JKBOSE 9th Class English Solutions chapter – 18 THE ADVENTURES OF TOTO
JKBOSE 9th Class English Solutions chapter – 18 THE ADVENTURES OF TOTO
JKBOSE 9th Class English Solutions chapter – 18 THE ADVENTURES OF TOTO
Jammu & Kashmir State Board JKBOSE 9th Class English Solutions
Jammu & Kashmir State Board class 9th English Solutions
J&K State Board class 9 English Solutions
Toto was a baby monkey. The writer’s grandfather bought him from a tonga driver for five rupees. Grandmother always got angry and complained when a new bird or animal was brought home. So the presence of Toto was kept a secret from her. Grandfather and the writer put Toto in a little closet. He was tied to a peg fastened into the wall. A few hours later it was found that Toto had torn off the wallpaper. He had pulled out the peg in the wall from its socket. He had also torn to pieces the writer’s school blazer. Indeed, he was a very mischievous monkey.
Toto was transferred to a big cage in the servants’ quarters. Grandfather’s other pets also lived there. But the monkey didn’t allow any of the pets to sleep at night. Grandfather had to leave Dehradun for Saharanpur the next day to collect his pension there. He took Toto along with him. The monkey was put inside a big black canvas kit-bag. Toto remained in the bag as far as Saharanpur. But at the railway turnstile, he poked his head out of the bag. He gave the ticket 21 CA YE collector a wide grin. Toto was classified as a dog three rupees as Toto’s fare.
The writer’s grandmother finally accepted Toto. Now he was given a home in the stable along with the family donkey, Nana. Toto and Nana never became friends. Toto enjoyed the warm-water bath during cold winter evenings. One day, he got inside a large kitchen kettle. It had been left on the fire to boil water for tea. He would have boiled himself alive if Grandmother had not come and pulled him out of the kettle.
Toto always tore things to pieces. Whenever any of the writer’s aunts went near him, he tried to get hold of her dress and tear it. One day, a large dish of pullao was kept in the centre of the dining table. Toto began stuffing himself with rice. When the writer’s grandmother screamed, Toto threw a plate at her. One of the writer’s aunts rushed forward. Toto threw a glass of water in her face. He picked up the dish of pullao and went out through a window. He remained in the branches of a jackfruit tree all afternoon, eating slowly the rice in the dish. He then threw the dish down from the tree. He chattered with delight when the dish broke into pieces. The writer’s family could not afford the frequent loss of dishes, clothes, curtains chan and wallpaper. So Grandfather sold Toto back to the tonga-driver for three rupees.
टोटो एक नन्हा-सा बन्दर था। लेखक के दादा जी ने एक लाँगे वाले से टोटो को पाँच रुपये में खरीदा। जब भ घर में कोई नया पक्षी लाया हो जातीं और शिकायत करतीं। इसलिए टोटो की उपस्थिति को छोटी-सी अलमारी में रखा। उसे दीवार पर गड़ी हुई खूंटी से बाँध दिया गया। कुछ घण्टों के बाद देखा गया कि टोटो ने दीवार के रंगीन कागज को फाड़ दिया था। उसने दीवार पर गड़ी खूँटी को भी खींच कर निकाल दिया था। उसने लेखक के स्कूल के ब्लेज के भी चिथड़े कर दिए थे। निस्सन्देह वह एक बहुत शरारती बन्दर था।
जानवर उनसे छिपाकर रखा जाता तो दादी मां हमेशा नाराज गया। दादा जी और लेखक ने टोटो को एक
