JKBOSE 10th Class English Solutions chapter – 8 The Ghat of the Only world

JKBOSE 10th Class English Solutions chapter – 8 The Ghat of the Only world

JKBOSE 10th Class English Solutions chapter – 8 The Ghat of the Only world

Jammu & Kashmir State Board JKBOSE 10th Class English Solutions

J&K class 10th English The Ghat of the Only world Textbook Questions and Answers

The Ghat of the Only world Summary in English

The writer had a friend named Agha Shahid. Both of them lived in America. Shahid was suffering from cancer. He knew that he was not going to live long. He asked the writer to write something about him after his death. The writer kept his promise. In this chapter, he writes about Shahid as he knew him. He gives here a brief chronology of Shahid’s life and his acquaintance with him.
1. Both the writer and Shahid had studied at Delhi University. Although their time at the university had briefly overlapped, they had never met.
2. Shahid belonged to Kashmir and in 1975, he migrated to America where his brother was already settled. Later Shahid’s two sisters also joined them.
3. Shahid used to write poems and a collection of his poems was published. The writer had read some of these poems and was greatly impressed. But he had never met Shahid so far.
4. The two had some friends in common. One of them put the author in touch with Shahid. Between 1998 and 1999, the two had several conversations on the phone and even met a couple of times.
5. In February, 2000, Shahid had a sudden blackout. The tests revealed that he had brain cancer.
6. On 7 May, 2000, the writer went to Shahid’s college where Shahid was employed as a teacher. The writer saw that Shahid was very popular with his students.
7. Now Shahid moved to Brooklyn (New York) so that he could be close to his youngest sister. The writer also lived a few blocks away and the two now met quite often.
8. Though Shahid knew he was not going to live long, he was always jovial and full of wit. On 25 April, 2001, the writer telephoned Shahid to remind him of an invitation to a friend’s house for lunch. It was the first time that Shahid spoke to the writer about his approaching death. He asked the writer to write something about him after his death. The writer tried his best to evade the topic, but Shahid said, “You must write about me.” Now the writer could do nothing but say, “I’ll do the best I can.”
9. The writer started keeping a record of all the conversations and meetings he had with Shahid. He noted that Shahid shared with him a fondness for rogan josh, Roshanara Begum, Kishore Kumar and old Bombay films. And both of them shared an indifference to cricket.
10. Shahid was admitted to hospital on 21 May, 2001. He had now become very weak and could hardly stand. Yet he was as jovial as ever. The writer met him last on 27 October, 2001.
11. Shahid died peacefully in his sleep at 2 a.m. on 8 December, 2001.
12. The writer says that he feels a great void without Shahid. He feels amazed that so brief a friendship has resulted in such a vast void. Often when he walks into his living room, he remembers Shahid’s presence there.

The Ghat of the Only world Summary in Hindi

पाठ का संक्षिप्त सार
लेखक का आग़ा शाहिद नाम का एक मित्र था। वे दोनों अमरीका में रहते थे। शाहिद कैंसर से पीड़ित था । वह जानता था कि वह ज़्यादा देर तक जीवित नहीं रहेगा। उसने लेखक से कहा कि वह उसकी मृत्यु के बाद उसके बारे में कुछ लिखे। लेखक ने अपना वायदा पूरा किया। इस लेख में वह शाहिद के बारे में लिखता है जैसा वह उसे जानता था। यहां वह शाहिद के जीवन तथा शाहिद के साथ अपनी जान पहचान का एक संक्षिप्त घटनाक्रम बताता है।
1. लेखक तथा शाहिद दोनों दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के विद्यार्थी रहे थे। यद्यपि विश्वविद्यालय में उनके अध्ययन का समय थोड़ा-सा एक-दूसरे के साथ-साथ ही था, किन्तु वे एक-दूसरे से कभी मिले नहीं थे।
2. शाहिद कश्मीर का रहने वाला था तथा 1975 में वह अमरीका चला गया जहां उसका भाई पहले से ही रहता था। बाद में शाहिद की दो बहनें भी उनके साथ जा कर रहने लगीं।
3. शाहिद कविताएं लिखा करता था तथा उसकी कविताओं का एक संग्रह प्रकाशित हो चुका था । लेखक ने इनमें से कुछ कविताएं पढ़ी थीं और बहुत प्रभावित हुआ था। किन्तु वह शाहिद से अभी तक कभी नहीं मिला था।
4. दोनों के कुछ साझे मित्र थे। उनमें से एक ने लेखक का शाहिद के साथ सम्पर्क करवा दिया। वर्ष 1998 और 1999 के मध्य उन्होंने अनेक बार एक-दूसरे से फोन पर वार्तालाप किए तथा कुछ बार एक-दूसरे से मिले भी।
5. सात मई, 2000 को लेखक शाहिद से मिलने उसके कॉलेज में गया जहां शाहिद एक अध्यापक के रूप में नियुक्त था । लेखक ने देखा कि शाहिद अपने विद्यार्थियों में बहुत लोकप्रिय था।
6. फरवरी, 2000 में एक दिन शाहिद अचानक बेहोश – सा हो गया। जांच करने पर पता चला कि उसे दिमाग़ का कैंसर था।
7. अब शाहिद ब्रुकलिन (न्यूयार्क) में जा कर रहने लगा ताकि वह अपनी सब से छोटी बहन के नज़दीक ही रहे। लेखक भी वहां से कुछ- एक ब्लाकों की दूरी पर रहता था, तथा दोनों अब बहुत प्रायः एक-दूसरे से मिलने लगे।
8. यद्यपि शाहिद जानता था कि वह ज्यादा देर तक जीवित नहीं रहेगा, वह सदा प्रसन्नचित्त और हंसी-मज़ाक से भरा रहता था। पच्चीस अप्रैल, 2001 को लेखक ने शाहिद को यह याद दिलाने के लिए फोन किया कि उन्हें एक मित्र के घर पर दोपहर के भोजन के लिए निमन्त्रित किया गया था। यह पहली बार था जब शाहिद ने लेखक से अपनी नज़दीक आ रही मृत्यु की बात की। उसने लेखक से कहा कि वह उसकी मृत्यु के बाद उसके बारे में कुछ लिखे। लेखक ने इस विषय को टालने की अपनी पूरी कोशिश की, किन्तु शाहिद ने कहा, “तुम्हें मेरे बारे में लिखना ही होगा।” अब लेखक को यह कहना ही पड़ा, “मैं जो भी उत्तम कर सका, कर दूंगा।”
