

⇒ The term ‘Urban Local Government’ in India signifies the governance of an urban area by the people through their elected representatives.
⇒ There are eight types of urban local govt. in India –
(a) municipal corporation,
(b) municipality,
(c) notified area committee,
(d) town area committee,
(e) cantonment board,
(f) township,
(g) port trust and
(h) special purpose agency.
⇒ The system of urban government was constitutionalised through the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992.
⇒ This Act has added a new part-IX-A to the Constitution.
⇒ This part is entitled as “The Municipalities’ and consists of provisions from Articles 243-P to 243-ZG.
⇒ The Act has also added a new Twelfth Schedule to the Constitution. This Schedule contains eighteen functional items of municipalities. It deals with Article 243-W.
⇒ PART IXA gives a constitutional foundation to the local self government units in urban area.
⇒ Most provisions for municipalities are similar to those contained in PART IX, e.g. Structure, Reservation of Seats, Functions, Sources of Income etc.
⇒ The act provides three types of municipalities in every state.
1. Nagar Panchayat: This is for an area being transformed from a rural area to an urban area.
2. Municipal Council: This is for a smaller urban area.
3. Municipal Corporation : This is for a larger urban area. The municipal corporation is the topmost urban local government.
⇒ The members of a municipality are generally elected by direct election.
⇒ The Legislature of a State can provide for representation in municipalities of:
* Persons having special knowledge or experience in municipal administration.
* Members of Lok Sabha, State Assembly, Rajya Sabha and Legislative Council.
* The Chairpersons of Ward Committees. Committees
Note: If the population is 3 lacs or more Ward bare constituted.
⇒ Two Committees constituted for preparing development plan are:
* A District Planning Committee at the district level.
* A Metropolitan Planning Committee at the metropolis level.

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