PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 4 Asian and Olympic Games
PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Physical Education Chapter 4 Asian and Olympic Games
PSEB 10th Class Physical Education Solutions Chapter 4 Asian and Olympic Games
Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Who was the founder of Modern Olympic Games? What do you know about him?
Modern Olympic Games:
In 1859, the Olympic games were brought to life with the efforts of James. Only the Greeks could take part in these games. These games were held four times, but could not get much success. But the attention of the whole world was drawn towards these games, and the efforts began to make the games successful.
In 1893, a conference of all nations was convened with the sole aim of reviving the Olympic games. In June, 6, 1894, another conference was convened in Paris. It was unanimously resolved that these games would be conducted every four year in some country of the world. Baron de Coubertin made a great contribution in the revival of Olympic games. With his efforts the Olympic games were a new in the Greek city of Athens in 1896.
Question 2.
Discuss the rules for the competition of Modern Olympics.
Entries and Rules For Olympic Games. In order to participate in the Olympic games, a player, whether man or woman, of age-group must be Amateur. All entries in the games are routed through National Olympic Committee. National Sports Committees select players to represent their respective countries, and send their names to the International Olympic Committee.
International Olympic Committee:
In order to organize Olympic games a committee was named International Olympic Committee was formed. It had one representative of each country in the world. Its head office is located in Compague Mon Zeps Lausanne (Switzerland). For this committee, one President, two Vice Presidents and members of the Executive are elected. This committee decides the time and venue of the Olympic games to be held every four years.
Question 3.
Discuss the various events which have been included in Modern Olympic games. Discuss the opening and closing ceremonies of Olympic games.Answer:
Olympic Programme:
Whichever event is to be included in the Olympic games is recognized first by the International Olympic Committee two years before the start of the games.This event must be played by at least 25 countries. With the inclusion of more games, new programmes and events came into being. The following events have been included in the Modern Olympic games :
- Athletics
- Football
- Basketball
- Hockey
- Boxing
- Volleyball
- Weight-lifting
- Cycling
- Gymnastics
- Handball
- Swimming and Diving
- Roving
- Canoeing
- Fencing.
- Judo
- Wrestling
- Equestrain
- Water polo
- Shooting
- Archery
- Yachting
- Pentathlon.
Opening and Closing Ceremonies of Olympic Games:
The opening ceremony of the Olympic games is very impressive. The torch which is kept burning with sunrays in Olympia is brought to that city where the Olympic games are to be held. The King, President or Prime Minister of that place announces the opening of the games . It is followed by the March Past by the athletes and oath-taking ceremony. The Olympic flag unfurled and pigeons and balloons are released.
Question 4.
When and where the Modern Olympic were held?
List of Olympic Games held so far:
Second | 1954 | Manila | Phillipines |
Third | 1958 | Tokyo | Japan |
Fourth | 1962 | Bangkok | Thailand |
Fifth | 1966 | Jakarta | Indonesia |
Sixth | 1970 | Bangkok | Thailand |
Seventh | 1974 | Tehran | Iran |
Eighth | 1978 | Bangkok | Thailand |
Ninth | 1982 | New Delhi | India |
Tenth | 1986 | Seoul | South Korea |
Eleventh | 1990 | Beijing | China |
Twelfth | 1994 | Hiroshima | Japan |
Thirteenth | 1998 | Bangkok | Thailand |
Fourteenth | 2002 | Passan | S.Korea |
Fifteenth | 2006 | Doha | Quatar |
Sixteenth | 2010 | Goingz | China |
Seventeenth | 2014 | To be held | S. Korea |
The 1906 Olympic games were organised to mark the 10th anniversary of the Games. These were not held after a period of 4 years as usual:
At the time of holding ancient Olympic Games battle between the countries used to be stopped. But it is a matter of pity and shame that the Olympic Games stated for 1910 and then for 1914 were stopped because of the First World War and then the Second World War, and lovers of games could not participate in these games.