9. लेखक ने उन सभी वार्तालापों और मुलाकातों का विवरण रखना शुरू कर दिया जो वह शाहिद के साथ किया करता। उसने देखा कि शाहिद उसकी ही भांति रोग़न जोश, रोशनारा बेग़म, किशोर कुमार और पुरानी बम्बइया फिल्मों का शौकीन था तथा क्रिकेट के प्रति दोनों कोई रुचि नहीं रखते थे।
10. इक्कीस मई, 2001 के दिन शाहिद को अस्पताल में दाखिल करवा दिया गया। अब वह बहुत कमज़ोर हो गया था और मुश्किल से ही खड़ा हो सकता था । किन्तु फिर भी वह पहले की भांति प्रसन्नचित्त था। अन्तिम बार लेखक उससे 27 अक्तूबर, 2001 को मिला।
11. शाहिद 8 दिसम्बर, 2001 को प्रातः दो बजे अपनी नींद में ही चल बसा ।
12. लेखक कहता है कि शाहिद के बिना वह बड़ा भारी खालीपन महसूस करता है। उसे यह देख कर आश्चर्य होता है कि इतनी अल्प काल की मित्रता कितना बड़ा खालीपन दे गई है। प्रायः जब वह चल कर अपने बैठने वाले कमरे में जाता है तो उसे वहां शाहिद का होना याद आता है ।
The writer had a friend named Agha Shahid. Both the writer and his friend were then living in America. The writer knew that Shahid had brain cancer and had been under treatment for about fourteen months. Shahid knew that he was not going to live long. But the first time he talked to the writer of his approaching death was on 25 April, 2001. The writer had rung him up to remind him that they had been invited to lunch at a friend’s house. While responding to the writer’s call, Shahid said that he could see nothing. He knew that his end was very near. He said to the writer, “When it happens, I hope you’ll write something for me.” The writer tried to reassure Shahid and said, “Shahid, you’ll be fine; you have to be strong.” But Shahid knew his fate and said, “You must write about me.” The writer could think of nothing to say to a friend on such a topic. But finally he said, “Shahid, I’ll do the best I can.”
From that day, the writer started keeping a record of all the conversations and meetings he had with Shahid. Here he reproduces all that he could gather about his friend’s life and his personality.
Shahid was a poet and a collection of his poems had been published in 1997: The Country Without a Post Office’. The writer had read some of these poems and was greatly impressed. Till then, he knew only this much about Shahid that he was from Srinagar and had studied at Delhi University. The writer too had studied at Delhi University and their time at the University had briefly overlapped. But the two had never met.
Shahid came to America in 1975. His elder brother was already there and they were later joined by their two sisters. Shahid’s parents continued to live in Srinagar. It was his custom to spend the summer months with his parents in Srinagar every year. Though the writer had never met Shahid till 1998, they had some friends in common. One of them put the writer in touch with Shahid. Between 1998 and 1999, they had several conversations on the phone and even met a couple of times. But as yet, they didn’t know much about each other. They were just acquaintances.
Between 1999 and 2000, Shahid worked as a teacher in different colleges in America. On 7 May, 2000, the writer went to meet Shahid in a college where he was then employed. There he saw that Shahid was very popular with his students. In February 2000, when he was doing a brief job at New York University, he had his first blackout. After tests, it was found that he had brain cancer. Now Shahid decided to move to Brooklyn so that he could be close to his youngest sister, Sameetah, who was a teacher there. The writer lived a few blocks away from that place. Now they became very thick with each other and met quite often. Though Shahid’s condition was fast deteriorating, he was always jovial, full of life and wit.
One afternoon, Suketu Mehta, who was also a writer and lived in Brooklyn, joined them for lunch. Together they made a plan for an adda, a place where they could just meet as friends, talk together and be happy. Now they began to meet regularly, and from time to time, other writers also joined them. On one occasion, a crew arrived with a television camera and filmed their conviviality.
Shahid was a lively person. Notwithstanding the fatal disease he was suffering from, he enjoyed every moment of his life. Often there were parties at his house. He said that these parties did not leave him any time to be depressed. His apartment was on the seventh floor of a building. It gave him a good view of the city across the river. To him, it looked like a ghat under the glittering lights of the city.
Shahid was a great lover of good food. Very often, people gathered in his apartment. And in the kitchen, someone would always be cooking or making tea. Shahid always kept track of the progress of the meal that was being cooked. From time to time, he would leave his friends and go to the kitchen to give directions to the cook. Even when his eyesight was failing, he could tell from the smell alone, which state the rogan josh had reached. Shahid took personal interest in the preparation of food for a dinner party. He placed great emphasis on the exact method of cooking. He would not tolerate any deviation from traditional methods and recipes. He had a special passion for the Kashmiri food in the Pandit style. He loved Bengali food also.
