India is a country with three-fourth of the population engaged in agriculture. Even though financial conditions of some farmers do allow them to take higher level farming practices and improved agriculture technology, yet they are hesitant to use HYV seeds with traits such as resistant to diseases and pests, quality that would results in higher yield.
Q. India is a country with three-fourth of the population engaged in agriculture. Even though financial conditions of some farmers do allow them to take higher level farming practices and improved agriculture technology, yet they are hesitant to use HYV seeds with traits such as resistant to diseases and pests, quality that would results in higher yield.
(a) What is meant by genetically modified crops ?
(b) What are the desired agronomic characters for fodder and cereal crops ?
(c) In your opinion what should be done so that the modern agriculture technology is adopted by most of the farmers ?
Ans. (a) The crops that have been modified to obtain desirable traits by introducing a that controls the desired gene characteristics are called genetically modified crops.
(b) Tallness and profuse branching are desirable characters for fodder crops. Dwarfness is desired in cereals, so that less nutrients are consumed by these crops.
(c) (i) Spreading awareness through seminars by agriculture scientists, about the use of modern agriculture technology.
(ii) Proper use of HYV (High Yielding Varieties).
(iii) Sustainable development, utilising natural resources in a judicious manner, avoiding their exploitation and preventing pollution.
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