JKBOSE 10th Class English Solutions chapter – 7 An Evening Wet with Rain

JKBOSE 10th Class English Solutions chapter – 7 An Evening Wet with Rain

JKBOSE 10th Class English Solutions chapter – 7 An Evening Wet with Rain

Jammu & Kashmir State Board JKBOSE 10th Class English Solutions

J&K class 10th English An Evening Wet with Rain Textbook Questions and Answers

An Evening Wet with Rain Summary in English

The poet here reproduces the atmosphere of an evening that was wet with rain. The poet was walking through a lane. Everything was wet with rain. The poet was in a sad and depressed mood. He had lost all hope in the evening of his life. He did not know whether he should stop walking or keep going in the rain, and wafting with the wind. Water was seeping through his shoes. He was feeling heavy in his eyes. It could be due to sleep or fever. All around there was perfect silence. Memories of childhood begin to flood the poet’s mind. He is reminded of the time when he used to stand in the courtyard, listening to the sound of cymbals. But now those are things of the past. What is past, can never be recalled. Now the only thing the poet can hope for is sleep in the lap of night (i.e. death). The poet sees the light of an earthen lamp in a wayside modest inn. But the poet is in no hurry to reach there and seek shelter. He now knows that his days are numbered. So he has left himself to his fate.

An Evening Wet with Rain Summary in Hindi

कविता का संक्षिप्त परिचय
कवि यहां एक सायं के वातावरण को फिर से चित्रित करता है जब वर्षा की वजह से हर चीज़ गीली हुई पड़ी थी l कवि एक तंग गली में से चला जा रहा था। वर्षा के कारण हर चीज़ गीली थी। कवि एक उदासी-भरी और निराशापूर्ण मनोस्थिति में था। अपने जीवन की सांझ में वह सभी आशाएं त्याग चुका था। वह नहीं जानता था कि उसे चलना बन्द कर देना चाहिए अथवा वर्षा में चलता जाए, और हवा के साथ झकोले खाता जाए। उसके जूतों में से पानी रिस रहा था l उसे अपनी आंखों में भारीपन महसूस हो रहा था। यह भारीपन नींद या बुखार की वजह से हो सकता था। चारों तरफ पूरी खामोशी छाई हुई थी। बचपन की यादें कवि के मन में आने लगती हैं। उसे वह समय याद आ जाता है जब वह अपने आंगन में खड़ा हुआ करता था और मंजीरे (करताल) की आवाजें सुना करता था। किन्तु अब वे बीते समय की बातें हो गई हैं। जो बीत चुका है उसे वापस नहीं बुलाया जा सकता। अब केवल एक चीज़ जिसकी कवि आशा कर सकता है, वह रात की गोद में नींद (अर्थात् मृत्यु) की है। कवि को सड़क किनारे बनी हुई एक साधारण-सी सराय में एक मिट्टी के बने दीपक की रोशनी दिखाई देती है। किन्तु कवि को वहां पहुंचने और आश्रय ढूंढने की कोई जल्दी नहीं है। अब वह जानता है कि उसके दिन गिने-चुने रह गए हैं। इसलिए उसने स्वयं को अपने भाग्य के हवाले कर दिया है।
Lines 1-5
An evening wet with rain
As I walk through the lane
The heart beckons the hands to hold them with love
The mind also knows subtle signals of the breeze
Should I stand on the ground or waft with the wind?
Word-meanings : 1 lane –गली, मार्ग; 2. beckons— इशारा करते हुए बुलाता है; 3. subtle – सूक्ष्म, कोमल, 4, breeze – मन्द पवन; 5 waft-झकोरे लेना ।
Explanation: It is an evening that is wet with rain. The poet is walking through a lane. He has some companion with him. n. His heart wants his companion to hold his hands with love. Both the poet’s heart and his mind have grown weak. His mind knows that only a gentle breeze is blowing and won’t do him much harm. So he can’t decide whether he should stop walking or keep going, wafting with the wind.
यह एक ऐसी सांझ है जो वर्षा की वजह से गीली हुई पड़ी है। कवि एक गली में से चला जा रहा है। उसके साथ एक साथी भी है। उसका दिल चाहता है कि उसका साथी प्यार से उसका हाथ पकड़ ले । कवि का दिल और दिमाग़ दोनों ही कमज़ोर पड़ चुके हैं। उसका दिमाग़ जानता है कि यह केवल एक मन्द पवन है जो चल रही है और उसे ज्यादा नुक्सान नहीं पहुंचाएगी। इसलिए वह निर्णय नहीं कर पाता कि उसे रुक जाना चाहिए अथवा चलते रहना चाहिए, हवा के साथ झकोरे लेते हुए।
Lines 6-13
Windows, doors, awnings of the house are wet
Cool breezes stir the leaves of the yonder banyan tree
The collar of my coat is also wet with drops of rain
All around reigns silence.
My feet are cold with water seeping through my shoes
My eyes are heavy with sleep, or is it fever ?
The ground is very slippery; there is no place to stand
The mind is exhausted, looks for some spot to rest.