The writer had ome common tastes with Shahid. Both of them were fond of rogan josh, Begum Akhtar, Kishore Kumar and old Bombay films. Both of them had a common indifference to cricket. Shahid was especially fond of Begum Akhtar’s music. He had met Begum Akhtar through a friend when he was a teenager. And she had influenced him deeply. He had a fund of stories about Begum Akhtar’s wit and humour. Shahid himself was always witty and full of humour.
Shahid was first and foremost a poet. He was pained at the steady deterioration of the political situation in Kashmir. It became the central subject of his works. But he was not a political poet. He believed that a poet should have nothing to do with politics. In spite of his anguish at the sad condition of Kashmir, he refused to act like a victim. He remained a firm believer in the separation of politics and religion. He believed in the unity of different religions. In his childhood, he wanted to make a temple in his home. His mother helped him in this. She bought him murtis and other things. For a time, he even conducted pujas at his temple. Shahid’s heart was always in Kashmir, though he had left it long ago. When he knew his end was near, he wanted to go to Kashmir and die there. But later, he changed his mind due to some reasons.
On 5 May, 2001, the writer had a telephone conversation with Shahid. The doctors had given up all hope. They gave him a year or less. The last time the writer saw Shahid was on 27 October, 2001. Shahid was then at his brother’s house. He was aware of his approaching end and he had made his peace with it. There was no trace of any anguish on his face. Shahid had said once to the writer, “I love to think that I’ll meet my mother in the after life, if there is an after life.” Shahid died peacefully in his sleep at 2 a.m. on 8 December, 2001.
The writer felt a great void after Shahid’s death. He was amazed that so brief a friendship had resulted in so vast a void. The writer says that often when he walks into his living room, he remembers Shahid’s presence there.
पाठ का विस्तृत सार
लेखक का आग़ा शाहिद नाम का एक मित्र था। उस समय लेखक तथा उसका मित्र दोनों अमरीका में रह रहे थे। लेखक जानता था कि शाहिद को दिमाग़ का कैंसर है तथा लगभग चौदह महीने से उसका इलाज चल रहा था। शाहिद जानता था कि उसने ज्यादा देर ज़िन्दा नहीं रहना था । किन्तु पहली बार जब उसने लेखक से अपनी समीप आ रही मृत्यु की बात की, वह 25 अप्रैल, 2001 का दिन था । लेखक ने उसे यह याद दिलाने के लिए फोन किया था कि उन्हें एक मित्र के घर पर दोपहर के भोजन के लिए निमन्त्रित किया गया था। लेखक के फोन का उत्तर देते हुए शाहिद ने कहा कि उसे कुछ दिखाई नहीं दे रहा था। वह जानता था कि उसका अन्त बहुत समीप आ गया था। उसने लेखक से कहा, “जब ऐसा हो जाएगा तो मुझे आशा है कि तुम मेरे लिए कुछ लिखोगे। लेखक ने शाहिद को तसल्ली देने की कोशिश की और कहा, “शाहिद तुम बिल्कुल ठीक हो जाओगे, तुम्हें मज़बूत बनना होगा।” किन्तु शाहिद अपने भाग्य को जानता था और उसने कहा, “तुम्हें मेरे बारे में लिखना होगा । ” लेखक को कुछ सूझ न सका कि इस तरह के विषय पर एक मित्र से क्या कहे । किन्तु अन्त में उसने कह दिया, “शाहिद, मुझ से जो उत्तम हो पायेगा, मैं करूंगा।”
उस दिन से लेखक ने शाहिद के साथ होने वाले अपने सभी वार्तालापों और मुलाकातों का विवरण अपने पास रखना शुरू कर दिया। यहां वह उन सभी बातों का उल्लेख करता है जो वह अपने मित्र के जीवन और उसके व्यक्तित्व के बारे में जान सका।
शाहिद एक कवि था तथा उसकी कविताओं का एक संग्रह ‘दि कन्ट्री विदाउट अ पोस्ट ऑफिस’ 1997 में छप चुका था। लेखक ने इनमें से कुछ कविताएं पढ़ी थीं और वह उनसे बहुत प्रभावित हुआ था। तब तक वह शाहिद के बारे में केवल इतना ही जानता था कि वह श्रीनगर का रहने वाला था और दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय का विद्यार्थी हुआ करता था । लेखक ने भी दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय से शिक्षा प्राप्त की थी और विश्वविद्यालय में उनका समय थोड़ा-सा साथ-साथ रहा था । किन्तु उन दोनों की एक-दूसरे से भेंट कभी नहीं हुई थी ।
