JKBOSE 9th Class Science Solutions Chapter 17 Prevention Of Drug Abuse And Sexually Transmitted Diseases
JKBOSE 9th Class Science Solutions Chapter 17 Prevention Of Drug Abuse And Sexually Transmitted Diseases
JKBOSE 9th Class Science Solutions Chapter 17 Prevention Of Drug Abuse And Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Jammu & Kashmir State Board JKBOSE 9th Class Science Solutions
J&K class 9th Science Prevention Of Drug Abuse And Sexually Transmitted Diseases Textbook Questions and Answers
◆ The word drug has been derived from Dutch word ‘droog’,
◆ Adolescence is the period which extends from puberty to complete sexual maturity.
◆ Addiction, commonly called as ‘substance abuse’, is another term to drug abuse.
◆ Adolescents misuse substance such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco for different and complicated reasons.
◆ Drug addiction is a complex but treatable disease.
◆ Addiction to drugs and other substances always involve lack of control and repeated inability to take personal responsibility for behaviour.
◆ Withdrawal of drugs show many peculiar withdrawal symptoms.
◆ Different types of drugs include sedatives and tranquillizers, alcohol, tobacco, opioids, cannabinoids and cocaine.
◆ Tobacco is an alkaloid product.
◆ The substances which decreases functional activity are called depressants.
◆ The diseases which are transmitted through sexual intercourse with infected person are called Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). They are termed as Venereal Diseases (VD) on simply reproductive tract infections (RTI).
◆ STDs are caused by bacteria or viruses.
◆ The STDs include : Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Chlamydiasis, Hepatitis-B and AIDS.
◆ AIDS is caused by HIV (Human Immuno Deficiency Syndrome)
◆ HIV attack the defence system of body. It is a fatal disease.
Q. 1. What does the term addiction mean ?
Ans.— It is called ‘drug dependence’ on a substance or a practice which is beyond voluntary control. It forms a habit and once acquired, it becomes very difficult to leave it.
Q. 2. Define drug.
Ans.— A drug is any natural product or synthetic chemical that can be used to modify a chemical process or processes in the body. Most of the drugs are derived from plants.
Q. 3. What is substance abuse ?
Ans.— Substance abuse is also termed drug abuse. It is defined as pattern of harmful use of any substance for mood altering process. It is defined as the use of illicit drugs or the abuse of prescription or over the counter drugs for the purpose other than those for which they are indicated or in a manner or in quantities other than directed.
Q. 4. Write various problems faced by adolescents.
Ans.— Problems faced by adolescents due to which youngsters take to drugs or alcohol or smoking.
(i) Curiosity
(ii) Pleasure
(iii) To escape from the realities of life and to overcome frustration and depression.
(iv) Friends pressure
(v) Desire to more work.
Q. 5. Write the characteristics of drug addiction.
Ans.— (i) An overpowering desire or need to continue to taking drug and obtain it by any means.
(ii) A tendency to increase the dose.
(iii) A psychological / psychics and generally physical dependence on the effects of the drugs.
(iv) Detrimental effects on the individual and on society. The drug users not only themselves suffer from the effects of drug addiction but they also bring miseries to the entire family.
Q. 6. Write the symptoms of ‘drug addiction’.
Ans.—Symptoms of ‘drug addiction’
(i) Loss of interest in sports and daily routine.
(ii) Loss of appetite.
(iii) Irritation
(iv) Unprovoked violence.
(v) Loss of body weight, person may look inattentive and lost.
(vi) Unsteady gait
(vii) Clumsy movements
(viii) Tremors.
Q. 7. ‘Adolescents are more prone to substance abuse’. Justify the statement.
Ans.— (i) Curiosity
(ii) Peer group pressure. Constant description by friends about ‘good feeling creates a temptation.
(iii) To overcome frustrations and depressions.
(iv) Excitement and adventure
(v) Desire to do more physical or mental work.
(vi) Family history.
Parents using drugs act as natural stimulant.
Q. 8. How do the drugs influence human brain ?
Ans.— Addictive drugs called Psycho active drugs are mood altering drugs because they have the ability to change the activity of nervous system. Chemicals or drugs have a direct effect on nerve cells or bring changes in the neurotransmitters.
Q. 9. Write a note on different types of drugs.
Ans. —

Q. 10. Describe four symptoms of Drug addiction.
Ans.— Symptoms of drug addiction
(i) These include irritation, undue excitement, unprovoked violence, frequent mood changes.