देहरादून से सहारनपुर टोटो को नौकरों के आवास में एक बड़े पिंजरे में रख दिया गया। दादा जी के अन्य पालतू जानवर भी वहीं रहते थे। किन्तु बन्दर ने किसी भी पालतू पशु को रात में सोने नहीं दिया। दूसरे दिन दादा जी को अपनी पेंशन लेने के लिए जाना था। वह टोटो को भी अपने साथ ले गए। बन्दर को एक बड़े काले टार के थैले में डाल दिया गया। सहारनपुर तक टोटो थैले के अन्दर ही रहा। किन्तु रेलवे के घुमावदार फाटक पर उसने अपना सिर थैले के बाहर निकाल लिया। उसने टिकट कलक्टर को एक चौड़ी मुस्कान दी। टोटो को टिकट कलक्टर द्वारा कुत्तों की श्रेणी में रखा गया। उसने टोटो के भाड़े के रूप में तीन रुपए लिए।
लेखक की दादी मां ने टोटो को अन्ततः स्वीकार कर लिया। अब उसे अस्तबल में एक जगह दे दी गई, परिवार की गधी नाना के साथ। टोटो और नाना कभी मित्र नहीं बने । टोटो को ठंड से भरी सर्दी की शामों में गर्म पानी से स्नान करने में बहुत आनन्द आता था। एक दिन वह रसोई की एक बड़ी केतली के अन्दर घुस गया जो चाय के लिए आग पर पानी उबालने के लिए रखी हुई थी। उसने स्वयं को जीवित उबाल लिया होता यदि दादी मां आकर उसे केतली से बाहर खींच कर नहीं निकालती ।
टोटो हमेशा चीजों को चीर-फाड़ देता था। जब भी लेखक की कोई आंटी उसके पास जाती, तो वह उसकी पोशाक पकड़ कर फाड़ने की कोशिश करता । एक दिन खाने की मेज के बीच में एक बड़ी प्लेट में पुलाव रखा हुआ था । टोटो चावलों को अपने मुँह में ढूंसने लगा। जब लेखक की दादी मां चिल्लाई, तो टोटो ने उसकी तरफ एक प्लेट फेंक दी। लेखक की एक आंटी भाग कर आगे आई। टोटो ने उसके चेहरे पर एक गिलास पानी फेंक दिया। उसने पुलाव की प्लेट उठा ली और एक खिड़की से बाहर निकल गया । वह पूरी दोपहर कटहल के एक पेड़ की शाखाओं पर रहा और धीरे-धीरे प्लेट में से चावलों को खाता रहा। फिर उसने पेड़ से प्लेट को नीचे फेंक दिया। जब प्लेट टूट कर टुकड़े-टुकड़े हो गई तो वह प्रसन्नता से चीखने लगा । लेखक का परिवार प्लेटों, कपड़ों, पर्दों और दीवारी कागज का अक्सर होता नुकसान सहन न कर सका। इसलिए दादा जी ने टोटो को वापस तांगे वाले को केवल तीन रुपये में बेच दिया।
(Page 85) Grandfather bought Toto from a tonga-driver for the sum of five rupees. The tonga-driver used to keep the little red monkey tied to a feeding-trough, and the monkey looked so out of place there that Grandfather decided he would add the little fellow to his private zoo.
Toto was a pretty monkey. His bright eyes sparkled with mischief beneath deepset eyebrows, and his teeth, which were a pearly white, were very often displayed in a smile that frightened the life out of elderly Anglo-Indian ladies. But his hands looked dried-up as though they had been pickled in the sun for many years. Yet his fingers were quick and wicked; and his tail, while adding to his good looks (Grandfather believed a tail would add to anyone’s good looks), also served as a third hand. He could use it to hang from a branch; and it was capable of scooping up any delicacy that might be out of reach of his hands.
1. How much money did Grandfather pay to buy Toto ?
2. Why did Grandfather decide to buy Toto ?
3. Describe Toto briefly in your own words.
4. Toto’s ……………….. served as his third hand.
5. Toto’s bright eyes often frightened the elderly Anglo-Indian ladies. (True / False)
6. Write a word from the passage that means ‘a type of eatable or food item’.
1. Grandfather paid five rupees to buy Toto.
2. Toto’s master, the tonga-driver, him tied to a feeding-trough. Toto looked out of place there very much. So Grandfather decided to buy Toto.
3. Toto was a beautiful monkey. He had bright eyes. His eyes had in them a sparkle of mischief. He had pearly white teeth. They often showed a smile. His tail further added to his good looks.
4. tail.
5. True.
6. delicacy.