शाहिद 1975 में अमरीका आ गया। उसका बड़ा भाई पहले से ही वहां पर था, और बाद में उनकी दो बहनें भी उनके साथ आ मिलीं । शाहिद के माता-पिता श्रीनगर में रहते रहे । यह उसकी आदत थी कि वह गर्मियों के महीने प्रति वर्ष अपने माता-पिता के साथ श्रीनगर में बिताया करता था । यद्यपि लेखक 1998 तक शाहिद से कभी नहीं मिला था, उनके कुछ साझे मित्र थे। उनमें से एक ने लेखक का शाहिद के साथ सम्पर्क करवा दिया। वर्ष 1998 और 1999 के मध्य उनकी फोन पर अनेक बार बातचीत हुई तथा कुछ बार वे एक-दूसरे से मिले भी । किन्तु अभी तक वे एक-दूसरे के बारे में अधिक नहीं जानते थे। वे मात्र एक-दूसरे से परिचित थे।
1999 और 2000 के मध्य शाहिद ने अमरीका के विभिन्न कॉलेजों में पढ़ाने का काम किया। 7 मई, 2000 को लेखक शाहिद से मिलने एक कॉलेज में गया जहां वह उस समय नियुक्त था। वहां उसने देखा कि शाहिद अपने विद्यार्थियों में बहुत लोकप्रिय था। फरवरी, 2000 में जब वह न्यूयार्क विश्वविद्यालय में एक थोड़े समय का काम कर रहा था, तो उसे पहली बार दिखना बन्द हुआ और वह बेहोश हो गया। परीक्षणों के बाद पता चला कि उसे दिमाग़ का कैंसर था । अब शाहिद ने ब्रुकलिन चले जाने का निर्णय ले लिया ताकि वहां वह अपनी सब से छोटी बहन समीताह के नज़दीक रह सके जो वहां एक अध्यापक का काम करती थी । लेखक उस जगह से कुछ ब्लाक की दूरी पर रहता था। अब वे एक-दूसरे से बहुत घनिष्ठ हो गए और बहुत प्रायः मिला करते थे। यद्यपि शाहिद की हालत तेजी से बिगड़ रही थी, वह सदा प्रसन्नचित्त रहता था और हंसी-मज़ाक से भरा रहता था। एक दिन तीसरे पहर को सुकेतु मेहता, जो एक लेखक था और ब्रुकलिन में ही रहता था, उनके साथ दोपहर का भोजन करने को आया । उन सबने मिल कर एक योजना बनाई कि एक ऐसा अड्डा बनाया जाए जहां वे मिलबैठ सकें और बातें कर सकें। अब वे नियमित रूप से एक-दूसरे से मिलने लगे तथा कभी-कभी अन्य लेखक भी उनके साथ आ मिलते थे। एक बार वहां टी० वी० वालों का एक दल अपना कैमरा लिए आ गया, और उनकी मौज-मस्ती से भरी एक फिल्म बनाई।
शाहिद एक प्रसन्न रहने वाला व्यक्ति था। उस घातक रोग के बावजूद जिससे वह पीड़ित था, वह अपने जीवन के प्रत्येक पल का आनन्द लेता था । प्रायः उसके घर पर गोष्ठियां हुआ करती थीं। वह कहता था कि इन गोष्ठियों की वजह से उसे निराश होने का कोई समय ही नहीं मिलता था। उसका कमरा एक इमारत की सातवीं मन्ज़िल पर था। यहां से उसे नदी के दूसरी पार वाले नगर का बहुत सुन्दर नज़ारा देखने को मिल जाता था। उसे नगर का रोशनियों में चमकता हुआ यह नज़ारा एक घाट के जैसा प्रतीत होता ।
शाहिद बढ़िया भोजन का बहुत शौकीन था । प्रायः लोग उसके कमरे में इकट्ठे हुआ करते थे। तथा रसोईघर में कोई न कोई कुछ पका रहा होता या चाय बना रहा होता । शाहिद हमेशा इस बात का ध्यान रखा करता कि पकाया जा रहा भोजन किस स्थिति में पहुंचा है। बीच-बीच में वह अपने मित्रों को छोड़कर रसोईघर में चला जाता और रसोइए को समझा कर आता । जब उसकी नज़र कमज़ोर भी हो गई थी तो वह केवल सूंघ कर ही बता देता था कि रोग़न जोश किस हालत में पहुंचा था । शाहिद किसी डिनर पार्टी के लिए तैयार किए जाने वाले भोजन में निजी रुचि लिया करता था । वह पकाने की बिल्कुल ठीक विधि पर बहुत जोर दिया करता था। वह परम्परागत विधियों और खाना पकाने के गुरों में किसी तरह का भी परिवर्तन सहन नहीं करता था । वह पण्डितों वाले तरीके से बनाए गए कश्मीरी भोजन का विशेष रूप से शौकीन था । वह बंगाली भोजन को भी पसन्द करता था।
लेखक शाहिद के साथ कुछ साझे शौक रखता था । वे दोनों रोग़न जोश, बेग़म अख्तर, किशोर कुमार और पुरानी बम्बइया फिल्मों के शौकीन थे। वे दोनों समान रूप से क्रिकेट में कोई रुचि नहीं रखते थे । शाहिद विशेष रूप से बेग़म अख्तर के संगीत का शौकीन था ।
अन्य सभी बातों से अधिक, शाहिद एक कवि था । कश्मीर की निरन्तर बिगड़ती हुई स्थिति पर उसे दुःख महसूस होता था। यह उसकी रचनाओं का एक केन्द्रीय विषय बन गया । किन्तु वह कोई राजनैतिक कवि नहीं था। उसका विश्वास था कि एक कवि का राजनीति से कोई सम्बन्ध नहीं होना चाहिए । कश्मीर की दुःख भरी स्थिति पर उसकी पीड़ा के बावजूद, उसने स्वयं को इसका शिकार हुए एक व्यक्ति के रूप में कभी प्रस्तुत न किया । वह इस बात में पक्का विश्वास रखता था कि राजनीति को धर्म से अलग रखा जाना चाहिए । वह विभिन्न धर्मों की एकता में विश्वास रखता था। अपने बचपन में वह अपने घर में एक मन्दिर बनाना चाहता था। उसकी मां ने ऐसा करने में उसकी मदद की। उसने उसे मूर्तियां तथा अन्य चीजें खरीद कर दीं। कुछ समय तक उसने अपने इस मन्दिर में पूजाएं भी की। शाहिद का दिल सदा कश्मीर में ही था यद्यपि वह इसे बहुत समय पूर्व छोड़ कर चला गया था। जब वह जान गया कि उसका अन्त समीप आ गया था, वह कश्मीर चले जाना और वहां पर मरना चाहता था। किन्तु बाद में उसने कुछ कारणों की वजह से अपना मन बदल लिया ।
