the Nobel Peace Prize. She had no material possessions of her own, as she had dedicated herself to a life of poverty and a humble submission to God, yet the rich, the famous and the powerful flocked to her to become a part of her mission and to give some real meaning to their lives.
(A)(i) Give the name of the lesson and the writer.
(ii) What position did Mother Theresa hold in the government ?
(iii) Who flocked to her and why ?
(B) Choose the most appropriate options :
(i) The word ‘flocked’ as used here means ………
(a) came in large numbers (b) discussed (c) came for becoming disciple (d) became on unruly mob.
(ii) The word ‘countless’ here is ……..
(a) a noun became on unruly mob. (b) an adjective (c) an adverb. (d) a conjunction.
(iii) What was the highest award bestowed on her ?
(a) gratefulness (b) respect (c) possessions (d) Nobel Peace Prize.
(C) Why did Mother Theresa have no material possessions ?
(A) (i) The name of the lesson is ‘Saint of the Gutters’. The name of the writer is Prof. Neerja Mattoo.
(ii) She had no political ambitions and so did not hold any position in the government.
(iii) The rich, the famous and the powerful flocked to her to become a part of her mission of service.
(B) (i) (a) came in large numbers (ii) (b) an adjective (iii) (d) Nobel Peace Prize.
(C) She had dedicated herself to a life of service and poverty. The material possessions had no value or attraction to her.
(Page 20) Her father, a successful businessman, died when she was eight. Then the family was looked after by the mother, Drana, whose skill at stitching and needlecraft provided her with a livelihood. The family was raised in a devout Roman Catholic tradition. Right from her childhood, Agnes would love to spend time in the church, decorating it with flowers, hanging flags and banners for festivals and singing in the church choir. She was also a keen listener to stories of Christian Missionaries going to different parts of the world to serve, educate and tend to the poor, the illiterate and the sick.
1. Who does this passage refer to ?
2. Who were Drana and Agnes ?
3. What helped Drana to look after her family after her heb ber sie an od be womek or dos ods husband’s death ?
4. Where did Agnes love to spend her time ? What would she do there?
5. What stories did Agnes love to hear ?
6. Use the phrase ‘look after’ in a sentence of your own.
1. It refers to Mother Theresa who has been called the ‘Saint of the Gutters’.
2. Drana and Agnes were mother and daughter. Agnes was the childhood name of Mother Theresa.
3. It was her skill at stitching and needlecraft.
4. She loved to spend her time in the church. There she would decorate the building with flowers, hang flags and banners for festivals, and sing in the church choir.
5. She loved to hear the stories of Christian Missionaries, going to different parts of the world to serve, educate and tend the poor.
6. It is the duty of parents to look after their children.
(Page 20) While teaching the Indian girl students from affluent backgrounds at St. Mary’s School, Kolkata, Sister Theresa, as she was now called, could not keep her eyes away from the desperately poor and homeless who lived on the streets of the city, in slums. The conditions in which they existed were appallingly unhygienic. The filth and stink were nauseating and it was no wonder that they suffered from all kinds of disease.
1. Who did Sister Theresa teach and where ?
2. What name was Sister Theresa known by earlier ?
3. What could she not help doing while doing his job as a teacher ?
4. What was the condition of people living in Kolkata slums ?
5. What has been said to be ‘nauseating’ ?
6. Which word in the passage means having a lot of money and a good standard of living’ ?
1. She taught the Indian girl students at St. Mary’s School. The students were all from affluent families.
2. She was known by the name of Agnes.
3. She couldn’t help watching the poor and homeless people living on the streets and in slums.
4. They lived in most unhygienic conditions and suffered from all kinds of disease.
5. The filth and stink of the city slums has been said to be nauseating.
6. affluent = having a lot of money and a good standard of living.
(Page 21) Now she gave up her nun’s habit and dressed in a cotton blue-bordered white sari which reflected her simplicity. She wanted to look like the poor Indian women, who dressed similarly with their heads covered by the sari. She set up Nirmal Hriday, home and hospices for the poor, the orphans and the dying. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
(A) (i) Who does ‘she’ in the passage refer to ?
(ii) What reflected her simplicity ?
(iii) What is Nirmal Hriday ?
(B) Choose the most appropriate options:
(i) ‘Similar’ in the passage means ……… .
(a) same (b) different (c) unlike (d) exact.
(ii) The word ‘reflected’ is used as ……… .
(a) a noun, be (b) a verb (c) an adjective (d) none of these three.
(iii) She was awarded …….. .
(a) Nobel Prize for Literature (b) Nobel Prize for Physics (c) Nobel Prize for economics (d) Nobel Prize for Peace.
(C) What do you mean by the words, ‘nun’s habit’ ?
(A) (i) The word ‘she’ in the passage refers to Mother Theresa.
