JKBOSE 10th Class Social Science Solutions chapter – 7 Outcomes of Democracy
JKBOSE 10th Class Social Science Solutions chapter – 7 Outcomes of Democracy
JKBOSE 10th Class Social Science Solutions chapter – 7 Outcomes of Democracy
Jammu & Kashmir State Board JKBOSE 10th Class Social Science Solutions
- The expected and actual outcomes of democracy in various aspects are quality of government, economic well being, social differences, conflicts and finally freedom and dignity.
- Democracy is actually better than dictatorship because it gives freedom of speech to every one and it promotes the sense of equality among its citizens.
- Democracy is good for all the countries because it gives accountable, responsive and legitimate government to the country.
- We can see the transparency in the functioning of democratic government which is often missing from a non-democratic government.
- Actual performance of democracies has mixed record. On one side it has great success in holding regular and fair elections but their record in sharing information with public is very low.
- The idea of democracy has overwhelming support all over the world because the government in it is a legitimate government and democratic government is people’s own government.
- It is right that democracies produce good government but democracies are unable to produce the good economic development of the country because decision making process takes a lot of time.
- Democracies are based on political equality and all the citizens of the country have equal weight in electing representative but this process of bringing individuals in political area on the basis of equality brings economic inequalities.
- Actually democracies are unable to reduce economic inequality because they are unable to curb the economic development of any particular individual.
- No society can fully and permanently resolve conflicts among different groups but democracy is best suited to produce this result.
- Democracy. Government of the people, for the people and by the people or rule of the people.
- Dictatorship. Rule of one person or few persons who have total power over the country especially one who has obtained it by force and uses it in a cruel way.
- Authoritarianism. An ideology which favours complete obedience to authority especially that of state at the expense of personal freedom.
- Democratic government. Government which is formed by the people, which works for the betterment of masses and which gives equality to all its citizens.
- Democratic politics. A politics which has formal constitutions, who hold regular elections, have political parties and guaranteed rights of citizen.
- Transparency. Through which every thing can be seen clearly.
- Legitimate government. Any government which is legally choosen or the people’s government is legitimate government.
- Dignity. Honourable rank or the quality of being worthy of honour or respect.
J&K class 10th Social Science Outcomes of Democracy Textbook Questions and Answers
Q. 1. How does democracy produce an accountable, responsive and legitimate government ?
How does democracy create a responsible and valid government ? State it clearly.
Ans. Democracy is government of the people, for the people and by the people. By looking at all the democracies, we can say that it produces an accountable, responsive and legitimate government due to following reasons :
- Democracy produces an accountable government because all the educated and enlightened citizens of the country are concerned that people should have the right to choose their representatives. If they do not work in a proper way then people have the right to overthrow them. That is why they are accountable to the people. People are also part and parcel of decision making process of the country. So democracy produces an accountable government.
- Democracy also produces a responsive government because in every type of country, people elect the government and that government is responsible towards the people and parliament. Democratic government generally takes care of the needs and opinion of the people. That’s why democracy produces a responsive government.
- Democracy not only produces an accountable and responsive but also produces a legitimate government. Democratic government is legitimate in the sense because it is elected by the people almost after every five years through the process of universal adult franchise. Any party which gets majority makes the government. If they lose the majority then they will have to resign from its office. In this way it is a legitimate government.
Q. 2. What are the conditions under which democracies accommodate social diversities?
- In most of the countries, social diversity generally exists. Every society is diverse in many senses like religion, race, caste, creed, culture, etc. Democracy gives equal rights to all its citizens and constitution says that there should be no discrimination with any one on the basis of gender, colour, religion, culture, age, etc. In this way when democracy gives equal rights to all its citizens, it accommodates social diversity in the country.
- In India, different caste groups, OBC’s, weaker sections are given enough representation in every aspect of the society. They are given reservations in every sphere of the life. Democracy also ensures that the government should not be made by the majority but it should have the representation of minorities as well. In this way democracy accommodates social diversity as it not only takes care of the interests of majority but it also takes care of the interests of weaker sections as well.