Word-meanings : 1. awnings— तिरपाल, सायबान; 2. stir – थोड़ा हिलाना; 3. yonder– वहां, उधर; 4. reigns— छाया होना; 5. seeping — रिसता हुआ; 6. exhausted— पूरी तरह थका हुआ ।
Explanation : Due to the rain, everything is wet. Windows, doors and awnings of the house are all wet. The poet sees a banyan tree at some distance. The cool breezes are stirring its leaves. The collar of the poet’s coat has also become wet with the drops of rain. There is silence all around.
The poet is feeling cold in his feet. Water is seeping through his shoes. He is feeling heavy in his eyes also. It could be due to sleep or fever. The ground has become slippery. There is no place to stand and save oneself from the rain. The poet feels exhausted in his mind. He looks for some place where he can sit and rest.
वर्षा की वजह से हर चीज़ गीली हुई पड़ी है। खिड़कियां, दरवाज़े और घर के तिरपाल सभी गीले हुए पड़े हैं। कवि को कुछ दूरी पर एक बरगद का पेड़ दिखाई देता है। ठण्डी पवनें इसके पत्तों को हिला रही हैं। कवि के कोट का कालर भी वर्षा की बूंदों से भीग गया है। सभी तरफ़ खामोशी छाई हुई है।
कवि को अपने पैरों में ठण्ड महसूस हो रही है। उसके जूतों में से पानी रिस रहा है। अपनी आंखों में भी वह भारीपन महसूस कर रहा है। यह नींद या बुखार की वजह से हो सकता था। धरती फिसलन-भरी हो गई है। वहां ऐसी कोई जगह नहीं है जहां खड़ा हुआ जा सके और स्वयं को वर्षा से बचाया जा सके। कवि अपने दिमाग़ में बहुत थका हुआ महसूस कर रहा है । वह ऐसी जगह की तलाश करता है जहां वह बैठ सके और आराम कर सके ।
Lines 14-21
Loss of hope has darkened the evening of my life too
And clouds gathering in the mind shed tears as they pass
The evening of troubles, my companion is also depressed
And takes me along, holding me by the arm.
In childhood, I stood alone in my courtyard
And waves of air brought the sound of cymbals
We regret that the days gone by don’t return
How to call back times past and gone !
Word-meanings : 1. the evening of my life — मेरे जीवन की सांझ अर्थात् बुढ़ापा; 2. depressed— उदास, निराश; 3. courtyard — आंगन; 4. cymbals— करताल, मंजीरा; 5. regret — दुःखी होना; 6. gone by–बीते हुए।
Explanation : The poet says that loss of hope has darkened the evening of his life. He means to say that he has reached the last stage of his life. No hope has been left for him. It has filled his old age with darkness. Clouds of depression have gathered in his mind. They shed tears when he has to face troubles in his old age. His companion, perhaps his wife, is also depressed. She is holding his hand and taking him along.
The poet recalls the days of his childhood. He remembers how he used to stand alone in his courtyard. The waves of air would bring the sound of cymbals being rung somewhere. The poet feels sad that the days gone by don’t return. He finds no way to call back times that are past and gone.
कवि कहता है कि आशा के खो जाने से उसके जीवन की सांझ काली हो गई है। उसके कहने का भाव यह है कि वह अपने जीवन की अन्तिम स्थिति में पहुंच गया है। उसके लिए कोई आशा नहीं बची है । इसने उसके बुढ़ापे को अन्धेरे से भर दिया है। उसके दिमाग़ में निराशा के बादल भर आए हैं। वे आंसू बहाने लगते हैं जब उसे अपने बुढ़ापे में कठिनाइयों का सामना करना पड़ता है। उसका साथी, शायद उसकी पत्नी, भी निराशा की स्थिति में है। उसने उसका हाथ पकड़ा हुआ है और उसे अपने साथ-साथ लिए जा रही है।
कवि को अपने बचपन के दिन याद आते हैं। उसे याद आता है कि किस प्रकार वह अपने आंगन में अकेला खड़ा होता था । हवा की लहरें अपने साथ दूर कहीं बजने वाले करतालों की आवाज़ लेकर आती थीं । कवि उदास हो जाता है कि को वापस बुलाने का कोई रास्ता नहीं सूझता जो बीत चुका है और बीते हुए दिन लौट कर नहीं आते। उसे उस स समय का जा चुका है।
Lines 22-29
The evening prepares to go to sleep in the lap of night
Slowly, softly just as the sky’s feet touch the ground
Shadows of trees rest in the dark tank
As some passing cloud casts a shadow over hills.
There is activity in the houses lit with electric bulbs
Moonlight laughs holding the hem of the moon
Where is my destination ? Where is the hurry ?
Light of the earthen lamp in a wayside modest inn awaits me.
Word-meanings: 1 lap– गोद; 2. casts – डालता है; 3. lit – रोशन हुए; 4. hem – किनारा; 5. destination – लक्ष्य, गन्तव्य स्थान; 6 wayside – रास्ते के किनारे ।
