Very Short Answer Type Questions
Q.1. What are those crops called which are grown in rainy season ?
Ans. Kharif season crops or just ‘Kharif Crops’. These are grown in the month of June and harvested in October.
Q.2. What are those crops called which are grown in the winter season?
Ans. Rabi season crops or just ‘Rabi Crops’. These are grown in the month of November and harvested in April.
Q.3. How genetically modified crops can be obtained?
Ans. Genetically modified crops can be obtained by introducing a gene that would provide the desired characteristics.
Q.4. How can you identify a healthy animal ?
Ans. A healthy animal feeds regularly and has a normal posture.
Q.5. Mention two factors which affect foodgrains.
Ans. Biotic factors-pests, weeds, mites, rodents, etc. Abiotic factors-humidity, water content temperature.
Q.6. Give two examples of milch animals.
Ans. Cow and buffalo.
Q.7. Mention two advantages of animal husbandry.
Ans. (i) Animal wastes are used for enriching the soil.
(ii) Helps us to do the proper management of domestic animals.
Q.8. State one importance of photoperiod in agriculture.
Ans. Photoperiod means duration of sunlight. It determines both growth of plants and flowering.
Q.9. List two desirable traits for fodder crops.
Ans. Tallness and profuse branching are the two desirable traits for fodder crops.
Q.10. What is the advantage of green manure ?
Ans. It helps in enriching the soil in nitrogen and phosphorus.
Q.11. Out of boilers and layers which one is used to produce eggs?
Ans. Layers.
Q.12. Write the name of a bio-fertilizer.
Ans. Neem leaves/Turmeric (any one)
Q.13. Name any one method of incorporating desirable characters into a crop variety.
Ans. Hybridisation / Gene manipulation.
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