- There is general tendency of gender discrimination in the world. Women are being discriminated in one way or the other. But in democracy women and weaker sections of the society, are given equal rights and right to vote so that they can elect their representatives. Even they are given reservation of seats in local bodies. Our country doesn’t have its own religion and it never tries to give undue preference to any language. In this way it accommodates social diversity in the country.
Q. 3. Give arguments to support or oppose the following assertions :
- Industrialised countries can afford democracy but the poor need dictatorship to become rich.
- Democracy can’t reduce inequality of incomes between different citizens.
- Government in poor countries should spend less on poverty reduction, health, Phoeducation and spend more on industries and infrastructure.
- In democracy all citizens have one vote, which means that there is absence of any domination and conflict.
- Opposition of the Statement. We are not agreed with this statement that industrialised countries can afford democracy but the poor need dictatorship to become rich. Today’s age is of democracy that every type of country, whether rich or poor, should have democracy and democratic government. Democracy is accountable and responsive but dictatorship is not accountable to any one. It is hardly responsive and only takes care of one section of society. Rest of sections are being suppressed by it. But for economic development, we need to take care of interests of all the sections of the society. Poor countries can use a number of measures to control poverty in democracy also.
- Favour of the Statement. We favour this statement. It is right that democracy gives equal opportunity to all the sections of society. It gives enough share of natural resources to all the citizens. That is why it is necessary that there should be less inequality in democracy. But the actual condition is very much different from sense. In actual sense, inequality is increasing day by day between various sections of society. Rich is becoming richer and poor is becoming poorer. It is so because in democracy, we cannot stop any one to earn more and more. Every one gets equal chance to earn. Difference is of their opportunity that one is earning more and one is earning less. So democracy can’t reduce inequality of income between different citizens.
- Opposition of the Statement. We oppose this statement on various grounds. It is right that industries and infrastructure are necessary elements of economic development but they are not the only elements. Human resources are also very much part and parcel of it. Human resources can help a lot in the development of the country. Literate and skilled population is an asset to any country which could be used at any time. But if the population would be illiterate and unskilful then it will be a burden on the country. So we cannot say that government in poor countries should spend less on poverty, food, clothing, health and education. Development of humans is also necessary for industry and infrastructure. If industries are good but humans are illiterate then those industries would also be of no use. So a country should give its proper attention to all the aspects of society and social life.
- Opposition of the Statement. We don’t agree with the statement that by providing right of vote to every citizen or with the idea of universal adult franchise all the dominations and conflicts will be removed from the society. Any type of democracy is of no use if economic inequality, social inequality, social injustice, social disparity, economic injustice prevail in society. In democracy inequality between rich and poor, male or female prevails and if it prevails then domination of one class over the other will also prevail. Major group of the society will also try to dominate the minority of the society. In this type of condition conflicting situation will also prevail in society.
Q. 4. Identify the challenges to democracy in the following descriptions. Also suggest policy/institutional mechanism to deepen democracy in the given situations :
- Following å High Court directive a temple in Orissa that had separate entry doors for dalits and non-dalits allowed entry for all from the same door.
- A large number of farmers are committing suicide in different states of India.
- Following allegation of killing of three civilians in Gandwara in a fake encounter by Jammu and Kashmir police, an enquiry has been ordered.
- With this order of allowing entry by same gate of a temple in Orissa, to all (dalits and non-dalits), the honourable High Court has assured the life of dignity to dalits. It means they also have the right to worship the religion and court has given them it by securing their right of maintaining dignity. For this central government should assure that all the state governments should not allow any type of untouchability or exploitation of Dalits in the country. If any one tries to do so then he should be given severe punishment under the law of Untouchability Offence Act of 1955.
- A large number of farmers are committing suicide in different states of India. It shows the poverty and economic inequality of the country. Even our democracy is working for the last 70 years but still we are unable to stop this type of economic disparity or inequality. So for this any policy should be formed to look into the grievances of the people by giving insurance on produce, by providing loans at very less interest rates. So economic inequality should be removed from our country.