Explanation: The poet here describes the coming of the night in a poetic manner. He says that the evening is preparing to go to sleep in the lap of night. In simple words, evening is giving way to night. It seems as if the sky’s feet are going to touch the ground slowly and softly. The shadows of trees growing along the side of the tank have stopped moving. It is as if they have gone to rest in the dark tank. A passing cloud has cast its shadow over the hills.
The poet sees some houses lit with electric bulbs. Some activity must be going on in them. The moonlight seems to be holding on to the rim of the moon and laughing. These lines present a contrast between the poet’s inner state of mind and the outside world. There is no joy or light in the poet’s own life. He doesn’t think of his own home and he has no hurry to reach there. It is only a simple wayside inn where only an earthen lamp is burning. It is waiting for the poet but the poet feels no hurry to go there.
कवि यहां रात के आने का वर्णन एक काव्यात्मक ढंग से करता है । वह कहता है कि सायं रात की गोद में सोने के लिए तैयार हो रही है । साधारण शब्दों में, सायं अपनी जगह रात को दे रही है। ऐसा प्रतीत होता है मानो आकाश के पांव धरती को धीरे-धीरे और कोमलतापूर्ण छूने लगे हों । तालाब के किनारे-किनारे उगे हुए पेड़ों की परछाइयों ने हिलना बन्द कर दिया है। ऐसा लगता है मानो यह काले तालाब में आराम करने के लिए चली गई हों। एक गुजरते हुए बादल ने अपनी परछाईं पहाड़ियों पर डाल दी है ।
कवि कुछ घरों में बिजली की रोशनी जलती हुई देखता है। उनमें कोई न कोई क्रिया अवश्य चल रही होगी। चांदनी चांद की किनारी को पकड़े हुए और मुस्कराती हुए प्रतीत होती है। ये पंक्तियां कवि की अन्दरूनी स्थिति और बाहरी संसार में तुलनात्मक अन्तर को व्यक्त करती हैं। कवि के अपने जीवन में कोई खुशी या रोशनी नहीं है। वह अपने घर के बारे में नहीं सोचता है और उसे वहां पहुंचने की कोई जल्दी नहीं है। यह एक रास्ते के किनारे बनी हुई साधारण-सी सराय है जहां मात्र एक मिट्टी का दीया जल रहा है । यह कवि की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा है किन्तु कवि को वहां जाने की कोई जल्दी नहीं है।
Thinking about the Poem :
Q. 1. What are the memories that the poet talks about in the poem ?
Ans. The poet talks about his childhood memories. He remembers the time when he used to stand alone in his courtyard. A cool breeze would be blowing. The waves of air would bring the sweet sound of cymbals to his ears. His heart would then be filled with joy.
Q. 2. What kind of atmosphere is created in the poem ? the poet tired?
Ans. The dark wet evening creates a sad and serious atmosphere in the poem. The evening symbolises the evening of the poet’s life. He has become old and no hope is left in his life. The earthen lamp of his life is flickering. It can go out any time. Thus the atmosphere all through the poem is very depressing.
Q. 3. What makes the poet tired ?
Ans. It is loss of hope that makes the poet tired. It is only hope that keeps one going in one’s life. If there is no hope, the very desire to live ends. Such a person naturally feels tired and exhausted all the time. That is what has happened in the case of the poet also. He is in the evening of life and no hope has been left for him. Naturally, he feels tired.
Q. 4. What has darkened the evening of the poet’s life?
Ans. Loss of hope has darkened the evening of the poet’s life. Hope is like a ray of light. This ray of light shows man the way he should go. If there is no hope, life becomes full of darkness. This is what has happened in the case of the poet also.
Q. 5. Discuss the poet’s regret in the poem.
Ans. The poet recalls the days of his childhood. Those were the days when life was all joy for him. In contrast, the present life of the poet is all despair. There is no joy or hope left for him. The poet regrets that he cannot call back the times that are past and gone.
Q. 6. Comment on the imagery used by the poet in the poem.
Ans. The poet has used pictorial imagery in the poem. He creates a clear picture of an evening wet with rain. We can see clearly in our mind’s eye wet doors, windows and awnings. We can see leaves stirring with the cool breeze. We can see water seeping through the poet’s shoes and also to the wet collar of his coat. Each description given by the poet springs alive before our imagination. We can visualise clearly the child poet standing alone in his courtyard and listening to the sweet sound of cymbals. DAR SING op