(ii) Sleep disturbance, drowsy looks, pale looking eyes.
(iii) Loss of interest in work and studies.
(iv) Socially inactive, increased demands of money, staining of teeth because of smack use, poor memory and concentration.
(v) Unexplained loss of weight, poor appetite, person may look inattentive and lost, looks weak and exhausted.
(vi) Concerned person may spend too much time in toilet or bathroom, his or her valuables get frequently stolen and gets up late in the morning.
Q. 11. What are the reasons of drug abuse ?
Ans.— There are several reasons causing drug addiction
(i) Curiosity. Frequent reference to drugs in newspapers, literature and on radio make a person curious to have personal experience of the taste of a particular drug.
(ii) Peer group-pressure. Constant description by friends about the “good feeling” creates a temptation. Such inspiration from friends and peer groups acts as a pressure to start with drugs.
(iii) To overcome frustrations and depression. The desire to get solace or relief from personal problems initiates the use of drugs. It is found that weaker the ego structure of the individuals, the more motivated he or she becomes to use the drug. The school children who take refuge in drugs are usually lonely, unloved and insecure.
(iv) Apathy. The lack of interest in day-to-day activities of an individual may lead to drug addiction.
(v) Excitement and adventure. It is natural for the young to look for some exciting work. The intake of drug being illegal satisfies that feeling of excitement and adventure.
Q. 12. What are STDs ? Name a few.
Ans.— STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). Infection of these diseases are transmitted through sexual intercourse with infected person. They are caused by bacteria or viruses. They are also known as Venereal Diseases (VD).
(i) Gonorrhea
(ii) Syphilis
(iii) Chlamydiasis
(iv) Hepatitis-B
(v) HIV leading to AIDS.
Q. 13. Give the full form of HIV and AIDS.
Ans.—HIV. Human Immuno Deficiency Virus.
AIDS. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome.
Q. 14. Enlist the modes of transmission of AIDS.
Ans.— Modes of transmission of AIDS
(i) Through sexual intercourse.
(ii) Through infected blood or blood products transfusion.
(iii) From infected mother to child through placenta.
(iv) Use of contaminated needles and syringes to inject drugs or vaccine.
(v) Use of contaminated razors.
(vi) Organ transplantation.
Q. 15. What are common myths related to transmission of AIDS ?
Ans.— HIV infection is associated with behaviour such as drug addiction, prostitution or promiscuity. They are considered as stigna in society. AIDS is not spread by hand shake or living in same house. It is also not spread by sitting in crowdy place. Social stigma refers to prejudice, negative attitude, abuse and maltreatment directed at people living with HIV and AIDS.
Q. 16. What measures would you recommend to prevent / check the spread of AIDS ?
Ans.— Prevention (Prophylaxis). No vaccine has been prepared so far against AIDS virus. The following steps may help in preventing the AIDS.
(i) People should be educated about AIDS. Every year, December 1 is recalled as the World AIDS Day. It is one of the methods to educate the people about AIDS.
(ii) Sterilization of medical equipment.
(iii) Use of gloves by doctors and paramedical staff.
(iv) Blood test must be done in blood donors, donors of semen, donors of organs dney, lung, liver) patients undergoing haemodialysis and pregnant women. )
(v) Disposable needles and syringes should be used. Used needles and syringes must be destroyed.
(vi) Safe sex, using condom etc. during sexual intercourse. (vii) In sexual relationship one should be monogamous.
(viii) Utmost care should be taken while child birth, disposal of dead body of infected
(ix) Avoid tattoos, ear and nose piercing from unqualified people.
(x) Avoid use of common blades in barber’s shop.
Q. 17. Name at least two methods, used for detection of HIV infection.
Ans.—(i) ELISA Test. Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay.
(ii) Western Blot Test
(iii) Viral antigen detection test.
Q. 18. How an AIDS patient should be treated ?
Ans.— Although there is no cure for AIDS but use of certain drugs can prolong the life of AIDS patient.
Zidovudine or AZT was the first drug used and continue to be drug of choice for treatment of AIDS.
Didanosine is another drug employed to treat AIDS.
Q. 19. What are the four symptoms of AIDS ?
Ans.— Symptoms of AIDS
(i) Weight loss.
(ii) Abnormal slow growth in children.
(iii) Chronic diarrhoea for longer period.