5 मई, 2001 को लेखक की शाहिद के साथ टैलीफोन पर बात हुई। डॉक्टर सभी उम्मीदें छोड़ चुके थे। वे उसे एक वर्ष या उससे भी कम समय दे रहे थे । अन्तिम बार जब लेखक ने शाहिद को देखा, तब 27 अक्तूबर, 2001 का दिन था। शाहिद तब अपने भाई के घर पर था । उसे अपनी समीप आ रही मौत के बारे में आभास था, और उसने इस से समझौता कर लिया था। उसके चेहरे पर पीड़ा का कोई भी भाव नहीं था । शाहिद ने एक बार लेखक से कहा था, “मुझे यह सोच कर अच्छा लगता है कि दूसरे जीवन में मैं अपनी मां से मिलूंगा, यदि वहां कोई दूसरा जीवन होता है ।” शाहिद 8 दिसम्बर, 2001 की प्रातः दो बजे अपनी नींद में ही शान्तिपूर्वक चल बसा। ” शाहिद की मृत्यु के पश्चात् लेखक को भारी खालीपन महसूस हुआ । वह इस बात पर चकित था कि इतनी छोटी-सी मित्रता इतना बड़ा खालीपन छोड़ कर जा सकती थी । लेखक कहता है कि प्रायः जब वह अपनी बैठक में चल कर जाता है तो वहां उसे शाहिद की उपस्थिति याद आती है ।
(Page 64-65) 1. expatriate – प्रवासी; 2. approaching – समीप आ रही; 3. conversation— बातचीत; 4. remind – याद दिलाना; 5. lucid — स्पष्ट; 6. lapse – कमी; 7. respond — उत्तर देना, प्रतिक्रिया करना; 8. jocularity – हंसी-मजाक; 9. innocuous – मासूमियत वाला; 10 quizzical—अजीब; 11. revealed— प्रकट किया; 12. malignant— खराब, कैंसर वाला; 13. tumour — फोड़ा; 14. entrusting — सौंपना; 15. specific — विशेष; 16. recitatives — उच्चारण; 17. resistance —विरोध; 18. bereavement – दुःख; 19. instincts – प्रवृत्तियां; 20 imperative — आदेश; 21. pledge— कसम; 22. fiercely — तीव्रता से; 23. contemporary – समकालीन ।
( Page 66 ) 1, conceive — सोचना; 2. several — कई; 3. acquaintance —परिचित; 4. occasional—कभी-कभी होने वाला; 5 impede — रुकावट डालना; 6. roster —सूची;  7. trivial—तुच्छ; 8. poignance—मार्मिकता; 9. inescapable – अटल; 10. conviviality—मौजमस्ती; 11. enthusiastic— जोशपूर्ण; 12. crew – दल; 13. sorcerer – जादूगर; 14. transmute—बदलना; 15 mundane—साधारण; 16. procedure – तरीका; 17. relieve — राहत पहुंचाना, आराम देना; 18. scalp —सिर की खाल; 19. sutures—टांके; 20. escort —साथ देना; 21. waved— हाथ हिला कर इशारा किया; 22. rapture— उत्तेजना; 23 clapped — ताली बजाई; 24. gregariousness — मित्रतापूर्ण व्यवहार 25 festivity — मौज- मेला, त्योहार जैसा: 26. depressed— उदास; 27. spacious — खुला, विस्तृत l
(Page 67-68) 1. magnificent – शानदार; 2. cavernous – गुफा जैसा; 3. glittering — चमकता हुआ; 4. voyage— यात्रा ; 5. elevator – लिफ्ट; 6. echoing – गूंजता हुआ; 7. oddly — अजीब ढंग से; 8. invariably— सदा; 9. distracted— ध्यान भंग होना; 10. track – ध्यान रखना; 11. interrupt— टोकना; 12. sniff— सूंघना; 13. prowess – कुशलता; 14. radically – मूल रूप से; 15. influence— प्रभावित करना; 16. explicitly – स्पष्टतया; 17. deviation— भटकन, अलगाव; 18. recurrent—बार-बार होने वाला; 19. vanish – गायब होना; 20. extinct – लुप्त; 21. nightmare — भयानक स्वप्न; 22. haunt – बार-बार याद आना l
( Page 68-69) 1. cuisines – रसोई सम्बन्धी क्रियाएं; 2. abiding — स्थाई; 3. repartee— हाजिरजवाबी; 4. exasperated— उत्तेजित, क्रोधित, निराश; 5. occasion – अवसर; 6. semester—छ:-मासिक पाठ्यक्रम; 7. brilliance – चमक; 8 incarnate — अवतार; 9. brimming – ऊपर तक भरा हुआ; 10. unmitigated — पूर्ण; 11. vibrant — जोशीला ।
( Page 69-70) 1. stint — अवधि; 2. custom – रिवाज; 3. intermittent – रुक रुक कर; 4. violence — हिंसा; 5. deterioration – गिरावट; 6. irony — विडंबना; 7. anguished—पीड़ित, दुःखी; 8. resolutely— पक्के निश्चय से; 9. victim — पीड़ित जीव, शिकार; 10. calling — व्यवसाय; 11. gaze–दृष्टि; 12. ecumenical — सब धर्मों की एकता में विश्वास सम्बन्धी; 13. initially –आरम्भ में; 14. hesitant— झिझकने वाला, अनिच्छापूर्ण; 15. accoutrements — चीजें, सामान; 16. fanaticism— कट्टरपंथी विचार; 17. minaret—मीनार; 18. longings — प्रबल इच्छाएं, लालसाएं।
(Page 70-71) 1. inextricably — अभिन्न रूप से; 2. saffron – केसरी; 3. scan — जांचना; 4. alternative—विकल्प; 5. therapies — चिकित्सा विधियां; 6. preamble – प्रस्तावना; 7. suspect— शक करना; 8. dazed — हैरान; 9. staring — घूरते हुए; 10. siblings – सहोदर, भाई या बहन; 11. feudal—सामन्तवादी; 12. content — सन्तुष्ट; 13. vicinity — पड़ोस; 14. inseparable—अटूट; 15. crimson — लाल।
(Page 71) 1. paradise— स्वर्ग; 2. aware—आभास होना; 3. conflict — विरोध; 4. supreme –सर्वोच्च; 5 amazed— हैरान ।
Thinking about the Text :