(Page 86) A few hours later, when Grandfather and I came back to release Toto, we found that the walls, which had been covered with some ornamental paper chosen by Grandfather, now stood out as naked brick and plaster. The peg in the wall had been wrenched from its socket, and my school blazer, which had been hanging there, was in shreds. I wondered what Grandmother would say. But Grandfather didn’t worry; he seemed pleased with Toto’s performance.
“He’s clever,” said Grandfather. “Given time, I’m sure he could have tied the torn pieces of your blazer into a rope, and made his escape from the window !”
(A) (i) What had happened to the walls ?
(ii) What did they find in shreds ?
(iii) What was the writer’s fear ?
(B) Choose the most appropriate options:
(i) According to the passage, the walls …… .
(a) looked beautiful earlier (b) now looked ugly
(c) were reduced to brick and plaster (d) all of these three.
(ii) The expression ‘had been wrenched’ is in ……. .
(a) passive voice (b) past perfect tense
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) past indefinite tense.
(iii) On seeing what Toto had done, Grandfather ……… .
(a) was red in range (b) felt very bad
(c) seemed pleased (d) called had done?
(C) Was Grandfather worried to see what Toto had done ?
(A) (i) The walls that had looked so beautiful earlier now looked as naked brick and plaster.
(ii) They saw that the writer’s school blazer had been reduced by Toto to shreds.
(iii) He feared that Grandmother would boil with rage on seeing the en todestruction caused by Toto.
(B) (i) (d) all of these three (ii) (c) both (a) and (b) (iii) (c) seemed pleased.
(C) No, on the other hand, he admired Toto’s performance.
(Page 86 ) His presence in the house still a secret, Toto was now transferred to a big cage in the servants’ quarters where a number of Grandfather’s pets lived very sociably together – a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, a tame squirrel and, for a while, my pet goat. But the monkey wouldn’t allow any of his companions to sleep at night; so Grandfather, who had to leave Dehradun next day to collect his pension in Saharanpur, decided to take him along.
1. Why was Toto transferred from his old place ?
2. How did Toto, the monkey, prove a nuisance to other pets ?
3. Why had Grandfather to go to Saharanpur ?
4. What did Grandfather decide ?
5. Why did Grandfather want to take Toto along to Saharanpur ?
1. He was transferred to a cage because he, in his mischief, had started spoiling
things while living alone in a room.
2. He would keep awake chittering continuously, because of which other animals could not sleep.
3. He had to go as usual to collect his monthly pension.
4. He decided that this time, he would take Toto along when he went to collect his pension.
5. He decided so in order that the other animals could live in comfort for at least one day.
(Page 86) Unfortunately, I could not accompany Grandfather on that trip, but he told me about it afterwards. A big black canvas kit-bag was provided for Toto. This, with some straw at the bottom, became his new abode. When the bag was closed, there was no escape. Toto could not get his hands through the opening, and the canvas was too strong for him to bite his way through. His efforts to get out only had the effect of making the bag roll about on the floor or occasionally jump into the air, an exhibition that attracted a curious crowd of onlookers on the Dehradun railway platform.
(A) (i) What was the ‘trip’ that the writer talks about in this passage ?
(ii) How was Toto carried during the ‘trip’ to Saharanpur ?
(iii) What effect would Toto’s attempt to escape produce ?
(B) Choose the most appropriate options:
(i) The word ‘straw’ used in the passage means ……… .
(a) old clothes (b) dried grass (c) sand (d) dry leaves.
(ii) The word that means ‘sometimes’ in the passage is …….. .
(a) unfortunately (b) afterwards (c) occasionally (d) none of the above.
(iii) The effect of Toto’s attempt to escape was ……… .
(a) the bag rolled on the floor (b) it jumped in the air (c) it attracted onlookers (d) all of these three.
(C) What would happen when the bag rolled on the floor or jumped in the air ?
(A) (i) It was the trip that Grandfather made to Saharanpur for collecting his monthly pension.
(ii) He was carried in a big black canvas kitbag. Some straw was placed at the bottom to serve as his bed.
(iii) His attempt would make the kitbag roll about on the floor. Sometimes, the bag would even jump in the air.