(iv) Lethargy, pharyngitis, nausea, headache and rashes.
(v) Swelling of lymph nodes.
(vi) Repeated infection like diarrhoea, persistent cough and fever in children.
Q. 1. Make a table showing the major psychotropic drugs. Give examples and write their effects.
Ans.— Major groups of psychotropic drugs, examples and effects.
Types of Drugs | Examples | Effects |
I. Sedative tranquillizers (depressant) | Benzodiazephines (e.g., Valium), barbiturates. | Depresses brain activity feelings produces calmness, relaxation, drowsiness and deep (high doses). |
II. Opiate narcotics | Opium, morphine, heroin, pethidine, methadone. | Supresses brain function relieves intense pain. |
III. Stimulants | Caffeine (very mild), cocaine, amphetamines. | Stimulate the nervous makes a person wakeful, increases and activity, produces excitement. |
IV. Hallucinogens | SD, mescaline psilocybin, charas, bhang, marijuana, perceptions. hashish. | Alters thought, feelings and perceptions. |
Q. 2. Describe the effects of drug and alcohol abuse.
Ans.— Effects of Drug/Alcohol Abuse
1. The immediate effects of drugs/alcohol abuse are manifested as reckless behaviour, vandalism and violence.
2. Excess doses can lead to coma and death due to cerebral haemorrhage, respiratory and heart failure.
3. A combination of drugs or their intake with alcohol leads to death.
4. The most common warning signals of drug/alcohol abuse include :
(i) Drop in academic performance.
(ii) Lack of interest in personal hygiene. Braveed
(iii) Withdrawal and isolation from family and friends.
(iv) Aggressive and rebellious behaviour.
(v) Lack of interest in hobbies.
(vi) Change in sleeping and eating habits.
(vii) Fluctuations in weight, etc.
Q. 3. What does AIDS stand for? How is this disease transmitted ? Suggest two methods for its prevention. List three high risk groups.
Ans.— AIDS was first recognized in U.S.A. in 1981. In 1984 American and French scientists independently identified the agent as a virus.
The Americans named it HCL V-III (Human cell leukaemia virus III). The name Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is now preferred.
Cause. AIDS is acquired immuno deficiency syndrome due to malnutrition, metabolic abnormalities, exposure to X-rays, toxic effect of drugs or pathogens. The virus attacks ose W.B.C. which are responsible for developing immunity. As it multiplies very rapidly WRC, it destroys resistance in the body. The disorder is characterized by a reduction in the number of helper T-cells that activate other lymphocytes.
Mode of Transmission
1. Persons visiting prostitutes.
2. Drug addicts
3 Persons having transfusion of blood with infected needles.
4 Mother to child during pregnancy.
Symptoms. 1. Headache, dizziness unexplained weight loss.
2. Purple patches on the skin and mucous membrane inside the mouth.
3. Unexplained bleeding and diarrhoea.
Prevention. 1. Clean sex habits.
2. By not sharing items that become contaminated by blood.
3. Blood used for transfusion is not contaminated.
Q. 1. What is drug ?
Ans.— A drug is any natural product or synthetic chemical that can be used to modify a chemical process or processes in the body. The word drug is derived from Dutch word “droog which means dry. Drugs include both prescription and non-prescription medicines.
Q. 2. What is drug addiction ?
Ans.— Drug addiction is a complex but treatable brain disease. It can be emotional or psychological or have a pre-dominant biochemical bases. It is characterized by :
(i) Compulsive but uncontrollable drug craving and that even in the face of extreme harmful consequences.
(ii) A tendency to increase the dose.
(iii) Detrimental effect on the individual body and on society.
Q. 3. List the withdrawal symptoms of drug abuse.
Ans.—Withdrawal symptoms of drug abuse
(i) Mild tremors or convolusions.
(ii) Severe agitation and fits.
(iii) It may produce cramps, anxiety and depression.
(iv) They include vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea, twitching, shivering, perspiration.
Q. 4. Briefly state the five common problems of adolescence.
Ans.— Common problems of adolescence
(i) Development of Acne
(ii) Anxiety
(iii) Hypochondria (Psychosomatic disorder)
(iv) Loneliness
(v) Craziness for different things
(vi) Fixation for weight control
(vii) Neurasthenia characterised by inability to concentrate on or enjoy things.
(viii) Fatigue and phobic.