- In Jammu and Kashmir, an enquiry has been ordered in the fake encounter of three civilians in Gandwara. This incident shows us that police officers are taking law in their hands and are hardly taking care of human rights. These organizations (means forces) should work according to law. So to stop this type of incident, a high level judicial enquiry should be ordered so that the guilty officials should be punished. Police officials should have soft attitude towards masses so that masses should give them the help in controlling militancy in J&K.
Q. 5. In the context of democracies, which of the following ideas is correct – democracies have successfully eliminated :
(A) conflicts among people
(B) economic inequalities among people
(C) differences of opinion about how marginalised sections are to be treated
(D) the idea of political inequality.
Ans. Answer to this question is option (D) that democracies have successfully eliminated the idea of political inequality.
Q. 6. In the context of assessing democracy which among the following is odd one out. Democracies need to ensure :
(A) free and fair elections
(B) dignity of the individual
(C) majority rule
(D) equal treatment before law.
Ans. Answer to this question is option (B) that democracies need to ensure dignity of the individual.
Q. 7. Studies on political and social inequalities in democracy show that :
(A) democracy and development go together.
(B) inequalities exist in democracies.
(C) inequalities do not exist under dictatorship.
(D) dictatorship is better than democracy.
Ans. Answer to this question is option (B) that studies on political and social inequalities in democracy show that inequalities exist in democracies.
Q. 8. Read the passage below :
Nannu is a daily wage earner. He lives in Welcome Mazdoor Colony, a slum habitation in East Delhi. He lost his ration card and applied for a duplicate one in January 2004. He made several rounds to the local Food & Civil Supplies office for the next three months. But the clerks and officials would not even look at him, leave alone do his job or bother to tell him the status of his application. Ultimately, he filed an application under the Right to Information Act asking for the daily progress made on his application, names of the officials, who were supposed to act on his application and what action would be taken against these officials for their inaction. Within a week of filing application under the Right to Information Act, he was visited by an inspector from the Food Department, who informed him that the card had been made and he could collect it from the office. When Nannu went to collect his card next day, he was given a very warm treatment by the Food & Supply Officer (FSO), who is the head of a Circle. The FSO offerred him tea and requested him to withdraw his application under the Right to Information, since his work has already been done.
What does Nannu’s example show? What impact did Nannu’s action have on officials? Ask your parents their experiences when they approach government officials to attend to their problems.
Ans. In this case of Nannu, a daily wage earner, government officials were pressurised to work with the help of law. Govt. of India has passed an Act of Right to Information and asked the related official about progress of his application regarding issuing of duplicate ration card. Even the names of related officials were also revealed in his application. His revealation of names of related officials has done his job and his ration card was made. Even he was given a warm welcome by the concerned officials and was requested by related official to withdraw his complaint.
This example of Nannu has shown us that if any person from general public wants then he can exert a great impact on the working of government officials. Laws related to grievances of the laws exist in our country but the need is to use them. If they will not use them then what is the need of them. So it is necessary for a person to know at least about his rights and to know about the calibre of the fact that what can he do ?
J&K class 10th Social Science Outcomes of Democracy Important Questions and Answers
Objective Type Questions
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which type of government exists in the world?
(A) Monarchy
(B) Democracy
(C) Dictatorship
(D) All of these
Ans. (D) All of these.
2. Rule of the people is known as ………….
(A) Democracy
(B) Monarchy
(C) Dictatorship
(D) Authoritarianism
Ans. (A) Democracy.
3. Rule of the few or of one party is known as ……………
(A) Democracy LOSON
(B) Dictatorship
(C) Monarchy
(D) Authoritarianism.
Ans. (B) Dictatorship.
4. When the decisions in democracy are taken with the help of proper procedure then it is known as ………
(A) Democracy
(B) Dictatorship
(C) Transparency
(D) Fair deal.
Ans. (C) Transparency.
