Table Tennis Game Rules – PSEB 10th Class Physical Education

Table Tennis Game Rules – PSEB 10th Class Physical Education

Table Tennis Game Rules – PSEB 10th Class Physical Education

Important Information About the Table Tennis Game

  • Types of Table Tennis game = Two (Single & Double)
  • Size of the Table length & breadth = 274 × 152.5 cm.
  • The height of the playing floor = 76 cm.
  • The height of the net from floor = 15.25 cm.
  • Length of the net = 183 cm.
  • Weight of the ball = 2.55 gram to 2.7 gram
  • Circumference of the ball = 40m. m.
  • Colours of the ball = White
  • The ball is made of = Celluloid or plastic
  • The officials of match = One refree, one umpire one scorer, one assistant umpire.
  • The length of the table in table tennis is 2.74 metres and width 1.52 metres.
  • The game of table tennis is of two types singles and doubles. In Singles, there are two players, out of which one plays and the other is a substitute.
  • In Doubles, there are four players, out of which two play and two are substitutes. The game of table tennis is of Eleven points.
  • In Doubles game, the playing surface is divided into two parts by a 3 cm, wide white line.
  • The selection of ends (sides) and the right to first serve shall be decided by toss.
  • The toss winning player chooses to serve, whereas, the other chooses the end (side).
  • The service is changed after two points in Singles.
  • In the last possible game, the ends are changed when a player or pair scores ten points.
  • A match shall include five or seven games.
  • The lines on the table used in the game should be white in colour.
  • The remaining part of the table tennis is dark green.

Table Tennis Game Rules – PSEB 10th Class Physical Education

Question 1.
Describe about the Table, Net, Ball and Racket in the game of Table Tennis?
In table tennis, the table used is of rectangular shape. It is 2.74 metres in length and 1.52 metres in width. Its height from the ground is 76 cm. It can be made of any material. A ball when dropped from a height of 30.5 cm. on its surface shall give a bounce of not less than 22 cm. and not more than 25 cm.

The surface of the table is known as playing surface. It is of dark green colour. It shall have a 2 cm broad white line along each edge. The lines at the 152.5 cms ends are called End lines, and the lines at the 274 cms. ends are called Side lines. In Doubles, the surface of the table is divided into two parts by a 3 mm. wide white line, which is parallel to the side line and is at an equal distance from it. This is known as the centre line.

The net is 183 cms. in length. Its upper part is at the height of 15.25 cms. from the playing surface. It is tied by a cord to upright high posts of 15.25 cms. The outer limit of each post is 15.25 cms. outside the side line.

The ball used in the game is spherical in size. It is made of celluloid or similar plastic but without reflection. Its diameter is not more than 40 mm. and not less than 37.2 mm. Its weight is not less than 2.40 gm. and not more than 2.53 gm.

The racket may be of any size, shape or weight. But its surface should be of dark colour. This game has 21 points.

Question 2.
How is the game of Table Tennis started?
Order of Play. In Singles, a server does five services at a stretch whether he gets the score or not, thereafter the service passes on the other player. The other player also gets the right of doing five services. Thus, the service changes after every five services.

In Doubles, the server makes a goods service, then the receiver shall make a goods return. The partner of the server shall make a good service, thereafer, and the partner of the receiver, then, shall make a good return. Thus, turn by turn, each player shall make service and return in that order.

Good Service:
The server places the ball on the palm of his free hand, open and flat, with fingers pressed together and thumb free. Then he shall project the ball in the air and do the service in a manner that the ball remains visible to the judge. Then the ball shall be struck in a way that it touches the server’s court and passes directly over or around the net, and touches the receiver’s court.

In Doubles, the ball shall first touch the server’s right hand, right of court or the central line on the side of the net. Then the ball, passing over or around the net, touches the receiver’s right-half court, or the central line on his side of the net.

Good Return:
After having been served or returned in play, the ball shall be so struck as to pass directly over or around the net. It should touch directly the opponent’s court.

Ball in Play:
The ball is in play when it is projected from the hand for service. It shall be deemed to be in play until:

  • it has touched one court twice successively.
  • it has touched anything other than the net and supports.
  • it has been hit by a player more than one successively.
  • it has touched a player or anything he wears or carries.
  • in Doubles, it has touched the right half of the server or receiver.

A let:
A ball in play is called rally. A rally may be let if:

  • The served ball touches the net or its supports.
  • The service is delivered and the receiver is not yet ready.
  • A player fails to do good service or return owing to some accident.
  • The play is stopped for correction of the order of the game or the fault in ends.

Question 3.
How are points scored in the game of Table Tennis?
A player shall lose a point in case:

  • he fails to deliver good service.
  • he fails to deliver good return when his opponent has made goods service or return.
  • he or his racket touches the net when the ball is in play.
  • his free hand touches the playing surface when the ball is in play.
  • he returns the ball with volley.
  • in Doubles, he strikes the ball out of turn.

A player or pair who scores first 21 points shall win the game. If both the players or pairs score 20 points, then that player or pair shall be the winner who scores 2 points before the other player or pair.

The Choice of Ends and Service

In the game of tennis, the choice of ends and the right to serve first shall be decided by toss. The toss winning player chooses to serve or not to serve first, and the other player chooses the right to end (side).

Change the Ends and Service

The change of ends and service shall be made in the following manner:

In the play, a player or pair who starts a game at one end shall be at the other end in the second game, and so on. This will continue till the end of the match. The ends change when any player or pair score first ten points in the last possible game in a match. In Singles, the service is changed after five points, which means that the server shall become receiver, and recevier shall become server.

In Doubles, the selected partner of the pair shall deliver the first service, and shall be received by the appropriate partner of the opposing pair. The receiver of the first five services shall deliver the second five services. The third five services shall be delivered by the partner of the first receiver. The fourth five services are delivered by the partner of the first receiver and received by the first server. The fifth five services are to be delivered like the first five, and so on. This order will continue till the end of the game.

Out of Order of Ends, Serving or Receiving

In case the players have not changed ends in time, they shall change the ends as soon as the mistake is detected provided the game is not completed. In case the game has been completed, all points scored shall be counted. If a player serves or receives out of turn, the play shall be stopped as soon as the error is detected. The game shall be started again by the server who was serving at the start of the game, or at the time when the score was 10. In such circumstances, the scores made before the error is detected shall be counted.

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