Kavita, the science teacher, was teaching her students about the types of diseases based on duration, the acute and chronic disease. On the ability to spread or not in public and if they spread, what is the immediate cause ?

Q. Kavita, the science teacher, was teaching her students about the types of diseases based on duration, the acute and chronic disease. On the ability to spread or not in public and if they spread, what is the immediate cause ?
(a) What are acute and chronic diseases ? Give one example of each.
(b) Name the type of diseases, which spread by coming in contact with a sick person. Name the different types of organisms which cause diseases.
Ans. (a) The diseases which last for only very short periods of time are called acute diseases, e.g., diarrhoea, common cold.
The diseases which last for a long time, even as much as a lifetime are called chronic diseases, e.g., asthma, elephantiasis.
(b) Infectious diseases are the diseases which occur on coming in contact with a sick person. Such diseases may be caused by viruses, bacteria and protozoans or worms.

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