PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship
PSEB Solutions for Class 10 Welcome Life Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship
PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Solutions Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship
PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Chapter 3 Inter-Personal Relationship
→ This chapter starts with a small play that tells us to respect our elders.
→ The play starts with the conversation between grandmother and her grandson (Romi) which shows eternal love and sympathy between them both.
→ Then enters the daughter-in-law (Simran) who wants to keep her son (Romi) away from his grandmother.
→ Then grandmother’s Son (Karanbir Singh Brar) comes in front and his wife (Simran) tells him that her mother-in-law is provoking Romi against his mother (Simran).
→ She asks Karanbir either should send his mother to an old age home or she will move out of her house to go to her own mother’s house.
→ Finally, grandmother comes and says to her son Karanbir to send her to old age home as she can’t live here.
→ On one side Karanbir sends his mother to an old age home and on the other side Simran threatens her brother to take care of the mother or she will take the mother to her home.
→ The scene changes after six months when Karanbir receives her mother’s call to meet her.
→ Karanbir and Simran think that it is her last time and that’s why they both agree to meet her.
→ At the old age home, a grandmother tells her son Karanbir to donate two fans and a fridge to an old age home as people are facing a lot of problems over there. Karanbir agrees to donate the things.
→ At this moment, the manager of the old age home comes recognizes Karanbir and tells him that thirty-five years ago, his father Hardev Singh adopted him from here only.
→ If he could not have adopted him, he could have been bigger somewhere.
→ After listening to the manager, Karanbir and Simran realized that they have done wrong with their mother.
→ They say sorry to her and take her to their home.
→ This short play tells us that we must not misbehave with our elders.
→ Instead, we should respect them and take blessings from them.
→ There is a social limitation of every relationship and we must care about such limitations.
→ All the relationships are important and while keeping their importance in mind, we must remain their limits.
→ There should be love and intensity in close and far relationships.
→ That’s why one should live within the limits of relationships.
→ One builds many kinds of relationships in life. Some relationships last a lifetime and some break down along the way. Some relationships just stay in the heart.
→ Imagine if we need to leave a relationship, we should keep a few things in mind.
→ We should say thanks to each other, share phone numbers, etc.
→ We must behave well with the children and this good behaviour becomes an identity of our personality.
PSEB 10th Class Welcome Life Guide Inter-Personal Relationship Important Questions and Answers
Multiple Choice Questions:
1. What is the age of Romi?
(a) 7-8 years
(b) 8-9 years
(c) 9-10 years
(d) 11-12 years
(a) 7-8 years
2. Who told Karanbir that he is the adopted son?
(a) Mother
(b) Simran
(c) Manager
(d) Romi
(c) Manager
3. Where was grandmother sent by her son Karanbir?
(a) At Simran’s home
(b) Old age home
(c) Pilgrimage
(d) To move around.
(b) Old age home
4. There are social limitations of ……………
(a) Country
(b) Relations
(c) State
(d) All of these
(b) Relations
5. What is the need to maintain relations?
(a) to break relations
(b) to make relations
(c) to save relations
(d) none of these
(c) to save relations
6. Whenever we get farewell from someone :
(a) Say thanks
(b) By sharing sweet memories
(c) By sharing phone numbers
(d) All of these
(d) All of these
7. Which of these is a feature of good behaviour?
(a) Remain happy
(b) Be positive
(c) Speak happily
(d) All of these
(d) All of these
8. Who among all the characters was clever?
(a) Grandmother
(b) Romi
(c) Simran
(d) Manager
(c) Simran
Fill in the Blanks:
1. Spending time with the …………… is true worship.
2. Simran asked her to take care of her mother.
3. Karanbir left his mother at …………….
old age home
4. After …………… months, Karanbir went to meet his mother.
5. ……………. told Karanbir that his father adopted him from Ashram.
6. There is always a limitation of every ……………….
7. ……………… shines our personality.
Good behaviour
1. Karanbir was the father of Romi.
2. We must forget bad memories.
3. We must leave relations on a good note.
4. Individuals maintain relations for their whole life.
5. Good behaviour shines on our personality.
6. We must not test social limitations.
Match the Column:
Column A | Column B |
(a) Ominous | (i) Prohibited |
(b) T.B. | (ii) Method |
(c) Norms | (iii) One who thinks wrong about someone |
(d) Restriction | (iv) Disease |
(e) Etiquette | (v) Rules |
Column A | Column B |
(a) Ominous | (iii) One who thinks wrong about someone |
(b) T.B. | (iv) Disease |
(c) Norms | (v) Rules |
(d) Restriction | (i) Prohibited |
(e) Etiquette | (ii) Method |
Very Short Answer Type Questions:
Question 1.
