Rain Fall

Rain Fall

Rain Fall
⇒ Rainfall occurs only when cloud droplets become so large due to coalescence that the air becomes unable to hold them. Based on the mode of origin, rainfall is classified into these types –
1. Convectional Rainfall: When the land surface is heated, the air in its contact rises up and in this way convectional currents are produced. When this warm and moist air reaches up to a certain height, it becomes saturated and forms dark Cumulo-Nimbus clouds, which cause heavy rainfall. This type of rainfall is termed as convectional rainfall and it occurs in the equatorial belt, especially in the zone of Doldrums.
2. Orographic or Relief Rainfall: This type of rainfall occurs more frequently where hills or mountains are situated near and parallel to the coast. When warm and moist air is obstructed by any hill or plateau, it starts ascending along the slope of the hill or plateau and gets cooled. As a result it starts to get saturated and the process of condensation starts. The rainfall caused by this process is called orographic rainfall.
3. Cyclonic or Frontal Rainfall: Cyclonic rainfall is caused due to ascending of moist air and adiabatic cooling caused by convergence of two extensive air masses of entirely different physical properties (warm and cold air mass). In the temperate region, warm air is lifted upward along the front where the westerlies and polar winds meet, whereas cold air being heavier settles down. The warm air lying over cold air is cooled and gets saturated and condensation begins resulting into heavy rainfall.

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