A rabid dog was seen in a colony and everyone was afraid of going near to it. Name the disease and state how this disease is transmitted. The dog is presently considered the reservoir of the disease. What is the meaning of ‘reservoir’ here?
Q. A rabid dog was seen in a colony and everyone was afraid of going near to it. Name the disease and state how this disease is transmitted. The dog is presently considered the reservoir of the disease. What is the meaning of ‘reservoir’ here?
What steps should the Government take to prevent the spread of the disease?
Ans. The disease is Rabies and it is transmitted by the bite of rabid dog.
The word ‘reservoir’ here means that the dog is the carrier of this disease and can transmit it to people.
The government should take the following steps to prevent the spread of the disease:
1. Anti-rabies vaccine should be given to the patient.
2. Compulsory immunisation of stray dogs and cats should be done. Pet dogs should be vaccinated with anti-rabies vaccine.
3. A rabid animal shows excessive salivation and tries to seek isolation after the bite. Such mad animals should be eliminated.
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