Moreover, in 1980 many countries did not participate in Olympic Games held in Moscow (U.S.S.R.) on political considerations. A large number of players who had put in their best efforts in their preparation had to face disappointment when their countries boycotted these games held in Moscow.
The world remained in tension as to what might happen in the Games which were held in Barcelona in 1992. In the Olympic Games of 1972 held in Munich, some players were attacked on narrow consideration of colour forgetting the true spirit of the Olympics. Many players were killed, and the whole world was plunged in sorrow and shame.
The founder of the modern Olympic games Baron de Coubertin might not have even imagined of this tragic fate which the Games met. It would be indeed fortunate if we could continue the Olympic Games in the spirit with which they were revived. History changes, and new incidents happened giving new turns to history. One is afraid if such tragic incidents would bring the Olympic Games to the same point when another Baron de Coubertin had to make efforts to revive them.
Question 5.
What do you know about Olympic Oath?
Olympic Oath:
Olympic oath taking ceremony was started in 1920 in Antwerp. In the Charter of Olympic Games 63 it has been mentioned that an outstanding sportsperson of the host country would take oath by holding comer of the flag by one hand, and raising other hand upward swear as :
“We swear that we will take part in the Olympic Games in loyal competition respecting the regulations which govern them and with the desire to participate in the true spirit of sportsmanship for the honour of our country and glory of sports.”
Question 6.
What is the importance of Olympic Flag and Olympic Motto? What type of prizes are awarded to the winners of Modern Olympics?
Olympic Flag:
Olympic flag was first hoisted in the city of Antwerp of Belgium in Olympic games. It was of white colour. It contains five connected circles of different colours (Red, Green, Yellow, Blue and Black). These are like the English alphabet W. It represents five continents i.e. Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia. The motto of Olympic games was shown by three words Citius, Altius and Fortius.
Olympic Awards – Certificates are awarded to persons who are placed in first three positions:
- First Position – Gold Medal
- Second Position – Silver Medal
- Third Position – Bronze Medal
In addition to this a medal was awarded to an employee who helps in organising Olympic games.
Olympic Motto:
The Olympic Motto consists of three Latin words Citius, Altius and Fortius. The modern interpretation of this motto is Faster, Higher, Stronger. This represents the athletic games of running faster, jumping higher and throwing more strongly.
Question 7.
Which prizes were won by the Indian players in the 2008 Olympic games? Write the name of players and their games.
The 2008 Beijng Olympic Indian won these medals:
Name | Medal | Sports |
Abhinav Bindra | Gold | Shooting |
Sushil Kumar | Bronze | Wrestling |
Vijander Kumar | Bronze | Boxing |
Question 8.
Write the contribution of Indian in 2012 Olympic.
2012 Olympic games were held, at London. In this games Indian performed very well and won six medals as under :
Medal | Name | Sports |
Silver | Sushil Kumar | Wrestling |
Silver | Vijay Kumar | Shooting |
Bronze | Mary Kom | Boxing |
Bronze | Gagan Narang | Shooting |
Bronze | Yogeshwar Dutt | Wrestling |
Bronze | Saina Nehwal | Badminton |
2016 Olympic games were held of Rio (Brazil) in this game India won two medal as under:
Medal | Name | Sports |
Silver | P.V.Sindhu | Badminton |
Bronze | Shakshi Malik | Wrestling |
Question 9.
When and where Asian Games were started? What is the contribution of India in organizing the Asian Games?
Asian Games:
Brief History. The Asian Games were born on Feburary 13, 1949 when representatives of Afghanistan, Burma, India, Pakistan and Phillipines signed the Constitution at Patiala house, New Delhi and thus became the founder-members of Asian Games Federation. The representatives adopted “Ever Ownard as the motto of the games.” However behind that date lies a long period of gestation on the part of the member countries plus the efforts of late Sh. G.D. Sondhi, a former member of International Olympic Committee, President of Amateur Athletics Federation of India and the prime mover behind the founding of the western Asiatic Games.
