Badminton Game Rules – PSEB 10th Class Physical Education
Badminton Game Rules – PSEB 10th Class Physical Education
Badminton Game Rules – PSEB 10th Class Physical Education
Important Information About the Badminton Game
- The size of the court for double = 44′ × 20′, 13.40 × 6.10 m
- The size of the court for single = 44′ × 17′, 13.40 × 5.80 m
- Breadth of the net = 2′ × 06′, 760 m.m.
- Height of the poles from net = 5′,1″, 1.55 meter
- The number of feathers of a shuttle = 16
- Length of feather = 2 1/2” to 2 3/4“, 62 mm – 70 mm
- Points in double game = 21 points
- Points for women in a single game = 21 points
- Size of the side gallery = 1.64, 45 c.m.
- Size of the back gallery = 2′,6″, 75 c.m.
- Weight of the Racket + its length = 85 to 140 gm, Length 27″, 686 m.m.
- Officials = One refree, one umpire, one service umpire, four line men.
- The game of badminton is of two types-Singles and Doubles. In the singles, there are two players, one on each side, and a substitute. In the doubles, there are four players, two on each side, and two substitutes.
- For singles, a court is of the dimensions of 44′ × 17′ and for doubles, a court of 44′ × 20′.
- The one who wins the toss decides whether to serve or choose the end first.
- In the doubles, the game shall have 15 points.
- In the singles for girls there are 11 points.
- Service cannot be delivered until the opponent is fully ready.
- In the singles the players shall change ends when 1 point is scored.
- There is no time duration in badminton; rather best of three games are played in it. The team which will win two out of three games is declared the winner.
- The whistle is not used in the game.
- Normally, this game is played in an indoor stadium.
Badminton Game Rules – PSEB 10th Class Physical Education
Question 1.
What do you know about the Badminton Court, Poles, Net, and Shuttle Cock?
Badminton Court. Badminton is of two types – Singles and Doubles. The measurement of the court for both these games shall be well marked by white or red lines 1″ × 2″ (5 cm) wide as shown in the diagram.
For the Doubles, the size of the court shall be 44′ × 20′ and for the Singles, 44′ × 17′.
The back gallery and side gallery shall be of 2 1/2‘ and 1 1/2‘ respectively. On both sides of the net there is a short service line of 6 1/2“. A line shall be drawn parallel to the sideline in order to divide the court into two equal parts. The left half of the court shall be called left service, court and the right half shall be called right service court. Two posts are planted in the court. These posts are 5′ – 1” in height from the floor.
Two poles shall be planted to keep the net strained. These poles shall be 5′ – 1″ high from the floor. They are so firmly implanted as to keep the net strained.
The net shall be made of fine coloured cord. Its mesh shall be 3.3″ Its breadth should be 2′ – 6″ (0.76 metre). The top of the net should be 5″ from the ground and 5′ – 1″ high from the poles. It shall be firmly tied to the poles on both the sides. Its length should be such that it should extend in both sides of the boundary lines. There should be a double white tape of 3″ on the edges. A cord or’cable runs through the tape which is used to keep the net strained.
When the game is set the score is 0-0 (Love-all). On the game being set, the team that first score 17 points shall be the winner. When the score has reached 14-all the claim to set the game must be made in every case before the next service is delivered. In the game of 11 points the game should be set at 14.
The ladies single game has 11 points. The player who first scores 10 points shall have the option to set the game to 12. In case the score is 10-all, the player who first reaches 10 has the option of setting the game to 12.
Changing Sides:
The two teams shall play three games according to pre-agreement. The team which wins two out of 3 games shall be declared the winner. The players shall change ends at the end of the first game and before the start of the second game, and in case the third game is to be played, the ends shall be changed. In the third game the players shall change ends.
Doubles and Singles Games in Badminton.
(i) Doubles:
In this game, there are two players on each side. After having been decided which side is to deliver the service first, the player in the right hand service court of that side shall start the game. He shall serve to the opposing player in the right hand service court. This matter is decided by the toss winners, and the other matters by the losing one. It is decided before hand whether the game shall have 15. If the opponent returns the shuttle before it touches the ground to the player who started the game, he shall again return it to the latter.
