Natural Remedies to Stop Hair Fall

Pollution While living in cities has its perks, one can’t escape from the exposure to consistent thick blankets of air pollution emitted from cars, trains, and other public transports, causing treatable hair damage and hair fall.

Genetics If your elders have a hair fall/bald patch history, it’s likely for you to experience the same at some point in your life.

Stress Work & study hard, but don’t compromise on your health. Lack of proper sleep & excessive stress contributes to severe hair loss.

Nutritional Deficiencies Consistent neglect of vitamins, minerals, and a protein-rich diet affects the quality & quantity of hair on your scalp.

Hormonal Changes Are you: – Entering puberty – Pregnant – Undergoing menopause – Taking birth control pills – Experiencing thyroid?

Diseases & Medications Certain autoimmune diseases like cancer, thyroid, arthritis and heart problems can contribute to consistent hair loss. Some medicines like antidepressants, birth control pills, and mood stabilizers can also lead to hairlessness.