JKBOSE 10th Class English Solutions chapter – 8 The Tale of Custard the Dragon
JKBOSE 10th Class English Solutions chapter – 8 The Tale of Custard the Dragon
JKBOSE 10th Class English Solutions chapter – 8 The Tale of Custard the Dragon
Jammu & Kashmir State Board JKBOSE 10th Class English Solutions
J&K class 10th English The Tale of Custard the Dragon Textbook Questions and Answers
The Tale of Custard the Dragon Summary in English
This poem is a doggerel ( a ridiculous poem ). In it, the poet tries to ridicule persons who put up faces of being very brave and courageous, but in times of crisis prove big cowards. On the other hand, those who are unassuming and make no proud professions, prove their worth when the occasion demands it.
A lady named Belinda has four pets – Ink ( a black kitten), Blink ( a grev mouse), Mustard (a yellow dog) and Custard (a little dragon). While Ink, Blink and Mustard make tall claims of their bravery, poor Custard is content to remain in his cage. All the three – Ink, Blink and Mustard make a mockery of Custard and call him a coward. Belinda, too, keeps Custard in neglect and gives all care to the other three.
One day, a robber breaks into Belinda’s house. He has a pistol in his left hand and a pistol in his right hand. Ink, Blink and Mustard run away in fear and hide themselves. But Custard faces the robber bravely and kills him. Belinda embraces Custard and the three other pets begin to dance in joy.
But soon Ink, Blink and Mustard again start their usual boasting. They say that if they were given a chance, they could prove themselves many times as brave as Custard. Belinda, too, becomes her usual self and showers all her care for Ink, Blink and Mustard, leaving Custard crying for a safe cage.
The Tale of Custard the Dragon Summary in Hindi
कविता का संक्षिप्त परिचय
यह कविता हास्यरस की एक अर्थहीन कविता है। इस कविता में कवि उन व्यक्तियों की खिल्ली उडाने का प्रयत्न करता है जो बहुत साहसी और वीर व्यक्ति होने का ढोंग करते हैं, परन्तु संकट के समय बड़े कायर व्यक्ति सिद्ध होते हैं। इसके विपरीत वे सीधे-सादे, निरहंकारी व्यक्ति, जो कभी कोई दंभपूर्ण दावे नहीं करते, अपना महत्त्व सिद्ध कर देते हैं जब भी अवसर की कोई ऐसी मांग होती है।
बेलिंडा नाम की स्त्री के चार पालतू जानवर हैं इंक (एक काले रंग का बिल्ली का बच्चा), ब्लिंक ( धूसर रंग का एक चूहा), मस्टर्ड (एक पीला कुत्ता) तथा कस्टर्ड (एक छोटा-सा ड्रैगन) । जबकि इंक, ब्लिंक और मस्टर्ड अपनी वीरता के बारे में ऊंचे-ऊंचे दावे करते हैं, बेचारा कस्टर्ड अपने पिंजरे में रहकर ही संतुष्ट है। तीनों के तीनों इंक, ब्लिंक, तथा मस्टर्ड कस्टर्ड का मजाक उड़ाते हैं और उसे कायर कहते हैं। बेलिंडा भी कस्टर्ड की उपेक्षा करती है और अपना सारा ध्यान अन्य तीनों पर ही देती है।
एक दिन एक डाकू बेलिंडा के घर में घुस आता है। उसने एक पिस्तौल अपने बाएं हाथ में और एक पिस्तौल दाहिने हाथ में पकड़ी हुई है। इंक, ब्लिंक, और मस्टर्ड डरकर भाग जाते हैं और अपने आप को छिपा लेते हैं। किन्तु कस्टर्ड साहसपूर्वक डाकू का सामना करता है और उसे मार डालता है। बेलिंडा कस्टर्ड को गले लगा लेती है और तीनों अन्य पालतू जानवर खुशी से नाचने लगते हैं।
परन्तु थोड़ी ही देर में ईक, ब्लिंक और मस्टर्ड फिर से अपनी वही पुरानी डींगें मारना शुरू कर देते हैं। वे कहते हैं कि यदि उन्हें अवसर दिया जाता तो वे स्वयं को कस्टर्ड से कई गुणा ज्यादा बहादुर सिद्ध कर सकते थे। बेलिंडा भी फिर से वही पहले वाली बेलिंडा बन जाती है और अपना सारा ध्यान, सारी देख-रेख इंक, ब्लिंक और मस्टर्ड की तरफ लगा देती है जबकि कस्टर्ड एक अच्छे व सुरक्षित पिंजरे की इच्छा करता रह जाता है।
Lines 1-8
Belinda lived in a little white house,
With a little black kitten and a little grey mouse,
And a little yellow dog and a little red wagon,
And a realio, trulio, little pet dragon.