In this way, the play shall continue until the foul is made or the shuttle falls down on the ground. In case the service is not returned or the foul is made by the opposing side, the player doing the service shall score one point. The members of the team delivering the service shall change their service court. Now the player doing the service shall be in the left hand service court and shall serve to the player of the opposing team in the left hand service court.
In the beginning of each game, each team shall deliver the service from the right hand service court.
(ii) Singles:
All the above-mentioned rules shall be applicable to Singles games but
(i) the player serves from, and receives service in his respective right hand service court. When the player who serves is at 0 or there is an even number of points in the game, the service is always delivered from the right hand service court. In case of odd numbers, the service is delivered from the left hand service court.
(ii) Both the players change service courts after each has scored 1 point.
(iii) The ladies Single game consists of 11 points. When the score is 10-all, the player who first reaches 10 can set the game to 2 points. In case of the score is 10-all, the game is set to 2 points.
In case a fault is committed by a player of the playing side, the player who delivers the service shall be “out”. If the fault is committed by an opponent, the playing side gets one point. It shall be considered a fault:
(a) When the struck or served shuttle is higher than the server’s waist or it is struck by the shaft of the racket higher than the server’s hand holding the racket.
(b) When in serving, the shuttle falls into the wrong service court or falls short of the short service line or beyond the long service line or outside the side boundary fine.
(c) When serving, the player’s feet are not in the service court.
(d) When before or during service any player intentionally obstructs his opponents.
(e) When in service, the shuttle falls outside the boundary of the court, passes through under the net, fails to pass the net, or touches the person or dress of a player.
(f) If the shuttle is struck before it crosses the striker’s side of the net.
(g) When the shuttle is in play, a player touches the net or it supports with his body, racket or dress.
(h) When the shuttle is held on the racket, a player strikes it twice in succession or it is struck twice in succession by the player first and then by his partner.
(i) The opponent shall be reckoned as ready if in play he returns the shuttle or tries to hit it, whether he is in or outside the boundary.
(j) When a player obstructs an opponent.
Rules about Service
(i) Only that player shall receive the service who is served to. If the shuttle touches the other player or is hit by him, the one who delivers service gets 1 point. No player can receive two consecutive services in the same game.
(ii) In the first inning, only one player who starts a game shall serve. In the subsequent innings each player can deliver the service. The winning team shall always serve first. Any player of the winning side can serve and any player of the losing side can receive the service.
(iii) If a player serves from the wrong service court or serves out of turn and scores the point it shall be called ‘Let’. But this ‘Let’ should be claimed before the next service is delivered.
Question 2.
Discuss the main rules of the game of Badminton?
General Rules of Badminton
(i) Only that player can receive the service who is served to. No player can receive two consecutive services in the same game.
(ii) The service cannot be delivered until the opposing player is ready.
(iii) In the first innings the player who delivers the service shall serve only once. In the subsequent innings the players of the same team (partners) shall serve one by one.
(iv) Both, the server and the player served to, shall stand within the limits of their own courts. Some parts of both the feet of the players shall remain in contact with the ground until the service is delivered.
(v) If the service delivered is correct but the shuttle touches the net, the player shall be out. But in such a case, it shall not be deemed a fault. If the shuttle falls somehow inside the boundary of the opponent’s court by passing through the poles, it shall be considered a good service. If there is a sudden or indefinite obstruction in the game, the referee can say ‘Let’.
(vi) If a player serves from the wrong service court out of turn and wins a point, the service shall be called ‘Let’. But the condition is that it should be claimed by the other side before the next service is delivered, and it is granted.
(vii) If a player serves from outside his service court and wins the point, the service shall be called ‘Let’ provided the ‘Let’ is claimed before the next service is delivered.
(viii) If in service the shuttle falls beside the net, the service shall be called ‘short’, and the opposing team is awarded service or point.
Referee or umpire will control the match of tournament by using the yellow and red cards.
Warning to a player or coach for their misconduct or unsportsman behaviour.
Suspension for the match or for the tournament.
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