The inspiration for the Asian Games can be traced back to these fore manners. The Far Eastern Games were held periodically between Japan-China and Phillipines in the first three decades of the century. The Olympic games in which the Asian countries were taking increasing interest, and Western Asiatic Games (for countries east of Suez and west of Singapore), which were held in 1934, but were discontinued with the start of World War II, gave rise to Asian Games.
These two types of sports festival had the idea of bringing together the youth of Asia on the field of sports. This idea was dormant until March, 1947, when the Asian Relation Conference called by Pt. Nehru in New Delhi, presented an opportunity to bring to the notice of the countries attending that conference, the proposal for Asian Games.
Mr. Sondhi raised the question of the Asian Games project with some assembled representatives attending the Asia Relation Conference and also approached Mr. Nehru who readily offered his support for the idea. During the London Olympics in 1948 the plan way again put before a gathering of Asian representatives and the First Asian Games were initially set to take place in 1950. After several postponements, the first Games were finally held in New Delhi March 1951. Since then Asian games have been held regularly four years interval.
The cavelcade of Asian Games went forward as follows :
Second | 1954 | Manila | Phillipines |
Third | 1958 | Tokyo | Japan |
Fourth | 1962 | Bangkok | Thailand |
Fifth | 1966 | Jakarta | Indonesia |
Sixth | 1970 | Bangkok | Thailand |
Seventh | 1974 | Tehran | Iran |
Eighth | 1978 | Bangkok | Thailand |
Ninth | 1982 | New Delhi | India |
Tenth | 1986 | Seoul | South Korea |
Eleventh | 1990 | Beijing | China |
Twelfth | 1994 | Hiroshima | Japan |
Thirteenth | 1998 | Bangkok | Thailand |
Fourteenth | 2002 | Passan | S.Korea |
Fifteenth | 2006 | Doha | Quatar |
Sixteenth | 2010 | Goingz | China |
Seventeenth | 2014 | To be held | S. Korea |
Member Contries:
- Afghanistan
- Behrain
- Burma
- China
- Hongkong
- India
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Iraq
- Israel
- Japan
- Republic of Khemer
- Democratic Republic of Korea
- Republic of a Korea
- Kuwait
- Laos
- Malaysia
- Republic of Mangolia
- Nepal
- Pakistan
- Phillipines
- Saudi Arabia
- Singapore
- Sri Lanka
- Thailand
- Republic of Vietnam
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Why Olympic Games are called Olympic?
Olympic games were started in village Olympia. That is why it is known as Olympic.
Question 2.
When Ancient Olympics started?
It was started in 776 in Greece.
Question 3.
What prizes were given to the winner of the Ancient Olympics?
The roots of tree from the Goddess of Jess Temple were given.
Question 4.
Write any two rules of Ancient Olympic.
- Participants must be citizens of Greece.
- Professional players cannot take part in Ancient Olympic.
Question 5.
Who was the founder of Modern Olympic games?
Baron De Coubertin.
Question 6.
When and where modern Olympic games were started?
It was started in 1896 in Athens.
Question 7.
Write any two rules of Modern Olympic games.
- There is no bar to participate in Olympic of caste and creed.
- Professional players cannot take part in Olympic.
Question 8.
Who has originated Asian Game?
It was started with the effort of Maharaja Yadvinder Singh of Patiala and Mr. G.D. Sondhi.
Question 9.
When and where Asian Games were started?
It was started in 1951 at New Delhi.
Question 10.
After how many years Olympic games were held?
After every four years.
Question 11.
Where were the fifth Asian games held?
It was held in 1966 in Jakarta (Indonesia).
Question 12.
In which Olympic Mr. Milkha Singh got 4th position in 400 metres race?
1960 (Rome Olympic) Mr. Milkha Singh got fourth position in 400 meters race.
Question 13.
In which year India participated in Olympic First Time?