Now the name of the little black kitten was Ink,
And the little grey mouse, she called him Blink,
And the little yellow dog was sharp as Mustard,
But the dragon was a coward, and she called him Custard.
Word-meanings : 1. wagon – चौपहिया गाड़ी; 2. realio, trulio— वास्तविक रूप से, सचमुच; 3. dragon — परदार सांप जो मुंह से आग उगलता है; 4. sharp – गरम स्वभाव वाला ।
Explanation: A lady named Belinda lived in a little white house. She had some pet animals. They included a little black kitten, a little grey mouse, a little yellow dog and also a little dragon. She had a little red wagon also. She had named the little black kitten Ink. The little grey mouse was called Blink. The little yellow dog was called Mustard. The little dragon was thought to be a coward. The lady had given him the name of Custard.
बेलिंडा नाम की एक स्त्री एक छोटे से सफेद घर में रहती थी। उसके पास कुछ पालतू जानवर थे। उनमें काले रंग का एक बिल्ली का छोटा बच्चा, धूसर रंग का एक छोटा चूहा, एक छोटा-सा पीला कुत्ता और एक छोटा-सा ड्रैगन सम्मिलित थे। उसके पास एक छोटी-सी लाल गाड़ी भी थी। उसने छोटे-से बिल्ली के बच्चे का नाम इंक रखा था। उस नन्हें धूसर रंग के चूहे को ब्लिंक बुलाया जाता था। नन्हें पीले कुत्ते को मस्टर्ड नाम दिया गया था। उस नन्हें ड्रैगन को कायर माना जाता था । स्त्री ने उसे कस्टर्ड का नाम दिया हुआ था।
Lines 9-16
Custard the dragon had big sharp teeth,
And spikes on top of him and scales underneath,
Mouth like a fireplace, chimney for a nose,
And realio, trulio daggers on his toes.
Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears,
And Ink and Blink chased lions down the stairs,
Mustard was as brave as a tiger in a rage,
But Custard cried for a nice safe cage.
Word-meanings : 1. spikes–कीलें; 2. scales –पपड़ियां; 3. brave as a barrel full of bears—दिखने में एक मोटे रीछ के जैसे शरीर वाली ।
Explanation : Custard the dragon had big sharp teeth. He had spikes on his head and scales on his chest. His mouth was like a fireplace. The nose looked like a chimney breathing out smoke. And there were really daggers on his toes. Belinda looked like a barrel of bears and she claimed herself to be brave. Ink and Blink would boast that they could chase away lions down the stairs. Mustard would say that he was as brave as an angry tiger. But Custard never made any claims. He would simply ask his mistress for a nice safe cage.
उस ड्रैगन, कस्टर्ड, के बड़े-बड़े तीखे दांत थे। उसके सिर पर नुकीली कीलें थीं और उसकी छाती पर पपड़ियां थीं। उसका मुंह मानो एक भट्ठी था। उसकी नाक एक चिमनी जैसी दिखाई देती थी जिसमें से धुआं निकल रहा हो। और उसके पैरों की अंगुलियों पर सचमुच छुरे थे। बेलिंडा दिखने में एक मोटे रीछ के जैसे शरीर वाली लगती थी और वह स्वयं की बहादुरी का दावा करती थी । इंक और ब्लिंक डींग हांकते थे कि वे सिंहों का पीछा करके उन्हें सीढ़ियों के नीचे भगा सकते थे। मस्टर्ड कहता कि वह उतना ही साहसी था जितना कि एक गुस्से-भरा बाघ होता है। किन्तु कस्टर्ड कभी भी कोई दावे नहीं करता था । वह अपनी मालकिन से केवल एक अच्छा-सा और सुरक्षित पिंजरा मांगता था।
Lines 17-24
Belinda tickled him, she tickled him unmerciful,
Ink, Blink and Mustard, they rudely called him Percival,
They all sat laughing in the little red wagon
At the realio, trulio, cowardly dragon.
