Some Important facts
1. The study of dreams is called Oneirology.
2. The study of the beauty of human is called Kalology.
3. At the time of creation of life there was no oxygen.
4. The strongest part in the body is the enamel of teeth.
5. The sex determination of human depends on male sex chromosomes.
6. The fastest nervous speed is 532 kmph.
7. The internal area of the lungs of human is 93 sq. m. which is forty times of the external area of the body.
8. The bones are as strong as concrete and as hard as granite.
9. Inside the body approximately 150 lakh cells are destroyed every second.
10. The weight of the uterus of the woman which has not given birth to a child is 50 grams and after giving birth to a child the weight becomes 100 grams.
11. The weight of the kidney is approximately 150 grams.
12. In a single inhaling, a normal adult takes 500 ml air inside the body.
13. The capacity of heart to pump the blood is 4.5 liters per minute.
14. The length of the small intestine is approximately 7 meter and its diameter is 2.5 centimeter.
15. The blood circulation inside the body takes approximately 23 seconds.
16. The antibiotic namely, penicillin is obtained from penicillium fungus.
17. Human is the most intelligent hominid of the universe.
18. Albatross is the largest sea bird, whose spread of feather is 10-12 ft.
19. There are approximately 50 lakhs hair in the body of human.
20. In the initial stage of formation of placenta, H.C.G. hormones flow in a large quantity and excreted through urine. At this time, in the testing of urine due to presence of this hormone pregnancy test is carried out.
21. The heart beat of a child is more than that of an adult.
22. A single respiration completes in 5 seconds i.e. 2 seconds of inspiration and 3 seconds of expiration.
23. Everyday blood in the body of the human carries approximately 350 liters of oxygen to the cells of the body. Out of this 97% oxygen is carried by haemoglobin and remaining 3% is circulated by blood plasma.
24. Zinc sulphide is used as rodenticide.
25. First child born after operative procedure was caesar.
26. The largest living ape is Gorilla.
27. Fish is first class protein as it contain essential amino acid.
28. The soil which are rich in calcium are known as pedocals.
29. Contour farming is a biological method of soil conservation.
30. Vermi composting is done by worm.
31. ASHA: Accredited social health activist. It is a national rural health mission which provide community health care by trained female in every village.
32. Lacrymal glands are situated in the eye orbit of eye.
33. Gustation refers to the sense of taste.
34. N₂O is used as anaesthetics.
35. Ozone hole is clearly visible in Antartica during winter seasons.
36. Dolphin of Ganga river is known as National aquatic animal of India.
37. Central food Technology Research is situated at Mysore.
38. Altitude sickness is caused at high attitude due to low partial pressure of oxygen.
39. “Mission Indradhanush” launched by the government of India pertain to immunization of children and pregnent women.
40. Sarpgandha is a plant that is used to treat blood pressure, only found in India.
41. The process of using microbes to treat areas of land or sea that have been contaminated by pesticides, oil or solvent is known as Bioremediation.
42. The magnatic field inside the body forms the basis of obtaining the image of different body parts and this technique is called “MRI”.
43. Indian verterinary institute is located at Bareilly.
44. The web portal DACNET is related to e-Agriculture.
45. The minimum distance of clear vision for a normal healthy eye of human is supposed to be 25 cm.
46. Isotope of carbon is used in calculation of age of earth.
47. Capsules of medicines is usually made up of gelatin.
48. Melanin pigment is responsible for colour of human skin.
49. The word Denisovan refere to an early human species sometime mentioned in media.
50. In April, 2019 the world’s first 3 D printed heart was produced using human tissue produced by scientists of Israel.
51. Botanical survey of India (BSI) headquarter is located at Kolkata.
52. First time entire genome of asiatic lion was sequenced in May, 2019 by the scientists from Council of Scientific & Industrial Research’s (CSIR) Centre for Cellulor and Molecular Biology in Hyderabad.
53. Discoverer of Anti-Malarial drugs was extracted from Artemisinin (ajwain) being Conferred Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015.
54. In order to get clean drinking water disinfectant is not used to remove minerals.
Important Element used in the Treatment of Disease
Isotope of Uranium is used as nuclear fuel.
Isotope of Cobalt is used in the treatment of cancer.
Isotope of Iodine is used in the treatment of goitre.
Isotope of Radium is used in the secondary treatment of cancer.
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