who was satyendranath bose

Satyendra Bose, born in Calcutta on 1 January 1874, did remarkable work in quantum mechanics and mathematical physics.

Bose wrote a research paper on quantum statistics and sent it to a British journal for publication but it could not be published.

Bose wrote a letter to Albert Einstein in 1924 along with his research paper.

Realizing the importance of Bose's work, Einstein got it published in a German journal.

The word boson was used for the first time in this journal. The discovery of Satyendra Nath Bose was named 'Boson' by Einstein.

The discovery of Satyendra Nath Bose is known as Bose-Einstein Statistics. This discovery is the basis of current quantum mechanics.

Physicists around the world today believe that as much as Bose-Einstein statistics have on the current physical science, hardly 'Higgs Boson' can be.