In 1920 Olympic Games.
Question 14.
Which Indian player won gold medal in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games?
Mr. Abhinav Bindrg, won the gold medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
Question 15.
When and where did the Indian Hockey team won Gold Medal for the first time?
In 1928 India Hockey team won Gold Medals at Amsterdam.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
Describe briefly the History of Ancient Olympics. (OR) When and where the Ancient Olympic Games started ? Why are these known as Olympic Games ?
The Ancient Olympic Games came into existence in the Greek city of Olympia in 776 A.D. The credit for starting these games is given to Ifitus and Claustheius. The games began on full moon night in the months of August and September. The first winner of the Olympic games was Corbus. These games were organised after a year. They got banned in 394 A.D. on the orders of Roman Emperor Theodosius. The Olympic city was situated on the bank of Elfis river. It was the sacred city of Elis state. These games acquired special status in 1100 A.D., and began to be taken care of like a temple. With the beginning of the Olympic games, all battles in Greece used to be stopped. Nobody with weapons could enter Olympia. These games are related to Greek God Zeus.
Sports :
The Ancient Olympic games used to begin with race. It used to be 100 yards. In 724 A.D. the distance of the race was increased to 400 yards. In the 15th Olympic games the distance of the race was increased to 3 miles. In the 18th Olympic games Pentathlon was started. It included five games-long jump, 200-yard race, javelin throw and wrestling. In 25th Olympic games, chariot race was introduced, and in 30th Olympics, boxing, water- sports, wrestling pekprium and some other games were introduced. At first women were not allowed to participate in games, but then they were allowed to do so.
Rewards :
The winners of the games were amply rewarded. They were taken to the temple of Zeus and were presented the leaves and branches of olive tree. People would sing in their praises. The games were named after these winners. The companions of these winners would bring them home in the accompaniment of instrumental music. The country would take pride in her winners, and all Greeks would pray for good luck to all participants of these games.
End :
With the passage of time these games became more and more popular, and other countries also began to take part in these games. After the victory of Greece by Romans, these games had a severe setback. Some professionals began to take part in these games, thus giving rise to many evils in the games. On the orders of Roman Emperor Theodosius in 394 A.D., these games came to an end. In 395 A.D., the statue of the Greek god Zeus was also broken. The Olympic city got deserted. Roman Emperor Theodosius also destroyed stadiums. For some time even the relics of Olympic games and Olympic city disappeared.
Question 2.
What were the rules for competition in Ancient Olympics ?
Rules of Ancient Olympics. It was extremely essential to follow the following rules to take part in Olympic games :
- All players participating in the games ought to be Greeks.
- It was essential for a player to take up training for 10 months under the care of somebody before taking part in these games.
- No professional could participate in the games.
- In the initial stage, women were neither allowed to witness, nor participate in these games.
- The players had to take oath to participate in the games properly.
- The players should not have any criminal charge.
- The first and last days of games were fixed for religious ceremonies and sacrifices.
In the beginning, only one game was included in the Olympics, but more games were slowly introduced. First of all the race used to be of 100 yards. In 724 A.D. at the 14th Olympic games 400 yards race was introduced. At the 18th Olympic games Pentathlon was started. It include long jump, Javelin throw, 200 yards race, discus throw and wrestling. In 23rd and 25th Olympics, 3 miles race was introduced. In 28th Olympics, chariot race, and in 30th Olympics, water sports were included. These games used to last for there to five days. At first women were not allowed to take part in games, but they were allowed to do so later on.
Question 3.
What do you know about the opening ceremony of Ancient Olympics ?
Opening ceremony and conduct of Games:
Before the start of the games, all the players, their father’s and brothers and the coaches used to assemble in a hall. The Chief Judge would utter some words to them, and they used to take the oath that they would not resort to only illegal ways and means in the games, and that they had a training of 10 months prior to the games. Thereafter, the player and some other people would take part in the March Past. When a player came out in sight, his name, his father’s name, and the name of his state were announced so that the spectators would become familiar with him fully. If a spectator had some objection to his participation, he would make it known.
