PSEB Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Democracy: Meaning and Importance

PSEB Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Civics Chapter 2 Democracy: Meaning and Importance

PSEB 9th Class SST Solutions Civics Chapter 2 Democracy: Meaning and Importance

→ Democracy is a type of government elected by the people for a fixed period of time through a universal adult franchise.

→ Democracy is an English word that is made up of two Greek words Demos and Croatia.

→ The meaning of Demos is people and Kratia means ‘Rule’.

→ So the meaning of Democracy is the ‘rule of people’.

→ Democracy is an organisation system in which free and fair participation of the people is ensured to achieve political power.

→ The best definition of Democracy was given by the 16th President of the U.S.A. Abraham Lincoln says that “Democracy is a type of government elected of the people, by the people, and for the people”.

→ The basic concept of democracy is that it gives freedom to everyone to express his/her ideas and to criticize any one.

→ Presently, democracy is of great importance because it is the protector of individual freedom, a symbol of peace and progress, represents the whole public, etc.

→ In the present age, many obstacles are coming in the way of democracy such as casteism, communalism, regionalism, poverty, indifferent attitude towards social development, etc.

→ There are few prerequisites for the success of democracy such as there should be political freedom, there must be economic and social equality, people must be educated and conscious, their moral character should be of high quality, etc.

→ There are many countries where people are deceived in the name of democracy such as Pakistan, China, Fiji, Mexico, etc.

→ In Pakistan, the army always controls democracy.

→ In China, there is only one political party.

→ In Fiji there is a difference in the value of a vote and in Mexico, the government uses unfair means to win elections.

→ Democracy is of two types-direct and indirect.

→ Indirect democracy is also known as the representative democracy in which people directly elect their leaders.

→ Presently, with the increase in population, direct democracy is not possible.

→ It was possible in the republic states of Greece where the population was only in thousands.

PSEB 9th Class Social Science Guide Democracy: Meaning and Importance Important Questions and Answers

Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
The term democracy is derived from which of the following Greek words :
(a) Demos and Kratia
(b) Casta
(c) Famulus
(d) Pocta.
(a) Demos and Kratia.

Question 2.
“Democracy is government of the people, for the people and by the people.” Who gave this definition?
(a) A.B. Hal
(b) Abraham Lincoln
(c) Aristotle
(d) Herodotus.
(b) Abraham Lincoln.

Question 3.
Which of the following is the basis of democracy?
(a) Equality
(b) Liberty
(c) Fraternity
(d) All the above.
(d) All the above.

Question 4.
Who is the real source of power in a democratic country?
(a) People
(b) Educated People
(c) Aristocratic people
(d) King.
(a) People.

Question 5.
Which of the following is an obstacle in the way of democracy?
(а) Distinctions on the basis of caste, colour and creed.
(b) Lack of education
(c) Communication
(d) All the above.
(d) All the above.

Question 6.
Direct democracy is that government in which :
(a) All the citizens cannot participate in administration
(b) All the citizens directly take part in the administration
(c) All the citizens indirectly participate in administration.
(d) The representatives of the public run the administration.
(6) All the citizens directly take part in administration.

Question 7.
Which of the following conditions are necessary for the success of democracy?
(а) Citizens should be educated.
(b) There should be economic equality in society.
(c) There should be no distinction on the basis of caste, colour and creed.
(d) All the above.
(d) All the above.

Question 8.
Direct democracy exists in :
(a) India
(b) U.K.
(c) Switzerland
(d) U.S.A.
(c) Switzerland.

Question 9.
In India exists :
(a) Indirect democracy
(b) Direct Democracy
(c) Referendum
(d) Initiative
(a) Indirect democracy.

Question 10.
Which one of the following is not the method of direct democracy?
(a) Referendum
(b) Initiative
(c) Landsgemeinde
(d) Political parties.
(d) Political parties.

Question 11.
Which one of the following is not a hindrance in the path of democracy?
(a) Poverty
(b) Illiteracy
(c) Ignorance
(d) Election.
(d) Election.

Question 12.
Which of the following is a hindrance in the path of democracy?
(a) Illiteracy
(b) Education
(c) Equality
(d) Rule of Law.
(a) Illiteracy.

Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
Damos and Kratia are the ________ words.

Question 2.
In ________ rulers run the system as the representatives of the people.

Question 3.
Political parties are the tools of ________

Question 4.
Practically, democracy is the rule of ________

Question 5.
In ________ A.D., males and females were given equal rights.

