Navjot and his friend Azhar were discussing the dusting of a carpet. Navjot told Azhar that when a carpet is dusted it comes out of the dust. At this Azhar began to laugh. He told him that actually the dust is coming out of the carpet. Soon a heated argument broke out between them. This was sorted out by Laxman who explained to both of them what was happening.

Q. Navjot and his friend Azhar were discussing the dusting of a carpet. Navjot told Azhar that when a carpet is dusted it comes out of the dust. At this Azhar began to laugh. He told him that actually the dust is coming out of the carpet. Soon a heated argument broke out between them. This was sorted out by Laxman who explained to both of them what was happening.
(a) What according to you is correct?
(b) What values are shown by Laxman ?
Ans. (a) When we dust a carpet, the carpet moves out of the dust. This is because the carpet is set into motion whereas the dust remains in a state of rest due to inertia of rest.
(b) Helping nature.

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