(ii) She wore a simple cotton blue-bordered white sari in place of a nun’s usual dress. It reflected her simplicity.
(iii) Nirmal Hriday is a home and hospices for the poor, the orphans and the dying.
(B) (i) (a) same (ii) (b) a verb (iii) (d) Nobel Prize for Peace.
(C) The words, ‘nun’s habit’, refer to the prescribed dress for the nuns.
(Page 21) Before her death in 1997, she oversaw the opening of branches of her Missionaries of Charity in a number of countries to continue her work among the poorest of the poor.
Mother Theresa used to say that one must give love till it hurts. She was truly a saint of our times, who brought comfort to the destitute, gave care to those who had no one to care for them and made the most insignificant and unwanted humans feel that God, through the agency of Mother Theresa, remembered them.
1. When did Mother Theresa die ?
2. What was her purpose in the opening of various branches of ‘Missionaries of Charity’ ?
3. What would Mother Theresa say about giving love ?
4. How can Mother Theresa be called a true saint of our times ?
5. What did she make the most unwanted humans feel ?
6. Which word in the passage means ‘without money, food and the other necessary things for life’?
1. She died in 1997.
2. Her purpose was that her work among the poorest of the poor should continue through these branches.
3. She would say that one must give love till it hurts.
4. She brought comfort to the destitute. She gave care to those who had no one to care for them. Thus she was truly a saint.
5. She made them feel that God remembered them through the agency of Mother Theresa.
6. destitute = without money, food and the other necessary things for life.
Thinking About the Text
Q. 1. What activities made Mother Theresa so exceptional ?
Ans.— She did not hold any powerful position in politics or government. She had no material possessions. Yet she ruled over the hearts and minds of numberless people in almost every country. She dedicated herself to a life of poverty and a humble submission to God. She was awarded the highest honours. All this made her so exceptional.
Q. 2. Why did Mother Theresa leave St. Mary High School ?
Ans.— One day in 1946, Mother Theresa was travelling in a train from Kolkata to Darjeeling. She heard a voice telling her that she must leave the convent and help the poor by living with them. She felt that it was an order which she could not disobey. So she left the convent and started a new order of nuns. It was called the ‘Missionaries of Charity’.
Q. 3. What did Mother Theresa mean by ‘to fail would be to break faith’ ?
Ans.— Mother Theresa had heard a voice telling her to leave the convent and help the poor by living with them. She felt that it was an order which she could not disobey. If she failed to disobey the order, it would mean breaking the faith God had put in her.
Q. 4. What kind of life did Mother Theresa lead ?
Ans.— Mother Theresa lived a life of poverty and purity. She lived among the poorest of the poor and dressed simply like them. She lived a life of total submission to God.
Q. 5. Why do you think Mother Theresa learnt Bengali ?
Ans.— Mother Theresa was sent to Darjeeling in West Bangal to begin her period of study and prayer before she could become a nun. She decided to learn Bengali so that she could speak to the people whom she had come to serve.
Q. 6. What did Malcolm Muggeridge see on the streets of Kolkata ?
Ans.— He saw there a little figure (Mother Theresa) cleaning the sores of the body of a half-dead man. There was not the slightest trace of disgust at the stench of the place. Malcolm could not believe that a human being could look so happy while doing such a repelling task.
Language Work
• Fill in the blanks :
1. Her wrinkled face in the passage means her………. .
2. ‘Him’ refers to …….. .
3. Mother Theresa was a ………. because she loved mankind.
4. Her spirit to serve the poor and the needy was never …….. by her old age.
5. To live a life of ………. was the hallmark of Mother Theresa’s personality.
Ans.— 1. old age
2. God
3. philanthropist
4. marred
5. Simplicity
• Make sentences from the following:
1. Flock — The shepherd took her flock of sheep to the forest to graze.
2. Humble — We should all act like humble servants of God.
3. Dignity — I think it below my dignity to hide the facts.
4. Mystic — India has given birth to many great mystics like Guru Nanak.
5. Desperate — Doctors are fighting a desperate battle to save the girl’s life.
Writing Work
• Malcolm Muggeridge titled the biography of Mother Theresa Something Beautiful for God’. What do you understand by beautiful ? What are the things that make Mother Theresa beautiful ?
Ans.— By beautiful’, I mean ‘pleasing’ not merely to the eyes, but to the heart Hingst soul as well. Whatever is pleasing merely to the eyes, not to the heart or the world and od soul, can’t be called truly beautiful. And there can be nothing in that is pleasing to the heart and soul, but not to the eyes. The things that made Mother Theresa beautiful were her acts that touched the hearts and the souls of countless people all over the world. She lived a selfless life in the service of the poorest of the poor. She won the hearts and minds of all classes poloof people through the beauty of her soul. No other beautiful thing can compare with the beauty of her soul.
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