Question 6.
In China, elections are held after every ________ years.

Question 7.
Mexico became independent in ________ A. D.


Question 1.
In dictatorship, rulers are elected by the people.

Question 2.
Free elections are the base of democracy.

Question 3.
Democratic government does not work according to the Constitution.

Question 4.
Dictatorship protect, the individual liberty.

Question 5.
Parvez Mussharaf captured the power of Pakistan in 1999.

Question 6.
There is only one communist party in China.

Question 7.
PRI is the political party of china.

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
From which words the term ‘Democracy’ is derived?
The term ‘Democracy’ is derived from the Greek words-Demos and Kratia.

Question 2.
What is the meaning of Democracy?
The meaning of democracy is ‘power of the people’ or ‘rule of the multitude’.

Question 3.
Give one definition of Democracy.
According to Abraham Lincoln, “Democracy is a government of the people by the people and for the people.”

Question 4.
Explain one basic principle of Democracy.
Sovereignty resides in the people and the administration is run in accordance with the wishes of the people.

Question 5.
What is Direct Democracy?
In Direct Democracy, the people directly participate in the government of the country.

Question 6.
What do you understand by Indirect Democracy?
In Indirect Democracy, the administration is run by the People’s representative.

Question 7.
Write one merit of Democracy.
Democracy is based on the principal of equality.

Question 8.
Write one demerit of Democracy.
Democratic government is a government by the incompetent and the ignorant.

Question 9.
Write any one condition that is essential for a successful Democracy.
Enlightened citizenship is the first condition for the success of democracy.

Question 10.
Mention the terms that are often used to describe non-democratic government.
Terms that are often used to describe non-democratic government are authoritarian, dictatorship and totalitarian.

Question 11.
Mention the names of two democratic states.
India and U.S.A.

Question 12.
Give examples of various kinds of Dictatorship.

  1. Military dictatorship,
  2. Party dictatorship,
  3. Benevolent dictatorship,
  4. Charismatic dictatorship.

Question 13.
Write down anyone characteristic of Dictatorship.
Dictatorship is a Government by the powerful man who has right to exercise authority because of his superior physical force.

Question 14.
Mention any one merit of Dictatorship.
The administration under a dictator is always very strong.

Question 15.
Write down any one demerit of Dictatorship.
Individuals are not granted civil liberties and other rights in dictatorship.

Question 16.
Mention various devices adopted for Direct Democracy.
There are four types of direct democratic devices i.e. Initiative, Referendum, Becall, Plebiscite.

Question 17.
What is Initiative?
Initiative means, the power of the voters to get the laws passed in accordance with their wishes.

Question 18.
What do you understand by Referendum?
The method of referendum gives the final authority to the people to accept or reject the laws passed by the legislature.

Question 19.
Which state is known as home of Direct Democracy?

Question 20.
Is it possible for all the voters in your parliamentary constituency to sit together and have a useful discussion?
It is not possible for the voters of parliamentary constituency to assemble at one place and have meaningful dialogue.

Question 21.
Which is the most common form of Democracy in the world?
Representative type of democracy.

Question 22.
What is the aim of true Democracy?
The aim of true democracy is to remove poverty and unemployment.

Question 23.
Which party always forms government in China?
Communist Party always forms the government in China.

Question 24.
Which party has won elections in Mexico from 1930 till 2000 A.D.?
P.R.I.-Institutional Revolutionary Party.

Question 25.
What lacks in the democracy of Fiji?
In Fiji, the value of the vote of Fijian people is more than the vote of the Indians living over there.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Describe the word meaning of Democracy.
The term ‘Democracy’ has been derived from the Greek words Demos and Kratos, the former meaning the people and latter ‘Power’. Democracy thus means ‘power of the people’ or ‘rule of the multitude. ‘Democracy means that the Government of the state is to be run by the people. In democracy the sovereignty resides in the people and the people either directly or indirectly govern over themselves.

Question 2.
What is Direct Democracy?
Direct Democracy is the real or true democracy. In this system there is no difference between the rulers and ruled. In such a system of government the people directly participate in the government of the country. The entire population forms an assembly for the purpose of making laws. People discuss the problems of the state and control the state machinary. But it is not possible to practise direct democracy completely in the present age. Modern devices of direct democracy are initiative. Referendum, Recall and Plebiscite.