Belinda giggled till she shook the house,
And Blink said Weeck! which is giggling for a mouse,
Ink and Mustard rudely asked his age,
When Custard cried for a nice safe cage.
Word-meanings : 1. tickled— सताया करती; 2. unmerciful – निर्दयतापूर्वक; 3. Percival— पुरानी कथाओं के एक पात्र का नाम जिसमें बच्चों जैसी आदतें होती थीं; 4. giggled— मूर्खों की भांति हंस दी।
Explanation : Belinda always teased poor Custard in an unmerciful manner. Ink, Blink and Mustard would rudely call him Percival. They meant to say that Custard, like Percival, though grown-up in age, was yet childish in his habits. They were all sitting in the little red wagon, and laughing at the dragon who they thought was cowardly. Belinda laughed so much that the whole house seemed to be shaking. The mouse Blink also giggled in his own way. Poor Custard only cried for a nice safe cage. At this, Ink and Mustard asked him rudely what his age was. They meant to say that though the dragon was quite grown-up, he was behaving in a cowa wardly and childish manner.
बेलिंडा हमेशा बेचारे कस्टर्ड को निर्दयतापूर्वक ढंग से सताती रहती थी। इंक, ब्लिंक और मस्टर्ड उसे अशिष्टतापूर्वक पर्सिवल कहकर बुलाते थे। उनके कहने का भाव था कि कस्टर्ड, पर्सिवल की तरह आयु में बड़ा हो चुकने के बावजूद भी अपनी आदतों में एक बच्चे जैसा था। वे सभी छोटी-सी लाल गाड़ी में बैठे हुए थे और ड्रैगन का मज़ाक उड़ा रहे थे जो उनके विचार से डरपोक था । बेलिंडा इतना हंसी कि सारा घर ही हिलता मालूम हो रहा था । वह चूहा, ब्लिंक भी अपने ही ढंग से अशिष्टतापूर्वक हंस रहा था । बेचारा कस्टर्ड रो कर सिर्फ़ एक अच्छा सा सुरक्षित पिंजरा मांगता रहा। इस पर इंक और मस्टर्ड उससे दुष्टता से पूछने लगे कि उसकी आयु कितनी थी। उनके कहने का भाव था कि यद्यपि ड्रैगन काफ़ी बड़ा हो चुका था, फिर भी वह कायरतापूर्ण और बचकाने ढंग से व्यवहार कर रहा था।
Lines 25-32
Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound,
And Mustard growled, and they all looked around.
Meowch! cried Ink, and ooh! cried Belinda,
For there was a pirate, climbing in the winda.
Pistol in his left hand, pistol in his right,
And he held in his teeth a cutlass bright,
His beard was black, one leg was wood;
It was clear that the pirate meant no good.
Word-meanings: 1. nasty- असुखद; 2. growled- गुर्राया; 3. pirate – लुटेरा; 4. winda – (window) खिड़की; 5. cutlass- कटार l
Explanation : Belinda, Ink, Blink and Mustard suddenly heard an unpleasant sound. On hearing it, Mustard growled and looked all around. Ink and Belinda also cried out because they had seen a robber climbing in through the window. He had a pistol in his left hand and another in his right hand. He was holding a little sword in his teeth. His beard was black and his one leg was made of wood. It was clear that the pirate didn’t mean anything good. He had come there with some wicked purpose.