An evening wet with rain
As I walk through the lane som
The heart beckons is the hands to hold them with love
The mind also knows subtle signals of the breeze
Should I stand on the ground or waft with the wind ?
1. What are the memories that the poet talks about in the poem ?
2. What kind of atmosphere is created in the poem ?
3. Match the correct combination.
(a) beckon
(b) subtle
(c) waft
(i) drift
(ii) ask, signal, call
(iii) not very noticeable.
4. These lines have been taken from the poem ……………. .
5. The poet’s mind knows that the gentle breeze blowing ……………… .
1. See Q. 1. under Textual Questions.
2. See Q. 2. under Textual Questions.
3. (a) beckon = ask, signal, call; (b) subtle = not very noticeable (c) waft = drift.
4. An Evening Wet With Rain
5. won’t do him much harm.
Comment on the imagery used by the poet in the stanza given above.
The poet has used pictorial imagery in this stanza. He creates a clear picture of an evening wet with rain. We see clearly in our mind’s eye the poet walking through a lane. He has some companion with him. His heart wants his companion to hold his hands with love. Both his heart and his mind have grown weak. His mind knows that only a gentle breeze is blowing and won’t do him much harm. He can’t decide whether he should stop walking or keep going, wafting with the wind. We can visualise clearly windows, doors and awnings of the house are all wet. The collar of the poet’s coat has also become wet with drops of rain.
Windows, doors, awnings of the house are wet
Cool breezes stir the leaves of the yonder banyan tree
The collar of my coat is also wet with drops of rain
All around reigns silence.
1. ‘Awnings of the house are wet.’ Explain.
2. What does s the poet say about the banyan tree?
3. What do the following words mean :
    (a) awning     (b) reigns?
4. The name of the poet of these lines is …………….. .
5. Which word in the stanza does not correspond to the word ‘noise’ ?
1. Awning is a sheet of strong cloth that stretches out from above a door or window to keep off the sun or rain. The poet says that it is raining and the awnings of the house have all become wet.
2. He says that the cool breezes are stirring its leaves.
3. (a) awning = a sheet of canvas, stretched on a frame as a shelter against the sun or rain. (b) reigns = rules.
4. Ved Pal Deep.
5. silence.
My feet are cold with water seeping through my shoes
My eyes are heavy with sleep, or is it fever?
The ground is very slippery; there is no place to stand
The mind is exhausted, looks for some spot to rest.
1. What has made the speaker’s feet cold?
2. What does his mind look for and why?
3. Match the correct combination.
(a) seeping
(b) exhausted
(c) spot
(i) place
(ii) flowing into something slowly
(iii) very tired
4. The poet has used ……….. imagery in this poem.
5. Give the name of the poem and the poet. 
1. The rainwater is seeping through his shoes. Hence his feet feel cold.
2. The speaker’s mind is looking for some place to take rest, because his mind is exhausted.
3. (a) flowing into something slowly (b) very tired (c) place.
4. pictorial.
5. The name of the poet is An Evening Wet With Rain’ and the poet is Ved Pal Deep.
Complete the summary of the given extract :
The poet is feeling cold in (a) ……………..  Water is seeping through (b) …………… He is feeling heavy in his eyes also. It could be due to (c)………………… The ground has become (d) ………….. . There is no place to stand and save oneself from the rain. The poet feels exhausted in his (e) ………………. . He looks for some place where he can sit and (f) …………….. .
(a) his feet (b) his shoes (c) sleep or fever (d) slippery (e) mind (f) rest.
Loss of hope has darkened the evening of my life too
And clouds gathering in the mind shed tears as they pass
The evening of troubles, my companion is also depressed
And takes me along, holding me by the arm.
1. …………… darkened the evening of the poet’s life?
2. The term ‘evening of life’ means ………….. .
3. Who is also depressed? What is that person doing?
4. What companion do you see in the above lines ?