Question 3.
Give the meaning of Dictatorship.
In dictatorship, power remains in the hands of one person. Dictator uses all the powers according to his wish and he is not responsible to any one. He remains on his post until the power to run the administration remains in his lands. Ford has defined dictatorship.” Dictatorship is the illegal attainment of power by the head of the country.

Question 4.
Write down any two charcteristics of Dictatorship.

  1. Based on Physical Strength. Dictatorship is a Government by the powerful man who had right to exercise authority because of his superior physical scope.
  2. Arbitrary Rule. Dictatorship is an arbitrary rule. The dictator runs the government according to his own sweet will and the other people have no right to participate in the government. The dictator is not responsible to any other authority for all his actions and policies.

Question 5.
Mention any two merits of Dictatorship.
1. Strong Administrative. The administration under a dictator is always very strong. The dictator suppresses disorder and opposition with a strong hand and he gives his country a strong government which can perform its functions well.

2. Less Expensive. Dictatorship is less expensive whereas democratic government is very costly. In dictatorship one does not find the luxuries of insecure and superfluous posts.

Question 6.
Distinguish between Direct and Indirect Democracy with examples.
Democracy is of two types. Direct democracy and Indirect democracy. Following are the differences between the two:

  1. In direct democracy, people participate in the government of the country, while in indirect democracy people indirectly participate in the government.
  2. In direct democracy people directly participate in law-making, while in indirect democracy participation in law making’ is indirect.
  3. The selection of magistrates is directly in direct democracy, while in indirect democracy selection of magistrates is indirect.
  4. In direct democracy, the institutions of initiative, referendum and recall exist, but no initiative and referendum in an indirect democracy.
  5. Direct democracy is prevalent in Switzerland, while indirect democracy exists in India, U.K. U.S.A. etc.

Question 7.
What are the major hindrances in the successful working of the Democracy?

  1. Illiteracy: Illiteracy is one of the major hindrance in the successful working of democracy.
  2. Poverty: The other major hindrance in the successful working of Democracy in poverty.
  3. Economic Inequality: Economic inequality is a great hindrance in the successful working of democracy.
  4. Social Inequality: Social inequality is a big hindrance in the successful working of democracy.

Question 8.
Why is democracy important?

  1. Democracy recognises the Natural Rights of man in the street and raises him high on the peak of political.
  2. Democracy gives liberty to all the citizens of a democratic state.
  3. Democracy is the rule of the people, by the people and for the people.
  4. Democracy is based on public opinion.

Question 9.
What do you mean by one person one vote?
The meaning of one person one vote is giving right to vote every one without any discrimination of caste, religion, class, gender etc. Actually one person one vote is the other name of political equality. For the progress and integrity of the country, all the citizens are given the right to vote and the value of every one’s vote is one or same.

Question 10.
How was democracy destroyed in Pakistan?
In 1999, Pakistan Army head General Parvez Musharraf played a military conspiracy and dismissed the democratically elected government. He then, took power in his hands. With the help of parliament he reduced the powers of state Legislative Assemblies. He passed a law and declared himself the Chief Excutive of the country and later on as the President of Pakistan. He also made arrangement that the President can dissolve the Parliament at any time. In this way Parvez Musharraf destroyed democracy in Pakistan.

Question 11.
Why there is no democracy in China?
Although elections in China, are held after every five years but there is only party i.e. the Communist Party. People are required to vote only to the Communist Party. Only the nominated candidates of the Communist Party are allowed to contest elections. Few of the members of Parliament are taken from the army as well. If there is no opposition party in the country to contest elections, how can democracy sustain over there. ‘

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Give major features of Democracy.
Following are the major features of democracy.

  1. Rule of Law:Democracy is based on rule of law. Law is supreme. No body is above the law.
  2. Equality: Equality is a basic principle of democracy. Everybody enjoys the right of quality and liberty.
  3. Fundamental Rights: In a democracy citizens enjoy fundamental rights which are protected by the Judiciary.
  4. Sovereignty of the people: Sovereignty resides in the people and the administration is run in accordance with the wishes of the people.
  5. Rule of people: The administration is run by the people either directly or indirectly.
  6. Rulers are Elected: Rulers are elected by the people. Final Decision-making power must rest with those elected by the people.
  7. Free and Fair Election: Democracy must be based on a free and fair election. The ruling party should have a fair chance of defeat.
  8. Adult Franchise: In a democracy, each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.
  9. Interest of People: The administration is run in the best interest of the people.