Q. 5. List psychological disorders.
Ans.— (i) Anxiety disorders
(ii) Obsessive compulsive disorders
(iii) Attention deficit disorders
(iv) Mood disorders
(v) Addictive disorder.
Q. 6. Write short note on Anxiety disorders.
Ans.— Anxiety disorders. These may be (1) Neurotic anxiety or (2) Separation anxiety or (3) School phobia. These disorders are due to over reaction to stress condition. The symptoms are palpitation, sweating, nausea, trembling, diarrhoea and muscular tension.
Q. 7. What is alcohol ? How does it act on body ?
Ans.— Alcohol is simple organic compound which needs no digestion and is rapidly absorbed in the stomach and upper part of intestine into blood and immediately transported to cells.
Alcohol acts as a sedative, depressant and anesthetic agent. Liver is the most vital organ affected by alcohol. It cause liver cirrohosis/fatty liver syndrome.
Q. 8. What is tobacco ? Write its two harmful effects.
Ans.— Tobacco is derived from the dried and cured leaves of young branches of two tobacco plants i.e. Nicotiana tobacum and Nicotiana rustica. These plants belong to family solanaceae.
Harmful effects.
(i) It causes large number of diseases such as cancer, irritation, swelling of mucosa of throat and bronchi, carbon monoxide poisoning.
(ii) It affects lungs and causes lung cancer.
Q.9. Why is using tobacco in any form injurious to the health ? Explain.
Ans.— Tobacco is injurious to health
(i) Nicotine present in tobacco is toxic. It causes coronary diseases.
(ii) Heat irritants and carcinogens cause mouth cancer and lung cancer.
(iii) Tobacco leads to male infertility.
(iv) In pregnant women, nicotine causes decreased foetal growth and development.
(v) Tobacco addiction often leads to gastric and duodenal ulcers.
(vi) It is an expensive habit causing staining of teeth and fingers, and making breath unpleasant.
(vii) Swelling of respiratory tract leads to chronic bronchitis.
Q. 10. Tobacco addiction is due to nicotine present in it. Mention any four effects of nicotine on human body.
Ans.—Effects of nicotine
(i) It stimulates conduction of nerve impulses.
(ii) It relaxes the muscles.
(iii) It retards foetal growth in expecting mothers.
(iv) It releases adrenaline.
Q. 11. Briefly explain the followings :
Drugs, Drug addiction, Tranquillizers, Depressant and Stimulants.
Ans.— Drugs. Drugs are the substances used to treat diseases or to replace a missing substance essential for growth or combat against germs causing infection. Another category of drug includes those substances which work on nervous system and act either as stimulant or as depressant.
Drug Addiction. It is defined as self administration of drug for a long period which leads to dependence of the body on them and may cause various disorders.
Tranquillizers. They slow down the high centres of brain and relieve from worries. They influence only the mental excitement but do not affect the working efficiency, e.g.. alcohol, calmpose, diazepum, librium (chlorodia zapoxide) and luminil.
Depressant. Depressants are used to calm anxiety. They produce drowsiness and a feeling of confusion. eg., Barbiturates are used as depressants or sedatives.
Stimulants (Antidepressants). These drugs temporarily increase the mental reluctance and self-confidence. They are also called mood elevators or superman drugs, e.g.. Amphetamines, cocaine, coffee and tea also contain small amount of stimulant.
Q. 12. Explain the following: Psychedelic drugs and Barbiturates.
Ans.— Psychedelic or Vision Producing Drugs
These drugs have a strong effect on the cerebrum and sense organs and take the user to world of fantasy giving him false and temporary happiness. The individual may sense strong colours and strong sounds even though nothing is there. They include LSD (Lysergic acid Dimethyl amide), Marijuana and Hashish.
Barbiturates. They are the synthetic drugs. They are sedatives and are the major components of sleeping pills. Its use produces drowsiness, feeling of confusion and sleep. Its withdrawal causes epilepsy.
Q. 13. What is Cannabis ? List its main derivatives.
Ans.— Cannabis. It is the most ancient drug and is obtained from hemp plants. Three kinds of drugs are obtained from these plants (Derivative of Cannabis indica).
(i) Hashish or Charas is obtained from flowering tops of female plants.
(ii) Bhang is obtained from dry leaves.
(iii) Ganja is obtained from small leaves and bracts of inflorescence.