How can we truly worship our elders?
Spending time and serving them is the true worship of our elders.
Question 2.
Who is an ‘Ominous’?
According to Grandmother, “One who is bad, thinking bad about others and who fights for the whole of day at home is an Ominous”.
Question 3.
Why did Simran stop Romi from going to his grandmother?
Because Simran thought grandmother had a cough, maybe T.B. and can make Romi sick.
Question 4.
Who asked Karanbir to leave his mother at an old age home?
Simran asked Karanbir to leave his mother at an old age home.
Question 5.
To whom and what good news Simran gave?
Simran gave the good news to her brother that Karanbir has left his mother at the old age home.
Question 6.
What threat did Simran give to her brother?
Simran threatened her brother to take care of her mother or she will take her to Simran’s home.
Question 7.
What did Romi tell his father?
Romy told his father that one day he will also send his father to any old age home.
Question 8.
Why did grandmother call her son to the old age home?
Because she wanted Karanbir to donate two fans and a fridge to the old age home.
Question 9.
What secret did Manager tell Karanbir?
The manager told Karanbir that thirty-five years ago, his father adopted him from the same old age home.
Question 10.
When did Karanbir realize his mistake?
When he realized that he is the adopted son, he realized his mistake.
Question 11.
What did Karanbir do when he realize his mistake?
He took back his mother to his home.
Question 12.
Which limit we should not cross?
We must not cross limits of relations.
Question 13.
What should we check in society?
We must check the limitations made and kept by society.
Question 14.
What etiquette we must understand?
We must understand the etiquette of relationships.
Question 15.
What to look for while maintaining relationships?
We must not cross the limits of relationships.
Question 16.
Do all relationships last a lifetime?
No, not all relationships last for the whole life.
Question 17.
How can we get farewell from someone?
We must get farewell from someone with proper etiquette.
Question 18.
What are the features of good behaviour?
To remain happy, positive, hard work, speak softly etc. are the features of good behaviour.
Short Answer Type Questions:
Question 1.
How does the short play begin?
The play begins in the drawing-room of the house where grandmother and her grandson Romi are sitting and playing. Grandson asks grandmother to play with him but she refuses as she is tired. Then the grandson asks his grandmother that what is the meaning of ‘Ominous*. At first, the grandmother avoids him by calling him small to understand but in the end, she tells him that the person is Ominous who himself is bad and thinks bad for others and the one whose house is always in trouble.
Question 2.
Why doesn’t Simran (mother) want her son to play with his grandmother?
Simran did not like her mother-in-law. When the mother-in-law coughs, she thinks that she is suffering from T.B. and by playing with his grandmom, Romi will also get suffered from the same. Along with this, she also says that her mother-in¬law never does any household work and coughs up all day. That’s why Simran doesn’t want her son to play with his grandmother.
Question 3.
What grandmother says after seeing her son and daughter-in-law have a fight?
When Karanbir comes back home, Simran speaks very bad about his mother. Simran also says that the old woman does not know what disease she has contracted and coughs up all day. When the grandmother hears a fight between them, she tells her son that there is no need to fight. It’s better if he sends her to any old age home where she will spend the rest of her life. That’s why Karanbir left his mother at the old age home.
Question 4.
Why does grandmother call her son to the old age home?
She spends the first six months at the old age home with great problems but after that, she calls her son. Simran and Karanbir think that she is on her death bed and that’s why she has called Karanbir. When they visit the old age home, she asks Karanbir to donate two fans over there as it’s quite hot out there. She also asks him to donate a fridge as well as the water is too hot during summers. She tells Karanbir that when his son Romi leaves him in the old age home, his last days will be spent comfortably.
Question 5.
When does Karanbir realize his mistake?
When Karanbir went to meet his mother at the old age home, she asks him to donate two fans and a fridge over there. At the moment, when Karanbir was talking to his mother, the Manager of the old age home comes there, recognises him and tells him that the husband of the old lady, Hardev Singh Brar, adopted him from the same old age home. After listening to this, Karanbir realizes his mistake and take back his mother with him.
Question 6.
What is the etiquette of leaving a relationship?
An individual makes many relationships during his lifetime. Some relationships last a lifetime but some relationships break down along the way and remain in a comer of the heart. Many times, we realize that this relationship will not last for long. It’s better to stop it here. That’s why we should end such a relationship in a proper way. We must talk to the other person and politely tell him/her that now it is not possible to carry on with the relationship. It’s better to move on. This is the best way to move on from the relationship.
Question 7.
“Good manners and attitude shine our personality ?” Clarify.