बेलिंडा, इंक, ब्लिंक और मस्टर्ड ने अचानक एक अप्रिय आवाज़ सुनी। इसे सुनकर मस्टर्ड गुर्राया और चारों तरफ देखने लगा। इंक और बेलिंडा भी चिल्ला उठे क्योंकि उन्होंने एक डाकू को खिड़की में से अंदर आते हुए देख लिया था। उसने बाएं हाथ में एक पिस्तौल पकड़ रखी थी और एक अन्य पिस्तौल उसके दाहिने हाथ में थी। उसने अपने दांतों में एक छोटी-सी तलवार भी दबा रखी थी। उसकी दाढ़ी काली थी और उसकी एक टांग लकड़ी की बनी हुई थी । यह स्पष्ट था कि डाकू का इरादा कोई अच्छा नहीं था । वह वहां पर किसी दुष्टतापूर्ण उद्देश्य के लिए ही आया था।
Lines 33-44
Belinda paled, and she cried Help! Help!
But Mustard fled with a terrified yelp,
Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household,
And little mouse Blink strategically mouseholed.
But up jumped Custard, snorting like an engine,
Clashed his tail like irons in a dungeon,
With a clatter and a clank and a jangling squirm,
He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm.
The pirate gaped at Belinda’s dragon,
And gulped some grog from his pocket flagon,
He fired two bullets, but they didn’t hit,
And Custard gobbled him, every bit.
Word-meanings: 1 paled— भय में पीली पड़ गई; 2. terrified— बहुत भयभीत; 3. yelp – एक तीखी चीख़; 4. trickled — धीरे-धीरे चला गया; 5 strategically – विशेष उद्देश्य के साथ; 6. mouseholed— अपने चूहों वाले बिल में चला गया; 7. snorting – फुफकारता हुआ; 8 clashed – मारा; 9. dungeon – कालकोठरी; 10 squirm – ऐंठन, बल; 11. gaped – मुंह फाड़कर देखा; 12. gulped— निगल गया; 13. grog-मदिरा; 14. flagon- सुराही; 15. gobbled— हड़प कर गया।
Explanation : On seeing the robber, Belinda went pale with fear. Mustard gave a cry of fear and ran away. Ink quietly slipped down under the household articles. The little mouse Blink thought it best to hide himself in his hole. But Custard jumped up at once. He was snorting like an engine. He struck his tail angrily here and there. It made sounds like the iron chains of prisoners in a dungeon. As he twisted his tail, it made clattering, clanking and jangling sounds. He flew at the robber as does a robin at a worm.
The robber could do nothing but gape at Belinda’s dragon. He took out a big bottle of wine from his pocket and gulped some of it. Then he fired two bullets from his pistols but they didn’t hit the dragon. Custard caught hold of the robber and greedily ate every bit of him.
डाकू को देखकर बेलिंडा डर से पीली पड़ गई । मस्टर्ड ने एक डरी हुई चीख निकाली और वहां से भाग लिया। इंक चुपचाप घर की चीज़ों के नीचे छिप गया । उस नन्हें चूहे ब्लिंक ने इसे सबसे अच्छा माना कि वह अपने बिल में ही छुप जाए। किंतु कस्टर्ड झट से कूद कर खड़ा हो गया । वह एक इंजन की तरह फुफकार रहा था। उसने अपनी पूंछ को क्रोध में इधर-उधर फटकारा । उसने ऐसी आवाज़ें की मानो वे किसी कैदखाने में किसी कैदी की लोहे की जंजीरों में से निकल रही हों । जब उसने अपनी पूंछ को बल दिए तो उसमें से खड़खड़ाहटों व झनझनाहटों की आवाजें निकलीं । वह डाकू पर ऐसे ही झपटा जैसे एक रॉबिन पक्षी एक कीड़े पर झपटता है।
डाकू इसके अलावा कुछ नहीं कर सका कि वह मुंह फाड़ कर बेलिंडा के ड्रैगन की तरफ़ देखता रहे। उसने अपनी जेब से शराब की एक बड़ी बोतल निकाली और इसमें से थोड़ी शराब जल्दी से पी गया। फिर उसने अपनी पिस्तौलों से दो गोलियां चलाईं किंतु वे गोलियां ड्रैगन को नहीं लगीं । कस्टर्ड ने डाकू को कस कर पकड़ लिया और ललचाते हुए उसको पूरे का पूरा खा गया ।
Lines 45-54
Belinda embraced him, Mustard licked him,
No one mourned for the pirate victim.