Marijuana is another drug obtained from Cannabis sativa. The common reaction of these drugs is relaxation, euphoria, laughing tendency, rise in blood sugar level.
Q. 14. Name some hallucinogens. What are their effects on human body ?
Ans.— Hallucinogens are chemicals which after consuming can alter a person’s thoughts, feelings and perceptions. It is believed that under the influence of drug they “see sounds and hear colours.” For some of them the environment becomes pleasant after taking the drug but majority of them feel bad unpleasant sensations and dreams.
The hallucinogens include L.S.D. mescaline, psilocybin and products of hemp plant Cannabis sativa, L.S.D., among these is one of the most powerful and dangerous drug taken in 1 mg/kg body weight it can induce psychedelic trips. The drug causes serious brain damage of the central nervous system.
Q. 15. Define Heroin, LSD and Psychotherapy.
Ans.— Heroin. It is obtained from opium. Other drugs obtained from opium are morphine, codine, pethidine and opium are powerful narcotics and obtained from unripe capsules of poppy plant. The effects of these drugs is to produce relief from pain, sleep and freedom from anxiety.
LSD (Lysergic acid dimethyl amide). These are the sedatives. It is one of the most dangerous drug of the century derived from argot fungus. It causes visual illusions, fantasies, floating sensations etc.
Psychotherapy. Psychological help by qualified doctor to remove some mental disorders.
Q. 16. Can a drug addict be made to lead normal life? Suggest the various steps.
Ans.—It is difficult to treat drug addicts, but once treated they can be made to lead normal life. The various steps of treatment are :
(i) Gradual or sudden withdrawal of drug. (ii) Psychotherapy and occupational therapy. (iii) Specific drug therapy. (iv) Correction of nutritional deficiency.
Q. 17. List a few preventive and control measures of use of alcohol/drugs.
Ans.— Prevention and control measures of use of alcohol/drugs :
(i) Avoid undue peer pressure.
(ii) Educating and counselling to face problems and stresses and to accept failures and disappointments as part of life.
(iii) Seeking help from parents and peers, could help to vent their feelings of anxiety and guilt.
(iv) Looking for danger signals would help in initiating proper remedial steps or treatment.
(v) Seeking professional and medical help for deaddiction and rehabilitation would help individuals to come out of the problem completely.
Q. 18. List a few features that characterise AIDS.
Ans.— Features that characterise AIDS
(i) Lymphopenia dincel
(ii) Selective cell deficiency
(iii) Polyclonal activation of Bulls and increased spontaneous secretions of Ig.
(iv) Decreased cytotoxic responses by T-cells.
(v) Decreased antibody response to new antigens.
(vi) Altered monocyte/macrophage function.
Q. 19. What are the two serological tests for anti HIV antibodies ?
Ans.—(i) Screening test.
(ii) Confirmatory test.
(i) Screening test. These tests are not highly specific. The most widely used screening test is ELISA test.
(ii) Confirmatory test. Commonly employed confirmatory test is Western Blot test. It is carried out after the screening test shows positive result.
Q. 20. Define sexually transmitted diseases ? List the causative agents and mode of transmission.
Ans.— Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Definition. Diseases or infections which are transmitted through sexual intercourse with infected persons are collectively called Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or Venereal diseases (VD) or reproductive tract infections (RTI).
Causing Agents (Pathogens). STDs are usually caused by 1. Bacteria 2. Viruses 3. Chlamydiae 4. Protozoa 5. Nematodes 6. Ectoparasites and 7. Fungi.
Mode of Transmission. STDs are transmitted by
(i) sexual intercourse with infected persons, (ii) sharing of injection needles, surgical instruments, etc.
(iii) transfusion of blood from an infected mother to the foetus. Common Symptoms. Early symptoms of most of these diseases are itching, fluid discharge, swelling, slight pain etc.
Cure for STDs. Except HIV infection, Hepatitis B and genital herpes all other STDs are completely curable if detected early and treated properly.
Q. 21. Write common symptoms of STDs. Are STDs curable ? Write causative agent, symptoms, and mode of transmission of Hepatitis-B.
Ans.— Hepatitis B. Causative agent. Hepatitis-B Virus (HBV) Virus (HBV)
Symptoms. Its symptoms include fatigue, jaundice (yellowing skin), persistent low grade fever, rash and abdominal pain. It can cause cirrhosis and possibly liver cancer. enido sis PANSUMA Transmission. Mode of transmission may be blood transfusion, sexual contact, saliva, tears, intravenous drug abuse, tatooing, ear and nose piercing, sharing of razors.