Question 2.
Discuss the merits of Democracy.
Following are the main merits of democracy.

  1. Government of the People. Democracy ensures people’s participation in government. Democracy is a government by the people.
  2. Equality. Democracy ensures the equality of political rights. Everybody has the opportunity to progress in life.
  3. Liberty. People enjoy freedom of speach and expression, freedom of movement, freedom of religion, freedom to hold meetings and to criticise the policies and actions of the government.
  4. Based on Public Opinion. Democracy rests on the consent of the people. The people feel that the laws in democratic governments are self-made and self-enforces.
  5. Stable and Responsible government. A democratic government is more stable and responsible. It avoids revolution because the people themselves are the makers and the breakers of laws governments. If the people indicate a lack of confidence over the government will have to resign.
  6. No possibility of Revolutions. People can change the government whenever they so desire. Therefore, the democratic government changes with the change in time.
  7. Political Education. The democratic government gives political education to the people. The entire procedure of elections gives the people political education.
  8. National Unity and Patriotism. The democratic form of government increases the spirit of nation unity and patriotism in the people.

Question 3.
Give arguments against democracy.
Explain the demerits of democracy.
Democracy is not without defects and weaknesses. Following are the arguments which are given against democracy.

  1. Government of the Ignorants and Incompetents: It is said that a democratic government is a government by the incompetent and the ignorant. The common man is neither politically intelligent nor sufficiently educated.
  2. More importance to quantity: Democracy gives more importance to quantity rather than to quality. All persons are not capable of taking part in the government of the country. On polling day a wise man and a fool are on the same level.
  3. Government of the Rich: In theory democracy is a government by the common man but actually is a government by the rich. The candidates spend lakhs of rupees to win an election. The poor man cannot afford to spend this much amount on elections and hence his right to contest elections become meaningless.
  4. Instability: Leaders keep changing in a democracy and this lead to instability.
  5. Corruption: Democracy leads to corruption because it is based on electoral competition.
  6. The dictatorship of the Majority: The majority party may develop despotic tendencies which are harmful to the development of human personality.
  7. The interest of the People not safeguarded: Even elected leaders of the people do not know the best interest of the people.

Question 4.
‘Democracy is better than any other form of government.’ Give arguments in favour of your answer.
Modern age is an age of democracy. No doubt democracy is the best form of government. Democracy is better than any other form of government due to following reasons :

  1. Needs of the People. Democracy is the best type of government because it fulfils the needs of the people. In a democracy rulers have to attend the needs of the people.
  2. Responsible Government. A democratic government is a better government because it is a more accountable form of government. The democratic government for all its action’s and policies are responsible to the people. ,
  3. Consultation and Discussion. Democracy is better because it is based on consultation and discussion.
  4. No Possibility of Revolutions. Democracy is better than other forms of government because there is no possibility of revolution.
  5. Willing Obedience of Laws. The people very willingly obey the laws of the state.
  6. Quality of Decisions. Democracy is better than other forms of government because it improves the quality of decision making.
  7. Solution of Problems. Democracy is the best type of government as it provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts.
  8. Dignity of Citizens. Democracy is better than other forms of government because it enhances the dignity of citizens.
  9. Review its own decisions. It is better form of government because it allows us to correct its own mistakes.
  10. Less Chances of War. It is better because it reduces the chances of war.

Question 5.
How was democracy suppressed in Mexico?
Mexico attained independence in 1930 and elections, for the President are held after every six years. But till the year 2000, only one party PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party) won the elections.

The major reason of its winning all the elections were :

  • As the ruling party, PRI used many unfair means to win the elections.
  • Government officials and other officers were forced to attend the party meetings.
  • School teachers were asked to compel the parents of the students to vote in favour of PRI.
  • On the eleventh hour of the polling day, the polling booths were shifted from one place to another so that the people must not be able to cast vote in the favour of other parties.

In this way, there was no impartial and free voting and democracy was suppressed in Mexico.

SST Guide for Class 9 PSEB Democracy: Meaning and Importance Textbook Questions and Answers

I. Fill in the Blanks :

Question 1.
According to “Democracy is a government in which everyone has a share.”

Question 2.
The word Democracy has been derived from two Greek words ________ and ________
Demos, Croatia.