Ink and Blink in glee did gyrate
Around the dragon that ate the pirate.
But presently up spoke little dog Mustard,
I’d have been twice as brave if I hadn’t been flustered.
And up spoke Ink and up spoke Blink,
We’d have been three times as brave, we think,
And Custard said, I quite agree
That everybody is braver than me.
Word-meanings : 1. mourned— दुःख महसूस किया; 2. glee— खुशी; 3. gyrate — चक्र काटने लगे; 4. presently — शीघ्र ही; 5 flustered — उलझन पड़े होना ।
Explanation: After the pirate had been killed, Belinda embraced Custard lovingly and Mustard licked him. No one mourned for the pirate who had fallen a victim to the dragon. In their joy, Ink and Blink started dancing around the dragon that had killed the pirate.
But then soon, the little dog Mustard spoke up. He said that if he had not been confused, he would have been twice as brave as Custard. Ink and Blink also did the same thing. They said that they could have been thrice as brave as Custard if they had not felt confused. On hearing Ink, Blink and Mustard brag about their bravery, Custard maintained his usual calm. He simply said that he quite agreed everybody was braver than him.
जब डाकू मारा जा चुका तो बेलिंडा ने प्रेम से कस्टर्ड को गले से लगा लिया और मस्टर्ड उसे चाटने लगा। किसी ने भी उस डाकू के लिए शोक व्यक्त नहीं किया जो ड्रैगन का शिकार बन गया था। प्रसन्नता से भर कर इंक और ब्लिंक ड्रैगन के चारों तरफ़ नाचने लगे जिसने डाकू को मार डाला था। परन्तु थोड़ी ही देर में वह नन्हा कुत्ता, मस्टर्ड, बोलने लग गया। वह कहने लगा कि अगर वह भ्रम में न पड़ गया होता तो वह कस्टर्ड से दो गुना बहादुर होता। इंक और ब्लिंक ने भी वैसा ही किया । वे कहने लगे कि वह कस्टर्ड से तीन गुना बहादुर होते यदि वे भ्रमित न हुए होते। इंक, ब्लिंक और मस्टर्ड को अपनी वीरता के बारे में डींगें मारते हुए सुनकर कस्टर्ड ने अपना पहले वाला शांत स्वभाव बनाए रखा। उसने केवल इतना ही कहा कि वह पूरी तरह मानता था कि प्रत्येक जानवर उससे ज्यादा बहादुर था।
Lines 55-62
Belinda still lives in her little white house,
With her little black kitten and her little grey mouse,
And her little yellow dog and her little red wagon,
And her realio, trulio little pet dragon.
Belinda is as brave as a barrel full of bears,
And Ink and Blink chase lions down the stairs,
Mustard is as brave as a tiger in a rage,
But Custard keeps crying for a nice safe cage.
Word-meanings : 1. still—अब भी; 2. rage— भयानक क्रोध ।
Explanation: These two stanzas are simply a repetition of the first and the fourth stanzas. They show that habits die hard. In spite of their encounter with the pirate, nobody has learnt any lesson. Things are even now as they had always been. Belinda still lives in her little white house. She lives with her little black kitten, her little grey mouse, her little yellow dog, her little red wagon and he little pet dragon. She still wears her bearskin garments and shows herself to be very brave. Ink and Blink still claim that they chase away lions down the stairs. Mustard claims that he is as brave as a tiger in rage. And nobody cares for the poor Custard even now. He still keeps crying for a nice safe cage.
