Biotechnology & Applied Biology
Biotechnology & Applied Biology
Biotechnology: It deal with techniques of using live organisms or enzymes from organisms to produce product and processes which are useful for humans. Ex-making curd, bread or wine in which microbes are used.
Genetic Engineering : This is the techniques to alter the chemistry of genetic material (DNA & RNA) and introduce into host organism, which change the phenotype of the host organism.
Bioprocess Engineering Maintenance of sterile ambience to enable growth of only desired microbes or
eukaryotic cells in large quantities for the manufacture of biotechnological products like antibiotics, vaccines, enzymes etc.
Restriction enzyme: This is known as molecular scissors cutting the DNA at specific location.
Plasmid: In addition to genomic DNA many bacteria have extra small circular DNA known as plasmid.
Due to presence of plasmid bacteria is resistance to many antibiotic. This create an unique phenotypic characters in bacteria.
A plasmid can be used as vector to deliver an alien piece of DNA into host organism.
DNA ligase: This is an enzyme by which cut end of DNA molecule join together.
Recombinant DNA: This is a DNA which has been created by combining two fragments of DNA from two different source.
Cloning Producing large number of identical copy of any template, DNA is called cloning.
Application of biotechnology include agriculture, therapeutic, diagnostic, biopharmaceutical, processed food, waste treatment and energy production.
Restrication enzyme belong to larger class of enzyme called nucleases.
Exonuclease remove nucleotide from the end of DNA.
Endonuclease cut at specific position within the DNA.
Plant, bacteria, fungi and animals whose gene have been altered by manipulation are called Genetically modified organisms (GMO).
Gene therapy is a collection of method that allow correction of a gene defect that has been diagnosed in a child or embryo.
The first clinical gene therapy was given in 1990 to a four year girl with adenosine deminase (ADA) deficiency.
Genetically modified plants are useful in increasing crop yields, reduce the losses and make the crop more tolerant to stresses.
Papaver somniferum plant yields powerful analgesic.
Major source of sugar in the world is Saccharum Officinarum.
Cocos nucifera a plant material, which is widely used in the preparation of culture medium.
To yield milk, cow is given prolactin.
The best way to determine paternity is DNA finger printing.
Chloromycetin is obtain from streptomycetin venezualae.
Genetic engineering is applied in the development of “Recombinant Vector Vaccines” in which bacteria and virus are used as vectors.
Bollgard I and Bollgard II technology are used in developing genetically modified crop plant.
The term ‘ACE-2’ is talked about in the context of spread of viral diseases.
A diagnostic test, Real Time PCR for COVID-19 detects RNA of virus.
Rapid Antibodies Test does not require sample from nose and throat in covid-19 test approved by Indian council of Medical Research.
Sinova given for Covid-19 is a whole virus vaccine.
DNA Barcoding can be a tool to-distinguish among species that look alike.
The serum Institute of India produced Covid-19 Vaccine name covishield using m RNA plateform.
Sputnik V vaccine is manufactured by using vector base platform.
Covaxin is an inactivated pathogen based vaccine.
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