Very Short Answer Type Questions
Q.1. What is ozone hole ?
Ans. CFCs reach the upper atmosphere and react with ozone which results in its reduction. This use thinning of ozone layer is known as ozone hole.
Q.2. The ozone layer is useful to us. How?
Ans. Filters UV rays from the sun that causes skin cancer.
Q.3. Write the names of two biologically important compounds that contain both nitrogen and oxygen.
Ans. Nitrites and nitrates.
Q.4. Name any two greenhouse gases.
Ans. Greenhouse gases Carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour, nitrous oxide, and ozone. (any two)
Q.5. What is Smog ?
Ans. Presence of suspended particles like carbon particles or hydrocarbons cause visibility to be lowered, especially in cold weather, when water also condenses out of air. This is called smog.
Q.6. Mention one way by which oxygen is released in atmosphere.
Ans. One way-Photosynthesis is the only process by which O₂ is released back into atmosphere.
Q.7. Organisms play an important role in nitrogen fixation. Write two names of such organisms.
Ans. Rhizobium bacteria and blue-green algae.
Q.8. Give two examples of decomposers.
Ans. Bacteria and Fungi.
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