ये दो पद्यांश पहले और चौथे पद्यांशों के दोहरावे मात्र हैं। वे दिखाते हैं कि आदतें मुश्किल से ही छूटती हैं। डाकू से उनकी मुठभेड़ होने के बावजूद किसी ने भी कोई शिक्षा नहीं ग्रहण की है। सारी चीजें अभी भी वैसी ही हैं जैसी वे हमेशा से रहती आईं थीं। बेलिंडा अभी भी अपने छोटे-से सफ़ेद घर में रहती है। वह अपने नन्हें काले बिल्ली के बच्चे अपने छोटे-से धूसर रंग के चूहे, अपने नन्हें पीले कुत्ते, अपनी छोटीसी लाल गाड़ी और अपने नन्हें पालतू ड्रैगन के साथ रहती है। वह अभी भी रीछ की खाल के बने कपड़े पहनती है और स्वयं को बहुत बहादुर दिखाती है । इंक और ब्लिंक अभी भी दावा करते हैं कि वे सिंहों का पीछा कर के उन्हें सीढ़ियों से नीचे को दौड़ा सकते हैं। मस्टर्ड दावा करता है कि वह उतना ही बहादुर है जितना क्रोध में आया हुआ एक बाघ होता है । और आज भी कोई बेचारे कस्टर्ड की परवाह नहीं करता। वह अभी भी एक अच्छे सुरक्षित पिंजरे के लिए मिन्नतें करता रहता है।
Thinking about the Poem :
Q. 1. Who are the characters in this poem ? List them with their pet names.
Ans. The characters in this poem are – Ink, Blink, Mustard and Custard. They are Belinda’s four little pets. Ink is a black kitten. Blink is a grey mouse. Mustard is a yellow dog. And Custard is a little dragon.
Q. 2. Why did Custard cry for a nice fe cage
Ans. Because he was a coward.
Q. 3. Why is the dragon called cowardly dragon ?
Ans. Because he behaves in a cowardly and childish manner.
Q. 4. “Belinda tickled him, she tickled him unmerciful…” Why ?
Ans. Because she thought him to be a coward.
Q. 5. Do you find The Tale of Custard the Dragon a serious or a funny poem ? Give reasons in support of your answer.
Ans. It is just a funny poem. The only purpose here is to create humour. The poem shows that sometimes ordinary beings can also perform acts of extraordinary courage so it is never good to belittle anyone.
Q. 6. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem ?
Ans. This poem is in the form of quatrains. The rhyme scheme of each quatrain is a a b b.
Q. 7. Pick out the lines from the poem that contain similes.
(i) sharp as Mustard
(ii) mouth like a fireplace
(iii) as brave as a barrel full of bears
(iv) as brave as a tiger in a rage
(v) snorting like an engine
(vi) like irons in a dungeon
(vii) like a robin at a worm.
Q. 8. What images does the poet use in the poem ?
Inentify the images used by the poet in the poem, “The Tale of Custard the Dragon’.
Ans. The images used in the poem are : (i) chimney for a nose (ii) Ink and Blink chased lions down the stairs कप (iii) He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm (iv) Ink and Blink in glee did gyrate. Around the dragon that ate the pirate.
Q. 9. Which line of stanza is used as a refrain in the poem ?
Ans.And realio, trulio, little pet dragon.
Belinda lived in a little white house,
With a little black kitten and a little grey mouse,
And a little yellow dog and a little red wagon,
And realio, trulio, little pet dragon.
1. Where did Belinda live?
2. Name the different pets she had.
3. Give the meaning of the following words :
(a) dragon
(b) wagon
4. The only purpose to this poem is to create …………….. .
5. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
1. Belinda lived in a little white house.
2. Her pets included a black kitten, a little grey mouse, a little yellow dog, a little red wagon and little pet dragon.
3. (a) an imaginary animal like a large lizard with wings and claws.
(b) a heavy vehicle on four wheels used for carrying bulky goods.
4. humour.
5. The name of the poem is “The Tale Of Custard The Dragon’ and the poet is Ogden Nash.
Belinda tickled him, she tickled him unmerciful,
Ink, Blink and Mustard, they rudely called him Percival,
They all sat laughing in the little red wagon
At the realio, trulio, cowardly dragon.