If no objection was raised, it was presumed that nobody had any objection to his participation, he would make it known. If no objection was raised, it was presumed that nobody had any objection to his participation. Thereafter-, the opening of the games was announced. Some distinguished person or the chief judge would address the players, and the games would start immediately thereafter.
Question 4.
What do you know about the awards of the Ancient Olympic Games ?
Awards. Till the 6th Olympic games the winners were given cattle and corn in the form of awards, but this practice came to an end. Then the winners used to be honoured with garlands or crown made of the leaves and branches of olive tree. The players were highly honoured and rewarded, and they used to enjoy high status in society. The award distribution ceremony used to be very impressive. The names of the winners were noted down in the calender, and poems in their praises were composed. The sculptors would make their statues. Gates were erected to honour the winners. Friends used to give them gifts. The Greeks used to honour them in all ways, and look upon these games as a matter of pride and glory.
We can realize the importance of these games from one incident. Once a player, who has earlier won some game, came alongwith his two sons to see them honoured for having won two races in a single day. When the awards were being given, people were so happy and excited that they said that the father had got so much happiness in his life because of his sons that he could not expect more happiness in life, and, it would be better if he simply ceased to be. This incident reveals the people’s extreme love for Olympic games, and their importance in one’s life. During those days people did not participate in these games in expectation of any material or economic reward. They participated in these games for the love of games. They had no temptation.
Question 5.
Write a note on the decline of the Ancient Olympic Games.
Decline for the Ancient Olympic Games:
The Olympic games continued for many years with much enthusiasm and zeal, and people in large number used to participate in them. But when people from outside Greece began to take part, the people forgot the spirit of the amateur and turned professionals. These people then made the victory in the games their sole motive.One of the reasons of the decline of these games was the Roman victory over Greece. The decline started because the Romans were not very enthusiastic about these games.
Many evils cropped, up in the games. People began to bribe the judges in order to win. Then some such events came to be included in the Olympics as caused the death of one or the other player everyday. In game like boxing players began to hold iron pieces in their hands which would prove very injurious or fatal, thereby discouraging the honest people from taking part in such games.
In 394 A.D. these games were banned on the orders of the Roman Emperor Theodosius. The contribution of the Greeks in the sprots field was, thus, put to an end. The stadiums and temple where life buzzed with activity turned into ruins, and revealed the decline of the Olympic games. No doubt, everything that takes birth in the world ceases to exist one day as per the law of nature. In accordance with this law, the zeal of the Olympic games got buried under the debris of time, but people continued to have sweet memories of the old days. They continued to talk about these games.
Question 6.
In which country were the 1982 Asian Games were held?
In India.
Question 7.
What place has the Indian player achieved in 2012 Olympic Games?
Question 8.
Which prizes were won by the Indian in the eleventh Asian games?
Medals of Indian players in Asian Games Beijing (China), 1990.
Game | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Total |
Athletics | – | 4 | 2 | 6 |
Boxing | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Hockey | – | 1 | – | 1 |
Kabaddi | 1 | – | – | 1 |
Rowing | – | – | 4 | 4 |
Shooting | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Tennis | – | – | 1 | 1 |
Weight Lifting | – | 2 | 2 | 4 |
Wrestling | – | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Yachting | – | – | 2 | 2 |
Total | 1 | 8 | 14 | 23 |
- 12th Asian game India won 4 Gold and silver and 15 bronze Medals.
- Thirteenth Asian games in 1998 and India won 7 Gold, 11 Silver and 17 Bronze Medals.
- Fourteenth Asian games India get 14 Gold 17^Silver and 33 Bronze Medals. „
- Seventeenth Asian games were held in incheon South Koren in 2014 in these games won 57 Medals (11 Gold, 10 Silver, 36 Bronze).
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