Q. 1. What were the common things between Ghosh and Shahid ?
Ans. There were many things which were common between Ghosh and Shahid. Both of them had a large number of common friends in India, America and elsewhere. Ghosh and Shahid were very fond of food. They had a common love of rogan josh Shahid and Ghosh both were great fans of Roshanara Begum and Kishore Kumar. Both had a natural indifference to cricket. They didn’t like watching cricket matches. Like Shahid, Ghost too had an equal attachment to old Mumbai films.
Q. 2. What are the things that Shahid loved ?
Ans. He was very fond of good food. He was a fan of Roshanara Begum and Kishore Kumar. He loved to watch old Mumbai films. Shahid had a friendly nature. There was ne er an evening when he had not a party in his living room. Once he said to the writer, “I love it that so many people are here. I love that people come and there is always food. I love this spirit of festivity. It means that I don’t have time to be depressed.”
Q. 3. How does Shahid face death? Describe the hospital scene.
Ans. Shahid knew about his approaching death. He was never scared of it. He took it calmly. He was even philosophical about it. He once said to the writer, “I love to think that I will meet my mother in the after life.” Once, before his death, Shahid was in hospital for a surgical procedure. When it was time to leave, Iqbal, the hospital escort, arrived with a wheelchair.
Shahid waved him away. He said that he was strong enough to walk out of the hospital on his own. But he was weaker than he had thought. His knees buckled after a few steps. Iqbal ran back for the wheelchair. Leaning against the hospital wall, a kind of joy came upon Shahid. When the hospital orderly returned with the wheelchair, Shahid gave him a smile and asked where he was from. The man said that he was from Spain. Shahid clapped his hands and said at the top of his voice, “I always wanted to learn Spanish. Just to read Lorca (Garcia Lorca Spanish poet and dramatist).”
Q. 4. Pick out the elements of humour from the lesson. 
Ans. Shahid knew of his approaching death, yet he never gave up his joviality. Once he was to leave hospital after a surgical procedure. Shahid was too weak to stand even. The hospital orderly brought a wheelchair for him. With a beaming smile, Shahid asked him where he was from. The man said that he was from Spain. Shahid clapped his hands gleefully and said at the top of his voice, “I always wanted to learn Spanish. Just to read Lorca.” Once at the Barcelona airport, he was stopped by a security guard just as he was about to board a plane. The guard, a woman, asked, “What do you do?”
“I’m a poet,” Shahid answered.
“What are you doing in Spain ?”
“Writing poetry.”
The woman felt irritated and finally she asked, “Are you carrying anything that could be dangerous to the other passengers ?”
Shahid clapped his hand to his chest and cried, “Only my heart.”
Q. 5. What facilitated Ghosh to fulfil his pledge ? How did it help him ? 
Ans. Ghosh had pledged it to Shahid that he would write about him after his death. To fulfil this pledge, Ghosh started keeping a record of every moment that he spent with Shahid. He also gathered all the information that he could about Shahid’s life. All this helped him to fulfil his pledge.
Q. 6. How was Shahid’s reputation as a teacher among his students ?
Ans. Shahid’s students adored him. They held him in deep love and respect. For some time, he taught at Manhattan’s Baruch College. When he was to leave this college, the students printed a magazine and dedicated the issue to him.
Q. 7. Who is James Merill? What does ‘the ghat of the only world’ mean? 
Ans. He is a poet who radically changed Shahid’s style of writing poetry. Now Shahid started experimenting with strict metrical patterns and verse forms. ‘Ghat’ is a Hindi word which means the place at a riverbank from where boats sail off with passengers for the other bank. Here the only world’ is a symbol of man’s life on this earth and the ‘Ghat’ is the bank (point of death) from which man sails off for the other world.

J&K class 10th English The Ghat of the Only world Important Questions and Answers

(Short-Essay Type)
Q. 1. What impressions of Shahid do you gather from this piece ? 
Ans. Shahid was a poet. He belonged to Srinagar. In 1975, he migrated to America. There he worked as a teacher in some universities. In February 2000, he had a sudden blackout. After tests, it was found that he had brain cancer. Now Shahid moved to Brooklyn where his youngest sister lived. The writer also lived close to the place where Shahid lived. The two became close friends. In spite of his failing health, Shahid was always cheerful. He enjoyed hosting evening parties at his apartment. He said it left him no time to be depressed. His end came on 8 December, 2001. He died peacefully in his sleep at 2 a.m.