II. Multiple Choice Questions :

Question 1.
Which of the following conditions apply for the success of democracy?
(i) Enlightened citizens
(ii) literate citizens
(iii) Universal adult franchise
(iv) Above all.
(iv) Above all.

Question 2.
Etymological meaning of democracy is :
(i) Rule of one man
(ii) Bureaucracy
(iii) Military dictatorship
(iv) Rule of people.
(iv) Rule of people.

III. Read the statements carefully and write True/False against every statement:

Question 1.
There is no liberty to express different opinion in democracy.

Question 2.
Democracy clearly condemns use of means of violence although it may be used for the welfare of society.

Question 3.
In democracy citizens are entitled different types of rights.

Question 4.
Awareness of citizens is essential for democracy.

IV. Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain Etymological meaning of democracy.
Democracy is made of two Greek words ; Demos and Cratia. The meaning of Demos is people and of Cratia is rule. So its literal meaning is ‘rule of people’.

Question 2.
Why democratic form of government is popular?

  1. It gives its citizens the right to express their views.
  2. In this, people have the participate in electing their government.

Question 3.
Write any two hurdles in the way of democracy.
Regionalism, Casteism, Communalism are hurdles in the way of democracy.

Question 4.
Give any one definition of democracy.
According to Dicey, “Democracy is a form of government in which the governing body to comparatively a large fraction of the entire nation.”

Question 5.
Mention any two conditions essential for democracy.
Political freedom and economic equality are the two conditions essential for democracy.

Question 6.
Write any two principal of democracy.

  1. In democracy, people have the right to express their ideas.
  2. Democracy is based on the principal of tolerance.

Question 7.
What is the source of power in a democracy?
People are the source of power in a democracy.

Question 8.
Which are the two forms of democracy?
Democracy is of two types-direct:

  1. Democracy and
  2. Indirect democracy.

V. Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain any two conditions for the success of democracy.

  1. Political freedom: For the success of democracy, people must have political freedom. They must have the right to speech, to form association, to express ideas and to criticise wrong policies of the government.
  2. Moral Characters: To make democracy a success, people must have high moral character. If people and leaders will be corrupt then democracy will not be able to successfully do its work.

Question 2.
How poverty is a threat to democracy? Describe in brief.
There is no denying the fact that poverty is an obstacle in the way of successful democracy. First of all people do not caste their vote because its more important for them to earn money instead of giving vote. Along with this, many times a poor person is forced to sell his vote. Rich people buy his vote to win the elections. A poor person even cannot express his ideas.

Question 3.
How illiteracy is a challenge for democracy? Describe in brief.
One of the major enemy of democracy is illiteracy. An* illiterate person, who does not know the meaning of democracy, cannot play a part in its successful functioning. That’s why there is a decline of democratic value that every one participates in it. An illiterate person hardly knows about the political, economic and social problems of the country. That’s why he becomes a victim of false promises done by the leaders and is unable to cast his vote for the right candidate.

Question 4.
“Political equality is essential for democracy.” Explain this statement.
It is true that the political equality is essential for the success of democracy. For the success of democracy, people must have the freedom of speech and freedom to form association. Along with this, they must have the right to criticise wrong policies of the government and freedom to express their views. All these freedom are available only in democracy because of which it becomes successful.

Question 5.
How the existence of political party is essential for democracy? Explain this statement.
‘Political parties are wheels of democracy.’ Explain.
The existence of political parties is very much necessary for democracy. Actually political parties are the means of a particular ideology and different political parties came into existence because of different ideas. Different views give way to the birth of political parties. Political parties keep public views in front of the government. They act as a link between the people and government. Except this we need political parties to- contest elections without them, elections are not possible in democracy.

Question 6.
How decentralization of power is essential for democracy?
One of the basic feature of democracy is division of powers and the meaning of decentralisation is division of powers among all the levels of government. If there will be no decentralisation, powers will remain concentrated in few hands. There will come a danger of the advent of dictatorship in the country. If there will be division of powers, there will be no danger of dictatorship and the system will run smoothly so, decentralization of powers is very much necessary for democracy.

Question 7.
Explain any two principles of democracy.

  1. Democracy is based on the concept of tolerance. In democracy, every one has the freedom to express his views.
  2. Democracy helps in enhancing the dignity of an individual. This is the reason that people have different rights in democracy.