5. Which type of election should be there in democracy?
(A) Free
(B) Regular
(C) Fair
(D) All of these.
Ans. (D) All of these.
6. Which one of these is better?
(A) Democracy
(B) Dictatorship
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these.
Ans. (A) Democracy.
7. Expected outcome of democracy is …………….
(A) Quality of government
(B) Economic well being
(C) Freedom and dignity
(D) Democracy
Ans. (D) Democracy.
8. Democracy is better because it ……………
(A) Promotes equality among citizens
(B) Enhances dignity of the individual
(C) Improves quality of decision making
(D) All of these.
Ans. (D) All of these.
Fill in the blanks
1. Rule of the few or of ………….. is known as Dictatorship.
Ans.one party
2. ……………… is a Democratic country.
Ans. India
3. Democracies are based on the Principle of ……………..
Ans. Equality
True or False
1. Only Democratic government exists in the world.
Ans. False
2. Rule of the people is known as Democracy.
Ans. True
3. Bharat Nirman Yojana was launched in 2005.
Ans. True
4. Indira Awas Yojana was launched in 1990.
Ans. False
5. Democracies have successfully eliminated the idea of political inequality.
Ans. False
6. The Right to Information Bill came into force on October 12, 2005.
Ans. True
7. Democracies have successfully eliminated inequalities among the people.
Ans. False
8. Democracies are based on political equality.
Ans. True
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Q. 1. What do you mean by Democracy?
Define the term Democracy.
Ans. Democracy is a form of government in which the people are supposed to govern. In it the representatives of the people who are supposed to represent the masses and speak on their behalf are elected by the voters on the basis of Universal Adult Franchise.
Q. 2. Is it possible for democracy to solve all social and economic problems of the masses? If yes, then how ?
Ans. Yes, it is possible for democracy to solve all the social and economic problems of the masses because only democracy provides equal opportunity to its citizens to develop socially as well as economically. No other type of government, monarchy or dictatorship, gives this type of opportunity to the people. So democracy can do so by applying various methods.
Q. 3. What is Democratic Politics?
Ans. Democratic politics is that politics in which more than one political parties exist, which have formal constitution, which hold regular elections and which guarantee rights to its citizens.
Q. 4. Why do we start blaming democracy?
Ans. Actually peop think that democracy can solve all the problems of the masses. But if some of these problems are not solved then they start to blame democracy and doubt the ability of democracy.
Q. 5. What is the most basic outcome of democracy ?
Ans. The most basic outcome of democracy is that it gives us a government which is responsive to the needs of the people, which is accountable to the people and which fulfils the needs of the people.
Q. 6. On which factors economic development of country depends ?
Ans. Economic development of country depends on many factors like population of country, global condition, cooperation of other countries, economic priorities of the country, resources of the country, etc.
Q. 7. Is it true that democracy is unable to reduce economic inequality and exploitation ?
Is it true that democracy is unable to reduce economic inequality ?
Ans. It is right that democracy is unable to reduce economic inequality and exploitation but we can not stop anyone in the country to develop economically. Every one has the equal opportunity and that is why rich is becoming more rich and poor is becoming more poor.
Q. 8. Is it right that democracy accommodates the social diversity and conflicts ?
Ans. Yes, it is right that democracy accommodates the social diversity. In a country like India, where a number of cultures, religions, castes are living, every citizen of the country has a number of rights including speech, equality, etc. Due to this right of equality and speech no one says that any one is given preference and social diversity accommodates itself in democracy.
Q. 9. What are the basic elements of democracy practically ?
Ans. Practically there are four basic elements of democracy and these are :
- Political parties
- Written and rigid constitution
- Regular and fair elections
- Fundamental rights for every citizen.
Q. 10. How are democracies different from each other?
Ans. Actually democracies are different from each other even if they have some elements common among them. It is so because of their different social, cultural, economic and political background. Achievement of one might be failure of other and that’s why they are different.