5. What do the following words mean :
    (a) companion    (b) depressed ?
1. Loss of hope
2. the last stage of one’s life.
3. The poet’s companion is also depressed. That person is holding the poet by the arm.
4. Here the poet’s companion is perhaps his wife. She is also depressed. She is holding his hand and taking him along.
5. (a) companion = friend
    (b) depressed = sad and without hope.
In childhood, I stood alone in my courtyard
And waves of air brought the sound of cymbals
We regret that the days gone by don’t return
How to call back times past and gone !
The evening prepares to go to sleep in the lap of night,
Slowly, softly just as the sky’s feet touch the ground
Shadows of trees rest in the dark tank
As some passing cloud casts a shadow over hills.
1. The poet recalls ……………………. .
2. What does he remember?
3. What would the waves of air bring?
4. Match the correct combination.
Expressions used in the poem To suggest that
(a) We regret
(b) Times past and gone
(c) Sky’s feet touch the ground
(i) time lost forever.
(ii) at dusk, the sky seems coming down.
(iii) to feel sorry for something.
5. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
1. the days of his childhood.
2. He remembers how he used to stand alone in his courtyard.
3. The sound of cymbals being run.
4. (a) We regret = to feel sorry for something.
    (b) Times past and gone = time lost forever.
    (c) Sky’s feet touch the ground = at dusk, the sky seems coming down.
5. The name of the poem is An Evening Wet With Rain’ and the poet is Ved Pal Deep.
I. Below is given the summary of the extract. Complete the summary by writing the missing words / phrases in the blanks :
The poet remembers the childhood days when he stood alone in the (1) .….….……….…… listening to the sounds of (2) ………….. . The waves of air brought this sound which resembled the (3) ……………..  of the school bell. He regrets that the days (4)………….. don’t return. It is impossible to put the clock back. The evening is ready to go to sleep in the (5) ………….. The sky’s feet have started touching the ground (6) ……………  the shadows of trees rest in the dark tank.
II. Comment on the imagery used by the poet in the poem.
I. (1) courtyard (2) cymbals (3) sound (4) gone by (5) lap of night (6) while
II. The poet has used pictorial imagery in the poem. He creates a clear pictur of an evening wet with rain. We can see clearly in our mind’s eye wet doors, windows and awnings. We can see leaves stirring with the cool breeze. We can see water seeping through the poet’s shoes and also the wet collar of his coat. Each description given by the poet springs alive before our imagination We can visualise clearly the child poet standing alone in his courtyard and listening to the sweet sound of cymbals.
There is activity in the houses lit with electric bulbs
Moonlight laughs holding the hem of the moon
Where is my destination? Where is the hurry?
Light of the earthen lamp in a wayside modest inn awaits me.
1. What does the poet see ? What does he think about it?
2. What is waiting for the poet ?
3. Match the correct combination.
(a) hem
(b) inn
(c) destination
(d) modest
(i) a small old hotel
(ii) humble
(iii) edge
(iv) target
4. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
5. The poet knows that his days are numbered, so he has left ……………. .
1. He sees some houses lit with electric bulbs. He thinks some activity must be going on in them.
2. A simple wayside inn, where only an earthen lamp is burning, is waiting for the poet.
3. (a) hem = edge (b) inn = a small old hotel (c) destination = target red (d) modest = humble.
4. The name of the poem is ‘An Evening Wet With Rain’ and the poet is Ved Pal Deep.
5. himself to his fate.
1. Comment on the imagery used by the poet in these lines.
2. Identify the poetic device used in the stanza and also explain it.
1. (For answer, see Q. 6. under Textual Questions.)
2. The poetic device used here is that of personification. The poet has personified both the moon and the moonlight. The moon is wearing a white dress the edge of which has been held by the moonlight.

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