There is no denying the fact that good manners and attitude shine on our personality. At a particular time, how do we react or behave, it all tells about our personality. That’s why we must learn to behave in a way that becomes a lesson for others. So, it is a must for us to remain happy, do hard work, be positive and speak politely with others. These are the qualities of good behaviour and it also tells about our personality.
Long Answer Type Questions:
Question 1.
“All relationships have social boundaries.” Explain the statement.
Our society has made some rules that our relationships are bound to remain within some limits. In addition to this, it is also told that how. much boundary is required in every relationship. That’s why we never cross our boundaries. Our parents, teachers, friends etc. continuously tell us about such boundaries. That’s why we must identify such boundaries and check the limits made by society. If we will not do the same and violate the limits, it will not be good for us as well as for society. Relationships inside the home have closeness but relationships outside the home are artificial and have less closeness. It depends upon our love and intensity about that particular relationship. Many times we make a very good relationship with a stranger and occasionally we have sour relationships with our blood relatives. Relationships are not easy to maintain. It is not like drawing a line on paper with a pencil. It is a relationship that cannot end quickly. That’s why it is a must to maintain the boundaries of relationships.
Question 2.
Which things should be kept in mind while breaking up or leaving a relationship?
We all live in social life and while living a social life, we make many relationships. Some relationships last a lifetime but some relationships end up along the way. While ending a relationship, we must keep a few things in mind so that if in the future, a need arises to revive that relationship, we would easily do that. We must keep following things in mind while ending a relationship.
- Remember the time spent with the person and thank him or her well.
- Leave sour memories and only remember and share the good memories.
- If you want to keep in contact with that person, share each other’s mobile numbers.
- If you don’t trust the person, then don’t be emotional and don’t share personal information with that person.
- Don’t get angry with that person or try to get revenge.
That’s why it is said that it would be nice to end a story at a nice turn that can’t be taken to the end.
Welcome Life Guide for Class 10 PSEB Inter-Personal Relationship Textbook Questions and Answers
Question 1.
What did you feel after reading this play?
After reading this play, we felt that we must not misbehave with the elders but should behave with them in a good way. When we were children, they raised us with great love and when they are old enough to do nothing, we should not turn away from them but serve them with the same love. It gives us their blessings and also inspires our children how to behave with the elders.
Question 2.
How do you care for your elders?
- We never misbehave with our elders. Instead, we talk with them with great affection. This makes them happy no matter how much difficulty they are facing.
- We lovingly feed them so that they do not feel isolated.
- We sit lovingly with our elders and listen to their life experiences so that we must not make the mistakes in life that they may have made.
- Occasionally, we should sit and talk with them so that they should not feel isolated.
Question 3.
Which character of the play, you find the most tolerating person?
I find Romi, the grandson, as the most tolerating character in the play. The reason is he loves his grandmother a lot but he can’t do anything for her. He observes how his father Karanbir and mother Simran misbehave with his grandmother. Many times, he opposes it but is helpless. His grandmother is sent to an old age home but he is unable to do anything. He is having no option left except to show patience.
Question 4.
Give your opinion about the characters of the play.
- Grandmother
- Romi
- Mom
- Papa
1. Grandmother. She is the finest character of this short play because she knew that Karanbir is her adopted son and instead of saying anything else, she asks him to send her to an old age home. It will stop daily’s infighting that is going on in the house. She lives in hot conditions in the old age home but calls her son to donate two fans and a fridge so that others can have relief from the scorching heat. In this way, she endures every sorrow as a matter of fate.
2. Romi. Romi is the most tolerating character of the short play because he loves his grandmother a lot, but he can’t do anything for his grandmother. He even fights with his parents for his grandmother but they never care for his emotions. That’s why he seems quite tolerating.
3. Mom (Simran). Simran has played the character of a daughter-in-law in this play and she is of double character. On one side she persecutes her mother-in-law and forces her husband to send her to the old age home and on the other side, she threatens her brother to take care of their mother. In this way, she is portrayed as a cruel daughter-in-law and a loving daughter.
4. Papa (Karanbir). Karanbir is a character of the play who sends his mother to the old age home. He never cares about his son and hardly shows any love for his mother. Finally, when he comes to know that he is the adopted son, he decides to take his mother back to their home.
Situation 1. You are going on a road. In front of you, a boy is eating a banana and he throws the banana peel on the road, then what will be your reaction?
- You will try to persuade the boy.
- You will call someone else to pick up the banana peel.
- You will yourself pick up the banana peel and throw it in the dustbin.
- You will call the police and complain to the boy.
- You will try to persuade the boy.
Situation 2. Your friends were gifted an empty chalk box on your birthday. The box is totally empty. What will be your reaction?
- You will stop talking to them.
- You will look at them and smile.
- You will ignore them.
- You will see in anger towards them.
2. You will look at them and smile.
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