

⇒ Inter State Council is formed by the President.
⇒ Election Commission is formed by the President.
⇒ Vice President is also called as “His Superfluous Highness”.
⇒ Government of India passed the Act to protect the human rights in the year 1993.
⇒ During judicial custody, the police officer in charge of the case is not allowed to interrogate the suspect without the approval of the court.
⇒ The independence of judiciary is safeguarded in Indian polity is an essential feature that indicates that it is federal in character.
⇒ At national level Ministry of Tribal Affairs is the nodal agency to ensure effective implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006.
⇒ A society permanently living in a definite territory with a central authority, an executive responsible to the central authority and an independent judiciary – State
⇒ Hindu Marriage Act was enacted in the year 1955.
⇒ Ammu Swaminathan became a part of the Constituent Assembly from Madras Constituency in 1946.
⇒ 88th amendment to the Constitution of India added a new subject in the Union List called ‘taxes on services’.
⇒ Varahamihira was an ancient Indian mathematician – astronomer.
⇒ The salary and allowances of leaders of opposition in parliament are governed by the Act passed for the first time by the parliament in the year 1977.
⇒ An amendment to the Right to Information Act 2005 proposing that the chief information commissioner and information commissioner be appointed ‘for such term as may be prescribed by the ‘Central Government’ was passed in the year 2019.
⇒ Kshatriya was the varna responsible for protecting people and administrating justice in ancient India as per rules laid down by the Dharmasutras and Dharmashastra.
⇒ The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act or Right to Education (RTE) Act is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted in the year 2009.
⇒ The protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act was passed in the year 2005.
⇒ 86th Ammendment Act, 2002 added a new fundamental duty under Article 51-A.
⇒ The right of children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 is an Act of Parliament which came into force in 2010.
⇒ 15 female members were part of the Constituent Assembly that framed the Constitution of India.
⇒ Justice Indu Malhotra is the head of the Committee appointed by the Supreme Court of India to enquire into the circumstances that led to the ‘Prime Minister of India’ convoy being stuck for several minutes on a flyover in Punjab recently.
⇒ Abraham Lincoln described democracy as Government of the People, for the People and by the People.
⇒ Collegiate Jurisdiction does notfallunderthejurisdiction of the apex court of India.
⇒ Chaudhary Charan Singh had the shortest span in office as the Prime Minister of India.
⇒ Liyaquat Ali Khan was the Finance Minister in the Interim Government.
⇒ Ladakh is the Union Territory formed after division of Jammu and Kashmir State that does not have a legislature of its own.
⇒ Purpose of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 – To grant citizenship. To persecuted minority groups of Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
⇒ In 2006 was 50 % reservation to women in Panchayat bodies provided in Bihar.
⇒ The ‘split system’ in the Indian administration relates to Policy / Implementation.
⇒ National Extension Service was launched in the year 1953.
⇒ The first ‘Lokayukta’ was established in Odisha.
⇒ Committee onSubordinate Legislationisa Parliamentary Committee relating to delegation of power to make rules and regulations to the Executive.
⇒ The Act to make daughters an equal co-heir with the sons was enacted in 1956.
⇒ ‘Vishakha Guidelines’ is related to Sexual harassment of women at workplace.
⇒ The first Interim National Government was announced on 25th August, 1946.
⇒ In 1993 the Panchayats (Extension to the scheduled Areas) Act was passed by Indian Parliament.
⇒ Mid day meal scheme was launched in 1995.
⇒ The power of Supreme Court of India to decide the disputes between Centre and States falls under which jurisdiction.
⇒ The power to grant or refuse leave to the Comptroller and Auditor General shall vest in the President.
⇒ ‘Right to constitutional remedies’ is the fundamental right, which allows citizens to move to the court if they believe that any of their fundamental rights have been violated by the state.
⇒ Democratic kind (type/pattern) of government provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts.
⇒ The Indian Constitution came into force on Magh Shukla Ashtami, Samvat 2006 Vikrami.
⇒ The term “Fourth estate” refers to press.
⇒ The first Chief Election Commissioner of India wasSukumar Sen.
⇒ Among the proposal of Indian National Congress, Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946, Indian independence Act, 1947 and proposals of the provincial/state legislature of the Indian Dominion “Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946” was the basis of formation of the Indian Constituent Assembly.
⇒ The Constituent assembly adopted the constitution on 26th November, 1949.
⇒ India has “Flexible and Rigid” type of Constitution.
⇒ The Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary are organs of Indian Government.
⇒ Among Aristocratic, Autocratic, Democratic and Monarchic forms of government the “Democratic” form of government enhances the dignity of citizens.
⇒ The minimum age required to be the President of India is 35 years.
⇒ S.Radhakrishnan, APJ Abdul Kalam and Dr. Zakir Hussain got the ‘Bharat Ratna’ award, before becoming the President of India.
⇒ Chief Justice of India is appointed by the President of India.
⇒ President of India addresses his resignation-letter to the “Vice President of India”.
⇒ “The President” appoints the judges of the Supreme Court of India.
⇒ “President of India” is the supreme commander of India’s defence forces.
⇒ The President of India appoints the judges of High Courts of Indian states.
⇒ The President summons both the houses.
⇒ 12 members of the Rajya Sabha are nominated by the President.
⇒ The “President” appoints and administers the oath the Speaker pro-tem of Lok Sabha.
⇒ Attorney General of India is the first law officer of India.
⇒ 30 members are there in the Estimate Committee.
⇒ Chief Justice of the Supreme court administers oath of the office and secrecy to the President of India.
⇒ “The President” has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha.
⇒ The supreme law-making institution in India is the Parliament of India.
⇒ The Supreme court of India issues writs under Article 32.
⇒ The first speaker of the Lok Sabha was G.V. Mavalankar.

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