To get a better yield Jaikishan increased the use of pesticides and fertilizers. Though in the initial years he got higher yield and profits but the production decreased after that. He was much worried. His friend Mahesh persuaded him to abandon this practice and start using organic manure.

Q. To get a better yield Jaikishan increased the use of pesticides and fertilizers. Though in the initial years he got higher yield and profits but the production decreased after that. He was much worried. His friend Mahesh persuaded him to abandon this practice and start using organic manure.
(i) Why are fertilizers used in a field ?
(ii) State the possible reason for the decline in yield.
(iii) List two values shown by Mahesh.
Ans. (i) To replenish the soil with specific nutrients.
(ii) Continuous use can destroy soil fertility, organic matter is not replenished, microbes are also harmed.
(iii) Scientific temper, analytical ability, concern for others.

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