World’s Most Corrupt Nations Ranked – Is India on the List?- wna24

World’s Most Corrupt Nations Ranked –  Is India on the List?

World’s Most Corrupt Nations Ranked – Is India on the List? | Image:

A list of the world’s most corrupt nations has been released by the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI).

The index ranks 180 countries and territories based on their perceived levels of public sector corruption, as assessed by experts and business leaders. It uses a scale of zero to 100, where “zero” represents highly corrupt and “100” signifies very clean.

While the list highlights that corruption remains a global challenge, it also indicates that many countries are making progress in addressing the issue.

Which Countries Are the Least Corrupt?

Denmark topped the list as the least corrupt country, followed by Finland and Singapore.

Where Does India Stand in the Rankings?

According to the Corruption Perceptions Index 2024, India ranked 96th out of 180 countries, with an overall score of 38—a one-point drop from the previous year.

In 2023, India ranked 93rd, with a score of 39.
In 2022, India ranked 40th, with a score of 40.

Among India’s neighbors:

Pakistan ranked 135th
Sri Lanka ranked 121st
Bangladesh ranked 149th
China ranked 76th

At the bottom of the list, South Sudan was ranked as the most corrupt nation, followed closely by Somalia, Venezuela, and Syria.

Corruption’s Impact on Climate Action

A recent study revealed that corruption poses a major threat to climate initiatives, obstructing efforts to reduce emissions and adapt to the effects of global heating.

While 32 countries have significantly reduced their corruption levels since 2012, 148 countries have remained stagnant or worsened in the same period.
The global average CPI score remains stuck at 43.
More than two-thirds of countries score below 50.

Billions of people live in nations where corruption destroys lives and undermines human rights.

The report states: “Huge numbers of people worldwide suffer severe consequences of global heating, as funds meant for reducing emissions and protecting vulnerable populations are stolen or misused. Meanwhile, undue influence and corruption obstruct policies aimed at addressing the climate crisis, leading to environmental destruction.”

Many countries with high CPI scores have the resources and power to promote corruption-resistant climate action. However, the report highlights that these nations often prioritize the interests of fossil-fuel companies instead.

Additionally, some of these countries serve as financial hubs for illicit funds, linked to corruption, environmental destruction, and other crimes.

The report warns that corruption is an evolving global threat, which not only undermines development but also fuels democratic decline, instability, and human rights violations.

“The international community and every country must prioritize tackling corruption in the long term. This is crucial for pushing back against authoritarianism and ensuring a peaceful, free, and sustainable world,” it said.

The trends revealed in this year’s CPI highlight the urgent need for concrete action against corruption worldwide.

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