Q. 11. What should be the basic outcome of democracy?
Ans. The basic outcome of democracy is that it should produce such a government which should be legitimate, should be responsive to needs of the people, should be accountable to the people, should be representative of all the sections and should fulfil expectations of all the citizens of the country.
Q. 12. Which forms does economic inequality have in democracy ?
Ans. Democracy have two forms of economic inequality. On one hand very few utra rich people are there who have a lot of wealth and income. On the other side millions of poor people are there whose income is declining day by day. Many a time they are unable to fulfil their needs.
Q. 13. Is it right that democracies appear to be successful in reducing economic inequalities?
Ans. Practically it hardly appears to be successful in reducing economic inequalities. Rich people are earning more and more money with the help of their excessive wealth. Poor people don’t have anything to sell except their labour and that’s why their income is reducing. The gap between rich and poor is widening day by day.
Q. 14. Give one merit and demerit each of democracy.
Ans. Merit. Democracy gives equality of every type to its citizens like social, economic, political etc. It means that everyone gets a fair chance to develop in every sphere of life. Demerit. Democracy always gives emphasis on quantity than quality. If one wise person and 100 fools are standing on one stage then democracy will prefer 100 fools instead of 1 wise person.
Q. 15. What is meant by Authoritarianism ?
Ans. Authoritarianism is exactly opposite to democracy. It is a type of government in which authority rests in the hands of any dictator or absolute Monarch. That authoritative ruler is not accountable to any one, not even to people.
Q. 16. Why are governments accountable to the people in democracies?
Ans. Governments are accountable to the people in democracies because they are elected and formed by the people. If government starts to overlook the interests of the people then people have the authority to throw that government out of power. That’s why generally governments try to take care of welfare of the people.
Short Answer Type Questions
Q. 1. What is Democracy?
Ans. Democracy is a form of government in which the people are supposed to govern. In it the representatives of the people, who are supposed to represent the masses and speak on their behalf, are elected by the voters on the basis of universal adult franchise. It believes in such concepts as liberty, equality and fraternity which are its functional bases. The basic idea of it is that there should be social, economic and political equality. Everyone, in it, should have freedom of expression and association within the frame work of the constitution. There should be maximum scope for individual and collective development of society and personality.
Q. 2. What is Democratic Society?
Ans. Democratic society is a society in which there is a sense of equality, economic, social and political, so that the strong do not stand on the way of weak because of inequality in any walk of life. In this society, value of a person is not judged by his material possessions but by his qualities, achievements and performances. In it there is also no distinction on the basis of caste, colour and creed but it helps in setting up healthy democratic state and government.
Q. 3. Why is democracy better than dictatorship?
Why is democracy known as the best form of government ?
Democracy is the best form of Government. Why?
Ans. Democracy is better than dictatorship because :
- It gives equality to all its citizens that all the citizens are equal in the country.
- It upholds the dignity of the individual and gives respect to dignity of every individual.
- It improves the quality of decision making because deliberate discussion takes place before taking any decision.
- It provides a method to resolve conflict among various social groups due to social diversity.
- It allows enough space to correct mistakes.
Q. 4. Which necessary conditions are required for successful functioning of democracy?
Ans. For the successful functioning of democracy the following conditions are very much necessary :
- Good and quality education should be given to all the citizens so that they are able to understand the democratic system.
- All the citizens of the country should be vigilant and enlightened. Their cooperation with government is must for good functioning of government and they should be active enough in public affairs.
- All the citizens of the country should have the right of equality with them. If the concept of equality will prevail in society then there will be no obstacle in smooth functioning of democracy.
- People and our leaders should have high moral character. If honest leaders would be there the democratic government will surely taste the success. With this people also should not indulge in corrupt practices.
Q. 5. Write any two advantages of Democratic rule.
1. Democratic rule is responsive to people and Parliament.
2. Democratic rule is strong and efficient.
Q. 6. What is transparency in democracy?
Ans. In democracy, generally some norms and procedures are there to take decisions. So any citizen, who wants to know that the decision taken by the authorities through correct procedure, can find this out very easily. Every citizen of the democracy has the right to examine the decision making process. This is known as transparency.