Q. 2. How do Shahid and the writer react to the knowledge that Shahid is going to die?
Ans. Shahid had been under treatment for cancer for about fourteen months, but had never talked of it to the writer. On 25 April, 2001, the writer rang up Shahid to remind him of an invitation to a friend’s house for lunch. While responding to the phone, Shahid said that he could see nothing. He knew he was not going to live long. Yet there was no trace of any sadness in his voice. In a clear ringing voice, he said, “When it happens, I hope you’ll write something for me.” The writer could think of nothing to say on such a topic. At last he had to  promise, “I’ll do the best I can.” From that day, the writer started keeping a record of all the conversations and meetings he had with Shahid. This record helped him to fulfil his promise.
Q. 3. What is meant by ‘diaspora’? What do you understand by the Indian diaspora from this piece ?
Ans. The word ‘diaspora’ means the people of a nation who have settled in other countries. From this piece, we come to know that a number of Indians have settled in different countries of the West, especially America and England. Agha Shahid, his brother and two sisters, Suketu Mehta and the writer form part of Indian diaspora in America. Shahid belonged to Kashmir. He migrated to America in 1975. His elder brother was already settled there. His two sisters also joined them later. The writer and Suketu Mehta were the other two Indians who had settled there. These people, though living in another land, never forgot about their roots. These Indians felt a sense of unity and kept meeting each other on various occasions.
Q. 4. What does the writer recall about his friendship with Shahid ? 
Ans. The writer’s friendship with Shahid was not a very long one but a very deep one. They had some friends in common. One of them put him in touch with Shahid in 1998. Between 1998 and 1999, they had several conversations on the phone and also met a couple of times. But till then they were no more than acquaintances. In February 2000, Shahid had a sudden blackout. It was found that he had brain cancer. Now Shahid moved to Brooklyn where his youngest sister lived. The writer also lived in Brooklyn. The two became very thick with each other and met quite often. Shahid breathed his last on 8 December, 2001. The writer felt a great void without Shahid.
Q. 5. How did Shahid face death? What lesson is therein for the readers ? 
Ans. On 5 May 2001, the writer had a telephone conversation with Shahid. The doctors had given up all hope. They gave him a year or less. The last time the writer saw Shahid was on 27 October, 2001. Shahid was then at his brother’s house. He was aware of his approaching end and he had made his peace with it. There was no trace of any anguish on his face. Shahid had said once to the writer, “I love to think that I’ll meet my mother in the after life, if there is an after life.” Shahid died peacefully in his sleep at 2 a.m. on 8 December, 2001. There is a great lesson in Shahid’s death. We should not fear death. It is inevitable. We should face it bravely and smilingly.
Language Work:
1. Choose the correct British spellings of the following words :
S.No. Words
quizzcal, quizical, quizzical.
encyclopaedia, encyclopedia, encyelopeadia.
saviou, savoir, saviour.
innocuous, innocous, innocuos.
jocularety, joculerity, jocularity.
ricite, resite, recite.
assaurance, assurence, assurance.
multitude, millitude, multituede.
emporor, emperor, emporer.
accidant, accedent, accident.
consolation, consalasion, consulation.
concieve, conceive, conceve.
begnning, begining, beginning.
Backnowledge, acknowladge, aknowledge.
emeciated, amacaited, emaciated.
jeweler, jeweller, jeweller.
kaayak, kayyak, kayak.
liefutenant, lieutenant, lieutenent.
miscellaneous, miscelanous, miscellanouse.
onomatopoeia, onamatopoeia, onomortopiea.
2. Correct these sentences :
1. She got passing marks.
(She got pass marks.)
2. Raja is laid down with fever.
(Raja is down with fever.)
3. Sakina hanged the scenery on the wall.
(Sakina hung the scenery on the wall.)
4. Rahim went to aunt’s house but returned back immediately. 
(Rahim went to aunt’s house but returned immediately.)
5. We will have lunch with them on next Sunday.
(We shall have lunch with them next Sunday.)
6. We must bow down to God’s will. 
(We must bow to God’s will.)
7. Rashmi has applied for leave of two days.
(Rashmi has applied for two days’ leave.)
8. It is bitter cold today. 
(It is bitterly cold today.)
9. Nobody was there but I. 
(Nobody but I was there.)
10. This is the best of the two books on this subject. 
(This is the better of the two books on this subject.)
11. Tina lost a twenty rupees note. 
(Tina lost a twenty-rupee note.)
12. One should keep one’s words. 
(One should keep one’s word.)
13. I have many works to do. 
(I have much work to do.)
14. Farukh Uncle has four son-in-laws.
(Farukh uncle has four sons-in-law.)
15. These news are amazing.
(This news is amazing.)
16. Shiela was appointed on the post of chair. 
(Shiela was appointed to the post of the chair.)
17. The teacher will take our test on Friday. 
(The teacher will give us a test on Friday.)
18. I am giving matric examination this year in October.
(I am taking the matric examination this year in October.)
19. One should have passion to read great books.
(One should have the passion to read great books.)
20. Sign on this paper.
(Sign this paper.)
3. Use the following in your own sentences (meanings of words are given):
1. (a) aloud (with noise) – She cried aloud for help.
(b) allowed (permitted) – We allowed him to go.
2. (a) bail (security) – The accused was released on bail.
(b) bale (a bundle) –  I have two bales of cotton.
3. (a) bare (naked) – Don’t go bare-headed in the sun.
(b) bear (animal) – The bear is a wild animal.
(c) bear (to carry) –  I can’t bear this bag for you.
4. (a) cast (to throw) – I want to cast off these old clothes.
(b) cast (to mould) – We manufacture cast iron pipes in our factory.
(c) caste (rank) – We don’t believe in the caste system.
5. (a) cease (stop) – The factory has ceased making cloth.
(b) seas (plural of sea) – Ships sail on the seas.
(c) sees (looks) – She sees some wrong in his actions.
(d) seize (take hold of) – The police has seized illegal drugs.