VI. Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.
Explain in brief the basic principles of democracy.
Democracy is based on the following democratic principles :

  1. The sovereignty of the people: Sovereignty resides in the people and the administration is run to accordance with the wishes of the people.
  2. Rule of People: The administration is run by the people other directly or indirectly.
  3. Rulers are Elected. Rulers are elected by the people. Final decision-making power must lie with those elected by the people.
  4. Free and Fair Election: Democracy must be based on a free and fair election. The ruling party should have a fair chance of defeat.
  5. Adult Franchise: In a democracy each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.
  6. Interest of People: The administration is run in the best interests of the people.
  7. Rule of Law: Democracy is based on rule of law. Law is supreme. No body is above the law.
  8. Equality: Equality is a basic principle of democracy. Everybody enjoys the right of equality and liberty.
  9. Fundamental Rights: In a democracy citizens enjoy fundamental rights which are protected by the Judiciary.

Question 2.
Explain in brief the main obstacles in the way of democracy.
In the whole world, democracy is the most prevalent form of government but there are few obstacles in the way of its successful functioning which are given below :

  1. Casteism and Communalism: Giving preference to one’s caste and considering one’s religion superiors than the other creates hurdles in the way of successful democracy.
  2. Regionalism: The meaning of regionalism is giving preference to own region over the other or country. It leads to conservation of human mentality and one never care about the national interests. It can become a danger to national integrity.
  3. Illiteracy: Illiteracy is also one of the obstacle is the way of democracy. As illiterate person cannot understand the importance of democratic values and his vote. Cousequently either he does not caste his vote or sells his vote. It raises doubts on the success oLdemocracy.
  4. Unhealthy people: If citizens of the country are not healthy then they cannot contribute towards the progress of the nation. Such people do not keep any interest in the public and political activities.
  5. Indifferent attitude: If people are indifferent in their attitude or they do not care about their social and political responsibilities, they are definitely obstacles in the way of democracy. They even are unable to use their right to vote in a proper way. They do not show interest in listening to the leaders and this is exactly opposite to the principles of democracy.

Question 3.
Describes any five conditions of the success of democracy.
In order that democracy may work successfully in any state there are certain conditions which must be satisfied.

  1. Enlightened citizenship: The citizens should remain alert and protect their rights. They should perform their duties in a sincere manner.
  2. Education: Citizens should be educated. It is only the educated electorates that will elect the right type of persons to government,
  3. Local self-government: It is quite essential for the success of democracy that the administration should be decentralized one.
  4. Protection of Fundamental Rights: In a democratic state people should be given fundamental rights and their rights should be protected by the Constitution.
  5. Economic Equality and Security: Economic equality and security is also essential condition for the success of democracy. There should not be too much gulf between the rich and the poor.
  6. Social Equality: No discrimination should be made on the basis of caste, colour, race, sex, religion etc.
  7. High Moral Character: A high moral character of the people is very essential for the success of democracy.
  8. Free and Fair Election: For the success of democracy elections should he held free and fair.
  9. Freedom of Press: Democracy cannot flourish best without the freedom of press.

Question 4.
Give one definition of the democracy system and explain in brief the importance of democracy.
Definitions of Democracy:

  1. According to Dicey, “Democracy is a government in which the governing body is comparatively a large fraction of entire nation.”
  2. According to Seeley, ‘Democracy is a government in which everyone has a share.”
  3. According .to Abraham Lincoln, “Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people”.

Importance of Democracy : Presently, most of countries have adopted the democratic form of government and that’s why the importance of democracy has increased.

The importance of democracy is given below ;

  1. Equality. In democracy, no one is discriminated on any bases as it is based on equality. In this everyone is given equal rights and value of every one’s vote is same.
  2. Representative of Public Opinion. Actually democracy is representative of the public opinion. Democratic government is elected by the people and it forms the law on the basis of public opinion. If the government does not work according to public opinion, it can be removed.
  3. Protector of Individual Liberty. Only democracy is a type of government in which individual liberties of the public are protected. In democracy, people have the right to express their opinion, to criticize and to form associations. Even the freedom of press is also protected in this system.
  4. Political Awareness. In democracy, elections are held on regular basis with which people become politically aware. Different political parties form public opinion and they continually evaluate the government. It leads to the development of political consciouness among the people.
  5. Development of Moral Qualities. Out of all the governments’ only democracy helps in the development of moral qualities among the people. It also helps in building their high character. It develops the qualities to co-operate, tolerence etc, among the people.

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