Belinda And Blinked till she shook the house,
And Blink said Weeck! which is giggling for a mouse,
Ink and Mustard rudely asked his age,
When Custard cried for a nice safe cage.
1. How did Belinda treat her pet Custard the Dragon ?
2. What did Ink, Blink and Mustard call Custard ?
3. Match the correct combination.
Expressions used in the poem | To suggest that |
(a) cowardly
(b) rudely
(c) unmerciful
(d) giggled
(i) loving
(ii) brave
(iii) gently
(iv) wailed
4. The rhyme scheme of the given stanza is ………………..
5. Give the name of the poem and the poet.
1. She always teased poor Custard mercilessly.
2. They would rudely call him Percival.
3. (a) cowardly = brave
(b) rudely = gently
(c) unmerciful = loving
(d) giggled = wailed
4. aa bb cc dd.
5. The name of the poem is The Tale of Custard the Dragon’ and the poet is Ogden Nash.
Complete the summary of given stanza:
Belinda always teased poor Custard in an (a) ……….. . Ink, Blink and Mustard would rudely call him Percival. They meant to say that Custard, like Percival, though grown-up in age, was yet childish in his habits. They were all sitting in (b) …………… and laughing at the dragon who they thought was cowardly. Belinda laughed so much that the whole house seemed to be (c) …………. . The mouse Blink also (d) ………. in his own way. Poor Custard only cried for a (e) .……… At this, Ink and Mustard asked him rudely what (f) …………… .
(a) unmerciful manner (b) the little red wagon (c) shaking (d) giggled (e) nice safe cage (f) his age was.
Custard the dragon had big sharp teeth,
And spikes on top of him and scales underneath,
Mouth like a fireplace, chimney for a nose,
And realio, trulio daggers on his toes.
Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears,
And Ink and Blink chased lions down the stairs,
Mustard was brave as a tiger in a rage,
But Custard cried for a nice safe cage. –
I. Complete the summary of the given extract :
Custard the dragon had big (a) ………….. He had spikes on his head and scales on his chest. His mouth was like a (b) ………………… The nose looked like a (c) …………… breathing out smoke. And there were real daggers on his toes. Belinda looked like a (d) ………….. and she claimed herself to be brave. Ink and Blink would boast that they could (e) ……………….. down the stairs. Mustard would say that he was as brave as an angry tiger. But Custard never made any claims. He would simply ask his mistress for (f) ………… .
II. Study the following expressions used by the poet. Choose the most appropriate suggestion for each expression and write the answer against each expression :
Expressions from the poem | To suggest that |
(a) Spikes on top
(b) Scales underneath
(c) Chimney for a nose
(d) Barrel full of bears
(i) Custard had spikes on his head
(ii) ……………………
(iii) …………………
(iv) …………………
Suggestions :
(i) scales on the chest.
(ii) scales on the back.
(iii) Custard’s nose was in the chimney.
(iv) Custard’s nose looked like a chimney.
(v) There was a barrel full of bears in Belinda’s house.
I. (a) sharp teeth (b) fireplace (c) chimney (d) barrel of lions (e) chase away lions (f) a nice safe cage.
II. (ii) scales on the chest. (iii) Custard’s nose looked like a chimney. (iv) There was a barrel full of bears in Belinda’s house.
Belinda is as brave as a barrel full of bears,
And Ink and Blink chase lions down the stairs,
Mustard is as brave as a tiger in a rage
But Custard keeps crying for a nice safe cage.
1. Who is the bravest of all ?
2. Why does Custard keep crying for a cage ?
3. Match the correct combination.
A | B |
(a) chase
(b) rage
(c) bears
(i) a feeling of violent anger
(ii) tolerates
(iii) run after somebody
4. The rhyme scheme of this stanza is …………….. .
5. The writer of this poem is …………….. .
1. I think Mustard is the bravest of all.
2. Because he feels he would be safe if kept in a cage.
3. (a) chase = run after somebody (b) rage = a feeling of violent anger (c) bears = tolerates
4. aabb
5. Ogden Nash.
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