Q. 7. What is political outcome of democracy?
Ans. Political outcome of democracy can be seen in the form of decentralization of powers. It is expected from the democracies that power should be decentralized and should be divided from higher levels to lower levels. Powers in India are divided from central government to local bodies. In democracy there should be a retirement age for politicians so that young faces should come forward to take charge of the country.
Q. 8. What is meant by economic outcome of democracy?
Ans. Economic outcome of democracy is that economic inequality should be removed from our society and economic equality should prevail in the country. Many economic problems exist in our country like unemployment, poverty etc. and country cannot develop if these problems persist in our country. So these problems should be removed to remove economic inequality. With this, it is expected that the democracy should provide a better life and living facilities to the people.
Q. 9. Explain the social outcome of democracy.
Define Social Democracy?
Ans. The basic social outcome of democracy is that all the citizens of the country should be given social justice. It is expected from democracy that there should be no discrimination with any one on the basis of caste, colour, creed, religion etc. This provision should be practically applied in the country. With this all the citizens in India should be given equal rights so that they could live a better life.
Q. 10. What are necessary conditions for successful functioning of democracy in India ?
- All the citizens of India, including illiterate and backward classes, should be vigilant and should be made enlightened.
- All the citizens should be active in public affairs and should cooperate with government from all aspects.
- Social equality is necessary for successful functioning of democracy. All types of differences and discriminations should be removed from the society.
- Free press is very much necessary because it gives every type of information to the people about proper or improper functioning of government.
Long Answer Type Questions
Q. 1. What is democracy? What are its various characteristics ?
What are the characteristics of Democracy ?
Ans. Democracy is a form of government in which the people are supposed to govern. In it the representatives of the people are elected by the voters on the basis of universal adult franchise. It believes in the concepts like liberty, equality and fraternity and these are its functional bases. In it there should be maximum scope for individual and collective development of society and personality. It has the following characteristics:
- Rule of the People. Administration in democracy is being directly or indirectly run by the people and every decision in democracy is being taken by majority.
- Interest of the People. In democracy, administration is being run in the interest of the people and interests of the weaker sections are properly cared by the government.
- Principle of Equality. The basic principle of democracy is the principle of equality. In democracy every person is considered as equal. No discrimination is being done on the basis of birth, education, wealth, etc. All the citizens are given equal political rights. Every person has been given the right to vote through universal adult franchise.
- Rule of Majority. Democracy is the rule of majority. Every decision in democracy is being taken with majority. That party forms the government which gets majority in elections. All the decisions are being taken with majority.
Q. 2. What is the need of democracy?
What are the merits of democracy?
Ans. Democracy in modern times is considered as the best rule. That is why most of the countries have adopted this concept of democracy. It has certain merits which are given below :
- It is based on public opinion. Democracy is that system of rule which is based on public opinion and the rule is being run according to the wish of the people. No importance is given to public opinion in monarchy and dictatorship and laws are also being formed according to public opinion.
- It is based on the principle of equality. All humans in democracy are considered as equal. No one gets special privileges on the basis of birth, caste, religion, sex and wealth. General masses are given the right to take part in the decision making process. All are considered as equal.
- Responsible government. Governments in monarchy and dictatorship are not responsive to anyone but government in democracy is responsive to people and parliament. Government has to work according to public opinion. It cannot work against the public opinion unless people can throw them out of power in next elections.
- Strong and efficient government. Government in democracy is strong and efficient. Administration is being run by the representatives of the people who have the support of public. Rulers are encouraged by the support of people with which they apply their decisions with full strength. Rulers are controlled by public opinion and they are responsive to the people for their decisions. In this way it works in an efficient way.
Q. 3. What are the demerits of democracy?
Write any four demerits of democracy.
Give any one of the demerits of democracy.
Give two demerits of democracy.