(B) (i) (b) dried grass (ii) (c) occasionally (iii) (d) all of these three.
(C) The feats’ of the bag would fill the people at the platform with curiosity and wonder.
(Page 86) When Toto was finally accepted by Grandmother, he was given a comfortable home in the stable, where he had for a companion the family donkey, Nana. On Toto’s first night in the stable, Grandfather paid him a visit to see if he was comfortable. To his surprise he found Nana, without apparent cause, pulling at her halter and trying to keep her head as far as possible from a bundle of hay.
1. What does the expression, ‘when Toto was finally accepted by Grandmother’, mean ?
2. How was Toto’s new home ?
3. Why did Grandfather pay a visit in the night ?
4. What was Grandfather surprised to see ?
5. Who do you think must have been in the bundle of hay ?
1. It means that in the beginning, Grandmother was not happy at the inclusion of Toto to the collection of pets. But now she had reluctantly agreed.
2. His new home was more comfortable than his previous abode a big cage. And now he had only one animal to share his home.
3. Grandfather did it to see if Toto was comfortable in his new abode.
4. He saw that Nana was pulling at her halter and was trying to keep her head
away from a bundle of hay.
5. It was in all probability our hero, Toto, who was trying his mischief on Nana, the donkey.
(Page 87) A great treat for Toto during cold winter evenings was the large bowl of warm water given to him by Grandmother for his bath. He would cunningly test the temperature with his hand, then gradually step into the bath, first one foot, then the other (as he had seen me doing), until he was into the
water up to his neck.
(A) (i) Give the name of the lesson and its writer.
(ii) What would happen in cold winter evenings ?
(iii) How cautiously would Toto enter the bowl of warm water ?
(B) Choose the most appropriate options:
(i) Toto would get a bowl of warm water in cold weather …….. .
(a) for his bath (b) for drinking (c) to splash about (d) all of these three.
(ii) The word ‘cunningly’ used in the passage is ……. .
(a) an adverb (b) an adjective (c) a conjunction (d) a pronoun.
(iii) He would enter the bowl of water …… .
(a) very cautiously (b) very gradually (c) copying the writer (d) all of these three.
(C) Who would Toto copy for a warm-water bath ?
(A) (i) The name of the lesson is The Adventures of Toto’, and its writer is
Ruskin Bond.
(ii) Toto would be given a bowl of warm water for a comfortable bath in the cold weather.
(iii) He would enter very cautiously. He would put his feet in the bowl one by one until the water was up to his neck.
(B) (i) (a) for his bath (ii) (a) an adverb (iii) (d) all of these three.
(C) He would copy what writer used to do while using warm water for bath during cold weather.
(Page 88) Obviously, Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long. Even Grandfather realised that. We were not well-to-do, and could not afford the frequent на ан loss of dishes, clothes, curtains and wallpaper. So Grandfather found the tongadriver and sold Toto back to him for only three rupees.
(A) (i) What sort of pet was Toto ?
(ii) Why could not the narrator’s family bear the frequent loss ?
(iii) Who purchased Toto from Grandfather ?
(iv) At what cost was Toto sold by Grandfather ?
(B) (i) ‘Well-to-do’ means …. (rich / poor).
(ii) The word ‘frequent’ is used as :
(a) noun (b) adjective (c) adverb.
(A) (i) Toto was a kind of pet which could not be kept for long.
(ii) Because were not well-to-do.
(iii) The tonga-driver from whom he was bought.
(iv) For only three rupees.
(B) (i) rich (ii) (b) adjective.
Thinking About the text
Q. 1. How did Toto come to Grandfather’s private zoo ?
Ans.— Grandfather bought Toto from a tonga driver. The tonga driver used to keep the monkey tied to a feeding-trough. The monkey looked out of place there. savs Grandfather bought it for five rupees. He decided to keep it in his private zoo.
Q. 2. Toto was a pretty monkey.’ In what sense is Toto pretty ?
Ans.— Toto has bright eyes. They have in them a sparkle of mischief. Toto has pearly white teeth. They often show a smile. His tail further adds to his good looks.