Q. 22. Write causative agent and symptoms of syphilis.
Ans.— Causative agent. Treponema pallidum (Bacteria)
Symptoms. (i) In the first stage there is indurated infectious and painless ulcer or chancre on the genitals and swelling of local lymph glands. Chancre is the initial lesion of syphilis commonly a more or less distinct ulcer or sore with hard base. (ii) In the second stage, chancre is healed and there are skin lesions, rashes, hair loss, swollen joints and flu-like illness occasionally. (iii) In the tertiary stage chronic ulcers appear on palate, nose and lower leg. There can be paralysis, brain damage, blindness, heart trouble and aortic impairment. (iv) In the latent syphilis, there is no evidence of the disease.
Q. 1. What is adolescence ?
Ans.—The period which extends from puberty to sexual maturity. It is the period between 8-18 years for girls and 7-19 years for boys.
Q. 2. Write two characteristics of adolescence ?
Ans.— (i) Accelerated physical growth
(ii) Development of reproductive organs.
Q. 3. Define opioids.
Ans.— Opioids. Drugs which bind to opionid receptors present in our CNS and GI tract.
Q. 4. What is the common name of Heroin ? Write its chemical name.
Ans.— Smack. Diacetyl morphine.
Q. 5. Name the plant from which Cocaine is obtained.
Ans.— Erythroxylum coca.
Q. 6. List two plants with hallucinogenic properties.
Ans.— (i) Atropa belladona
(ii) Datura spp.
Q. 7. Name the substance present in tobacco which makes one addict.
Q. 8. Name the different drugs commonly used by the drug addicts.
Ans.— Morphine, heroin, codein, marijuana, opium, cocaine and L.S.D. HOPT
Q. 9. From where the following drugs are obtained ?
(i) Marijuana (ii) Cocaine.
Ans.— (i) Marijuana. It is derived from the leaves and flowers of hemp plant (Cannabis sativa).
(ii) Cocaine. It is obtained from Cocoa plant.
Q. 10. What for LSD stands ?
Ans.— LSD-Lysergic acid Dimethyl amide.
Q. 11. Expand NACO, NGO, WHO.
Ans.—NACO. National AIDS Control Organization
NGO. Non-Government Organization
WHO. World Health Organization.
A. Fill in the blanks :
1. Leaves of coca – bush yield …………… .
2. The drug obtained from the dried latex of unripe capsules of white poppy plant is ………… .
3. A drug that relives pain is called …………… .
4. ………….. is a cancer – causing chemical found in tobacco.
5. Substance abuse is also called …………. .
6. …………. and ……….. are chemicals which overcome mental irritability and causing drowsiness of sleep.
7. …………. affects the reproductive capacity in males.
8. Cocaine is obtained from ………… .
Ans.— 1. Cocaine 2. Opium 3. Analgesic 4. Nicotine 5. Drug abuse 6. Sedative and tranquillizer 7. Opioids 8. Coca plant
B. Match the following :
1. (a) Tobacco (i) virus
(b) Gonorrhoea (ii) becteria
(c) Alcohol (iii) liver
(d) AIDS (iv) nicotine
Ans.— (a – iv); (b – i); (c – ii); (d – iii)
2. (a) Risk of HIV infection from mother to child (i) 5%
(b) Blood transfusion cause (ii) becteria
(c) Syphilis (iii) Cannabis
(d) Bhang (iv) 20 – 40
Ans.— (a – iv); (b – i); (c – ii); (d – iii)
C. Multiple Choice Questions :
1. Syphilis is a ………….. disease.
(A) sexually transmitted
(B) bacterial
(C) venereal disease
(D) All of above
2. Bhang is obtained from which plant ?
(A) Papaver someniferm
(B) Cannabis sativa
(C) coca – bush
(D) Atropa belledone
3. Which of the following is not venereal disease ?
(A) Gonorrhoea
(B) Chlamydia
(C) Hepatitis-B
(D) None of above
4. Which of the following is not a sign of drug addiction ?
(A) Loss of appetite
(B) Loss of body weight
(C) Clumsy movement
(D) None of above
5. Alcohol acts as :
(A) stimulant
(B) depressant
(C) sedative
(D) hallucinogen
Ans.— 1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (D) 4. (D) 5. (B).
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