Ans. After looking at the merits of democracy, it seems that this rule the best but it is not so. This system also has certain demerits which are given below :
- Principle of equality is unnatural. Main base of democracy is the principle of equality but critics say that equality is unnatural. Even nature has not kept equality among humans. Some are fools, some are wise, some are powerful and some are weak. If nature has kept this type of discrimination then how social, economic and political equality could be kept. This is the biggest demerit of equality that all are given equal rights.
- Gives importance to quantity than quality. Quantity is given more importance than quality in democracy. In other words every decision in democracy is being taken by democracy. If 100 fools will say any thing is right and 99 wise will say this is wrong then the decision of 100 fools will be considered. Representatives of the people are also elected by majority. Every fool and wise has the right to vote and any wrong person could become the representative of the people.
- It does not establish a responsive government. Government in democracy is responsive to people but practically it is not. Leaders hardly cares about the people after elections and comes back to public only at the time of next elections. Majority party hardly cares about the opposition or minority parties.
- Unstable and weak government. Government in democracy is unstable and weak. Governments changes very quickly in multi party system. In the absence of majority many parties come together to make a government. This type of mixed government can be broken at anytime. At the time of problem, democratic government proves to be weak government. Decisions are not being taken very quickly.
Q. 4. Is it possible for democracy to do economic development, secure the people and maintain the dignity of the people?
Ans. Yes, it is possible for democracy to do all the thing. We can take examples of Indian democracy which is developing day by day. Five year plans are trying to do development in the country. We can see a lot of development in the fields of agriculture, industries, trade, transport, education, communication, etc. Indian economy is growing at the speed of around 9% per year which very few other economies are achieving. We are developing even after this much of population.
Our government is trying very hard to give security to its people. It has many types of forces like police, military, CRPF, BSF, ITBP, etc. which are working throughout to maintain security to the people. They are facing smugglers, terrorists, anti-social elements and they are doing so with great courage. They are saving and protecting entire country from the intruders. In this way democracy saves its citizens.
Democracy also tries to give dignity to the life of the people. All the discriminations have been legally abolished. Even untouchability has come to an end. People are given good facilities to live a better life. If any one tries to take away the dignity of any one then he can go to court to save himself from the humiliation. Women are given special care so that their dignity could be maintained. In this way democracy leads to maintenance of dignity of the people.
Q. 5. Which outcomes could be expected from democracy?
Ans. We are living in the country of India where social diversity exists. We can expect certain outcomes from our democracy which are given below :
- Economic equality. It is expected from the democracy that economic inequality should be removed from our society and economic equality should prevail in the country. Many economic problems exist in our country like unemployment, poverty, economic inequality, etc. and country cannot develop if these problems persist in our country. So to remove inequality these problems should be solved. With this it is expected that the democracy should provide a better life and living facilities to the people.
- Decentralisation of power. It is expected from the democracies that powers should be decentralized and should be divided from higher levels to lower levels. Powers in India are divided from central government till local bodies. In democracy there should be a retirement age for politicians so that young faces should come forward to take charge of the country.
- Active Judiciary. It is also expected from democracy that judiciary should play an active role in it. In India more than 2 crore cases are pending and lakhs of cases are pending from 20-25 years. Judiciary should play an active role in it and can give speedy justice to the people. Judiciary is the third organ of government and it is expected from it to act in an active manner.
- Social Justice. All the citizens of India should be given social justice. It is expected from democracy that there should be no discrimination with any one on the basis of caste, colour, creed, religion, etc. This provision should be practically applied in the country. With this all the citizens in India should be given equal rights so that they could live a better life. In this way a lot of things are expected from a democratic country.
Q. 6. Describe Economic Growth and Development.
Ans. Economic growth and economic development, both are linked to each other. If a country grows economically then naturally economic development will happen. On the contrary, if a country’s economic growth lags behind, its economic development will also get hampered.
If we look at record of economic growth from 1950 to 2000, it is surprising to find that the economic growth of dictator countries is much better than economic growth of democratic countries. But only for this reason, democracy cannot be ruled out. There are many factors which influence the economic development of a country. That is the reason, democracy is more preferable than dictatorship.
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