Raman lives in a coastal village. He is the son of a fisherman. Whenever, any unwanted animal comes in the net, instead of killing it, he puts it back in the sea.

Q. Raman lives in a coastal village. He is the son of a fisherman. Whenever, any unwanted animal comes in the net, instead of killing it, he puts it back in the sea. 
(a) What would have happened, had he killed those animals?
(b) Give one reason to justify that Raman’s action is environment friendly.
(c) How can you contribute in the preservation of flora and fauna around you ? Mention any two steps.
Ans. (a) It would have contributed in disturbing the ecological balance.
(b) Because he is conserving biodiversity.
(c) Creating sensitivity, by not using products derived from animals, by spreading awareness in other community members about the importance of biodiversity, by developing empathy and love for all living organisms.

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