6. (a) doe (female deer) – I saw a doe in the forest.
(b) dough (unbaked bread) – We make bread from fresh dough.
7. (a) dyeing (staining) – She was dyeing her hair.
(b) dying (expiring) – I am dying of hunger.
8. (a) ring (circle, round) – The boys sat in a ring.
(b) ring (a circular piece of jewellery) – She was wearing a ring.
(c) ring (to make a telephone call to someone) – Please ring him up.
(d) wring (to twist) – Wring out the water from this wet shirt.
9. (a) saver (one who saves) – This washing machine is a great water saver.
(b) savour (taste) – This dish savours nice.
(c) savour (scent) – Life has lost its savour for me.
10. (a) way (road, route) – Please tell me the way to the location.
(b) way (manner) – I don’t like your ways.
(c) whey (the watery part of milk) – This milk has turned sour; throw away the whey.
(d) weigh (to measure the heaviness) – This bag weighs too much.
(Page 65) The first time that Agha Shahid Ali spoke to me about his approaching death was on 25 April, 2001. The conversation began routinely. I had telephoned to remind him that we had been invited to a friend’s house for lunch and that I was going to come by his apartment to pick him up. Although he had been under treatment for cancer for some fourteen months, Shahid was still on his feet and perfectly lucid, except for occasional lapses of memory. I heard him thumbing through his engagement book and then suddenly he said: ‘Oh dear, I can’t see a thing. There was a brief pause and then he added: ‘I hope this doesn’t mean that I’m dying ……’
Although Shahid and I had talked a great deal over the last many weeks, I had never before heard him touch on the subject of death. I did not know how to respond his voice was completely at odds with the content of what he had just said, light to the point of jocularity.
1. Give the name of the chapter and the writer. 
2. Why was the death approaching to Agha Shahid Ali ? 
3. What was the physical and mental condition of Shahid ? 
4. Find from the passage the word which means ‘speaking clearly’. 
5. Give the synonym of the word, jocularity’.
1. The name of the chapter is The Ghat of the Only World’ and the name of writer is Amitav Ghosh. 2. The death was approaching to Agha Shahid Ali because he was suffering from brain cancer. 3. In spite of his failing health, Shahid was cheerful and still on his feet and perfectly lucid, except for occasional lapses of memory. 4. (i) lucid 5. humour.
(Page 65-66) I knew Shahid’s work long before I met him. His 1997 collection, The Country without a Post Office, had made a powerful impression on me. His voice was like none I had ever heard before, at once lyrical and fiercely disciplined, engaged and yet deeply inward. Not for him the mock-casual almost-prose of so much contemporary poetry : his was a voice that was not ashamed to speak in a bardic register. I knew of no one else who would even conceive of publishing a line like ‘Mad heart, be brave.’
In 1998, I quoted a line from The Country without a Post Office in an article that touched briefly on Kashmir. At the time all I knew about Shahid was that he was from Srinagar and had studied in Delhi. I had been at Delhi University myself, but although our time there had briefly overlapped, we had never met.
1. Give the name of the writer and the chapter.
2. How did the writer describe Shahid’s voice?
3. Who wrote the book, “The Country Without Post Office’?
4. Give the synonym of the word, ‘conceive’.
5. Which word in the passage means, ‘living or occurring at the same time / current or belonging to or occurring in the present’ ?
1. The name of the chapter is The Ghat of the Only World’ and the name of writer is Amitav Ghosh. 2. The writer said that his voice was very lyrical and fiercely disciplined, engaged and simultaneously deeply inward. 3. The book named ‘The Country Without a Post Office’ is written by Shahid. 4. originate 5. contemporary.
(Page 66) We had friends in common however, and one of them put me in touch with Shahid. In 1998 and 1999 we had several conversations on the phone and even met a couple of times. But we were no more than acquaintances until he moved to Brooklyn the next year. Once we were in the same neighbourhood we began to meet for occasional meals and quickly discovered that we had great deal in common. By this time of course Shahid’s condition was already serious, yet his illness did not impede the progress of our friendship. We found that we had a huge roster of common friends, in India, America, and elsewhere we discovered a shared love of rogan josh, Roshanara Begum and Kishore Kumar; a mutual indifference to cricket and an equal attachment to old Bombay films.
(a) Write the synonyms of the following:
      serious; acquaintance.
(b) Write the antonyms of the following:
      mutual; common.
(c) Fill in the blanks :
(i) The word ‘we’ refers to …………
(ii) They had many ……….. friends in India, America and elsewhere.
(iii) They had mutual ……… to cricket.
(iv) They had ……….. to old Bombay films.
(a) serious – critical; acquaintance –  familiarity.
(b) mutual → reciprocal, common → uncommon.
(c) (i) the writer and Shahid; (ii) common; (iii) indifference; (iv) an equal attachment.
gathering (Page 66) Together we hatched a plan for an adda, by definition a that has no agenda other than conviviality. Shahid was enthusiastic and we began to meet regularly. From time to time, other writers would join us. On one occasion, a crew arrived with a television camera. Shahid was not in the least bit put out:
‘I’m so shameless; I just love the camera.
(a) Give the antonyms of the following: 
      enthusiastic, together, regularly, love.
(b) Fill in the blanks :
(i) From time to time ………..
(ii) On one of the occasions a ………..
(iii) The writer talks of a plan ……….
(iv) Shahid was enthusiastic and they ……….
(a) enthusiastic = unenthusiastic; together = separate; regularly = occasionally; love = hate.
(b) (i) other writers would join the group of the narrator; (ii) crew reached there with a TV camera; (iii) for a gathering having no agenda other than conviviality; (iv) began to meet regularly.

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