Q. 3. Why does Grandfather take Toto to Saharanpur and how ?
Ans.— Toto does not let the other pets sleep at night. So Grandfather carries him to Saharanpur. He carries Toto in a canvas kitbag.
Q. 4. Why does the ticket collector insist on calling Toto a dog ?
Ans.— The ticket collector called Toto a dog because there was no separate rule for monkeys.
Q. 5. How does Toto take a bath? Where has he learnt to do this ?
Ans.— Toto first tests the temperature of water in the bowl. Then he gradually steps into it. He goes neck-deep into the water. Then he rubs himself with soap. He has learnt all this by watching the author.
Q. 6.How does Toto almost boil himself alive ?
Ans.— One day, Toto gets into a large kettle. He finds the water quite warm for a bath. Soon the water begins to boil. Toto raises himself a little. He finds it is cold outside. He sits down again. By chance, Grandmother comes there. She at once pulls Toto out of the kettle. He is half-boiled.
Q. 7. Which activity of Toto annoyed Grandmother ?
Ans.— Toto picked up a dish of pullao and went out through a window. He stayed in the branches of a jackfruit tree all afternoon. He ate slowly all the grains of rice in the dish. Then he threw the dish down from the tree. When the dish broke into pieces, he chattered with delight. All this annoyed Grandmother.
Q. 8. Why does the author say, “Toto was not the sort of pet we could keep for long.” ?
Ans.— Toto was in the habit of spoiling things. He would break dishes and spoil clothes. He would tear curtains and wallpaper. When any of the author’s aunts came near him, he would try to tear her dress. So the author thought Toto could not be kept for long.
Language Work
Q. 1. Use the following phrases in sentences of your own :
1. Out of place – His criticism was quite out of place.
2. Out of reach – Keep those medicines out of reach of the children.
3. Provide for – They worked hard to provide for their large family.
4. Taken aback – I was somewhat taken aback by his rudeness.
5. In vain – I tried in vain to sleep.
6. Well-to-do – Mr. Ram Lal is a well-to-do person of our town.
7. Make an exit – To avoid meeting her, he made a quick exit.
8. Get hold – I’ve been trying to get hold of her for days, but she’s never at home.
9. Scoop up – The children were scooping up fistfuls of sand.
Q. 2. Use ‘too’ in the following sentences and make modifications wherever necessary :
1. The question was so difficult that he could not solve it.
2. She is so weak that she cannot stand.
3. He is so clever that he cannot be cheated.
4. It was so hot that he could not stand in sun.
5. It was so dark that he could not see anything.
1. The question was too difficult for him to solve.
2. She is too weak to stand.
3. He is too clever to be cheated.
4. It was too hot for him to stand in sun.
5. It was too dark for him to see anything.
Q. 3. Have you ever seen a monkeywallah’s show? Describe it in your words.
Ans.— A madari came with two tiny monkeys. He had a girl and a baby with him. The girl sat down on her haunches. She held the baby in her arms. She held the monkeys by their strings. The monkeys were wearing red and purple pantaloons. They prepared to dance. A crowd collected round them. The madari cracked his whip. He made the monkeys perform many tricks. The children laughed and felt happy. There were mostly poor men, women and children in the crowd. Suddenly, the madari’s baby began to cry. The crowd understood that now it was time for payment. It began to dissolve. Some of them had only a small coin with them. They didn’t want to part with it. So they parted in shame. The madari moved on to another place.
Q. 4. Describe in about 300 words any naughty episode of your childhood.
Ans.— It was a hot summer day. I went to the canal in the company of my friend. We took off our clothes and placed them on the bank! Then we jumped into the canal. After some time, we came out. We found that someone had taken away my shirt and my friend’s pants. We had to walk to our homes halfdressed. I was naked waist-upwards. My friend was naked thighs-downwards. Thank God he had his underwear with him. We laughed and laughed at our plight. None could help laughing on seeing us. Thus we walked on spreading laughter everywhere. As we entered our street, we made a dash to our homes. This experience gave me an endless store of amusement. I draw from it whenever I like. Now here is a secret. It was none else but I who had played the joke on my friend and myself also. I had thrown the clothes in the canal when my friend was not looking.
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